Showing posts with label W.D. Gann. Show all posts
Showing posts with label W.D. Gann. Show all posts

Friday, November 15, 2024

2025 Planetary Declinations │ Tool for Identifying Market Turning Points

The assumption is that extreme declinations—particularly lunar ones—represent potent energy points. The nature and magnitude of declination effects are linked to the market's position within the daily and weekly market maker cycles. This idea was elaborated upon in the works of W.D. Gann, George Bayer, Patrick Mikula, and Larry Pesavento. Below are several excerpts and charts that highlight the relationship between planetary declinations and market behavior:

 » Every parallel or contra-parallel is very important to the strength of a business chart. «
Kaye Shinker (2006) - The Textbook for Financial Astrology – Part 1.

W.D. Gann (1927) - 'Tunnel Thru the Air
In 1994, Bonnie Lee Hill presented a lecture on Gann’s book 'Tunnel Thru the Air'. She pointed out that "many hidden references to declination" appear throughout Gann’s writings. Hill focused on the repeating patterns related to declinations in Gann’s trading strategy, particularly in his analysis of cotton trading. She noted, "Today we will concentrate on the declination of the Moon – 0 South, 0 North, maximum South, and maximum North." Hill explained that Gann bought cotton when the Moon was at 0 South declination during a bull market, marking a bottom 80% of the time. She also observed that Gann sold cotton when the Moon was again at 0 South declination, signaling the market’s shift.

George Bayer (1939) – 'Preview of Markets'
Bayer describes how each planet’s declination has a unique effect on markets. He states, "Saturn crossing southward over Sun in Declination has always one effect upon wheat, but quite a different effect compared to Mercury or Venus doing it." According to Bayer, slower-moving planets like Saturn and Jupiter have a stronger influence on trends, while Mercury and Venus cause more minor fluctuations.

Bayer also noted that ancient texts from Confucius, Buddha, Mohammed, and others indicated knowledge of planetary movements, including Mercury's declination and its effects on humankind. He suggests that anyone not using planetary lines will miss crucial cycles of repetition, and after charting declinations, one can observe their impact on commodities like wheat, noting 0° positions for further analysis.
S&P 500 vs. Declination of Mercury and Venus:
Parallel of Declination.
S&P 500 vs. Inclination of the Moon.
Mikula explains that while Gann used planetary declinations, evidence from 'How to Make Profits Trading in Commodities' shows that Gann's primary focus was the Moon. Mikula's "RULE 1" advises that when the Moon reaches zero degrees declination, traders should look for other astrological events on the same day, as these often coincide with trend changes and can mark the top or bottom of minor price swings.

Patrick Mikula (1996) – 'Gann’s Scientific Methods Unveiled – Volume 2'
Mikula further asserts that Gann correlated price movements with declinations. He mentions that Gann's charts included the declinations of the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, though Uranus and Neptune were discontinued in 1939. For the period between 1938 and 1941, Gann also plotted geocentric Venus, Mercury, and, later, Pluto.

Declination is tied to the celestial equator, Latitude to the ecliptic plane.

Larry Pesavento (1996) – 'Astro Cycles – The Trader’s Viewpoint' 
Pesavento ranks lunar phases in order of importance for short-term stock and commodity timing, with maximum/minimum and 0° declination being the most crucial. He asserts that once a market begins to turn on a specific lunar phenomenon (such as apogee or maximum declination), it remains predictable for at least one or two lunar cycles.

Larry Pesavento (1997) – 'Harmonic Vibrations' 
At the end of this book, Pesavento mentions a powerful signal he discovered that works incredibly well—"Lunar Declinations and Mercury aspects." However, he notes that traders must find the exact signal themselves, offering only hints for further exploration.


Declinations of the Sun, Moon, and Planets in 2025.

Declinations Q4, 2024.

Declinations Q1, 2025.

Declinations Q2, 2025.

Declinations Q3, 2025.
Declinations Q4, 2025.
2025 Declination of the Moon.
More detailed declination ephemerides can be found, for example [HERE],  [HERE],  [HERE], and  [HERE]

Thursday, November 7, 2024

The 24 Chinese Solar Terms in 2025 │ Winter Begins Today ( 立冬 - Lì Dōng )

 Winter begins on November 7, which is 225° from the Vernal Equinox (0° Aries). 
This is what W.D. Gann referred to as a Natural Trading Day. 225° represents 0.618 of the solar year.
A solar term ( 節氣 ) is one of twenty-four periods in the traditional Chinese lunisolar calendar, each corresponding to a specific astronomical event or natural phenomenon. Starting from the spring equinox, these points are spaced 15 degrees, or roughly 15 days, apart along the ecliptic and are used by lunisolar calendars to remain synchronized with the seasons.

Changes in trend often occur every 30° as the Sun moves into the next sign of the zodiac.
30° roughly equals one month, 30 calendar days or 21 trading days.
W.D. Gann knew that the astronomical year begins on March 21st and that this was also a very important seasonal time for financial markets. He used geometrical divisions of the solar year (degrees of solar longitude as well as calendar days) to ascertain turning points. Changes in trend often occur every 30° as the Sun moves into the next sign of the zodiac.
Dates at 45°, 90°, 135°, 180°, 225°, 270°, and 315° solar degrees from the Vernal Equinox (0° Aries) are what Gann called Natural Trading Days, with 225° representing 0.618 of the solar year (November 7). Though 15°, 22.5° and 45° also may coincide with changes in trend, Gann stressed the importance of the cardinal points (90° apart). He also used multiples of 90° and 144°, i.e., 90°, 180°, 270°, etc., and 144°, 288°, 432°, 576°, 720°, etc. 
Combining the Chinese Solar Terms and Gann astro-methods for market timing with the following concepts may further increase the probability of accurately pinpointing market turns:


Sunday, September 8, 2024

Kitchin Cycle Suggests DJIA Decline Until End of 2025 | Sergey Tarassov

 » DJIA correction begun, and the 41 Month Kitchin Cycle suggests a decline until the end of 2025. «  
 —  Sergey Tarassov, August 5, 2024.
» Multiyear High in the DJIA between June and October 2024, i.e. sometime
between the crests of the 40 Month Cycle and the 42 Month Cycle.
 —  Sergey Tarassov, June 25, 2024.

Sergey Tarassov (August 5, 2024) - Tune Up 41 Month Kitchin Cycle for DJIA. (video)
Sergey Tarassov (June 25, 2024) - Review of Forecasts for DJIA, Gold, Bitcoin, IOC and Mexican Peso. (video)

 2024 in W.D. Gann's Financial Time Table: » Major Panic - CRASH! «
—  Martin Armstrong, June 14, 2024.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Prophecy of Trump Assassination Attempt & Market Crash | Brandon Biggs

» I saw an attempt on Trump's life. This bullet flew by his ear and it came so close to his head that it busted his ear drum. And I saw he fell to his knees and he started worshiping the Lord. He got radically born again. He became really on fire with Jesus.  « 
» I saw a great economy crash - worse than the Great Depression. « 
» And then I saw Trump winning the presidency through the patriots coming out voting for him. And then there will be a great economy crash - worse than the Great Depression. And the Lord warned me about this would be a great dark time. And then I could see that darkness and heaviness upon America. And I saw Donald Trump praying in the Oval Office. He was weeping before the Lord with his hands on his head. Then the crisis started to lift and good times coming back again. But the Lord said it would be a season of a shaking. « 
Brandon Biggs, March 14, 2024.

Meanwhile in Uganda.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

2024 Declinations of the Sun, the Moon & the Planets | Parallels & Extremes

» Every parallel or contra-parallel is very important to the strength of a business chart. «
Kaye Shinker, 2006.
A parallel aspect is formed between two or more planets at the same declination or distance north or south of the ecliptic.
If the planets are both north or both south of the ecliptic, the Parallel Aspect is read as a Conjunction. If they are at the same declination but one is north and the other south of the ecliptic, then the Contra-Parallel Aspect is read as an Opposition. Parallel and contra-parallel aspects are strongest when the orb is small (±1 degree). They magnify other aspects between planets and nodes. The assumption is that extreme declinations - especially lunar ones - are intense energy points, and when reached, some sort of a perceptible short-term effect or reversal would manifest in daily and 4 Hour charts. The nature and magnitude of the effect is related to the market's  position/stage in the daily and weekly market maker cycles.

 Parallel @ Maximum Declination North (±1 degree):
June 20, 2024 (Thu) = Summer Solstice = Sun 
@ Maximum Declination North
June 21, 2024 (Fri) = Full Moon + Solunar High]
June 21, 2024 (Fri) = Mercury @ Maximum Declination North + Out-of-Bounds
June 21, 2024 (Fri) = Venus 
@ Maximum Declination North + Out-of-Bounds
June 21, 2024 (Fri) = Quadruple Witching Day
Maximum Declination South & Contra-Parallel to the above:
June 22, 2024 (Sat) = Moo
@ Maximum Declination South + Out-of-Bounds

Declinations Ephemerides can be found e.g. HERE & HERE
See also:

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The 18 Year Economic Cycle │Akhil Patel

Akhil Patel was the special guest presenter at the Foundation for the Study of Cycles' June 3 'Masters Working Group' interactive session. Author of 'The Secret Wealth Advantage', Patel discusses how the 18 year cycle affects the markets and how it can transform investing strategies. Patel is one of the world’s leading experts in economic, financial, and property cycles. He has been working for over a decade to produce unique research that combines an in- depth understanding of business, real estate, and stock market cycles. 

Friday, April 12, 2024

S&P 500 Bear Reversal - Gann's Time and Price Overbalance | Robert Miner

YM and RTY have already made Bear Reversal Signal. S&P and NQ should soon confirm. Gann's time and price overbalance signals: A daily close below 5283 would be an 'overbalance of price' and strong signal the trend should be net Bear for 3-4 weeks or longer.

Friday, March 15, 2024

S&P 500 Index vs 18.61 Year Lunar Node Cycle │ March - April 2024

» I’m not trying to predict the future; I am trying to accurately and quickly depict the present. 
I’m not trying to predict what people will do, but rather identify what they are doing right now. «  
Chris Camillo, 2023

Monday, January 8, 2024

S&P 500 Index vs 18.61 Year Lunar Node Cycle │ January 2024

» The lunar node, quite abstractly speaking, is the point of intersection of the solar and the lunar orbits. There are, therefore, two nodes in opposite positions in the heavens: an ascending node or lunar north node, and a descending node - the lunar south node. The solar and the lunar orbits are not, in effect, in the same but in different planes, enclosing a certain angle. Thus there arise the two opposite points of intersection. The peculiarity of these two points of intersection is that they do not stand still but slowly move. The plane of the lunar path rotates in relation to the plane of the solar path; so the two nodes move a round. They move around the Zodiac in a contrary direction to the rotation of the planets, i.e., from Aries backward through Pisces, Aquarius, etc. A complete revolution of a lunar node takes place in 18 years and 7 months; after this time, therefore, the node — the ascending node, for example — is once again in the same position in the Zodiac as it was before. The ascending node is, thereby, the mathematical point that (at any given time and again after 18 years and 7 months [= 6,798.383 CD] the lunar orbit rises above the solar orbit, while at the opposite point the descending node sinks below it. «

Willi O. Sucher, 1937.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

S&P 500 Index vs 18.61 Year Lunar Node Cycle │ Projection into April 2024

Dec 21, 2023 (Thu) = May 10, 2005 (Tue)
 In bull markets, New Moons are bottoms, and Full Moons are tops. 

Jan 3 (Wed) 22:30 = 270°
= Last Quarter    
Jan 11 (Thu) 06:57 = 0° = New Moon    
Jan 17 (Wed) 22:52 = 90° = First Quarter    
Jan 25 (Thu) 12:53 = 180° = Full Moon