Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Six Million Pageviews

Thank you for your interest in my 'Snippets from the Diary of a Trader'. Six million pageviews. Amazing. Who would have thought. After repeatedly losing freight and suitcases, I created this blog in 2012, while in Tanzania, initially as a personal online backup for notes on what I picked up and developed from posts in Yahoo! Groups. 

I first became aware of the stock markets' potentials in the 1990s, when I made some considerable gains, driven by a combination of hearsay and pure luck.
It was nice, but I had better things in mind. I grew up in a tiny village and until my father's generation, all of my ancestors were traditional farmers. I had just finished my studies in Europe and was eager to start working as a young geologist in far-away, far-more interesting places. That's what I did for the next 25 years, working across all continents. I came to know more languages, the world of big mining and exploration, and all that this entails; very different worlds, peoples, cultures, and systems, war and peace. I witnessed the rise of the Americas, Asia, Russia, and Africa, and Europe's decline. My globe is littered with memories and good people I met. Being on missions, often facing poor or no internet and working in time zones far from London and New York, I didn’t seriously start trading until I returned to Mexico in late 2018. 
I've always been fascinated by other states of mind and consciousness, lore, the great mystics, historical patterns, the geometry of time, seers, prophets, the art of forecasting, uncertainty, and speculation. That said, I quickly realized that most of my earlier musings and ventures into Gann, Bayer, and various financial astrology concepts weren’t particularly helpful for my practical goal of making real money in the markets. While building a home for my family, I started with automated trading systems. The drawdowns and returns made me sick. This came to an end the moment I lost all of my hardware, software, files, and backups. During COVID I shifted my focus back to patterns, market structure, price action, timing, and short-term trading setups and techniques.  
» The three traits that speculators must learn to manage within
themselves are confidence, fear, and aggressiveness.
GOAT trading teacher.

Studying the works of Toby Crabel, Larry Williams, Richie Naso, Steve Mauro, ICT, Stacey Burke, Jevaunie Daye, D'onte Goodridge, Frank Ochoa, and Jeff Hirsch has been most helpful to my progress.
They blew away all the retail-trader instruction crap I had previously gathered. Forever grateful. Snippets of some of their teachings are featured on this page: no indicators; reading naked bar-charts; knowing average, small, and large ranges; understanding logic and precision in patterns; accumulation, manipulation and distribution phases; ICT-lingo, concepts, setups, etc.. Short-term patterns in financial markets are governed by timed market maker algorithms. They repeat over and over again. There are only three things price can do: break out from a range and trend, break out from a range and reverse, or range between previous highs and lows. Hence there are three main patterns: range, breakout-and-trend, and reversal patterns. Pump and Dump. At first I didn't really notice nor understand these patterns, order blocks, imbalances and liquidity levels, until it became impossible not to see them. They are everywhere, and precise to the pips. Once I understood it, trading became a waiting game. No more FOMO. Pivot points are magic. Ultimately, everything is timed and measured — by the market makers.
Think like a criminal. «
Veteran Wall Street Trader Richie Naso

It’s been quite a journey; one never stops learning, and it turned out to be worth it. While
I'm aware that there are myriad other, maybe smarter, and more efficient ways to make more money more quickly in the markets; my approach works just fine for me. I primarily trade the S&P 500, the NASDAQ, Gold, and Crude Oil. Kids and family are doing well, wife is happy, life is good. Spring water, bees, chicken, cats and dogs, an old donkey, fruit-trees, flowers, and veggies. No need for a Lambo nor a private jet. Peace of mind, health, endurance, discipline, patience, and risk management are most important. Never bet the farm. Greed is not good. Have a coat for rainy weather. I hope you find value, inspiration, shortcuts, and benefits in my snippets. Spread the love, and may peace and God's blessings be upon you.

Pageview statistics over the years not only reflect my personal journey and viewer's attention, but also ongoing censorship and removal of articles by Google, particularly those related to the European Commission’s Replacement Migration Program, the US-orchestrated COVID-19 Plandemic, the universally detrimental impacts of Zionism, the US-Israeli genocide in Palestine, and subsequent shadow-banning campaigns. The way it is.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Google Censorship Against TPR | Sincerely, The Blogger Team

December 17, 2024
Hello, your post titled "Pentagon Staged COVID-19 Plandemic Years in Advance | Sasha Latypova" [February 15, 2024] was flagged to us for review. We have determined that it violates our guidelines and deleted the post, previously at Why was your blog post deleted? Your content has violated our Misleading Content policy. 
Sincerely, The Blogger Team
See instead:
Sasha Latypova Reveals COVID Pandemic Was a Dept. of Defense Operation Dating Back to Obama Regime, November 25, 2024:

Sasha Latypova on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s podcast, March 15, 2023:

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Google's woke AI makes Vikings black and the Pope a Woman

The men of today boast of the ever growing extent of the modifications they impose on the world, and the consequence is that everything is thereby made more and more ‘artificial’.

The falsification of everything has been shown to be one of the characteristic features of our period, but falsification is not in itself subversion properly so-called, though contributing directly to the preparation for it. Perhaps the clearest indication of this is what may be called the falsification of language, taking the form of the misuse of certain words that have been diverted from their true meaning; misuse of this kind is to some extent imposed by constant suggestion on the part of everyone who exercises any kind of influence over the mentality of the public.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Google Removes Security Warnings Related To Time Price Research URL

In December 2017 Google suddenly started assigning security threats (malware, phishing etc.) to the
URL of this blog. Thanks to Google's absurd claims and security alerts the monthly page-views rapidly
declined from an average of 158,000 down to 23,000 in June 2018. Seven requests to Google to please
review this issue were ignored. Only yesterday Google pointed out that "http://time-price-research- no longer contains links to harmful sites or downloads", and "warnings visible
to users are being removed
". Thank you, dear Google! See also HERE

Sunday, March 18, 2018

3 Million Pageviews | Google Algos & Fake Malware Warnings

April 2012 = TPR went public

August 2012 = page view counter installed

July 2015 = 1,000,000 page views

November 2016 = 2,000,000 page views

December 2016 = monthly page views reach 156,826

December 22, 2016 = TPR published “10-Step Emergency Plan in Case of an Islamist Terror Attack in Europe”, which was denounced ‘hate speech’

January 2017 = monthly page views plummet to 68,753

February to November 2017 = more denunciations (A Demographic Theory of War | Gunnar Heinsohn's Youth Bulge Options, etc.) and more ensuing Google algorithms and sanctions including fake malware warnings related to, brought monthly page-views down to 35,596

December 2017 = TPR filed complaints which Google completely ignored

February 2018 = TPR visitors start ignoring
and using
etc. instead, and monthly page views recover to 65,993

March 18, 2018 = total page views reach 3,000,000

Since 2012 TPR was visited from 196 countries. About one third of the total visitors were from the United States, followed by 285,000 from Russia, 235,000 from France, 123,000 from India, etc. 

Thanks for your continued interest, for your intelligent comments, questions, and your inspiration! Nice weekend. Best wishes and regards. TPR