Showing posts with label Mind Control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mind Control. Show all posts

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Telegram Founder Pavel Durov Arrested In France | Laura Ruggeri

I see only two possible outcomes after Durov's Arrest: Either Durov cooperates with EU/NATO or the platform will be banned altogether. When you are facing a very lengthy sentence for crimes that any user of your platform could have committed (the list is endless), the possibility that Durov will cave in is almost a certainty. 
 France decided to prescribe the Assange treatment to Durov.

Under the Orwellian Digital Services Act adopted by the EU in 2022, key requirements include disclosing to regulators how the platform  algorithms work, removing content deemed illegal or any content that EU-funded "fact-checkers" deem inappropriate. Think of what falls foul of  Facebook "community rules" and you get a pretty good idea of what kind of content will be censored. Of course Durov will have to provide a backdoor and encryption keys to Western intelligence services and the police.


Mike Benz joins Tucker Carlson and breaks down everything about the US Deep State’s
involvement in Telegram, and why they arrested Pavel Durov. Watch the full conversation HERE.
French authorities accuse Durov, who holds citizenships in Russia, France, Saint Kitts and Nevis, and the U.A.E., of complicity in drug trafficking, crimes against children and fraud due to the lack of moderation on his Telegram messenger platform. He could face up to 20 years in prison on all those charges, said Alain Duflot, a French specialist in international law and lecturer at the University of Lyon. Durov received French citizenship in 2021 and will stand trial as a French citizen, French TF1 TV reports. Analysts believe France may use Durov's trial to impose EU sanctions against Telegram, and doubt the possibility of Durov being released either before his trial on bail or after the trial. As he is a French citizen, his extradition to Russia or participation in a prisoner swap deal is reportedly impossible, despite the fact that he also has Russian citizenship.
TikTok. Telegram. X. Rumble.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

The Destruction of the United States as we know it | Martin Armstrong

I have studied many forms of government. I have found that Republics have always crumbled to dust because they are the most corrupt form of government one can create. Even a Dictatorship or Monarchy is never so corrupt, for they are not suspectable to bribery as Republics. The criticism of Democracy has come from the Greek philosophers who saw the people as too stupid to make decisions. Our representatives look down upon us the same way. 
 » If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, 
you will succumb in every battle. «
Sun Tzu, The Art of War.

Many wanted to believe that the Roman Republic was a democracy. Yet, this democracy was a total facade, for it was always under aristocratic rule – not the common people. We too live in a facade where they tell us who is the enemy and we are expected to fight and die who their pleasure. We have no right to vote should we go to war against Russia or China. Rome was the same way. The people had no real rights in this regard.

Assuming they do not take up Alexander Soros’ bold implicate to assassinate Trump so he can flood the United States with his Open Society that disregards culture, religion, and ethics, the computer is forecasting a tumultuous post-2024 election in 2025. History repeats for human nature never changes. What we will see post-2024 is the destruction of the United States as we know it.

See also:

The Psychology of Modern Leftism | Theodore Kaczynski

59. We divide human drives into three groups: (1) those drives that can be satisfied with minimal effort; (2) those that can be satisfied but only at the cost of serious effort; (3) those that cannot be adequately satisfied no matter how much effort one makes. The power process is the process of satisfying the drives of the second group. The more drives there are in the third group, the more there is frustration, anger, eventually defeatism, depression, etc.

 Assistant professor Kaczynski at UC Berkeley in 1968.

60. In modern industrial society natural human drives tend to be pushed into the first and third groups, and the second group tends to consist increasingly of artificially created drives.

 » The truth is superior to provability. « 

See also:

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Google's woke AI makes Vikings black and the Pope a Woman

The men of today boast of the ever growing extent of the modifications they impose on the world, and the consequence is that everything is thereby made more and more ‘artificial’.

The falsification of everything has been shown to be one of the characteristic features of our period, but falsification is not in itself subversion properly so-called, though contributing directly to the preparation for it. Perhaps the clearest indication of this is what may be called the falsification of language, taking the form of the misuse of certain words that have been diverted from their true meaning; misuse of this kind is to some extent imposed by constant suggestion on the part of everyone who exercises any kind of influence over the mentality of the public.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Telepathy on a Global Scale │ Michael Persinger

No more secrets.” (HERE)
Suppose you had access to every person’s brain, and they had access to yours?” asks Dr. Michael Persinger (HERE), cognitive neuroscientist and professor at Laurentian University in Ontario. Dr. Persinger is convinced that this is not only possible but is immanent in the coming future. His pioneering research (HERE) shows a strong correlation between the Earth’s magnetic field and the human brain: Very small changes in the activity of the Earth’s magnetic field due to alterations in solar activity can affect all human beings. These direct effects are primarily upon the subtle but complex electromagnetic fields that interact with everyone’s consciousness due to the marked similarity of the characteristics of our brains and our genetic history. This creates the potential for the function of every person’s brain activity to be changed without their awareness. If Michael Persinger is correct, the Earth’s magnetic field is constantly interfacing with our own brains in such a manner as to influence our thoughts, emotions and behaviors. This interface, however, seems to have another effect: Dr. Persinger’s research seems to indicate that the geomagnetic field can store and transmit all the information of every human brain in history. And if this informational reservoir can be tapped into, there will be no more secrets.