Showing posts with label Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Show all posts

Friday, February 16, 2024

I told Tucker Carlson 'We are Fighting the same Enemy' │ Alexander Dugin

I think Russian and Western patriots have exactly the same enemy. And my recent conversation with Tucker Carlson, with whom I had the chance to speak here in Moscow during his visit, has totally convinced me about this. Because we started immediately to speak as brothers to each other, not as enemies who fight each other. Tucker Carlson is absolutely not pro-Russian. He's a liberal and an American patriot, and I am a Russian patriot. 
Saint George killing the dragon, the common enemy of the human race

Obviously, we have many things in common but also disagreements concerning geopolitics, multi-polarity, Protestantism or Liberalism, for example. But in spite of all these, the main core of our world vision is the same. We are both fighting for Christianity, for the faith, for the roots, for the tradition, for the eternity, and for the human dignity. And we are fighting exactly the same enemy.
So we need to take inspiration from each other. I am considered to be the main anti-Western Russian thinker. But I love Western tradition and admire Western philosophers. I am a follower of Plato, of Heidegger, of Aristotle, and of Christian thought in the West and in the East. We are totally free to have this inspiration from the classical heritage of each other because the Russian tradition has maybe the same roots as the Western one.

Plato, Aristotle, Greece, Rome, Byzantine Empire, Roman Empire, Mediterranean culture - all that we have in common. And we try to preserve, to conserve and to save something of it because the modern Western elite eliminates anything that has real classical roots. In that sense, we are in the same boat and on the same front line with American and Western European patriots. It is not about either West or East. It is about tradition and roots versus globalism and its artificial, anti-human and nihilist hegemony. That is our common enemy.
Quoted from:

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Fighting the Civilisation of Dajjal - the Antichrist | Alexander Dugin

The escalation of hostilities between Israel and Palestine undoubtedly unifies the Islamic world. Western conservatives once again invoke the defence of a ‘Judeo-Christian civilisation’ in the face of Muslims – the radical ideology of Hamas gives them a convenient pretext. Yet, a society deeply rooted in atheism, materialism, and the legalisation of various perversions, which has long since  abandoned theology and traditional values, cannot be considered either 'Christian' nor 'Jewish'. There is no such thing as a 'Judeo-Christian' world. This is pure nonsense. In contrast, the Islamic world exists, and its traditions remain strong. The dynamic is not Judeo-Christians versus Muslims; it is Muslims against a satanic culture, against Dajjal - the Antichrist.

» The collective West represents the utmost evil – the civilisation of Dajjal, the Antichrist. «
Biden’s idea to merge the themes of supporting Ukraine with that of Israel underlines this: the West always sides with those who obey its hegemony. Muslims were not enemies of Ukraine or allies of Russia (except the eschatologically awakened Iran and Syria), but now they may be. Russia represents a pole in a multipolar world, and Islam represents a pole in a multipolar world. Both poles stand against the West’s desperate attempts to maintain – even if it risks a world war – unipolarity and global dominance. The Palestinian conflict with Israel was not a civilisational frontline. Now it is. Similarly, the tensions between Russia and Ukraine were regional until the West supported the Nazis in Kiev. This made the war in Ukraine a frontline of a global confrontation between multipolarity and unipolarity.

The scale of this confrontation is expanding. The situation grows increasingly sinister. Billions globally are convinced that the collective West and its allies represent the utmost evil – the civilisation of Dajjal. Democrats, globalists, and neoconservatives are leading humanity straight into the abyss, strictly speaking, this is what demons are supposed to do.

Alexander Dugin (Oct 14, 2023) - Islam Will Prevail in the Multipolar World.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

The Alliance of Islam and Eastern Orthodox Christianity | Imran N. Hosein

This lecture was delivered at the [Lomonosov] State University of Moscow in July 2013 - more than 3 years ago - at the invitation of Professor Alexander Dugin [Head of the Department of Sociology of International Relations]. We choose to bring it back to attention because of the urgent need of forging Muslim friendship and alliance with the Orthodox Christian world in order that we might jointly resist a common enemy.

Sheikh Imran Hosein (2013) - The Role of Russia and Islam in changing the World Order. (video)

One of the main points made in this lecture - indeed it was used to also conclude the lecture - is that "Russia's moment in history has arrived". Three years later, Russia stands firmly and fearlessly, with admirable support from China, and from the masses of Muslims around the world who despise American oppression, in resisting the greatest oppressor mankind has ever known. The Great War or Malhamah that Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu 'alaihi wa sallam)  prophesied, and which is also present in Christian eschatology, is about to occur.
The United States is a country that is pivotally important for those who seek to impose the political dominion over all the mankind. And as a consequence they are now targeting Russia, forcing them to submit to their dictate. The United States is the most important country in the world for them at this time as Britain used to be once upon a time. It was the time of Pax analyzed. And now mysteriously it has transformed from Pax Brittanica into Pax Americana. And we see, again mysteriously, the United States is now in the state of irreversible decline and that another Pax is coming to replace Pax Americana – Pax Judaica.

But of course, it is not “Pax”, not peace. It is only war and a mountain of lies. So at this time, the United States is the most important country in the world for that Judeo-Christian-Zionist alliance that wants to impose its rule over the world. Another consequence is that it is necessary for them to intimidate and to silence whatever dissenting voices there may be within the United States first of all, and then outside the United States. And of course, the two most important communities to be targeted will be number one – Islam and number two – Orthodox Christianity. And then comes number three, which should be secular scholarship. This is why we have the war on Islam, which they call the war on terror.

The purpose of this is to intimidate and to silence any dissenting voices within the world of Islam in the United States of America. Islamic scholarship in the United States of America does not dare to offer any contrary opinion concerning 9/11, for example, other than the official version. And this is why I had to leave the United States. Because I knew I would not have the freedom to preach Islam as it ought to be preached in the United States. They call themselves the world’s greatest democracy. They call themselves the free society, the free world. But that’s a lie because there is no freedom in the United States of America, just like there is no freedom in Britain, and the freedom is declining in France to speak up and to declare any dissenting view from the mainstream view established by the Zionists.

Current events in the Middle East and all over the world, including Russia, in our opinion, cannot be completely and accurately analysed without eschatology. And our eschatological view is that in order for the transition to take place from Pax Americana to what we anticipate to be Pax Judaica or Israel’s replacement of the United States as ruling country of the world, and I hope that the Russian people are listening to me, for Israel’s replacement of the United States of America we need big wars. Israel is too small to rule the world. So either Israel has to expand and become a really big state or the world has to become smaller. Which of these two will it be? Answer: the world has to become smaller, thus, nuclear war. Russia does not want nuclear war; the armed forces of the United States of America also don’t want nuclear war because they much prefer to wage war on Libya and then go home and have dinner. But waging a nuclear war on Russia means that most of the mankind is going to perish.

Our eschatology tells us, our Prophet said (Allah's blessings be upon him) that 99 out every 100 in that big war will be killed. There has never been a war like this. Only a war that uses weapons of mass destruction, not conventional warfare, can kill so many people. Events which are now taking place, unfolding in the Middle East and in the rest of the world and, in particular, the relentless targeting of Russia, are intended to take the world into a nuclear war that nobody wants except the Zionists. They want that war because at the end of that war the two major powers in the world, the NATO block, and the Russian-Chinese block, would mutually destroy each other. That’s what they are hoping for.  And the world will be substantially smaller as a result. Additionally, in a post-nuclear war world, it would be possible for Israel to impose their rule over the rest of the world. This is our eschatological view.

But their understanding of what a post-nuclear war world would be is wrong, because our Prophet has said so (Allah's blessings be upon him). Only a prophet can speak like this, not political scientists, not even in Russia, no analyst of strategic affairs in the world could speak as our Prophet spoke and said that after the big war the Christians will call Armageddon, the Muslims call it the Malhamah and we know it to be a nuclear war. 
The Islamic eschatological view is that Orthodox Christian Russia will survive this Great War as well, as it has survived centuries of relentless bogus Ottoman Jihad, and so many other wars since then, to re-emerge in a post-nuclear world as a power capable of joining with Islam in liberating Constantinople. Attacks on Russia are going to continue until the Son of Mary returns. And because these attacks are going to continue, not only Russia but also the world of Islam must come together in a greater friendship and closer ties, leading to an alliance.


See also: