Showing posts with label Propaganda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Propaganda. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Russia Happy with Harris and Trump | Alexander Dugin

If Trump wins, he will act differently than he did during his first term in office. He won't have another chance to put his ideas into action. And he does have ideas. He wants to change everything in both US foreign and domestic policy. And now he's not gonna care about the Swamp. He will have to napalm it. In fact, he'll establish a national idea against globalism, and maybe even raise the dizzyingly Hegelian question of constitutional monarchy. And how else to make America great again than by proclaiming a monarchy! And you have Curtis Yarvin, the mastermind behind the post-liberal right-wing Vance, saying the same thing. And yes, Trump will likely lift sanctions on Russia and try to break our alliance with China.

»  We'll be supporting not Trump, but Kamala Harris. She will destroy America for sure. «

However, we'll be supporting not Trump, but Kamala Harris. And rightfully so. After all, she will destroy America for sure. It's certainly a safer option. But we're happy with either candidate. We can deal with either a great strong American monarchy based on traditional values (Trump will quickly eliminate all its furries and quadrobers and lgbt+ people, take away dope from drug addicts, and finally build the highest wall with Latin America), or stoned liberal degenerates on all fours, who abandon their old astronauts in orbit because of commercial expediency and encourage illegal migrants to rob stores and kill whites. These are very promising elections for Russia. So, we have no reason to interfere in them. What for?

Chinese Intellectual Shen Yi on the U.S. presidential Debate —  September 10, 2024.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Putin Aligns with Biden's Support for Kamala Harris as Next U.S. President

Russian President Vladimir Putin told the participants of the 9th Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok on Wednesday: "I said that if we could name a favorite candidate, it was Joe Biden."
Her laugh is so fascinating. «

» It means that everything is good. «

"But now Biden is not participating in the election campaign, and he recommended to all his allies to support Ms. Harris. So this is what we are going to do. Well, her laugh is so fascinating. It means that everything is good. In the end, it will be the choice of the U.S. people, and we will respect this choice."

In the U.S. the media is the enemy of the people. «

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Satanic Olympic Opening Shitshow in Paris | Angelo Giuliano

The opening of the Olympics in France was a ritual, calculated, and pervert public assassination of France, French culture, Olympic values and Western 'civilization'. After this freak show Angelo Giuliano, a Hong Kong-based Italian journalist and financial analyst told Sputnik: I would love to work for Sputnik in Russia and would not hesitate a second to swap my Italian passport for a Russian passport.
 The opening of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris is the final judgment on modern Western civilization. 
The West is cursed, and this is axiomatic. Anyone who does not immediately take up arms to destroy
this Satanic civilization, unprecedented in its brazenness, is complicit with it. Occidens delenda est.

Guiliano spoke to Sputnik after a social media post in which he asked Russia to grant him 
asylum after watching the sh*t-show of an Olympic opening ceremony in Paris went viral. The ceremony featured a controversial and offensive drag queen parody of the Last Supper.

French Catholic Church's Conference of Bishops condemned the blasphemous Last Supper scene
at the Olympics opening and deplored scenes of derision and mockery of Christianity.

The Paris Olympics are 
a disgrace for France, Giuliano said. The Olympic ceremony should be a family event showing the beauty of sport, of humanity, of France’s history and instead we were faced by profanation of Christianity, faced with nudity, decadence and Satanist messages.

Dancers performed the “Myocarditis Dance” simulating 
athletes who’ve died suddenly on national television.

Giuliano believes there is a 
powerful minority in the collective West that’s imposing upon the silent majority their globalist agenda in politics and social engineering project designed to radically transform societies and force a new form of fascism disguised as liberalism down people’s throats. This new system is disguised as a tolerant society but is in fact a repressive apparatus that controls the media, the narrative and shuts down alternative voices, he said.

I personally don’t want my son to be educated in Europe and would prefer to live in China or Russia to give a healthier environment to my son, Giuliano said. Russia is a beautiful country with beautiful people, it has preserved its culture, history, traditions, religion, family values. This is all what most people love and what the elites of the collective West want to destroy, he noted.
 As usual, Macron was completely overwhelmed by himself.
If any doubt remained about what was going on yesterday at the Olympics opening ceremony - a single rider on a pale horse appeared straight out of the Book of the Apocalypse (6:8):

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, 
and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, 
to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Look at the filth on display in Paris and remember these words of 2022: 
Look what they are doing to their own peoples . [...] The West is run by Satanic pedophiles
[...] They are destroying the institution of the family, their cultures and historical identities
[...] Pedophilia is now accepted as the norm.
What about the pope? He is silent. Is he not offended? Is he not a Christian? 
Serbs, which civilization do you belong to?
Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vulin addressed his nation today in connection with the Satanic opening orgy of the Olympic Games in Paris: This single event should explain the difference and the reason for the clash of the civilization between the New West and the civilization of the New East: It is the opening of the Olympic Games in Paris and the opening of the BRICS Games in Kazan, Russia. In Paris, Marie Antoinette sings, holds a bloody severed head in her hands, and the patient who set it all up shows The Last Supper as a scene from a porn movie. In Kazan athletes under national flags, folk dances without Satanic symbols, without severed heads, without sick visions only focus about sports in a healthy environment.

See also: