Showing posts with label Pluto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pluto. Show all posts

Sunday, February 26, 2023

American Unipolar World Supremacy Is Over | 250 Year Empire Cycle Ended

The Global American Uni-Polar World Supremacy is over. Since last week China has officially aligned and merged its foreign policy interests with those of Russia, and considers the US an hostile, aggressive, and destructive rogue superpower, very harmful to the entire international community. The US Empire is now in implosion mode into it's timely demise during 2023. This is what Serge Bernard's 250 Year Empire Life Cycle suggests; the Fourth Turning took place in 2008, and the collapse-indicator tick-lists in Lieutenant-General Sir John Bagot Glubb's work allow for very similar conclusions. 

China and Russia just merged their national interests and all means available in order to establish a new alternative system of international relations, law, finance and trade. Not a multi-polar, but a new bi-polar world system with (1.) the US Empire reduced to the Collective West, consisting mainly of Canada, Australia and some failed vassal-states in western Eurasia, and (2.) the Russian-Chinese Big Space, the Heartland, absorbing the entire Global South in an instant. 
All ingredients for hell about to break lose upon the dollar system are in, and Ray Dalio's 'perfect storm' is making landfall?


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Fourth of July | A Masonic Holiday

 The Eye of Horus, the Eye of Providence, or the All-Seeing Eye of God inside a triangle, 
surrounded by the glow of Sirius, the Blazing Star of masonry (as seen on the gate of Aachen 
Cathedral in Germany), is also featured on the reverse side of the
Great Seal of the United States.
The US Independence Day on the 4th of July is commonly associated not with masonry but with fireworks, parades, barbecues, baseball games, family reunions, political speeches, and ceremonies. However, the legal separation of the Thirteen Colonies from Great Britain in 1776 actually occurred on July 2nd, when the Second Continental Congress voted to approve a resolution of independence that had been proposed in June by Richard Henry Lee of Virginia, declaring the United States independent from Great Britain's rule. After voting for independence, Congress turned its attention to the Declaration of Independence, a statement explaining this decision, which had been prepared by a Committee of Five, with Thomas Jefferson as its principal author. Congress debated and revised the wording of the Declaration, ultimately approving it two days later, on July 4th. It was read to the citizens of Philadelphia from the balcony of the Council chamber of the State House on July 8th, 1776.
So, why do the United States celebrate the 4th of July? Since many of the founding fathers were enlightened masons (Illuminati) of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, and Freemasonry is rooted in ancient mystery schools of solar worship, the date of the American Declaration of Independence was far from arbitrary. In 1776, the solar aphelion (Greek apo = from + helios = Sun, meaning "aphelion" = away from the Sun) and the conjunction of the Sun with Sirius both occurred on July 4th.
 Independent, farthest from the Sun (aphelion):
2018 Jul 06 (Fri) 12:46
2019 Jul 04 (Wed) 18:10
2020 Jul 04 (Wed) 07:34
Sun conjunct Sirius:
2018 Jul 03 (Tue) 02:00
2019 Jul 03 (Wed) 07:41
2020 Jul 02 (Thu) 13:31
Every year, during the first days of July, the Sun conjoins Sirius at 13.5 degrees Cancer, meaning the Sun moves directly in front of Sirius. Interestingly, this alignment occurs when the major axis of the Earth’s orbit is farthest from the Sun. Sirius is located in the constellation Canis Major (the Big Dog) – with coordinates RA 6h45m8.9s and Dec -16°42'52.1" (or 101.2833 degrees longitude and -16.7144 degrees declination) – and is therefore known as the Dog Star. It is over twenty times brighter than our Sun and twice as massive. At night, Sirius is the brightest star in the sky, its blue-white glare having amazed stargazers since the dawn of time. Sirius is said to be the Sun of our Sun, and as such, it is considered more important for humans on Earth than even the Galactic Center.

 The Washington Monument is constructed within a Vesica Pisces,
that is created by the orbiting bodies of our Sun and Sirius.

In Ancient Egypt, Sirius was regarded as the most important star in the sky. In fact, it was astronomically the foundation of the Egyptians’ entire religious system. Revered as Sothis, it was associated with Isis, the mother goddess of Egyptian mythology. Isis is the female aspect of a trinity formed by herself, Osiris, and their son Horus. Ancient Egyptians held Sirius in such high regard that most of their deities were, in some way, linked to the star. Anubis, the dog-headed god of death, had a clear connection with the Dog Star, and Thoth-Hermes, the divine messenger and great teacher of humanity, was also esoterically connected to Sirius.
The Egyptian calendar system was based on the heliacal rising of Sirius, which occurred just before the annual flooding of the Nile during the summer. In the Egyptian Book of the Dead, Sirius is described as the place where souls go after leaving the body, and Egyptian temples were oriented toward the star. The celestial movement of Sirius was also observed and revered by ancient Greeks, Sumerians, Babylonians, and countless other civilizations. Sirius was thus considered sacred, and its appearance in the sky was marked by feasts and celebrations. The Dog Star heralded the arrival of the hot and dry days of July and August, giving rise to the popular term "the dog days of summer."

The presidential inauguration ceremony, performed once every four years at exactly high noon and 19.5 days into the new year, takes place on the balcony of the US Capitol (often symbolized as the ever-pregnant belly of Isis), facing the Washington Monument (representing the erect phallus of Osiris). In this moment, the event is symbolically portrayed as the birth of the next US president.
Since antiquity, there has been much speculation about the binary system of our Sun, Helios, and Sirius. In this system, the perigee cycle between the two stars causes periodicities of massive celestial upheavals and serves as the foundation of the Yuga cycles. (What the naked eye perceives as a single star is, in fact, a binary star system, consisting of a white main-sequence star of spectral type A0 or A1, known as Sirius A, and a faint white dwarf companion of spectral type DA2, called Sirius B).

The esoteric foundation of the United States, as well as that of the entire modern Western world, rests upon this ancient Egyptian astro-theology. It is important to understand, therefore, that Egypt became Greece, Greece became Rome, Rome became Venice, Venice became Amsterdam and England, and England ultimately became the imperial United States—the latest incarnation of ancient Egypt. True, if there is an actual guiding intelligence behind mankind’s evolution, it should most certainly be associated with Sirius. The United States, with its natal Sun conjunct Sirius, would thus represent the clearest channel for this extra-human agency to manifest its will, whatever that may be.

However, for those who assume that supernatural guidance was America’s eternal fate and triumph, it might be wise to recall that all empires so far have had an expiration date. Regardless of financial strength, political power, or knowledge of previous historical life cycles, no empire leader has ever been able to prevent its supremacy from collapsing. For instance, the successive Chinese dynasties would always rise, remain, and fall, regardless of lessons learned from the past. Empire life cycles have followed a repetitive pattern, typically around 248 years: 1776 + 248 = 2024. (see also HERE).

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

From Conquest to Affluence to Collapse | The 250 Year Empire Life Cycle

Regardless of financial strength, political power and knowledge of previous history life cycles, no empire leader has ever been able to prevent its supremacy from collapsing. For instance, the successive Chinese dynasties would always rise, stay and fall regardless of lessons learned from the past. Empire life cycles would repeat over and over following a same cyclical pattern. 
In 1977, Sir John Glubb wrote an essay titled The Fate of Empires: "during 3 millenaries the average superpowers duration period has been consistently of about 250 years […] the full 250-year cycle corresponds to about ten 25-year generations. This 250-year duration presents an unexpected consistency, especially if we consider all the major changes during the 3,000 years in transportation speed and weapons sophistication, which has expanded territories conquests from local to global. Regardless of the historical period, the life cycle was always of about 250 years."

Something bigger than their leaders was inclining empires to rise and also to fall. While we could seek a spiritual explanation of divine influence, we can also look at the sky from an astrologer perspective and find out that there are perfect correlations between the 250-year empires live cycles and Pluto’s 248 year orbital cycle. When a country is born, Pluto occupies a certain position in the sky, which eventually will return to the same position in about 248 years. That period corresponds to the entire superpower life cycle. 

In his essay, Sir John Glubb also revealed that all empires cycles in history have followed a same 8-phase pattern process, which is represented below […] here are the empires 8 common phases and their corresponding heroes. While not necessarily of equal duration, each phase would last an average of about 41 years.

During the past 3,000 years the average life expectancy of superpowers has been 250 years.
All Empire Cycles followed the same 8-phase pattern, and this pattern along with the Pluto Cycles
indicates that 2015-2022 will be the last 7 years of the USA as the world superpower.
The USA is now in the final phase of the superpower life cycle pattern. The USA was born on July 4, 1776. That day Pluto was positioned at 27°33′ of Capricorn and will return to that same natal position during the years 2021-2023, which is about 248 years later as found with most of the historical empires lives. During that orbital period, transiting Pluto covered all angles from 0° to 360° with natal Pluto. Angles multiple of 45 degrees are critical and correspond to tensions during each of the 8 phases transitions.  

At left is a rudimentary historical outline associating USA superpower life cycle with Pluto orbital cycle. Human death is unavoidable regardless of wisdom and knowledge about what happened to previous dead people, and so are empires that rise and live until their inexorable collapse. Superpowers' life and death patterns will repeat itself whether their leaders study past history cycles or not. 

Cosmic life is bigger than human life. The USA’s last phase runs from Pluto semi-square in 2001 to Pluto's return to its natal position in 2022. It is worth noting the year 2001 amazing synchronicity between Pluto semi-square (45°), the historic empire transition from decadence to collapse and the September 11 terrorist attack. Now, during their last phase from 2001 to 2022, the USA will not give up its supremacy without a full fledge military, political, economic and religious war. The next financial bubble burst may be fatal and global. USA will win the battle against terrorism, but will lose the supremacy war against the rest of the world, where contenders such as China are already preparing themselves for the opportunity to fill the vacuum. This process started in 2001 and most USA power strategies miserably failed ever since. We are now seeing a growing world chaos that will likely expand into a worldwide war during the next 7 years until USA final supremacy collapse around 2022-2023.
See also:

Lieutenant-General Sir John Bagot Glubb (1978):
The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Gold vs Pluto Retrograde | Sun 000° + 180° Pluto

Martin Armstrong (May 31, 2016): "All the big manipulations have ALWAYS been to the UPSIDE, not to the downside. It is absurd to
pretend that gold is suppressed perpetually so they can make money in some strange way."
and charted with
Timing Solution

Monday, October 5, 2015

Claude Ganeau's Index of Cyclic Equilibrium | 1900 - 2100

Calculated with Timing Solution

Inspired by André Barbault's Cyclic Index, back in the 1970s French astrologer Claude Ganeau (1912-1991) developed a method of determining periods on Earth that were positive or negative, and termed this “Index of Cyclic Equilibrium”. 

Time has always been measured by the Moon’s cycle. This begins with the New Moon, when the Sun and Moon are conjunct. The waxing phase is from the New Moon to the Full Moon, while the waning phase is from the Full Moon to the New Moon. The waxing phase is one of growth and positive vibrations, while the waning phase is one of decay and negative vibrations. 

Claude Ganeau applied this principle to the ten cycles of the outer planets, from Jupiter to Pluto, and explained:

“The stability or instability of the world is directly related to the difference in the sum of the phases of all waxing cycles of the five outer planets, and the sum of the phases of waning cycles of planets. While the resultant figure remains positive, the earth will tend to experience relative stability and a period of evolution; when the resultant figure is negative the earth enters a period of crisis and involution.”
He calculated his Index of Cyclic Equilibrium for 1900 to 1999 and found a remarkable correlation with the state of the world in terms of war and peace, prosperity and depression, and several other factors. For example, the index accurately forecasted WWI, WWII, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. 
It also pinned the Iranian Revolution, the Russian Afghanistan War, the Irak-Iran War, the 1st and the 2nd Gulf Wars, the so called Arab Spring, Libya, Syria, and Ukraine Wars. In 2015 the Index of Cyclic Equilibrium plunges back into negative territory again, and will remain there into 2021
After 2021 the breakdown and collapse of the unipolar world order should be followed by a period of global post-war recovery, growth, prosperity and the establishment of a more beneficial multi-polar international regime anchored on Eurasian powers.

Claude Ganeau's original 'Indice d'Equilibre Cyclique' for the XXth century.
'Indice de Concentration Planétaire' 1485-1983 of Henri-Joseph Gouchon (1898-1978),
André Barbault's and Claude Ganeau's common inspirator.

André Barbault's Cyclic Index of Global Tension, Conflict and War 1900 - 2100

André Barbault's Cyclic Index of Global Tension, Conflict and War is a composite of the angular distances between the five outer planets. In mundane
astrology Pluto, Neptune and Uranus are known as ‘Collective Planets’. Their cycles correspond to long-term cultural-historic periods. Saturn
and Jupiter are the social planets which relate to social-political and economic developments.
Calculated with Timing Solution. See also HERE
André Barbault's original Cyclic Index (Indice de concentration planetaire) for the XXth century.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

SPX vs Retrograde Cycles and Speed of Planets

From the Earth-based geocentric perspective a planet can appear to move backwards through the zodiac, i.e. in an opposite direction to its usual
movement (direct motion). Before a planet changes its direction from either retrograde to direct or vice versa its motion becomes increasingly
slower until it appears to come to a stop. This is called the stationary phase. The planets have different periods of retrograde motion:
Mercury 3 times a year for 3 weeks,
Venus roughly every 18 months for 40 to 44 days,
Mars roughly every 26 months for 60 to 80 days,
Jupiter roughly every 13 months for about 4 months,
Saturn roughly every 12 1/2 months for about 4 1/2 months,
Uranus roughly every 12 months for about 5 months,
Neptune roughly every 12 months for 5 months and 6 days,
Pluto roughly every 12 months for 5 to 6 months.
Shifts from direct to retrograde as well as the minimum and maximum speeds correlate with changes in trend in financial markets.

Calculated and charted with Timing Solution.