Showing posts with label Technocracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Technocracy. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Give Russia a Free Hand All the Way to the English Channel | Curtis Yarvin

There are no realistic American foreign-policy goals, in the usual sense, for Europe. Realistic foreign-policy goals are either military or economic. Europe is not a military threat to the United States in any way. Europe has a trade surplus with the US, which means that cutting off trade with Europe would by definition grow the US economy.

 Now it is Russia’s fate to again restore order in Europe. «
Curtis Yarvin, a friend of Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, and JD Vance, is a forethinker of American absolute monarchy and CEO-technofeudalism, aimed at replacing the current ossified and dysfunctional American oligarchical regime. A software engineer, Yarvin began as a tech entrepreneur before evolving into a liberal heretic blogger with the pen name 'Mencius Moldbug', and eventually a talkative public intellectual, hailed by both parts of the US tech oligarchy and conservative circles.
Rather, under a Trump administration, the goal of US foreign policy in Europe is to impact domestic power in America. [...] The liquidation of “Ukraine,” comedian-Presidents, petrochemical magnates and all—will be an enormous blow to both State and Defense. It will suggest to all other client states that Washington can no longer guarantee their “sovereignty,” whether by diplomacy or by force. But thinking only in terms of [Ukraine being] “the Texas of Russia” is thinking way too small. Rather, Trump should give Russia a free hand not just in Russian-speaking territories—but all the way to the English Channel.

» There is only one way: withdraw from Europe. «
Isolationist Curtis Yarvin talking with Pete Quiñones about Trump 2.0 in 2024: Ruling by executive orders, 
the end of globalism and democracy, the withdrawal of all US forces from Europe, and leaving it to 
Russia to deal with Ukraine and the rest of the Continent, January 21, 2022.
The goal of a Trumpist foreign policy in Europe is to withdraw American influence from Europe. This will guarantee the defeat of liberalism on the Continent. Here in America, this will show liberals and conservatives alike that liberalism is mortal—with gargantuan effects on the morale of both. And as Clausewitz said, all conflicts are mainly about morale.

Liberal ideas are not indigenous to the region. They are Anglo-American ideas. They washed in on a tide of money, fashion, and bombs. And what nation has done more and better work, in the last two centuries, at defeating liberalism in Europe? While the Germans in the 20th century may have tried—the Russians in the 19th succeeded. [...] Now it is Russia’s fate to again restore order in Europe. Since America is stronger than Russia, Trump needs to let Putin really know it’s okay to do it. There is only one way to send this message unequivocally: withdraw from Europe.

Money Can Buy Is Trying To Grab Nord Stream Before Leaving For Good. Versailles 3.0. Make These Goys Pay Again.  
Greenland-Canada Calling. Four-Thumbs-Up.

Trump will order the withdrawal of all US forces and diplomats, all bases, embassies and consulates, from the continent of Europe. Any diplomatic conversations, if any are still necessary, can be handled by email or zoom. [...] If these facilities did not exist, no one would invent them. In their nominal purpose—peer-to-peer communication between sovereign governments—they are anachronous. In their actual purpose—client-server supervision of satellite governments—they are obnoxious. By withdrawing all American personnel stationed in Europe, Trump is not abandoning Europe—he is setting it free. Much as Gorbachev freed the Warsaw Pact.
Tucker Carlson talking with Curtis Yarvin about 
the Perils of American Oligarchy, September 9, 2021.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

China Already Won the Next Trade War with the US | Keyu Jin

Keyu Jin, a Harvard-educated professor from the London School of Economics, is one of the world’s leading insiders into the Chinese economy. She lays out the exact reasons why China is entering this next trade war with the US from a position of strength. China embraces strategic long-term planning, and when Donald Trump launched his first trade war against China back in 2018, the Chinese learned a valuable lesson: Never be too reliant on your main trading partner. China has long been preparing for reduced exposure to the US, diversifying in all aspects—not just in terms of trading partners and investment, but also in digital currencies and payment systems.  
 » Never be too reliant on your main trading partner. Diversify.
Don't be at the mercy of the dollar, nor the US financial system. «
Over the past seven years, China has strategically developed key industries that are set to dominate the future of our world: AI, quantum computing, blockchain, e-commerce, EVs, 5G networks, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, materials science and nanotechnology, advanced manufacturing, 3D printing, robotics, space exploration, high-speed rail, advanced transportation and urban technologies, green technologies, agri-tech, and geoengineering—mirroring the complete technocratic Fourth Industrial Revolution agenda of the World Economic Forum. At Davos, Professor Jin explains how this shift has transformed the global economy:
"If you look at industries like electric vehicles (EVs) and solar panels—what they call new productive forces—very little of it is actually going to the US. This shift has pushed China to embrace new opportunities, sign new trade deals, and establish new trading partners. Global trade has actually expanded, and China's position in the world as a share of global exports has risen, while the US's has declined. So, while the US is retreating, China is opening up as much as possible. This is why Premier Li Keqiang (2013-2023) has repeatedly said China will unilaterally open up, offering zero tariffs to the least developed countries. We should not underestimate the degree and pace of fragmentation that is happening—multipolarity and the rise of economic blocs. We are already seeing the data, whether it's investment or trade, regarding the interaction between non-aligned blocs and aligned blocs. If you go around the world, asking the likes of Brazil or Asian countries, what are they saying? The same thing: Diversify. Don't be at the mercy of the dollar, nor the US financial system."

China halted exports of several rare minerals, including gallium, germanium, antimony, and superhard
materials to the US, citing their dual military and civilian uses. In response to a 10 percent levy
on Chinese goods, China also imposed a 15 percent tariff on US imports of coal and LNG.
This cannot be overstated. All of these new industries in which China is leading—electric vehicles, solar panels, and high-speed rail—are mostly not going to the United States. In the US you won’t see a single Chinese EV on the road. But in places like Thailand, Australia, and Brazil, Chinese automakers are dominating the market. Look at the top 20 fastest-growing economies on earth: Every single one of them is in the Global South—in the Middle East, North Africa, Asia Pacific, and Sub-Saharan Africa. Meanwhile, not a single American or European country is on that list. Many Western economies are stuck with zero to 3% growth, teetering on the edge of recession. And who is the number one trading partner for every single one of these rising economies? China. China hasn’t just dominated the fastest-growing regions; it has become the largest trading partner for the majority of the world. That’s why China can withstand this tariff war far better than the US.

eepSeek R1 is AI's Sputnik moment. «
Marc Andreessen, January 26, 2025.

Simply put: China has a plethora of options. But it doesn’t stop there. It’s not just about who is growing; it's also about who is declining. Western economies are not what they once were. The average American—and European, for that matter—simply doesn't have the same disposable income they did decades ago. And this trend is only worsening. This presents a massive problem for Trump, as his biggest leverage in this trade war is supposed to be the US consumer market. But what happens when that market isn't as powerful as it used to be? That only leaves the industrial sector, where the US is simply no match for China.

This is China’s, not AI's, “Sputnik moment”. «

At the same time, the United States currently has sanctions on more than a third of the global economy, including 60% of all poor countries. As a Global South country, looking at who to trade with, it’s a no-brainer: China is clearly the better partner. While China has been building bridges and securing trade deals, Trump has been doing the exact opposite—taxing his closest allies. Under his administration, every country or region that has a trade surplus with the United States is now a target. The message is clear: If your country sells more goods to the US than the US sells to yours, you have two options: either relocate your industries to the US or face trade tariffs. Even Canada—one of the United States' closest allies and neighbor—was hit with 25% tariffs before Trump saw the stock market crash and quickly announced a 30-day pause to give time for Canada to negotiate. What Trump will do with the rest of the world has yet to be seen, but one thing is for certain: other countries aren't waiting around to find out. Every major economy is scrambling to diversify and find alternatives to US trade dependence.

» 2025 is the year when the investment community realizes that China is surpassing the rest of the world. «
Deutsche Bank, February 05, 2025.
While the US falters and the EU looks for an economic lifeline, Asia has firmly established itself as the center of global economic growth, with China at the helm as the undisputed economic superpower. China now accounts for more than 30% of the world’s total manufacturing output. China has completely leapfrogged the rest of the world in producing sophisticated industrial goods at a scale and cost that no Western country can compete with. 
Looking west, the Persian Gulf nations—Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and others—have also begun prioritizing their relationships with China and India. Why? Energy. Asia now accounts for over 70% of total oil and gas exports from the Gulf. This energy trade, combined with the region's critical position along the New Silk Road connecting China to Europe, has turned the Middle East into one of the biggest beneficiaries of this new global economic order. 
I expect a sharp recovery in China’s economy in the latter half of 2025, boosting global performance. «
Simon Hunt, January 11, 2025.
The global landscape is quickly changing. One of the fastest-growing economic blocs is ASEAN—the Southeast Asian powerhouse economies of Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia. These countries are crucial for China’s future success. The biggest changes in trade can be seen in Asia. Nearly 60% of Asia's trade happens within the region, and half of the world’s fastest-growing trade corridors are there. In 2023, China's exports to ASEAN nations bypassed those from the United States. And with a majority of these countries either already in BRICS or set to join, these trade relationships will only deepen.

 » The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting. « 

 » Americans are not known to like Chinese, nor are they known to like Muslims.
But somehow they like Chinese Muslims a lot. «
Former Foreign Minister of Singapore, George Yeo, on the Xinjiang Uyghur issue, May 23, 2023.


Saturday, April 6, 2024

Construction of Hell in the Modern Era | Alexander Dugin

When did everything go wrong? In the era of the great geographical discoveries. By crossing the forbidden boundary of the Pillars of Hercules, Western Europe committed an act of irreversible transgression. This was fatal. The place of Atlantis is at the bottom.

 » The cycle of hell construction is almost complete. «

[...] Five hundred years ago, Western Europe began to systematically lose its sanity. And it went mad because once having begun to go mad, eventually you will go mad. Thus, four anomalies were formed.

1. Atheism and materialism in the scientific worldview, based on nominalism and a pathological Protestant ideology, were prevalent. Even then, it could have been concluded that the West was entering an Antichrist mode, with all things Western and modern irreversibly marked by it. The British pseudo-Empire marked the beginning of hypertrophied Atlanticism. The Anglo-Saxons embodied the biblical Leviathan. In the twentieth century, the baton was passed to the USA, but the dominance of the sea civilisation is England’s legacy.
2. The Middle Ages and its Indo-European tri-functional ideology, Catholicism, and Empire were rejected and ridiculed, replaced by a form of capitalism that was pathological in all respects. Ideologically, it later diverged into liberalism (the main form of mental degeneration), nationalism, and an inverted version that acknowledged its foundational principles — socialism. Any ideological movement within the system of capitalism was doomed to mimicry and collapse. Capitalism is absolutely totalitarian. As Deleuze showed, capitalism culminates in schizophrenia.
3. The philosophy of the modern era split (without warning) into an eccentric continuation of the classical tradition and into destructive perversions in solidarity with materialism and the externalism of science. This caused systematic confusion — a semantic shift in interpretations. Thought struggled in the nets like a deer, sometimes breaking through. But where there was breakthrough and where agony, no one reliably knew; often everything appeared to be strictly the opposite.
4. Culture began to transition into civilisation (according to Spengler), cooling down but not without excesses — from time to time, an unpredictable genius discerned the essence of the thickening darkness and pierced it with a shining needle. Overall, culture was deliberately sliding into hell.

Russia suddenly found itself at war with all this — without wishing, understanding, preparing, or expecting it at all. Russia was placed by an invisible hand in the position it now finds itself. Now, against all odds, we must — institutionally! — respond to all the challenges of the civilisation of the Antichrist, including the challenge of technology. All the electronic devices with which the West has equipped humanity turned out to have a catch — through them, it turns out, someone unknown collects information about everyone in order to then rule unchallenged.
 On April 4, the day of the 75th anniversary of the founding
of NATO, lightning struck the torch of the Statue of Liberty.

What people hide the most are their sins. They are of interest to Big Brother. He records them and lets them in when needed. Techno-dependence is the most perfect tool of the devil and his civilisation. We rejoice in digitalisation — we help the devil rule us. But what are oceans of sins if not a field of madness? The cycle of hell construction is almost complete. In its way — only our desperate Special Military Operation. Well, how do you propose we interpret it?