Thursday, July 25, 2024

Cosmic Cluster Days | August 2024

 Cosmic Cluster Day  |   Composite Line  |  Cosmic Noise Channel
○ = Full Moon | ● = New Moon

Cosmic Cluster Days and financial markets have no consistent fixed polarity nor directional bias. Nonetheless, swing directions, highs and lows  — also inside of the 'noise channel'  — may correlate or coincide with financial market directions and reversals. 
Upcoming Cosmic Cluster Days: 
Jul 23 (Tue)
Aug 19 (Mon)
Aug 23 (Fri)
Aug 25 (Sun)
Aug 26 (Mon)
Aug 29 (Thu)
Sep 05 (Thu)

Earlier Cosmic Cluster Days HERE
More background information on the original author, the concept and calculation of Cosmic Cluster Days  HERE.
July 29 (Mon) = SUN @ 6 LEO = 126 degrees = positive
August 09 (Fri) = SUN @ 17 LEO = 137 degrees = negative
August 10 (Sat) = SUN @ 18 LEO = 138 degrees = positive
September 02 (Mon) = SUN @ 10 VIR = 160 degrees = negative

Turning points in the Geocentric Bradley Barometer during August 2024:
June 29 (Sat) = High
August 19 (Mon) = Low
August 29 (Thu) = High
September 07 (Sat) = Low

The SoLunar Rhythm in August 2024.

Monday, July 22, 2024

The Age of Decadence | Lieutenant-General Sir John Bagot Glubb

Frivolity is the frequent companion of pessimism. Let us eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die. The resemblance between various declining nations in this respect is truly surprising. The Roman mob demanded free meals and public games. Gladiatorial shows, chariot races and athletic events were their passion. In the Byzantine Empire the rivalries of the Greens and the Blues in the hippodrome attained the importance of a major crisis. 
American reality TV series, 2004-2017.
Judging by the time and space allotted to them in the press and television, football and baseball are the activities which today chiefly interest the public in Britain and the United States respectively. The heroes of declining nations are always the same - the athlete, the singer or the actor. The word ‘celebrity’ today is used to designate a comedian or a football player, not a statesman, a general, or a literary genius.

Ukrainian TV series, 2015-2019.
In 10th century Baghdad, contemporary historians lamented the decadence of the period, which was signified by who the citizens considered their heroes. They deeply deplored the degeneracy of the times in which they lived, emphasizing particularly the indifference to religion, the increasing materialism and the laxity of sexual morals. They lamented also the corruption of the officials of the government and the fact that politicians always seemed to amass large fortunes while they were in office. The historians commented bitterly on the extraordinary influence acquired by popular singers over young people, resulting in a decline in sexual morality. The ‘pop’ singers of Baghdad accompanied their erotic songs on the lute, an instrument resembling the modern guitar. In the second half of the tenth century, as a result, much obscene sexual language came increasingly into use, such as would not have been tolerated in an earlier age. Several khalifs issued orders banning ‘pop’ singers from the capital, but within a few years they always returned.

» The heroes of declining nations are always the same
- the athlete, the singer or the actor. «
It is of interest to note that decadence is the disintegration of a system, not of its individual members. The habits of the members of the community have been corrupted by the enjoyment of too much money and too much power for too long a period. The result has been, in the framework of their national life, to make them selfish and idle.
 » Citizens of great nations in decadence are normally physically 
larger and stronger than those of their barbarian invaders. «

Decadence is both mental and moral deterioration, produced by the slow decline of the community from which its members cannot escape, as long as they remain in their old surroundings. But, transported elsewhere, they soon discard their decadent ways of thought, and prove themselves equal to the other citizens of their adopted country. Neither is decadence physical. The citizens of nations in decline are sometimes described as too physically emasculated to be able to bear hardship or make great efforts. This does not seem to be a true picture. Citizens of great nations in decadence are normally physically larger and stronger than those of their barbarian invaders. Decadence is a moral and spiritual disease, resulting from too long a period of wealth and power, producing cynicism, decline of religion, pessimism and frivolity. The citizens of such a nation will no longer make an effort to save themselves, because they are not convinced that anything in life is worth saving.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Interbank Price Delivery Algorithm (IPDA) Data Ranges | D'onte Goodridge

IPTA stands for Interbank Price Delivery Algorithm which controls the price action on our charts. It is the sole reason we get the four phases of the market: consolidation, expansion, retracement, and reversal. IPTA is used by Commercial Speculators to move large orders in the market. IPTA creates shifts on the daily chart every 20, 40, and 60 trading days, known as the IPDA look-back periods.
 IPDA Look-Back Periods = 20, 40, and 60 Trading Days

Approximately every 20 trading days, new liquidity pools form on both sides of the market. Understanding IPTA will give clarity about which levels are significant to current price. IPTA is always working and exchanging orders every second. IPTA can be applied on a daily timeframe of the current trading day or the first trading day of a month. 
Before trading a new month, traders should follow three steps to gain insight in the market:

(I.) Visualize IPDA Data Ranges in Daily Chart
The first step you must follow is finding the first trading day of a new month. Next you count back 20, 40, and 60 trading days (TD) from the first trading day of the month. Last find the highest high and lowest low in each look back data range.

The above is the daily chart of British pound versus US dollar (GBPUSD). Currently we are in January 2023, and the first official trading day is Monday, January 2, 2023. That is the start. From here we look back 20, 40, and 60 trading days: back 20 TD = December 2, 2022; back 40 TD = November 4, 2022; back 60 TD = October 7, 2022. Now we have all our look back data ranges. We find the highest high (red lines) and lowest low (blue lines) in al three quadrants.

(II.) Create hypothesis were price might draw to based on Technical and Fundamental Analysis
Now that we have finished our chart activity, we will take a look at technical analysis, then perform fundamental analysis and gain macroeconomic data that can aid with insight. Last, bring together the two analysis techniques to form a hypothesis on what price should do in the near future. 
Every new trading month, I am asking myself two questions: 
(1.) Is price going to give me a quarterly shift, meaning change trends?
(2.) Or is price going to continue its current trend? 
I have no idea whether or not the market is going to continue its trend or make a quarterly shift during the new month. However, using the IPTA ranges, I am able to structure some story-line, especially around liquidity. Going into a new trading month, IPTA ranges can help to figure out where the large orders of liquidity are residing. One side of the market is going to be taken, whether that is buy side liquidity or sell side liquidity. Look for the highs and lows that are still intact. This is where the price algorithm is going to draw to.
(III.) Consider Seasonality
Incorporate Seasonality for more insight going into a new trading month. Seasonality does not tell you when to buy or sell for the year but it does give a general sense of when to anticipate the high of the year or the low of the year or when a instrument may be going sideways for a month or a couple of months.

IPDA Library Example #1: Gold/USD vs IPDA.
 Primary driver of the market are Interest Rate Differentials (IRDs).

French and Dutch Colonized Territories demand Independence | Elena Panina

The leaders of more than 15 political associations from Corsica, Melanesia, Polynesia, the Caribbean and the Antilles arrived at the First Congress of Independence Movements from French-Colonized Territories in Baku, Azerbaijan. The congress is also attended by three organizations from the islands of Bonaire and Saint Martin, which are colonies of the Netherlands. The event was organized by the People's Union for the Liberation of Guadeloupe with the support of the Baku Initiative Group.
 More centrifugal forces induced into the orbit of 'La Grande Nation'.

It is obvious that the opposition to Paris from the Turkey—Azerbaijan tandem, where Baku acts as a junior partner, has reached a new level. After the protests in New Caledonia, which Paris accused Baku of, Azerbaijan began to fight French colonialism quite overtly. The Fifth Republic clings to its colonial legacy for a reason. 
 Macron imposing “republican order” to quash New Caledonia unrest in May 2024
- safeguarding once again French oligarchical cronyism.

Somewhere, like in New Caledonia, there are valuable minerals. Other locations are strategic points for global trade and logistics. So if it turns out to rid these regions of colonialism, then, in addition to the rights and freedoms of local residents, profitable commercial niches will also arise there. Baku—Ankara's actions are completely logical and understandable. It is not clear why Russia does not do the same.

 Without Europe's Spaceport in French Guiana and without support of the US, 
the European Space Program would be in existential troubles.

It should be noted that while Azerbaijan is fighting colonialism, neighboring Armenia is trying, on the contrary, to obtain the status of a colony. Right now, joint military exercises with the United States are taking place on Armenian territory — with units usually stationed in Europe and Africa, as well as with the Kansas National Guard. 

 Royal Dutch Shell, operating in Curaçao since 1918, lost its grip long ago to Petróleos de Venezuela,
S.A. (PDVSA) which is in decline since decades while Brazilian/US and Chinese oil giants rose.

The exercises will last until July 24. Interestingly, does Yerevan understand that when the anti-colonial actions of Baku and Ankara begin to seriously annoy the Western "hegemon" and its satellites, it will be Armenia that will be obliged to fight on both fronts?

See also:

Odessa leads Resistance to Mobilization | Geopolitics Live

The southwestern Black Sea port city of Odessa is rapidly becoming the center of resistance to Kiev’s increasingly chaotic efforts to scoop up more souls for the war effort. On the night of July 16 alone, a wave of arson attacks targeting the service and personal vehicles of Odessa’s territorial recruitment center employees left five cars burned to a crisp. Similar incidents were reported in Vinnitsa, Rovno, Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkov the same night. Two more cars were burned in Odessa the next night.
 55 thousand Ukrainian battlefield casualties in June 2024 alone, 
as Ukraine’s draconian mobilization clampdown gets even worse.

The ‘car-nage’ is no trifling matter for its perpetrators. On Tuesday, authorities in Rovno detained a 22-year-old suspect for the arson of two military vehicles. He faces up to 10 years in prison. Arson is just one method used by the Ukrainian anti-war underground. This week, there was an attempt to blow up a recruitment center in Busk, Lvov region. Recent reports have also mentioned sabotage of railway and electrical infrastructure, attacks on recruiters, and many fighting-age men attempting to flee Ukraine. This reluctance to fight has paralyzed much of the country, even in its most pro-European and anti-Russian regions.
As of July 17, all males between the ages of 18 and 60 are required to carry a military record 
and identification whenever they leave their homes.

 On July 17 seven Ukrainian deserters exchanged fire with Ukrainian border guards 
while trying to cross the border between the Odessa region and Moldova.

Last week, Ukrainian media revealed that enlistment offices had filed reports on over 417,000 draft dodgers since February 2022, with western Ukraine leading the way. The figures show, for example, that while draft dodging in eastern, central and southern areas of the country range from as little as 4,500 in Kharkov or 14,300 in Kiev, in western areas, which include Lvov, Zakarpatye, Ivano-Frankovsk, Rovno and Khmelnitsky, they total over 334,200 men. Polling by Kiev’s Razumkov Center this week found that a whopping 46% of Ukrainians do not consider it “shameful” to dodge mobilization, with 29.1% saying it is shameful, and 24.8% finding it difficult to answer.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Prophecy of Trump Assassination Attempt & Market Crash | Brandon Biggs

» I saw an attempt on Trump's life. This bullet flew by his ear and it came so close to his head that it busted his ear drum. And I saw he fell to his knees and he started worshiping the Lord. He got radically born again. He became really on fire with Jesus.  « 
» I saw a great economy crash - worse than the Great Depression. « 
» And then I saw Trump winning the presidency through the patriots coming out voting for him. And then there will be a great economy crash - worse than the Great Depression. And the Lord warned me about this would be a great dark time. And then I could see that darkness and heaviness upon America. And I saw Donald Trump praying in the Oval Office. He was weeping before the Lord with his hands on his head. Then the crisis started to lift and good times coming back again. But the Lord said it would be a season of a shaking. « 
Brandon Biggs, March 14, 2024.

Meanwhile in Uganda.

S&P 500 Time & Price Targets | Seasonality & Measured Moves

 Second push and month out of the April-May consolidation seems about to complete at around 5,750

 First month of the third quarter. After a sideways-to-down retracement, third push in August to around 6,000 (± 100)? 
The tri-annual R1 level is at 6,019.
Or the Armstrong Panic Cycle kicks in right now this week or the Feigenbaum Cycle in early August? 
The 40 Month and the 42 Month Cycles point to a multiyear high in August (± 2).


Trump vs Coup d'Etat of Globalists | Alexander Dugin

The architecture of power in the world is radically changing from the Western unipolarity to multipolarity. Trump represents the situation where US can be one of the poles - albeit the strongest and most powerful - of a multipolar world. The globalists don't care about the US as much as they care about anyone else. What they need is planetary power, the absolute power of supranational capital. And all countries, including America and Europe, are only tools in the creation of the World Government.

» God save America and all of humanity from the criminal gang of liberals and globalists. «
Trump is for America and against World Government. Just as Putin is for Russia, Xi Jinping is for China, Modi is for India, and Orban, Fico, Marine Le Pen and the AfD are for Europe. The multipolar world is a system of sovereignties, while the globalists want sole planetary power, which fell into their hands with the collapse of the Warsaw Pact and the end of the USSR, which is now slipping away from them and to which they are frantically clinging. The globalists have finally turned to direct terror tactics. This is a fact, not just a series of coincidences. It is time to strike back at the globalist network.

Tucker Carlson told me in Moscow that Trump seriously fears assassination by the globalists. Turns out, not for nothing. The more senile Joe sinks into dementia, the more likely it is that Trump will be assassinated. They already have tried. Some people are dead, some are injured. God save America and all of humanity from the criminal gang of liberals and globalists. If we don't stop them now, they will destroy us all.

"ZIONIST AGENT JD Vance calls for bombing Iran."

Monday, July 15, 2024

Feigenbaum Cycle Potential Key Date = August 4 or 9, 2024 | LunaticTrader

In the recent years the 666 week and 666 day cycles have done a good job in pointing out market highs and lows. See this post from 2021 about the Feigenbaum cycle. And this post from 2023, which indicated the summer high as well as the early winter low in that year: 666 Again. Another key date was mentioned in this second article, August 9, 2024.
The long term 666 week cycle peaked on January 4, 2022, only a few weeks after the December 10 key date we had pointed out in the original article. As shown in the chart, 666 days before that came the covid crash. If we take exactly 666 days then we find March 9, 2020. That became known as Black Monday and was also the day when Italy announced a countrywide lockdown, the first country to do so. So that was the main panic day of the Covid crash. The 282 day decline from the early 2022 peak allowed us to project three more key dates. Late July 2023 became a market peak, followed by a bottom just before the November 1, 2023 date our 666 day cycle indicated. That leaves us with August [4 or ] 9, 2024, the next upcoming key date.

Quoted from:

Wishing Comrade Trump a Speedy Recovery | Pepe Escobar

Comrade Trump is making an absolute killing on Chinese social media. Trump is all over the place on Weibo - zillions of trending hashtags, some with over 450 million views, and a non-stop meme machine. On Chinese social media, Trump is widely known as “Comrade Jianguo” (建国同志 [Comrade Build-Country]). This nickname has been in effect for years. “Build the Country Trump” (Chuān Jiànguó, 川建国) usually translates as “Making China Great Again” - as in whatever he does, China ultimately profits.

  » May he continue to work hard for the ultimate mission entrusted to him by the Party. «

It’s a fascinating process: over the years, the avalanche of playful Trump nicknames actually reflect a blend of mockery and affection. On Weibo, the iconic “fist” pic has been edited in all sorts of ways, for instance depicting Trump as a Communist champ with the caption: “Workers of the world, unite!” (全世界无产者联合起来). And what about this Weibo comment: “I wish Comrade Jianguo a speedy recovery, may he continue to work hard for the ultimate mission entrusted to him by the Party.”


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Trading Major News Events | D'onte Goodridge

News events typically inject momentum into the market, often prompting traders to anticipate where price might trend in response to the news. Making educated predictions about these movements is a common strategy rooted in technical analysis. Position yourself AFTER major news releases (NFP, CPI, PPI, PMI, FOMC etc.) with either a Pump & Dump or a Dump & Pump trading setup.

Sell Scenario/Setup: Wait for the buy side liquidity pool on the 15 minute timeframe to be raided first. After that, go to the 1 minute timeframe entry above the killzone's opening price. Then, anticipate that price will revert back down to a sell side liquidity level.
Buy Scenario/Setup: Wait for the sell side liquidity pool on the 15 minute timeframe to be raided first. After that, go to the 1 minute timeframe entry below the killzone's opening price. Then, anticipate that price will revert back up to a buy side liquidity level.
When price moves above the opening price of a killzone, it's in a premium. This is where to find ideal sell entries. 

When price moves below the opening price of a killzone, it's in a
discount. This is where to find ideal buy entries.