Antony Sutton (1975) - Old John D. Rockefeller and his 19th century fellow-capitalists were convinced of one absolute truth: that no great monetary wealth could be accumulated under the impartial rules of a competitive laissez faire society. The only sure road to the acquisition of massive wealth was monopoly: drive out your competitors, reduce competition, eliminate laissez-faire, and above all get state protection for your industry through compliant politicians and government regulation. This last avenue yields a legal monopoly, and a legal monopoly always leads to wealth.
This robber baron schema is also, under different labels, the socialist plan. The difference between a corporate state monopoly and a socialist state monopoly is essentially only the identity of the group controlling the power structure. The essence of socialism is monopoly control by the state using hired planners and academic sponges. On the other hand, Rockefeller, Morgan, and their corporate friends aimed to acquire and control their monopoly and to maximize its profits through influence in the state political apparatus; this, while it still needs hired planners and academic sponges, is a discreet and far more subtle process than outright state ownership under socialism. Success for the Rockefeller gambit has depended particularly upon focusing public attention upon largely irrelevant and superficial historical creations, such as the myth of a struggle between capitalists and communists, and careful cultivation of political forces by big business. We call this phenomenon of corporate legal monopoly — market control acquired by using political influence — by the name of corporate socialism.The most lucid and frank description of corporate socialism and its mores and objectives is to be found in a 1906 booklet by Frederic Clemson Howe, Confessions of a Monopolist [...]:
"This is the story of something for nothing — of making the other fellow pay. This making the other fellow pay, of getting something for nothing, explains the lust for franchises, mining rights, tariff privileges, railway control, tax evasions. All these things mean monopoly, and all monopoly is bottomed on legislation. And monopoly laws are born in corruption. The commercialism of the press, or education, even of sweet charity, is part of the price we pay for the special privileges created by law. The desire of something for nothing, of making the other fellow pay, of monopoly in some form or other, is the cause of corruption. Monopoly and corruption are cause and effect. Together, they work in Congress, in our Commonwealths, in our municipalities. It is always so. It always has been so. Privilege gives birth to corruption, just as the poisonous sewer breeds disease. Equal chance, a fair field and no favors, the "square deal" are never corrupt. They do not appear in legislative halls nor in Council Chambers. For these things mean labor for labor, value for value, something for something. This is why the little business man, the retail and wholesale dealer, the jobber, and the manufacturer are not the business men whose business corrupts politics."
Howe's opposite to this system of corrupt monopoly is described as "labor for labor, value for value, something for something." But these values are also the essential hall marks of a market system, that is, a purely competitive system, where market clearing prices are established by impartial interaction of supply and demand in the market place. Such an impartial system cannot, of course, be influenced or corrupted by politics. The monopoly economic system based on corruption and privilege described by Howe is a politically run economy. It is at the same time also a system of disguised forced labor, called by Ludwig von Mises the Zwangswirtschaft, a system of compulsion. It is this element of compulsion that is common to all politically run economies: Hitler's New Order, Mussolini's corporate state, Kennedy's New Frontier, Johnson's Great Society, and Nixon's Creative Federalism. Compulsion was also an element in Herbert Hoover's reaction to the depression and much more obviously in Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal and the National Recovery Administration.
[...] In modern America the most significant illustration of society as a whole working for the few is the 1913 Federal Reserve Act. The Federal Reserve System is, in effect, a private banking monopoly, not answerable to Congress or the public, but with legal monopoly control over money supply without let or hindrance or even audit by the General Accounting Office. More HERE
Showing posts with label OT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OT. Show all posts
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
The Swamp of Corporate Socialism | Something for Nothing
Antony C. Sutton,
Corporate Socialism,
Donald John Trump,
Federal Reserve System,
Franklin D. Roosevelt,
John D. Rockefeller,
John Pierpont Morgan,
Ludwig von Mises,
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Eleven Fiscal Commandments for Modern Governance | Amilcare Puviani
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“Financial Theory of Illusion” (1903) by Prof. Amilcare Puviani (1854 - 1907) |
Answering to the question: “If a government were trying to squeeze as much money as possible out of a population, what would it do?", Italian economist Amilcare Puviani elaborated the following canon of eleven fiscal commandments for modern governance:
- The use of indirect rather than direct taxes, so that the tax is hidden in the price of goods.
- Inflation, by which the state reduces the value of everyone else's currency.
- Borrowing, so as to postpone the necessary taxation.
- Gift and luxury taxes, where the tax accompanies the receipt or purchase of something special, lessening the annoyance of the tax.
- "Temporary” taxes, which somehow never get repealed when the emergency passes.
- Taxes that exploit social conflict, by placing higher taxes on unpopular groups.
- The threat of social collapse or withholding monopoly government services if taxes are reduced.
- Collection of the total tax burden in relatively small increments over time, rather than in a yearly lump sum.
- Taxes whose exact incidence cannot be predicted in advance, thus keeping the taxpayer unaware of just how much he is paying.
- Extraordinary budget complexity to hide the budget process from public understanding.
- The use of generalized expenditure categories to make it difficult for outsiders to assess the individual components of the budget.”
Amilcare Puviani,
Fiscal Illusion,
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Google Removes Security Warnings Related To Time Price Research URL
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In December 2017 Google suddenly started assigning security threats (malware, phishing etc.) to the URL of this blog. Thanks to Google's absurd claims and security alerts the monthly page-views rapidly declined from an average of 158,000 down to 23,000 in June 2018. Seven requests to Google to please review this issue were ignored. Only yesterday Google pointed out that "http://time-price-research- no longer contains links to harmful sites or downloads", and "warnings visible to users are being removed". Thank you, dear Google! See also HERE |
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Fourth of July | A Masonic Holiday
The Eye of Horus, the Eye of Providence, or the All-Seeing Eye of God inside a triangle,
surrounded by the glow of Sirius, the Blazing Star of masonry (as seen on the gate of Aachen
Cathedral in Germany), is also featured on the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States.
surrounded by the glow of Sirius, the Blazing Star of masonry (as seen on the gate of Aachen
Cathedral in Germany), is also featured on the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States.
The US Independence Day on the 4th of July is commonly associated not with masonry but with fireworks, parades, barbecues, baseball games, family reunions, political speeches, and ceremonies. However, the legal separation of the Thirteen Colonies from Great Britain in 1776 actually occurred on July 2nd, when the Second Continental Congress voted to approve a resolution of independence that had been proposed in June by Richard Henry Lee of Virginia, declaring the United States independent from Great Britain's rule. After voting for independence, Congress turned its attention to the Declaration of Independence, a statement explaining this decision, which had been prepared by a Committee of Five, with Thomas Jefferson as its principal author. Congress debated and revised the wording of the Declaration, ultimately approving it two days later, on July 4th. It was read to the citizens of Philadelphia from the balcony of the Council chamber of the State House on July 8th, 1776.
So, why do the United States celebrate the 4th of July? Since many of the founding fathers were enlightened masons (Illuminati) of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, and Freemasonry is rooted in ancient mystery schools of solar worship, the date of the American Declaration of Independence was far from arbitrary. In 1776, the solar aphelion (Greek apo = from + helios = Sun, meaning "aphelion" = away from the Sun) and the conjunction of the Sun with Sirius both occurred on July 4th.
Independent, farthest from the Sun (aphelion):
2018 Jul 06 (Fri) 12:46
2019 Jul 04 (Wed) 18:10
2020 Jul 04 (Wed) 07:34
Sun conjunct Sirius:
2018 Jul 03 (Tue) 02:00
2019 Jul 03 (Wed) 07:41
2020 Jul 02 (Thu) 13:31
2018 Jul 06 (Fri) 12:46
2019 Jul 04 (Wed) 18:10
2020 Jul 04 (Wed) 07:34
Sun conjunct Sirius:
2018 Jul 03 (Tue) 02:00
2019 Jul 03 (Wed) 07:41
2020 Jul 02 (Thu) 13:31
Every year, during the first days of July, the Sun conjoins Sirius at 13.5 degrees Cancer, meaning the Sun moves directly in front of Sirius. Interestingly, this alignment occurs when the major axis of the Earth’s orbit is farthest from the Sun. Sirius is located in the constellation Canis Major (the Big Dog) – with coordinates RA 6h45m8.9s and Dec -16°42'52.1" (or 101.2833 degrees longitude and -16.7144 degrees declination) – and is therefore known as the Dog Star. It is over twenty times brighter than our Sun and twice as massive. At night, Sirius is the brightest star in the sky, its blue-white glare having amazed stargazers since the dawn of time. Sirius is said to be the Sun of our Sun, and as such, it is considered more important for humans on Earth than even the Galactic Center.
The Washington Monument is constructed within a Vesica Pisces,
that is created by the orbiting bodies of our Sun and Sirius.
that is created by the orbiting bodies of our Sun and Sirius.
In Ancient Egypt, Sirius was regarded as the most important star in the sky. In fact, it was astronomically the foundation of the Egyptians’ entire religious system. Revered as Sothis, it was associated with Isis, the mother goddess of Egyptian mythology. Isis is the female aspect of a trinity formed by herself, Osiris, and their son Horus. Ancient Egyptians held Sirius in such high regard that most of their deities were, in some way, linked to the star. Anubis, the dog-headed god of death, had a clear connection with the Dog Star, and Thoth-Hermes, the divine messenger and great teacher of humanity, was also esoterically connected to Sirius.
The Egyptian calendar system was based on the heliacal rising of Sirius, which occurred just before the annual flooding of the Nile during the summer. In the Egyptian Book of the Dead, Sirius is described as the place where souls go after leaving the body, and Egyptian temples were oriented toward the star. The celestial movement of Sirius was also observed and revered by ancient Greeks, Sumerians, Babylonians, and countless other civilizations. Sirius was thus considered sacred, and its appearance in the sky was marked by feasts and celebrations. The Dog Star heralded the arrival of the hot and dry days of July and August, giving rise to the popular term "the dog days of summer."
The presidential inauguration ceremony, performed once every four years at exactly high noon and 19.5 days into the new year, takes place on the balcony of the US Capitol (often symbolized as the ever-pregnant belly of Isis), facing the Washington Monument (representing the erect phallus of Osiris). In this moment, the event is symbolically portrayed as the birth of the next US president.
Since antiquity, there has been much speculation about the binary system of our Sun, Helios, and Sirius. In this system, the perigee cycle between the two stars causes periodicities of massive celestial upheavals and serves as the foundation of the Yuga cycles. (What the naked eye perceives as a single star is, in fact, a binary star system, consisting of a white main-sequence star of spectral type A0 or A1, known as Sirius A, and a faint white dwarf companion of spectral type DA2, called Sirius B).
The esoteric foundation of the United States, as well as that of the entire modern Western world, rests upon this ancient Egyptian astro-theology. It is important to understand, therefore, that Egypt became Greece, Greece became Rome, Rome became Venice, Venice became Amsterdam and England, and England ultimately became the imperial United States—the latest incarnation of ancient Egypt. True, if there is an actual guiding intelligence behind mankind’s evolution, it should most certainly be associated with Sirius. The United States, with its natal Sun conjunct Sirius, would thus represent the clearest channel for this extra-human agency to manifest its will, whatever that may be.
However, for those who assume that supernatural guidance was America’s eternal fate and triumph, it might be wise to recall that all empires so far have had an expiration date. Regardless of financial strength, political power, or knowledge of previous historical life cycles, no empire leader has ever been able to prevent its supremacy from collapsing. For instance, the successive Chinese dynasties would always rise, remain, and fall, regardless of lessons learned from the past. Empire life cycles have followed a repetitive pattern, typically around 248 years: 1776 + 248 = 2024. (see also HERE).
However, for those who assume that supernatural guidance was America’s eternal fate and triumph, it might be wise to recall that all empires so far have had an expiration date. Regardless of financial strength, political power, or knowledge of previous historical life cycles, no empire leader has ever been able to prevent its supremacy from collapsing. For instance, the successive Chinese dynasties would always rise, remain, and fall, regardless of lessons learned from the past. Empire life cycles have followed a repetitive pattern, typically around 248 years: 1776 + 248 = 2024. (see also HERE).
John Bagot Glubb,
Mundane Astrology,
Natal Astrology,
Sacred Geometry,
Saturday, June 16, 2018
The Dot, the Line, and the Circle | Study and Application of Rational Procedure
The dot, being most proximate to perfection, is the simplest, and therefore the least imperfect of all symbols. The dot, moving away from self, projects the line; the line becomes the radius of an imaginary circle, and this circle is the circumference of the powers of the central dot.
Hypothetically, every sun has a periphery where its rays end, every human life a periphery where its influence ceases, every human mind a periphery beyond which it cannot function, and every human heart a periphery beyond which it cannot feel. Somewhere there is a limit to the scope of awareness. The circle is the symbol of this limit. It is the symbol of the vanishing point of central energy. The dot symbolizes the cause; the line, the means; and the circle, the end.
Motion away from self brings a decrease in consciousness and power; motion toward self brings a corresponding increase in consciousness and power. The farther the light ray travels from its source the weaker the ray.
The dot, the line, and the circle are the supreme and primary symbols. The dot is spirit and its symbol in the Chaldaic Hebrew – the Yod – is actually a seed or spermatozoon, a little comma with a twisting tail representing the germ of the not-self. In its first manifestation the dot elongates to form the line. The line is a string of dots made up of germ lives – the monadic lives of Leibnitz. From the seed growing in the earth comes the sprig – the line. The line, therefore, is the symbol of the dot in growth or motion. The sun is a great dot, a monad of life, and each of its rays a line – its own active principle in manifestation. The key thought is: The line is the motion of the dot.
The dot, or Sacred Island, is the beginning of existence, whether that of a universe or a man. The dot is the germ raised upon the surface of infinite duration. The potentialities signified by the blank paper are manifested as active potencies through the dot. Thus the limitless Absolute is manifested in a limited way.
Manly P. Hall (1929): Lectures on Ancient Philosophy. An Introduction to the Study and Application of Rational Procedure.
Hypothetically, every sun has a periphery where its rays end, every human life a periphery where its influence ceases, every human mind a periphery beyond which it cannot function, and every human heart a periphery beyond which it cannot feel. Somewhere there is a limit to the scope of awareness. The circle is the symbol of this limit. It is the symbol of the vanishing point of central energy. The dot symbolizes the cause; the line, the means; and the circle, the end.
Motion away from self brings a decrease in consciousness and power; motion toward self brings a corresponding increase in consciousness and power. The farther the light ray travels from its source the weaker the ray.
The dot, the line, and the circle are the supreme and primary symbols. The dot is spirit and its symbol in the Chaldaic Hebrew – the Yod – is actually a seed or spermatozoon, a little comma with a twisting tail representing the germ of the not-self. In its first manifestation the dot elongates to form the line. The line is a string of dots made up of germ lives – the monadic lives of Leibnitz. From the seed growing in the earth comes the sprig – the line. The line, therefore, is the symbol of the dot in growth or motion. The sun is a great dot, a monad of life, and each of its rays a line – its own active principle in manifestation. The key thought is: The line is the motion of the dot.
The dot, or Sacred Island, is the beginning of existence, whether that of a universe or a man. The dot is the germ raised upon the surface of infinite duration. The potentialities signified by the blank paper are manifested as active potencies through the dot. Thus the limitless Absolute is manifested in a limited way.
Manly P. Hall (1929): Lectures on Ancient Philosophy. An Introduction to the Study and Application of Rational Procedure.
Sunday, May 6, 2018
Greater Eurasia | Russia’s New Energy Gamble
Bruno Maçães (Apr 2018) - In October 2017, Rosneft Chief Executive Officer Igor Sechin took the unusual step of presenting a geopolitical report on the “Ideals of Eurasian integration” to an audience in Verona, Italy. One of the maps projected on the screen during the presentation (HERE) showed the supercontinent—what Russian circles call “Greater Eurasia”—as divided between three main regions. For Sechin, the crucial division is not between Europe and Asia, but between regions of energy consumption and regions of energy production. The former are organized on the western and eastern edges of the supercontinent: Europe, including Turkey, and the Asia Pacific, including India.
Between them we find three regions of energy production: Russia and the Arctic, the Caspian, and the Middle East. Interestingly, the map does not break these three regions apart, preferring to draw a delimitation line around all three. They are contiguous, thus forming a single bloc, at least from a purely geographic perspective.
Sechin’s map has a number of other interesting elements. As noted already, Turkey is left on the European side of the line delimiting the energy production core in the west. The same is true for Ukraine, which although unavoidable in this context is still an unusual inclusion in a map sanctioned by the highest echelons of Russian state power. If one looks at the world through the prism of energy geopolitics, then Ukraine is a European country—a consumer, not a producer.
[...] The map illustrates an important point about Russia’s new self-image. From the point of view of energy geopolitics, Europe and the Asia Pacific are perfectly equivalent, providing alternative sources of demand for energy resources. Russia has been struggling to abandon its traditional orientation toward Europe, hoping to benefit from the flexibility of being able to look both east and west to promote its interests. It seems that Sechin and Rosneft can place themselves in that position much more effortlessly.
Sechin’s map subtly makes one final—and decisive—point. As you consider the three areas it delimits, it becomes apparent that two of them are already led and organized by a leading actor: Germany in the case of Europe and China for the Asia Pacific. Production chains within these highly industrial regions are increasingly managed by German or Chinese companies, which tend to reserve the higher value segments for themselves. Their spheres of influence extend to all important inputs, with one glaring exception: energy. In order to address this vulnerability, the two regions of energy consumption will be attracted to the core region, where they need to ensure ready and secure access to energy resources. And their efforts may well be made easier by the fact that the core region of energy production lacks a hegemon capable of ensuring its survival as an autonomous unit in the Eurasian system.
The very same day he delivered his speech on Eurasian geopolitics, Sechin announced that Rosneft would take control of Iraqi Kurdistan’s main oil pipeline, boosting its investment in the autonomous region to $3.5 billion, despite Baghdad’s military action sparked by a Kurdish vote for independence. The move helped shield Kurdistan from increasing pressure from Baghdad. Two weeks later, Sechin went on to sign a preliminary pact with the National Iranian Oil Company, the first step before a binding deal to participate in Iran’s oil and gas projects over the next few years, with investments totaling up to $30 billion and a production plateau of 55 million tons of oil per year.
Four Russian oil companies have even begun negotiating for opportunities in Syria, a venture driven as much by politics as by commercial interest. The aim is not to explore and extract Syria’s modest petroleum reserves, of course. By actively participating in rebuilding and operating Syrian oil and gas infrastructure, Russian energy companies will be in control of a critical transit route for Iranian and Qatari oil and gas heading to Europe, bringing two rival producers closer to its orbit and tightening its stranglehold on the European gas supply. In 2009, Qatar proposed to run a natural gas pipeline through Syria and Turkey to Europe. Instead, Al-Assad forged a pact with Iran to build a pipeline from the Persian Gulf and then through Iraq and Syria and under the Mediterranean. This project had to be postponed because of the war. When it is resumed, Russia will be in control.
It is in the very nature of the Eurasian system described by Sechin that the core energy production region—provided it is sufficiently united and organized—will benefit from its central position, being able to pick and choose between east and west in order to obtain the most favorable terms. Russia and the Middle East are now part of the same geopolitical unit. It took the Russian military intervention in Syria for the world to start to come to terms with this reality.
Four Russian oil companies have even begun negotiating for opportunities in Syria, a venture driven as much by politics as by commercial interest. The aim is not to explore and extract Syria’s modest petroleum reserves, of course. By actively participating in rebuilding and operating Syrian oil and gas infrastructure, Russian energy companies will be in control of a critical transit route for Iranian and Qatari oil and gas heading to Europe, bringing two rival producers closer to its orbit and tightening its stranglehold on the European gas supply. In 2009, Qatar proposed to run a natural gas pipeline through Syria and Turkey to Europe. Instead, Al-Assad forged a pact with Iran to build a pipeline from the Persian Gulf and then through Iraq and Syria and under the Mediterranean. This project had to be postponed because of the war. When it is resumed, Russia will be in control.
It is in the very nature of the Eurasian system described by Sechin that the core energy production region—provided it is sufficiently united and organized—will benefit from its central position, being able to pick and choose between east and west in order to obtain the most favorable terms. Russia and the Middle East are now part of the same geopolitical unit. It took the Russian military intervention in Syria for the world to start to come to terms with this reality.
Bruno Maçães,
Cairo Review of Global Affairs,
Crude Oil,
Greater Eurasia,
Igor Sechin,
Natural Gas,
Silk Road Economic Belt,
Sunday, March 25, 2018
Europe All Inclusive │ Václav Klaus & Jiří Weigl
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[...] comparable to the "barbarian" invasions of the ancient world that caused large-scale regression in the development of Europe. |
All these crises, despite their differences, have a lot in common. Maybe that is why one replaces the other so easily. They serve as yet another example of the irresponsible activism of the political, media and intellectual elites of Europe and the entire West, bringing further limitations to human freedom and political democracy without allowing events to run their natural course.
We are strongly convinced that the current migration crisis is not just another one of the many so-called crises. The ongoing massive migration wave, which is unfortunately still far from reaching its peak, is comparable to the "barbarian" invasions of the ancient world that caused large-scale regression in the development of Europe which it took several centuries to overcome. Later, Europe successfully faced similar attempts by Arabs, Mongols, and Turks, often at the cost of immense suffering and losses. What we see today is a similarly fundamental challenge to the future of Europe.
Unlike in the past, it is unfortunately not clear whether today the will exists to defend ourselves. We lack a consensus on whether there is a need or reason to defend anything. Europe, and especially its "integrated" part, is riddled with hypocrisy, pseudo-humanism and other dubious concepts. The most dangerous of them are the currently fashionable, and ultimately suicidal, ideologies of multiculturalism and human-rightism. Such ideologies push millions of people towards resignation when it comes to concepts like home, motherland, nation and state. These ideologies promote the notion that migration is a human right, and that the right to migrate leads to further rights and entitlements including social welfare hand-outs for migrants. Last but not least, Europe is weakened by the leftist utopia of trying to transform a continent that was once proud of its past into an inefficient solidaristic state, turning its inhabitants from citizens into dependent clients.
The current European elites are behaving irresponsibly by defending and disseminating such ideas, regardless of whether they do so intentionally or not. The consequences of such activities do not yet fully and directly affect them or their families. Their leaders probably think that will never happen because their era will not be followed by infamous Biblical floods (not caused by excessive amounts of water this time, but instead by global warming.)
Czech Republic,
Jiří Weigl,
Migration Crisis,
Nation State,
Václav Klaus
Triangle, Square, and Hexagon │ Basic Figures Filling the Space
The Equiangular Period Spiral includes periods, distances and velocities. It is delimited by three basic equiangular figures – the triangle, the square (more correctly the rectangle) and the hexagon. Nicolas d'Oresme wrote in his major work Le Livre du Ciel et du Monde (The Book of the Heaven and the Earth, 1377):
» Notwithstanding that He is everywhere, still is He absolutely indivisible and the same time infinite with respect to the three qualities that are divisible in living creatures, which we call duration, position, and power or perfection; for temporal duration of creatures is divisible in succession; their position, especially of material bodies, is divisible in extension; and their power is divisible in any degree or intensity […] Besides the varieties of trinity noted there, there is another which is pertinent to our present discussion, because, in accord with what we said […], there are three regular plane figures – the triangle, the square, and the hexagon – each of which we can imagine to be capable of filling so completely a flat area or surface that it is absolutely impossible that there could be more space to be filled; likewise there are three divine persons, each of whom fills all space. Isaiah the Prophet spoke of them thus: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God, etc. all the earth is full of thy glory. And there is one God, who spoke through His Prophet Jeremiah: I will fill the heaven and earth; and of whom Virgil said: All things are replete with Jove. « (Book IV, Chapter 10).
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A page from d'Oresme's Livre du Ciel et du Monde, showing the celestial spheres: Although the order of the spheres is conventional, with the Moon and Mercury closest the Earth and Saturn and the stars farthest, the spheres are convex upward centered on God rather than convex downward centered on the Earth. [Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Manuscrits, Fr. 565, fo 69]. |
Equiangular Period Spiral,
Nicolas d'Oresme,
Sacred Geometry,
Monday, March 19, 2018
Vernal Equinox | March 20 (Tue) Sun at 0° Declination and at 0° Longitude
Manly P. Hall (1928)
- "As the zodiacal band marks the pathway of the Sun through the constellations, it results in the phenomena of the seasons. The ancient
systems of measuring the year were based upon the Equinoxes and the Solstices. The year always began with the Vernal Equinox, celebrated
March 21 [March 20, 2018 12:15 pm (EDT)
= 0° declination and 0°Aries] with rejoicing to mark the moment when the Sun crossed the equator northward up the zodiacal arc. The Summer Solstice was celebrated when
the Sun reached its most northerly position, and the day appointed was
June 21. After that time the Sun began to descend toward the Equator,
which it recrossed southbound at the Autumnal Equinox, September 21. The Sun reached its most southerly position at the Winter Solstice,
December 21.
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The seasonal variation of geomagnetic activity is related to the Earth's angle and position towards the Sun: when the dipole is perpendicular to the solar wind flow, increase in geomagnetic activity will occur around the equinoxes, and minima around the solstices (HERE) |
Four of the signs of the zodiac have been
permanently dedicated to the Equinoxes and the Solstices; and, while the
signs no longer correspond with the ancient constellations to which
they were assigned, and from which they secured their names, they are
accepted by modern astronomers as a basis of calculation. The Vernal Equinox is therefore said to occur in the constellation of Aries (the
Ram). It is fitting that of all beasts a Ram should be placed at the
head of the heavenly flock forming the zodiacal band. Centuries before
the Christian Era, the pagans revered this constellation. Godfrey
Higgins states: "This constellation was called the 'Lamb of God.' He was
also called the 'Savior,' and was said to save mankind from their sins.
He was always honored with the appellation of 'Dominus' or 'Lord.' He
was called the 'Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world.'
The devotees addressing him in their litany, constantly repeated the
words, 'O Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world, have mercy
upon us. Grant us Thy peace.'" Therefore, the Lamb of God is a title
given to the Sun, who is said to be reborn every year in the Northern
Hemisphere in the sign of the Ram, although, due to the existing
discrepancy between the signs of the zodiac and the actual star groups,
it actually rises in the sign of Pisces."
W.D. Gann knew the year actually begins on the Vernal Equinox (not on January 1st) and said this was a very important seasonal time also in the financial markets. He used geometrical divisions of the solar year (solar degrees of longitude and calendar days) to ascertain turning points in financial markets.
11°15' (= 360°/32 = 32nd harmonic), 22°30' (= 360°/16), 45° (= 360°/8), 90° (= 360°/4), 135° (= 3 x 45°), 180° (= 360°/2), 225° (= 5 x 45° = 0.618 of the Solar Year), 270° (= 3 x 90°), and 315° (= 7 x 45°) Solar Degrees from the Vernal Equinox (= 0°Aries) are what he called Natural Trading Days. Though 15°, 22°30' and 45° also may coincide with changes in trend, Gann stressed the importance of the cardinal points (90°apart) and fractions of 8ths (11°15'). Gann also used multiples of 90°(squares) and 144° (= 12 x 12°), i.e. 90°, 180°, 270° etc. and 288°, 576°, 720°. Changes in market trends may also occur every 30°(= Sun moving into the next sign of the zodiac) or 11°15' (11-12 calendar days and multiples thereof) from any significant high or low in the market. Since the Sun moves at different speed, e.g. 90°not always equals exactly 90 calendar days. For exact calculations and projections an ephemeris is needed (e.g. HERE). The dates of the Vernal Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumnal Equinox, and Winter Solstice slightly change over time (see HERE).
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Because of the rotation of the Sun around the Earth, the spring equinox only falls on Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning (the Jewish day begins at sunset) every 28 years. When the equinox does fall on Tuesday or Wednesday, a very special prayer is to be recited. It is called Birkat Hachama, the “Blessing of the Sun.” |
Celestial mechanics are also the reason for the flip of correlation between astro-indicators (Bradley Index etc., but also ‘space weather’-data like sunspots, solar flux, geomagnetic indices) and financial markets. The inversion of polarity oftentimes occurs in a time-window of +/- 2 weeks around the equinoxes and solstices. When the Sun periodically experiences significant increase in sunspots and solar flare activity, flares release energy in many forms, including electromagnetic energy and energetic particles such as protons and electrons. When this energy reaches the Earth, it interacts with the Earth’s magnetic field. This generates an electric current that flows through the Earth’s surface and affects electric power, satellite communication, oil pipelines and of course human brains, mood and actions.Three mechanisms were proposed to explain the seasonal variation of geomagnetic activity:
(1) The Axial Hypothesis established the fact that the geomagnetic variation was associated with changes of the Earth heliographic latitude. This indicates that the Earth would be favourable connected to the solar wind from the active solar regions resulting in an increase in geomagnetic disturbance.
(2) The second is the Equinoctial Hypothesis. It focuses on the angle when the dipole is perpendicular to the solar wind flow, increase in geomagnetic activity will occur around the equinoxes, and minima around the solstices.
(3) A third approach assumes that the Interplanetary Magnetic Field lies in its typical parker spiral configuration on solar equatorial plane, the southward component of the interplanetary magnetic field in the geocentric solar magnetospheric (GSM) coordinate system is increased when the angle between the z axis of GSM coordinate and the solar equatorial plane is minimum near the equinoxes. The southward component of interplanetary magnetic field is maximum in early April and October (HERE)
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S&P 500 Index vs Delta Cycle | March 2018 Update |
Al Larson,
Birkat Hachama,
Luther Jensen,
Manly P. Hall,
Natural Trading Days,
Russell-McPherron Effect,
Square of Nine,
W.D. Gann,
Sunday, March 18, 2018
3 Million Pageviews | Google Algos & Fake Malware Warnings

August 2012 = page view counter installed
July 2015 = 1,000,000 page views
November 2016 = 2,000,000 page views
December 2016 = monthly page views reach 156,826
December 22, 2016 = TPR published “10-Step Emergency Plan in Case of an Islamist Terror Attack in Europe”, which was denounced ‘hate speech’
January 2017 = monthly page views plummet to 68,753
February to November 2017 = more denunciations (A Demographic Theory of War | Gunnar Heinsohn's Youth Bulge Options, etc.) and more ensuing Google algorithms and sanctions including fake malware warnings related to, brought monthly page-views down to 35,596
December 2017 = TPR filed complaints which Google completely ignored
February 2018 = TPR visitors start ignoring
and using
etc. instead, and monthly page views recover to 65,993
March 18, 2018 = total page views reach 3,000,000
Since 2012 TPR was visited from 196 countries. About one third of the total visitors were from the United States, followed by 285,000 from Russia, 235,000 from France, 123,000 from India, etc.
Thanks for your continued interest, for your intelligent comments, questions, and your inspiration! Nice weekend. Best wishes and regards. TPR
Sunday, June 11, 2017
Sunspot Cycle Length vs Temperature Anomaly │ Jasper Kirkby
Jasper Kirkby (1998) - The sunspot cycle length averages 11 years but has varied from 7 to 17 years, with shorter cycle lengths corresponding to a more magnetically-active Sun. A remarkably close agreement was found between the sunspot cycle length and the change in land temperature of the Northern Hemisphere in the period between 1861 and 1989 [update HERE]. The land temperature of the Northern Hemisphere was used to avoid the lag by several years of air temperatures over the oceans, due to their large heat capacity. This figure covers the period during which greenhouse gas emissions are presumed to have caused a global warming of about 0.6°C. Two features are of particular note: firstly the dip between 1945 and 1970, which cannot be explained by the steadily rising greenhouse gas emissions but seems well-matched to a decrease in the Sun's activity, and secondly the close correspondence between the two curves over this entire period, which would seem to leave little room for an additional greenhouse gas effect.
[...] The observation that warm weather seems to coincide with high sunspot counts and cool weather with low sunspot counts was made as long ago as two hundred years by the astronomer William Herschel who noticed that the price of wheat in England was lower when there were many sunspots, and higher when there were few. See also HERE
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Data: SILSO Royal Observatory of Belgium. |
Climate Change,
Jasper Kirkby,
Man Made Global Warming,
SILSO Royal Observatory of Belgium,
Solar Cycle,
Sunspot Cycle,
William Herschel
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