Showing posts with label Islam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islam. Show all posts

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Touring the Destroyed Suburbs of Beirut | Laith Marouf & Mohammad Marandi

Dahieh, Beirut, Lebanon — October 3, 2024: Hezbollah's Media Relations Office organized a tour of Beirut's southern suburb, Dahieh, for all international journalists to give the world a glimpse of the mass destruction of civilian infrastructure as a result of the Zionist regime's indiscriminate bombardment of the area. We look at the destruction, the war crimes, and the purposeful targeting of civilians and civilian homes. The day after the first strikes, the Israelis targeted the south and east of Beirut and slaughtered 500 people. It's amazing how barbaric and brutal these people are. This is Western civilization. People across the world despise the West because of what they do.

They knew exactly that there were no military targets in these buildings. They wanted to humiliate our people and break our will, especially our warrior men. But Sayyidna Ali says: 'Hayhat aminna dulla; woe to us if we accept humiliation.' God willing, we will all meet in a free Palestine very soon. I am optimistic. Victory is nearing—a victory also for Jews. Those who are anti-Zionists will see the benefits of the collapse of the Zionist regime. Humanity will benefit from it. These elites in the West will lose, but everyone else will win. Inshallah.

A few hours ago, the leader of France, Macron, issued a statement saying that France is deploying all its military assets in the region to defend the Zionist colony. Brits and Americans are practically saying the same thing, indicating that these colonial powers, will actually participate in attacks on Iran.

Friday, August 23, 2024

The Central Bank of Libya under Muammar Gaddafi | Stephen M. Goodson

From 1551 to 1911 Libya was ruled by the Ottoman Empire, by Italy from 1911 to 1943 and from 1943 to 1951 was under the military suzerainty of Britain and France. The Central Bank of Libya was founded in 1956 and was run as a typical central bank until the bloodless coup d’etat of 1 September 1969. 
Mu’ammar Qathafi - A strict disciple of the Holy Q’uran, who abolished all forms of usury
and used the Central Bank of Libya for the sole benefit of the Libyan people.

Oil of an exceptionally high quality was discovered in 1959. However, King Idris al Mahdi as-Sanusi failed to capitalise on this bonanza or use it for the benefit of his people, and the bulk of the oil profits were siphoned into the coffers of the oil companies. On assuming power in 1969 Mu’ammar Muhammad al-Qathafi took control of most of the economic activities in the country, including the central bank, which for all practical purposes was run as a state bank. It operated as a banker of the local bankers and foreign bankers were not permitted to operate. Financing of government infrastructure did not atract riba (interest) and Libya had no national debt and no foreign debt. Its foreign exchange reserves exceeded $54 billion, which may be compared to reserves of developed countries such as the United Kingdom and Canada, which in 2010 were $50 billion and $40 billion respectively. GDP growth during the period 2000-10 was 4.32% per annum and the official figure for inflation was -0.27%.

Mass manifestation in support of Muammar Gaddafi in Tripoli,  July 1, 2011.

Colonel Qathafi was described by the mainstream media as being a “terrible dictator and a blood-sucking monster”, but the reality was that with the exception of the city of Benghazi and its environs, he had the support of 90% of the population. The following benefits provided by Qathafi explain why he was so popular:

   Free education. Free electricity. Free health care. Free housing (There were no mortgages).
  Students were paid the average salary for which subject they were studying.
  Students studying overseas were provided with accommodation, an automobile and €2,500 per annum.
   Newly-wed couples received a gift of 60,000 dinar ($50,000) from government.
  Automobiles were sold at factory cost free of interest.
  Private loans were provided free of interest.
   Bread cost 15 US cents per loaf. Gasoline cost 12 US cents per litre.
  Portion of profits from sale of oil was paid directly into bank accounts of citizens.
  Farmers received free land, seeds and animals.
  Full employment with those temporarily unemployed paid a full salary as if employed.

Qathafi’s Jamahariya “state of the masses” ensured that the wealth of this country of 5.79 million inhabitants was fairly distributed to all of its people. Beggars and homeless vagrants did not exist, while life expectancy at 75 years was the highest in Africa and 10% above the world average. The literacy rate was 82%. Regarding human rights Libya stood at 61 in the International Incarceration Index. The lower the rating, the lower the standing. The no.1 spot is currently occupied by the United States. Another major achievement, which Qathafi initiated was the conversion of the Nubian Sandstone Fossil Aquifer System into the Great Man-Made River, which supplies 6,500,000m³ of fresh water daily to the cities of Tripoli, Sirte and Benghazi. The extracted water is ten times cheaper than desalinated water. The total cost of the project, estimated at $25 billion was financed without a single foreign loan.
Although the central banks of Belarus, Burma, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, North Sudan and Syria do not fall under the direct control of the Rothschild banking syndicate, Libya had the only central bank run on genuine state banking lines, which exhibited the classic symptoms of full employment, zero inflation and a modern day workers’ paradise. The question arises as to why NATO intervened on the pretext of fabricated human rights abuses, the so called responsibility to protect. Since 1971 when the United States abandoned the gold exchange standard for the petrodollar with the connivance of Saudi Arabia, any attempt to displace the United States dollar as the premier reserve currency has been blocked and opposed with violence.
 Ezra Pound - 1943.
In November 2000 Saddam Hussein of Iraq decreed that all oil payments would in future be made in euros, as he did not wish to deal “in the currency of the enemy”. As has already been proven, the possession of weapons of mass destruction pretext was a deliberately concocted hoax and it was this currency decision, which cost Saddam Hussein his life and the destruction of his country. 
True, whether the quote is authentic or not.

In similar circumstances Qathafi announced in 2010 the creation of the gold dinar as a replacement for the settlement of all foreign transactions in a proposed region of over 200 million people. Libya at that time possessed 144 tons of gold. What was intended was not a return to the gold standard per se, but a new unit of account with oil exports and other resources being paid for in gold dinars. Qathafi crossed a red line and paid the ultimate price [he was assassinated by Western invasion forces in Sirte on October 20, 2011].

 The Truth About Libya - Stephen Mitford Goodson, 2011.

Since 2007 Iran has stipulated that payments be made in euro currency. On 17 February 2008 the Iranian Oil Bourse for trading in petroleum, petrochemicals and gas using primarily the euro, Iranian rial and a basket of non-US currencies was established. The first oil shipments under the new system were sold through this market in July 2011. This event must be deemed as one of the prime causes for the constant Israeli and American threats to annihilate Iran.

Quoted from:

See also:

Friday, April 5, 2024

Compassion, Love and Truth | Princess Vittoria Alliata di Villafranca

The compassion we are speaking of, this rahmah that marks the beginning of every sura of the Quran, was translated as “true charity” or “purest love” by famous Catholic prelates and French theologians of the XVIIth century. They had heard of a great woman saint discovered by the crusaders among the Saracens of Palestine and, believing her to be a Christian, they devoted monumental eulogies to none other than Rabia al-‘Adawyya, describing her as the “portrait of true compassion”. This remarkable woman, whose passionate poems are still memorized and chanted from Malaysia to Mauretania, is known in Islam as shahidat al-‘ishq al-ilahi, the true witness of God’s love.

 » In the West as in the East, the virtues of compassion, true love, witnessing
Truth and dying for it have been recognized as an essentially feminine vocation.

But shahid does not only mean witness in Arabic. Just as in Greek, were the word martys - meaning witness - becomes martyr in the New Testament, the word shahid in the Quran denotes someone who dies out of devotion to God. The first martyr of Islam was a woman, Sumayya. She was the sixth person to embrace the faith, right after the beginning of the Revelation to Prophet Muhammad. She was tortured for days by the polytheists of Mecca under the blazing sun and finally stabbed and impaled with a spear in front of her young son. But she remained steadfast and died as a martyr, the everlasting first witness of Islam.

In my country, Sicily, the patron saints, miraculous healers whose sacred veils protect from earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, breast cancer and rape, are all women, young virgins starved to death or blinded or burnt alive or torn apart for their fortitude and determination. Their luminous path is still very much alive in our people. It would therefore seem that through the ages and across religions, in the West as in the East, the virtues of compassion, true love, witnessing Truth and dying for it have been recognized as an essentially feminine vocation.

February 26, 2024.

And yet, when a year and a half ago Darya Dugina, a young philosopher who represented Europe at its best, with her ability to fuse Greek metaphysics and Christian tradition, was brutally murdered in a terrorist attack, no Roman prelate celebrated her as the champion of devotion, no outraged feminist called for international sanctions for the crime, no NGO nominated her for a human rights award.  
Why? Is it just because Darya was Russian and proud to be part of a nation which she described as “capable of compassion and empathy”? Is it because according to her, unlike the competing Western “wolf-man”, the Russian soul has a softness, a lack of rigid rationality, which it turns into strength, reconnecting the world and healing its wounds?

  » She had revealed the imperative choice that awaits all women today. «

No. It is not so. Nobody had taken the pain to listen to this extraordinary polyglot philosopher, who was also an athletic, elegant, artistic, modern woman. Darya's desire for perfection and beauty and her eagerness to contemplate the absolute essence of Truth were simply hidden behind the appearance of a young journalist. Like all her martyred predecessors, she was an ancilla abscondita, a devoted servant of God protected behind a veil of normality.

It was only when, confronting the Empire of Chaos, Darya raised her name Platonova like a flag to affirm that being a woman today means choosing between two opposite archetypes, that finally the enemy noticed her. Because she had revealed the imperative choice that awaits all women today. The deadly and compelling confrontation that should have remained concealed under gender issues and feminist grievances. Either to be allured by the triumphant role model of Dido, the Phoenician queen who invoked the forces of the underworld to curse with a satanic ritual her lover Aeneas, that she failed to distract from his divine mission. Or to follow at tremendous risk the sacred path of Dante’s Beatrice, the Perfect Being who leads her man beyond the highest levels of Paradise up to the contemplation of the Holy Throne.

Daria has shown us the way to follow if we seek to build the multipolar world from above, contemplating the stars and leaving the sewers behind. It is the duty of all us women who are here today and believe that compassion is our mission and tradition our steed, to pick up the torch of charity and devotion. That inner flame of the heart that preserved Daria’s body and kept it intact, miraculously uncorrupted by the murderous fire, will lead us and protect us. It is up to us to pick it up and carry it on, right now, lighting the path of mankind, blacked out by violence, ambition and arrogance. 

Monday, March 25, 2024

Sabbatai Zevi, Freemasonry, Dönmeh & the Turkish Republic │ Dejan Lučić

Turkey is ruled by the secret society Dönmeh. You can check this on the internet. They are Jews who converted to Islam in 1666. Mind you, 1666. Let me explain who they are. A guy called Sabbatai Zevi, a charismatic Jew, handsome, two meters tall, being familiar with magic, a good speaker, travels around Turkey. Although people know that he is a friend of the English, and keeps boasting how he will establish a Jewish state in the Ottoman Sultan's empire, he is supported by the Sufis, by the Kabbalists. Everyone admires him. So he has 50,000 followers, and the majority of them live in Thessaloniki.

 Enthronement of the false Jewish messiah 
Sabbatai Zevi in Smyrna (İzmir) in 1648.

The Sultan hears about this and orders his servants to arrest Sabbatai Zevi in 1666. He asks him: "You fool, do I hear that you're talking about establishing a Jewish state in my Empire of the Turks, how are you going to establish a Jewish state here? Who is spreading this nonsense? Are you insulting me? I will order my servants to cut off your head, since you are a subversive element." Sabbatai Zevi answered: "Hold on, dear Sultan, I want to tell you something. If you cut my head off, you will enrage the Jews in London, Paris, Berlin, who are all interconnected, and they will overthrow you, cutting your own head off. Your brother will become Sultan, or perhaps your son, while you and I will be headless. So let me make a suggestion: Spare my head, and I will do my best to restore your honor by neglecting stupidities that I talked about. I will denounce my Jewish faith and will publicly convert to Islam, I will say 'Allahu Akbar', I will bow and accept it." The Sultan smiled and said: "All right, do it!", and Sabbatai Zevi actually converted to Islam on September 16, 1666 and so did his 50,000 Jewish followers. Within five years the Sabbatean crypto-Jews were able to infiltrate every existing pore in the Ottoman state, and taking full control of it. And ever since, Turkey has been ruled by this secret society, the Dönmeh, comprised of Jews, who today number some 20,000, but are perfectly distributed. 

Is Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the President of Türkiye, really a Georgian, a Laz, a Greek, an Armenian, a Kurd, a snake, a Jew
a Dönmeh, a Freemason? Is he really an Israeli asset and all of his 'support for Palestinians' but empty talk? Who really cares.

Thus Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was born in Thessaloniki and educated in Bitola. He also probably spoke Serbian. A wise man. Of course a Freemason. The order of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of the English amputated the Ottoman Empire, abolished the Caliphate, created a Turkish nation state, switched to the Latin alphabet and modernized Turkey. Since then, up until today, Turkey has been ruled by the Jewish Dönmeh. So Mr. Erdoğan, who says that he feels at home in Sarajevo and that Sarajevo and Priština are Turkish and so on, is a member of the secret society Dömneh just like his former Minister of Foreign Affairs – Abdullah Gül. All of you Bosniacs can easily check this. Contact your countrymen in Turkey, ask them via phone, Skype or Viber if that what this Dejan Lučić claims is true, that Erdoğan is actually a Jew.  
Quoted from:
Dejan Lučić (2016/2020) - Erdogan is a Freemason, member of Turkey’s secret society ‘Dömneh’.

 » Erdoğan is actually a Jew. «
Serbian-Yugoslavian historian Dejan Lučić, 2016.

See also

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Gaza Genocide preludes West's Final Battle against Islam | Alexander Dugin

What is your opinion on Israel's genocidal campaign in Gaza? How long can Israel continue this war?
I believe we are now on the verge of a major war in West Asia, a clash between American hegemony and Islamic civilization. I cannot say what will happen in the future, but I can say that the Zionists really want to blow up the Al-Aqsa Mosque. This is the apocalyptic project of Zionism to create a Greater Israel. The destruction and genocide of Gaza is a preparation for the creation of a Greater Israel, thus ignoring the two-state solution, an idea that the Zionists cynically reject.
 » Trump is anti-Islam, pro-Israel, pro-Zionist, anti-Chinese and anti-Iranian. «
I do not believe that Israel's actions can be stopped only by protesting, boycotting and opposing it. The only way to stop and destroy the Zionist regime is for the Muslim population and the Islamic world in general to openly confront Israel. Because if the Islamic civilization does not pay attention to such genocide and closes its eyes to the destruction of the Al Aqsa Mosque, I think that would mean that the Islamic world is powerless before the rest of the world. I believe that the tragic events and genocide facing Gaza is the prelude or the first stage of a much larger war between Islam and the West. Such a war can only be won if all Muslims participate in it.

If you could say one more thing to our audience, what would it be?

All the events of the modern world are connected with eschatology. It is clear that the Russian Orthodox world considers modern Western civilization to be the incarnation of the Antichrist. This is in line with Ayatollah Khomeini's idea about the historical mission of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. Furthermore, I believe that modern politics is a form of fossilized theology. Geopolitics is equally important. Only by bringing geopolitics and eschatology together can we understand the true meaning of current world events and changes. It is time to combine geopolitics with religion. 
This is exactly what contemporary Iranian ideology has been doing. I believe that we must stand together in this eschatological war. Russia and Iran, Russian Orthodox Christianity and Islam, share a similar geopolitical worldview where the West is identified with the Great Satan or the Dajjal, which represents a totally negative form of social and religious deviation. Putting all these elements together I believe that Russia and Iran are part of the same front and belong to the army of light that will fight against the army of darkness in the final battle.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Don't Mess with Iran | Seyed Mohammad Marandi

Let's assume that the United States strikes Iran. The United States has bases all across the Persian Gulf. The Iranians will hit out at those bases. And then they will punish those countries that host those bases. What will happen? The price of oil and gas would go through the roof. If they do actually carry out an attack, Iran will respond immediately. Iran has a very powerful missile defense and extremely effective drone capability, and US bases across the region are vulnerable. 
The attacks that are taking place in Syria and Iraq show this. But the real reason right now, why the Americans are occupying Iraq and Syria? They say it's to contain Iran and to limit Iran's influence. But in reality, it's about taking away the sovereignty of countries and to strengthen the Israeli regime.

 »If the United States attacks Iran, we will see the demise of the American empire
take place much more rapidly than we're seeing right now.«

Therefore, their critical infrastructure, especially their oil and gas facilities, would be fair game. And that would lead to a global crisis. So that is why I don't think the Americans will actually move in that direction. But if they do, the consequences will be very severe. And the United States will definitely not win in such a conflict. It's more likely that the Americans will strike Iraq and Syria again, and they will claim some sort of victory over terrorists and that sort of nonsense, which they usually say. But it will be like in Yemen. They will have very little impact because the resistance to the US occupation, the illegal occupation in Iraq and Syria, is very well hidden. Their assets are underground. 
The Americans escalated in Yemen when the Yemeni armed forces and Saudi Arabia blockaded Israeli ports because of the ongoing genocide. Instead of pushing the Israeli regime to end the genocide, the Americans tried to facilitate the genocide by escalating with Yemen. They launched many missiles, wasted a lot of money, but they were incapable of changing the balance of power. Yemen continues to easily strike ships, and the Americans failed again. They made Ansar Allah or what the West likes to call the Houthis very popular across the region and across the world. And they'll only do the same in Iraq and Syria. 

The United States, by pursuing a policy of violence, a policy of hegemony, of imposing its hegemony and occupation, is only making things more difficult for itself. The Iraqi parliament passed a law saying that the Americans must leave, but they won't leave. What do they do instead? They keep the oil money in US bank accounts. And whenever the Iraqi government insists that the US must leave, they start putting pressure on Iraq through withholding their own money. And whenever anyone carries out resistance, they go and bomb Iraqi military bases. That is the arrogance that the United States shows towards the Iraqi people, and that is exactly why the people of Iraq and the people of the region are so hostile towards the United States. 
 » Since when has the United States won a war? Has the United States won in Iraq? Has it won in Afghanistan? 
Did it win in Libya or in Syria?  Did it win in the genocide that it supported in Yemen? Did it win in Ukraine? 
The United States is only capable of ruining lives and murdering millions. And they don't care. «

The United States has many bases across Syria. The resistance can kill lots of Americans, but at the moment they don't want to escalate. What they're doing is putting pressure on Americans so that they would end the genocide in Gaza. And they want the Americans to leave their country. The United States occupied one third of Syria, they're selling its oil, and they're stealing Syrian grain. They've sanctioned the Syrian people and they're stealing their oil and grain because they want to make the Syrian people suffer as much as possible in the hope that they will rise up and that the Syrian government would collapse. The brutality of the regimes in Washington and Europe, their terrorists and their military is unbelievable. In Gaza we're seeing their genocide right in front of our eyes. Watching people in Syria suffer because of the Americans stealing their oil and wheat is not so easy to put in a picture or in a small video clip. But it's just as destructive, as inhumane and barbaric. 
 38 million people have been displaced by the United States' post-9/11 wars
in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and the Philippines; 4.5 - 4.7 million have been killed.

All of US calculations across West Asia and North Africa are based upon the interests of the Israeli regime. The people across West Asia, North Africa, and now across the whole world, are disgusted about what they see in Gaza. The Americans and the Europeans destroyed their reputation through their unconditional support for the Israeli regime. 

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Sacred Defense │ Imam Ali Khamenei

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful. All praise is due to God, Lord of the Worlds, and peace and greetings be upon our Master, Muhammad, and his pure, immaculate, chosen Progeny, particularly the Remnant of God on earth.
» All praise is due to God, Lord of the Worlds. «
Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 2023.

If our succeeding generations learn about the important, meaningful aspects of the Sacred Defense and realize how the Iranian nation was able to reach the heights of victory and to stand up there with power and pride, they will learn great lessons from it and they will achieve great things.

Up until now, we have not been able to make known the details of this great, colorful painting. In every piece of it there is so much beauty, and so much meaning and depth that one is amazed. Each piece of it is like this, and this information must be made known to people.

Imam Ali Khamenei, January 04, 2024,
commenting on Israel's genocide in Gaza - the day after the terrorist attack in Kerman, Iran, 
killing at least 91 and injuring 284 people. CIA, Mossad and ISIS are actors of the same Zionist project.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

War And Epochal Global Shift │ Pepe Escobar

Reshuffling the inner and the outer rim-lands of the world-island.
All of Halford Mackinder's geopolitical nightmares becoming tangible realities not only in Greater Eurasia
but across all lands still governed by the evaporating Western world order.
The petrodollar monetary system died just lately.

Brazilian geopolitical analyst Pepe Escobar breaks down the epochal implications of the ongoing military conflicts in Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Palestine; he explains the roles and missions of Russia, Iran and China and their leaders; he discusses the rise of Greater Eurasia under the alliance of the three main Eurasian powers; he reports on the drastic and unexpected swift collapse of the Western world order, civilization and hegemony over West Asia due to the waning influence of US neocons as well as due to fundamental US economic, strategic, diplomatic and military failures during the past three decades. The West's former proxy rulers in the Muslim world are shaking in fear. The widely detested opportunists they are, they now all changed sides. 

» The divine providence and mission of Russian President Vladimir Putin as God's chosen instrument and second Dhu al-Qarnayn,
the just conqueror,  lawgiver and savior of the Christian orthodox world and the world of Islam.

Pepe Escobar (Nov 26, 2023) - Gaza changes everything as Russia, China Confront Neocon Agenda for Middle East. (video)
Independent Islamic Republic (Dec 09, 2023) - Putin will establish the final world order for end times
- 2nd age of Dhul Qarnayn begins! (video)

Sunday, November 26, 2023

The House Negro And The Field Negro | Malcolm X

The ‘house slave’ was subject to the same oppression as the ‘field slave’. Both were without ‘external’ freedom and hence in ‘external’ slavery. But while the ‘field slave’ hated that oppression and slavery, the ‘house slave’ submitted to it, identified with the slave master, and accepted his slavery. He was so brainwashed and ‘internally’ blind that he became an appendage of the slave master. He was always there to serve the slave master, however required, and whenever the slave master needed him. When the slave master was ill, the ‘house slave’ would feel his master’s pain and suffering and would declare to his master: “we sick!” The ‘house slave’ was both ‘internally’ as well as ‘externally’ a slave. He became a part of the system of slavery. The slave master rewarded the ‘house slave’ for his faithful service by ‘buttering’ his bread.
» There are two types of slaves, the house negro and the field negro. I am a field negro. «
Malcolm X, 1963

The ‘field slave’ on the other hand was ‘externally’ a slave but ‘internally’ a free man. Because of that ‘internal’ freedom, the ‘field slave’ had the capacity to ‘see’ and to thus recognize the slave master’s oppression and wickedness, and he hated it with all his heart and soul. The ‘field slave’ never submitted to oppression and wickedness but, rather, longed to regain his freedom and to dismantle the system of slavery. And so the ‘field slave’ responded to oppression and slavery in a manner that was anti-systemic. When the slave master’s house was on fire the ‘field slave’ prayed to God to send a strong wind which would burn down the house. 
Muslims [in Palestine] who faithfully follow Prophet Muhammad (SAW) are today’s ‘field slaves’! Field slaves who dare to offer armed resistance to Israel’s barbarous oppression in the Holy Land and elsewhere are today demonized as terrorists. Had Malcolm X been still alive today, it is certain that he would have been declared a “terrorist” and “a great security risk”.

See also:

November 21, 2023 - 1,000 boats left Turkiye for Gaza waters in a new ‘Freedom Flotilla’, carrying 4,500 people from 40 countries, "including anti-Zionist Jews". Among the 1,000 vessels are 313 boats filled with Russian, and 104 with Spanish activists.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

The Prophet Of The Antichrist | Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

The sensitivity that Bergoglio shows towards idols and false religions is second only to the contempt he has for the true God and the one Church. 
Jorge Mario Bergoglio , Viganò's » Prophet of the Antichrist. «
Also-known-As : The Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Patriarch of the West, Primate of Italy, Metropolitan Archbishop of the Province of Rome,
Sovereign of the State of Vatican City, Servant of the Servants of God, Society of Jesus, His Holiness, Holy Father,
Pope Francis SJ alias » Call-Me-Jorge «
On the one hand, he receives notoriously blasphemous artists in the Sistine Chapel and supports the LGBTQ+ sect which publicly vilifies Our Lord and the Blessed Virgin; on the other hand he expresses “indignation” over a Koran burned by those who are exasperated by the Mohammedan invasion imposed by the New World Order he promoted. A crucifix dipped in urine is worth a papal audience full of smiles and a “thumbs up;” the Pachamama thrown into the Tiber arouses deploration. One wonders of which “church” he can be considered “pope:” Certainly not the Catholic one. Bergoglio and his sect, enslaved to woke ideology, take the errors of Vatican II to their extreme consequences and create the premises—with immigration—and ecumenism—for the social unrest that the globalist elite wants to create, so as to legitimize new restrictions on fundamental freedoms. The New Order prepares the way for the Antichrist, but Bergoglio in the role of his Prophet seems to want to get there even faster.

Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana, July 03, 2023. (video)

October 28, 2023More recent discussions by the old wise Christian warrior priest — 
may Allah (SWT) have mercy on his soul and grant him a beautiful palace in Jannah. Alhamdulillah for the blessing of Islam :
Archbishop Viganò laments the 2021 global coup d'etat of Satanists and their war on Christian peoples.
» May Almighty God protect and assist us. This is an important message for everyone. «, he exclaims. 
Important for the brotherhood of men honoring God Most High (SWT) and his last Prophet (PBUH).
» For You alone we worship. And You alone we ask for help. « For the peoples of The Book prevail.