Friday, August 23, 2024

Recent Toby Crabel Price Pattern Setups in the E-mini S&P 500 Futures


The Central Bank of Libya under Muammar Gaddafi | Stephen M. Goodson

From 1551 to 1911 Libya was ruled by the Ottoman Empire, by Italy from 1911 to 1943 and from 1943 to 1951 was under the military suzerainty of Britain and France. The Central Bank of Libya was founded in 1956 and was run as a typical central bank until the bloodless coup d’etat of 1 September 1969. 
Mu’ammar Qathafi - A strict disciple of the Holy Q’uran, who abolished all forms of usury
and used the Central Bank of Libya for the sole benefit of the Libyan people.

Oil of an exceptionally high quality was discovered in 1959. However, King Idris al Mahdi as-Sanusi failed to capitalise on this bonanza or use it for the benefit of his people, and the bulk of the oil profits were siphoned into the coffers of the oil companies. On assuming power in 1969 Mu’ammar Muhammad al-Qathafi took control of most of the economic activities in the country, including the central bank, which for all practical purposes was run as a state bank. It operated as a banker of the local bankers and foreign bankers were not permitted to operate. Financing of government infrastructure did not atract riba (interest) and Libya had no national debt and no foreign debt. Its foreign exchange reserves exceeded $54 billion, which may be compared to reserves of developed countries such as the United Kingdom and Canada, which in 2010 were $50 billion and $40 billion respectively. GDP growth during the period 2000-10 was 4.32% per annum and the official figure for inflation was -0.27%.

Mass manifestation in support of Muammar Gaddafi in Tripoli,  July 1, 2011.

Colonel Qathafi was described by the mainstream media as being a “terrible dictator and a blood-sucking monster”, but the reality was that with the exception of the city of Benghazi and its environs, he had the support of 90% of the population. The following benefits provided by Qathafi explain why he was so popular:

   Free education. Free electricity. Free health care. Free housing (There were no mortgages).
  Students were paid the average salary for which subject they were studying.
  Students studying overseas were provided with accommodation, an automobile and €2,500 per annum.
   Newly-wed couples received a gift of 60,000 dinar ($50,000) from government.
  Automobiles were sold at factory cost free of interest.
  Private loans were provided free of interest.
   Bread cost 15 US cents per loaf. Gasoline cost 12 US cents per litre.
  Portion of profits from sale of oil was paid directly into bank accounts of citizens.
  Farmers received free land, seeds and animals.
  Full employment with those temporarily unemployed paid a full salary as if employed.

Qathafi’s Jamahariya “state of the masses” ensured that the wealth of this country of 5.79 million inhabitants was fairly distributed to all of its people. Beggars and homeless vagrants did not exist, while life expectancy at 75 years was the highest in Africa and 10% above the world average. The literacy rate was 82%. Regarding human rights Libya stood at 61 in the International Incarceration Index. The lower the rating, the lower the standing. The no.1 spot is currently occupied by the United States. Another major achievement, which Qathafi initiated was the conversion of the Nubian Sandstone Fossil Aquifer System into the Great Man-Made River, which supplies 6,500,000m³ of fresh water daily to the cities of Tripoli, Sirte and Benghazi. The extracted water is ten times cheaper than desalinated water. The total cost of the project, estimated at $25 billion was financed without a single foreign loan.
Although the central banks of Belarus, Burma, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, North Sudan and Syria do not fall under the direct control of the Rothschild banking syndicate, Libya had the only central bank run on genuine state banking lines, which exhibited the classic symptoms of full employment, zero inflation and a modern day workers’ paradise. The question arises as to why NATO intervened on the pretext of fabricated human rights abuses, the so called responsibility to protect. Since 1971 when the United States abandoned the gold exchange standard for the petrodollar with the connivance of Saudi Arabia, any attempt to displace the United States dollar as the premier reserve currency has been blocked and opposed with violence.
 Ezra Pound - 1943.
In November 2000 Saddam Hussein of Iraq decreed that all oil payments would in future be made in euros, as he did not wish to deal “in the currency of the enemy”. As has already been proven, the possession of weapons of mass destruction pretext was a deliberately concocted hoax and it was this currency decision, which cost Saddam Hussein his life and the destruction of his country. 
True, whether the quote is authentic or not.

In similar circumstances Qathafi announced in 2010 the creation of the gold dinar as a replacement for the settlement of all foreign transactions in a proposed region of over 200 million people. Libya at that time possessed 144 tons of gold. What was intended was not a return to the gold standard per se, but a new unit of account with oil exports and other resources being paid for in gold dinars. Qathafi crossed a red line and paid the ultimate price [he was assassinated by Western invasion forces in Sirte on October 20, 2011].

 The Truth About Libya - Stephen Mitford Goodson, 2011.

Since 2007 Iran has stipulated that payments be made in euro currency. On 17 February 2008 the Iranian Oil Bourse for trading in petroleum, petrochemicals and gas using primarily the euro, Iranian rial and a basket of non-US currencies was established. The first oil shipments under the new system were sold through this market in July 2011. This event must be deemed as one of the prime causes for the constant Israeli and American threats to annihilate Iran.

Quoted from:

See also:

Thursday, August 22, 2024

America's Final War | Andrei Martyanov

"Warfare is a geopolitical tool of the first order; only wars of scale can measure the real strength of nations." For decades, American claims of hegemony, and by extension, those of the West, have been based on what has now proved to be a carefully constructed mythology of economic and military supremacy.

 » Barack Obama allowed Russia to steal American hypersonic technology. This is why Russia
is two generations ahead of the US in hypersonic technology, while the United States still
cannot produce even 'slow' hypersonic weapons.
This is Andrei Martyanov’s fourth book addressing this issue, now as it concerns the war in Ukraine. In America’s Final War, he lays out in detail the underpinning causes and extent of its self-deception. Washington’s eight years of preparing Ukraine and its armed forces for war with Russia was a mistake of historic proportions due to its misperception of American military power based on its 1991 Gulf War victory against a minor military player. Washington believed its own propaganda about crippling sanctions on Russia, the viability of its Ukrainian proxy army, and the economic and military weakness of Russia, spelling doom for the American empire and its “rules-based order.”

 The Sarmat II ICBM travels at Mach 20.7 (25,000 km/h) and has a range of up to 18,000 km.
In comparison, the United States is actively working on its own hypersonic
weapons, which aim to travel at speeds greater than Mach 5.

Martyanov lays out Washington’s utter incompetence and shocking military amateurism. But then, he claims, the US doesn’t do strategy; it does business plans. Through 2022-2023, Russia’s Special Military Operation (SMO) exposed US and NATO forces as legacy armies stuck in the 1990s, still viewing the world from that vantage point. The massive destruction of the West’s high-cost weaponry ensued, annulling their vaunted superiority. Western armaments, from anti-tank Javelins to APC Bradleys to air defense complexes such as the Patriot PAC3 or NASAMS, performed dismally and proved unready for what has become the largest military conflict in Europe since WWII. By 2023, the Kiev regime could no longer exist without the West’s support, both financial and in war materiel. By 2024, Russia will have not just exhausted Ukraine but also demilitarized NATO as a whole, exposing the industrial and military impotence of the US and its European vassals.

The finance and tech-based economy is not a real economy; expeditionary warfare and doctrine are not real war.
The global balance of power has shifted to Eurasia. Western Europe has become a collection of weak and fast-deindustrializing economies which will increasingly become irrelevant against the background of the explosive economic, technological, scientific, and military development in Eurasia. The world has noticed what has been exposed, and because of that, life as we knew it is no more. The rule of the West of the last half-millennium is over.
See also:

Monday, August 19, 2024

4-Year Presidential Election Cycle 1949-2020 vs 2021-2024 | Jeff Hirsch

The market continues to follow the trends of our seasonal and 4-year cycle patterns [...] In our July Outlook, we maintained our bullish outlook for 2024, but cautioned that the market was possibly due for some mean reversion (a pullback) once NASDAQ’s 12-Day Midyear Rally ended in mid-July. NASDAQ did top out on July 10 while DJIA and S&P 500 topped about one week later.


The market has recovered in line with Historical Election Year strength in August, but the correction is not likely over. With President Biden stepping aside our Open Field Election Year is back in play. This does not mean we are heading into the red for the year, but it does suggest the market may continue to struggle over the next few months during the seasonal weak period and leading up to this now more uncertain election. [...] Any potential September/October market weakness could set up a solid Q4, End-of-Year Rally, most likely beginning after Election Day [Tuesday, November 5, 2024⁩].

Precious Metals Setting Up for a False Move? | Martin Armstrong

When we look at precious metals, one would expect this is the long-awaited breakout for gold. Yet there is something amiss. The Yearly Array still points to a Turning Point here: 2024 with a Directional Change. That would imply that we may be looking at an important high come Monday if we reach at least 2673, or making highs after Monday may lead to the final high on August 28th, which may be more likely. The major resistance stands at the 2800 level. However, the initial target resistance for this coming week stands at 2573, 2589, 2695, and 2705.


Platinum is not following gold and implies it may yet test support into 2025 before a rally unfolds. Note that we have a Directional Change here in 2024 as well. However, it appears to be a low forming in 2025 and a shift to the upside thereafter.

When we turn to the Silver/Gold Ratio, we see a Double-Directional Change in 2024. The Stochastic is starting to turn down, implying that gold may decline, but silver will gain on the ratio. This is pointing to a more sustainable bull market in the years ahead [...]


Before a sustainable bull market exists, there is always the FALSE MOVE; in this case, it looks to be shaping up to the downside. This may present an important buying opportunity as we head into the election.


Sunday, August 18, 2024

Mexico Pivoting Away From Washington’s Grip

In Mexico City, Washington is accused of sponsoring opposition NGOs such as Mexicans Against Corruption and Impunity (MCCI) through USAID programs and various private foundations, including Ford, Rockefeller, and Soros. The US government has sent nearly $5 million to MCCI since 2018, according to Mexico’s Financial Crimes Unit (UIF). Outgoing President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, also known as AMLO, whose term ends on September 30, 2024, has publicly condemned these actions, stating that his Foreign Ministry has sent a diplomatic notice to the US and that he will write directly to President Joe Biden about it. 

 Outgoing Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador
and President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, in the shadow behind him - August 16, 2024.

This accusation is part of a broader pattern of strained relations between the US and Mexico under López Obrador's presidency. Mexico has curtailed military cooperation with the United States, closing its airspace to American military aircrafts and reconnaissance drones. Last year, López Obrador accused the US Department of Defense of spying and vowed to restrict military information after Mexican-related intelligence documents were leaked. 
 » [...] if a foreign enemy would dare to profane Your ground with their sole, think,
Oh beloved Fatherland!, that Heaven has given a soldier in every son. War, war! with no mercy 
[...] «
Mexican National Anthem

The current row is part of a general pivot away from the US, driven by López Obrador and his left-wing populist MORENA political party, which has repeatedly asserted that Mexico will not be subservient to the US.

■  Last year, López Obrador rebuked “irresponsible” calls from some US lawmakers advocating military action against drug cartels. “We are not going to permit any foreign government to intervene in our territory,” he said.
■  López Obrador conditioned helping Biden with his southern border migrant crisis on lifting sanctions from Cuba and Venezuela – both of which are Mexican trading partners.
■  Mexico slashed imports of genetically-modified US corn in favor of boosting local production, sparking a trade dispute.
■  Mexico joined other major Latin American countries in pushing back on efforts by the US and EU to diplomatically isolate President Nicolás Maduro after the Venezuelan president was reelected to a third term in office.
■  Mexico has refused to support NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine and declined to impose economic sanctions on Russia.
■  Trade volume between Russia and Mexico increased by 9.8% in the first four months of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023, amounting to $759.99 million.
while Mexico remains chained by treaties to the sinking dollar-ship.
In the broader geopolitical context, Mexico is increasingly engaging with BRICS+ to diversify its global alliances and reduce reliance on the United States. This strategic shift includes substantial investments in the Mexican economy and strengthening ties with China, which offers significant trade and investment opportunities. Mexico's collaboration with BRICS+ presents huge potentials for growth in technology, energy, and agriculture. 
In 2024 IMF and World Bank rank Mexico 14th globally in terms of nominal GDP,  and 9th in terms of PPP.

The US attempts to influence the outcome of Mexican elections through its NGOs have been unsuccessful, and President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, who received 60% of the vote in the June 2, 2024 elections, is expected to continue López Obrador’s policies. Should Donald Trump win the next US presidential election, the relationship between the two countries could deteriorate further, with heightened conflicts related to trade, migration, weapons- and drug-trafficking, potentially bringing the two nations to the brink of direct military conflict. Balancing the
BRICS+ alliances with existing commitments will be crucial for Mexico's strategic and economic goals.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Cosmic Aviarium & Hierarchy of Beings | Jorge Contreras

In the hierarchy of beings, according to the Vedic tradition, after the gods come birds, then trees, and then human beings. Men predicted the future through the flight of birds, since, by inhabiting the sky, they have knowledge inaccessible to humans. In Mesoamerica, some birds were associated with sacred elements, with the moon, water, and the sky. Owls represented darkness and death; Quetzals and Macaws were related to the sun.

How do birds see? What plot does the dance of their flights follow? Who teaches them their morning songs? What stories are told before they go to sleep? What are the constellations of their stellar plumage called? What material are their thoughts made of? Where will the birds of the future live? What will be their good and stormy dreams?

Monday, August 12, 2024

After +10% January-July and a Negative First Half of August | Wayne Whaley

The S&P was up 15.8% in the first 7 months (January-July) of 2024 and, as of August 11, is down 3.2% in August. The S&P has a history of going counter trend in August with early August weakness after a strong year tending to strengthen the case for a bullish finish. For example, since 1950, there have been 16 years in which a double digit, first seven months of the year (January-July) was followed by a negative first two weeks of August.

The following August 14-January time frame was 14-2 in this setup for an average 5 1/2 months gain of 9.34%. The 5% moves were 12-0 to the positive with the worst drawdown as measured from August 14 of the single digit variety.

The weakest period, on average, was September 23-October 2 which was 6-10 for an average loss of 0.90%. The strongest time frame was October 27-January 20 which was positive in all 16 of those setups for an average, 8 week, gain of 7.27%.

Quoted from:
Wayne Whaley (August 10, 2024) - When a negative 1st two weeks of August is preceded by a +10% January-July.

» After an early August selloff, the market has tended to spend the balance of August bouncing 
around on average with little meaningful progress. The tightening of the presidential election and 
elevated geopolitical tensions are likely to keep a lid on markets through the rest of the “Worst Months. «

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Satanic Olympic Opening Shitshow in Paris | Angelo Giuliano

The opening of the Olympics in France was a ritual, calculated, and pervert public assassination of France, French culture, Olympic values and Western 'civilization'. After this freak show Angelo Giuliano, a Hong Kong-based Italian journalist and financial analyst told Sputnik: I would love to work for Sputnik in Russia and would not hesitate a second to swap my Italian passport for a Russian passport.
 The opening of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris is the final judgment on modern Western civilization. 
The West is cursed, and this is axiomatic. Anyone who does not immediately take up arms to destroy
this Satanic civilization, unprecedented in its brazenness, is complicit with it. Occidens delenda est.

Guiliano spoke to Sputnik after a social media post in which he asked Russia to grant him 
asylum after watching the sh*t-show of an Olympic opening ceremony in Paris went viral. The ceremony featured a controversial and offensive drag queen parody of the Last Supper.

French Catholic Church's Conference of Bishops condemned the blasphemous Last Supper scene
at the Olympics opening and deplored scenes of derision and mockery of Christianity.

The Paris Olympics are 
a disgrace for France, Giuliano said. The Olympic ceremony should be a family event showing the beauty of sport, of humanity, of France’s history and instead we were faced by profanation of Christianity, faced with nudity, decadence and Satanist messages.

Dancers performed the “Myocarditis Dance” simulating 
athletes who’ve died suddenly on national television.

Giuliano believes there is a 
powerful minority in the collective West that’s imposing upon the silent majority their globalist agenda in politics and social engineering project designed to radically transform societies and force a new form of fascism disguised as liberalism down people’s throats. This new system is disguised as a tolerant society but is in fact a repressive apparatus that controls the media, the narrative and shuts down alternative voices, he said.

I personally don’t want my son to be educated in Europe and would prefer to live in China or Russia to give a healthier environment to my son, Giuliano said. Russia is a beautiful country with beautiful people, it has preserved its culture, history, traditions, religion, family values. This is all what most people love and what the elites of the collective West want to destroy, he noted.
 As usual, Macron was completely overwhelmed by himself.
If any doubt remained about what was going on yesterday at the Olympics opening ceremony - a single rider on a pale horse appeared straight out of the Book of the Apocalypse (6:8):

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, 
and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, 
to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Look at the filth on display in Paris and remember these words of 2022: 
Look what they are doing to their own peoples . [...] The West is run by Satanic pedophiles
[...] They are destroying the institution of the family, their cultures and historical identities
[...] Pedophilia is now accepted as the norm.
What about the pope? He is silent. Is he not offended? Is he not a Christian? 
Serbs, which civilization do you belong to?
Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vulin addressed his nation today in connection with the Satanic opening orgy of the Olympic Games in Paris: This single event should explain the difference and the reason for the clash of the civilization between the New West and the civilization of the New East: It is the opening of the Olympic Games in Paris and the opening of the BRICS Games in Kazan, Russia. In Paris, Marie Antoinette sings, holds a bloody severed head in her hands, and the patient who set it all up shows The Last Supper as a scene from a porn movie. In Kazan athletes under national flags, folk dances without Satanic symbols, without severed heads, without sick visions only focus about sports in a healthy environment.

See also: