Showing posts with label Ethnic Cleansing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ethnic Cleansing. Show all posts

Monday, January 27, 2025

Do the Jews Control the US Government ? │ The Jerusalem Post

"Do the Jews control the US government?" asks The Jerusalem Post, and just like that, the question they’d rather not have raised lands front and center. Let's not kid ourselves: this isn't about transparency. 

It's about controlling the narrative, gaslighting dissenters, and preemptively dismissing critiques of Israeli influence in Washington. The image of the Israeli and American flags fluttering side by side? It's the perfect metaphor for what is the true nature of the 
"special relationship" - one where sovereignty takes a backseat to Tel Aviv's agenda.
Warp Speed ZioCon MIGDon, January 26, 2025.

The US-Israeli relationship isn’t just cozy, it's symbiotic in a way that leaves America playing servant. From AIPAC's lobby machine to billions in military aid, Washington’s foreign policy isn’t just pro-Israel, it’s Israeli-first and always first. Every war in the Middle East, every veto at the UN, and every blank check to fund apartheid policies in Palestine underscores a system where US interests are sidelined for Tel Aviv's.

This isn't a question of 
"control"—it's a demonstration of how the levers of influence work. Zionism’s grip on Washington is a textbook case of soft power gone unchecked, shaping narratives, wars, and diplomacy in a way that serves one master. 

But as the world shifts to multipolarity, cracks in the façade are beginning to show. The Global South isn't buying the story anymore, and even within the US, the grip of the Zionist lobby is being questioned louder than ever. The question isn’t just who controls the US government, it's how much longer they'll be able to get away with it. 

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Gaza Genocide preludes West's Final Battle against Islam | Alexander Dugin

What is your opinion on Israel's genocidal campaign in Gaza? How long can Israel continue this war?
I believe we are now on the verge of a major war in West Asia, a clash between American hegemony and Islamic civilization. I cannot say what will happen in the future, but I can say that the Zionists really want to blow up the Al-Aqsa Mosque. This is the apocalyptic project of Zionism to create a Greater Israel. The destruction and genocide of Gaza is a preparation for the creation of a Greater Israel, thus ignoring the two-state solution, an idea that the Zionists cynically reject.
 » Trump is anti-Islam, pro-Israel, pro-Zionist, anti-Chinese and anti-Iranian. «
I do not believe that Israel's actions can be stopped only by protesting, boycotting and opposing it. The only way to stop and destroy the Zionist regime is for the Muslim population and the Islamic world in general to openly confront Israel. Because if the Islamic civilization does not pay attention to such genocide and closes its eyes to the destruction of the Al Aqsa Mosque, I think that would mean that the Islamic world is powerless before the rest of the world. I believe that the tragic events and genocide facing Gaza is the prelude or the first stage of a much larger war between Islam and the West. Such a war can only be won if all Muslims participate in it.

If you could say one more thing to our audience, what would it be?

All the events of the modern world are connected with eschatology. It is clear that the Russian Orthodox world considers modern Western civilization to be the incarnation of the Antichrist. This is in line with Ayatollah Khomeini's idea about the historical mission of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. Furthermore, I believe that modern politics is a form of fossilized theology. Geopolitics is equally important. Only by bringing geopolitics and eschatology together can we understand the true meaning of current world events and changes. It is time to combine geopolitics with religion. 
This is exactly what contemporary Iranian ideology has been doing. I believe that we must stand together in this eschatological war. Russia and Iran, Russian Orthodox Christianity and Islam, share a similar geopolitical worldview where the West is identified with the Great Satan or the Dajjal, which represents a totally negative form of social and religious deviation. Putting all these elements together I believe that Russia and Iran are part of the same front and belong to the army of light that will fight against the army of darkness in the final battle.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

What country, friends, is this? | The Empire of the Antichrist

What country, friends, is this? 
Know’st thou this country? 
Who governs here? « 

The Tempest.
William Shakespeare
George Washington and his slaves, 1743
- 1799
US war on Mexico, 1836
- ongoing
Trail of Tears, 1838
- 39.
Indian land for sale,
California genocide, 1864
Wounded Knee Massacre, 1890.
US war on Philippines, 1899
- 1902.
 Lynching postcard, 1908.

Hiroshima, 1945.
 US war on Vietnam, 1955-1975.
'Racial segregation' into 1964.
US war on Libya, 1986 - ongoing.
US war on Panama, 1989
US war on Yugoslavia/Serbia, 1989 - ongoing.
US war on Afghanistan, 2001 - 2021
 US war on Iraq, 1990 - ongoing.
US war on Syria, 2009 - ongoing
Satanic ruling elite, 1769 - ongoing
Culling of 'deplorables', ongoing
 Supporting ethnic cleansing and genocide in Palestine,
1947 - ongoing.

How and when exactly did 'God's Own Country' become global champion
of 'freedom', 'democracy' and 'human rights'? 
and has been ruled by Satanists ever since.