Showing posts with label Wokeism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wokeism. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Becoming Brigitte Macron | Candace Owens

Today, French journalist Natacha Rey, who sparked controversy by claiming that France's First Lady Brigitte Macron was born a man, is reportedly seeking political asylum in Russia due to alleged persecution. According to her lawyer, criminal proceedings were initiated against her after she made these accusations. In June 2024, a trial began against Rey and fellow journalist Amandine Roy for their claims about Macron’s gender identity. 
» She is still a man. «

Rey first made her allegation in 2021, asserting that Brigitte Macron was actually the transgender identity of her brother, Jean-Michel Trogneux. She spent three years researching this theory and later released a video on social media to share her findings. 
Trudeau, Obama, Zelensky, and Macron: » No coincidence. «
Elon Musk’s father, Errol, says ‘Big Mike’ is real. Michelle Obama is a man’. Former
US President Barack Obama ‘is a queer who is married to a man who dresses as a woman’.

Since then, she has faced judicial action, including defamation charges filed by the First Lady. In September 2024, Rey and Roy were fined 13,500 euros. Rey claims the trial was unfair, alleging that she was accused of publishing materials she never made public. Rey and her lawyer have cited these legal troubles as the primary reason for seeking political asylum.

For a largely uninformed global English-speaking audience, US political commentator and activist Candace Owens released an introduction to the Brigitte Macron controversy on January 31, 2025, in which she supports the claim that Brigitte, is actually a man who first molested and raped France's current president Emmanuel Macron, when he was only 14 years old. Owens backs allegations that Brigitte's entire official biography and relationship with the 25-year-younger Emmanuel Macron are fabricated, presenting two main points: the scarcity of childhood photos and a 1977 video recording.

Owens proposes that Brigitte is, in fact, her brother, Jean-Michel Trogneux. As evidence, Owens cites a 1977 videotaped interview with a transgender woman named Veronique. She suggests that a voice comparison allegedly supports the claim that Veronique is actually Brigitte. Owens theorizes that Jean-Michel took on the identity of his missing sister, who disappeared in 1961, by falsifying documents. Owens' YouTube introduction garnered over 1.5 million views within 24 hours. Now, enjoy
Becoming Brigitte: Gaslighting the Public | Episode 1, released on February 4, 2025.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Google's woke AI makes Vikings black and the Pope a Woman

The men of today boast of the ever growing extent of the modifications they impose on the world, and the consequence is that everything is thereby made more and more ‘artificial’.

The falsification of everything has been shown to be one of the characteristic features of our period, but falsification is not in itself subversion properly so-called, though contributing directly to the preparation for it. Perhaps the clearest indication of this is what may be called the falsification of language, taking the form of the misuse of certain words that have been diverted from their true meaning; misuse of this kind is to some extent imposed by constant suggestion on the part of everyone who exercises any kind of influence over the mentality of the public.