Showing posts with label Civilization State. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Civilization State. Show all posts

Saturday, March 15, 2025

The US Will Now Cannibalize Its Own Allies & Vassals to Survive | Lu QiYuan

President Trump said something very honest: “If China and the US work together, we can solve all the problems in the world.” However, the establishment elites in the United States face an ideological challenge. They are fundamentally anti-China, and the Chinese ruling elites do not accept the concept of liberal democracy. The Chinese elite, myself included, are profoundly nationalistic and patriotic. To us, social harmony and unity are more important than life itself. The love the Chinese people have for our country, especially our youth, is something Americans cannot comprehend. So the idea of China and the US running the world together—the G2 concept—was rejected by Americans from the beginning. Now, even if the Americans want to pursue that path, it is too late. The train has already left the station.

» China will form an alternative economic and political system outside of the Western world,
and the only way the US can survive is by cannibalizing its own allies and vassals. 
We are witnessing the collapse of the entire Western world. « 
 Lu QiYuan, Geopolitical Economist.

The US provoked the Ukraine war in an attempt to regime-change Russia, turn it into a US proxy, and surround and contain China. China foresaw this, which is why Xi Jinping and Putin met just a few weeks before the Ukraine war and signed a “no-limits partnership” against NATO expansion. From the perspective of Chinese elites, NATO is merely an imperial tool for US power projection. The strategic rivalry between China and the US is no longer just a competition between two countries, but between two ego systems. It is no longer China trying to bargain with its unipolar master under the United States’ global hegemonic roof. Instead, it is a competition between two separate, independent powers. The competition is now between the US-dominated Western power ego system and the China-led new ego system.

Within this Western-led ego system, when the biggest player—the United States of America—can no longer absorb nutrition from its Global South economic vassels and satellites, when it can no longer consume the energy it requires to survive from the East (i.e., China), the only way it can survive is to consume energy and nutrition from its own allies and vassals. And the first set of allies and vassals to fall victim to US cannibalism will be Europe, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. 
» The first set of allies and vassals to fall victim to US cannibalism 
will be Europe, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. «

This trajectory has been in motion since 2012, when China partially detached its currency from the US dollar, when the Obama administration began to aggressively suppress China’s growth, and when China started its tax reform in 2014. Over the last decade, China has slowly been recreating an alternative network with the rest of the world, as the US has been pushing us out of the original structure. From now on, China will form an alternative economic and political system with the rest of the world, particularly with East Asia, outside of the Western world. By the Western world, I mean the US, Canada, Europe, and Japan—the roughly "Golden Billion" who once oppressed the Global South. Now, through China’s rise, they are forming their own ego system, separate from the original Western-centric structure.
The competition and rivalry between these two ego systems mark a dangerous era for the world, because we are talking about the transfer of energy from one system to another. If this is mishandled, it could lead to the destruction of both systems. The creation of this new world system is incomplete because the financial and monetary system is incomplete. And finally, we are witnessing the integration, not the disintegration, of the Western world. Not the collapse of the United States, but the collapse of the entire Western world. 
Perhaps we should credit the new president of the United States, Donald Trump, for accelerating this process. The drama in the Oval Office between Trump and Zelensky delivered the fatal blow to Western unity. Following Trump’s tariff on Europe, we will witness the collapse of the economic and political systems of the Western-led world order. What we are familiar with is the collapse of the Soviet Union. This time, it is the collapse of the West.
This is the principle of capitalism, like the law of physics. The United States does not love or hate Ukraine. The goal has always been to drain Europe’s resources. This is why so many so-called intellectuals and political experts in Europe, Canada, and Taiwan are shocked by the current events, like naive kindergarten children, saying things like, "Our Papa, the United States, is abandoning us." But let me tell you this: do not be shocked, because this is only the beginning. Soon, they will be horrified by what is to come: "Our Papa is going to devour us."

» Now, the most important thing: What to do with the West? «
Civilization States and the Multipolar World Order.
Alexander Dugin, 2023.
See also:

Friday, March 7, 2025

Globalism is Dead, What Comes Next | Alexander Dugin

The order of great powers is something harsher than multipolarity. It is essentially a form of multipolarity, since it is neither unipolar nor bipolar, but something greater. However, in this case, only the state civilizations that currently exist are considered, not those that might emerge in the future based on deep-rooted identities. 

We are living in a new age of great power politics, and Europe is the big loser. The order of great powers, outlined by Trump's bold reforms, represents a redistribution of the spheres of influence in the world among the tetrarchy of the US, Russia, China and India. 
 » Trump's bold reforms, represents a redistribution of the spheres of influence. «

Everything else falls into the realm of the periphery. In theory, Europe could have joined, but not under the liberal lunatics who are currently in power. Europe is desperately clinging to the unipolar world, from which, however, the structural foundation, the US, has been removed. The EU now hardly has any chance of surviving. So, for now, it's the tetrarchy and the prospects of Yalta 2.0.


Sunday, February 23, 2025

Funeral Ceremony of Martyred Hezbollah Leader Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah

 February 23, 2025.

Mourners in Lebanon's Beqaa Valley walk on foot through the biting cold, heading over the Jebel Libnan to Beirut to participate in the funeral ceremony of martyred Hezbollah leaders Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah and Hashem Safieddine.
  » There is no legal and legitimate state called Israel. 
As long as there is imperialism, lasting peace is impossible. «
Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah
Mourners in Beirut gather for the funeral.

Beirut, at the stadium, right before the funeral ceremony: 100,000 people inside, at least 300,000 outside. Despite obstacles preventing hundreds of thousands from coming from Iran, there were still significant numbers of participants from various countries, including 140,000 from Iraq, 106,000 from Iran, 18,000 from Kuwait, 9,000 from Bahrain, 9,000 from Oman, 27,000 from Yemen, and 80,000 from various other locations.

A Lebanese military source told AFP that over one million people attended the funeral of Hezbollah’s former Secretary-General, Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah. Hezbollah sources estimated the crowd at around 800,000, while organizers, through Lebanon’s National News Agency, put the number at 1.4 million.
The moment Israeli jets flew low over the venue of the ceremony,
the whole stadium instantly mocked them: "Death to Israel!"
Beirut's Sports City and surrounding roads filled with mourners.

Zainab Nasrallah reflects on her iconic father’s life and legacy.

If you want Arab countries to fight Israel, tell them Israel has converted to Shia Islam. «
Lebanese Sunni scholar Sheikh Maher Hamoud, February 23, 2025.
Know your Enemies.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Letter to Mikhail Gorbachev | Imam Seyyed Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini

Imam Khomeini was a Muslim cleric and authoritative scholar in Shia Islam, and the spiritual and political leader of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, which overthrew Reza Shah Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran. Following the Revolution, Imam Khomeini became the Grand Leader, the paramount figure in the political system of the new Islamic Republic, serving in this role until his death in 1989. He was regarded as a Marja by many Muslims and, in Iran, was officially addressed as Imam rather than Grand Ayatollah, a convention upheld by his supporters.
Spirit of God.
Imam Seyyed Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini (1900 – 1989).

Ruhollah was born to Ayatollah Seyyed Mostafa Musavi and Hajieh Agha Khanum in the town of Khomein, three hundred kilometers south of Iran's capital Tehran, on May 17, 1900. Through his father and the seventh Imam Mousa Kazem, Ruhollah was a Seyyed, a descendant of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). His father was murdered by agents of Ahmad Shah Qajar when he was five months old, and he was raised by his mother and one of his aunts. Inspired and guided by his mother and bloodline, Seyyed Ruhollah Musavi would go on to become a Marja and highly influential Islamic political theorist, best known for developing the Velâyat-e Faqih, the Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist. In 1964, Imam Khomeini fled from Reza Shah Pahlavi, first seeking refuge in Ankara and Bursa, Turkey, before moving to Najaf, Iraq, in 1965, where he stayed until 1978, when Iraq's leader, Saddam Hussein, deported him; under pressure from Reza Shah, he was then exiled to Neauphle-le-Château, Paris, on October 6, 1978. Finally, returning to Tehran, already in revolutionary turmoil, on February 1, 1979, he became the one who overthrew the last Shah dynasty, which had been installed by the British and Americans in 1925, and established the sovereign Islamic Republic of Iran. Imam Khomeini became the first major world leader to challenge Anglo-American-French imperialism and the entire foundation of Western modernity: nominalism, materialism, liberalism, nationalism, capitalism, communism, and Zionism. A highly charismatic Seyyed, he stood out for his mystical interpretation of Islam, poetry and prophetic vision of world-historical events.
The West's proxy war, namely that of the US, the British, and the French, against the Islamic Republic began in September 1980, with Saddam Hussein invading Iran. The war soon became a brutal stalemate, resulting in an estimated one million casualties, and lasted until August 1988, when both sides agreed to a ceasefire brokered by the United Nations, leaving both countries devastated and without a clear victor. In December 1988, almost a year before the fall of the Berlin Wall, Imam Khomeini wrote his first and only message to the head of a foreign country, to Mikhail Gorbachev, the then leader of the Soviet Union (1985-1991), who was just about to complete the withdrawal of his army from Afghanistan. The Imam's letter was delivered to Gorbachev at the Kremlin in Moscow on January 1st, 1989, by Ayatollah Abdullah Javadi Amoli, who read the Imam's message aloud while Gorbachev listened attentively for two hours. In his letter, the Imam predicted the collapse of communism within the Soviet bloc and urged Gorbachev to consider Islam as an alternative to communist ideology. He also suggested that the Soviet leader study the works of Muslim philosophers such as Ibn Arabi, Avicenna, and Al-Farabi. On the fate of communism, Imam Khomeini wrote:

It is clear to everybody that, from now on, communism will only have to be found in the museums of world political history, for Marxism cannot meet any of the real needs of mankind. Marxism is a materialistic ideology, and materialism cannot bring humanity out of the crisis caused by a lack of belief in spirituality—the prime affliction of human society in the East and the West alike.
 Mikhail Gorbachev (19312022).

Imam Khomeini warned the Russians about their interest in Western capitalism and the potential deception by the Americans. He also discussed deep philosophical and mystical issues, urging Gorbachev to turn toward God and religion instead of the West:
If you hope, at this juncture, to cut the economic Gordian knots of socialism and communism by appealing to the center of Western capitalism, you will, far from remedying any ill of your society, commit a mistake which those to come will have to erase. For, if Marxism has reached a deadlock in its social and economic policies, capitalism has also bogged down in this regard, as well as in other respects, though in a different form.
Mr. Gorbachev, reality must be faced. The main problem confronting your country is not one of private ownership, freedom, and economy; rather, it is the absence of true faith in God — the very problem that has dragged, or will drag, the West to vulgarism and an impasse. Your main problem is the prolonged and futile war you have waged against God, the source of existence and creation.
After listening to the Imam’s message, Gorbachev said, 'I am thankful for the Imam’s letter. I will respond when the situation is appropriate. We will deliver its contents to the Soviet clergy and are approving the law of religious freedom. As I’ve said before, although we have different ideologies, we can still maintain a peaceful relationship.'
 » If at that time we took Ayatollah Khomeini’s predictions seriously, we would not be in this situation today. «
The Reagans and the Gorbachevs wearing cowboy hats at Rancho del Cielo, California, in 1992.

Gorbachev, an atheist and communist, did not take the Imam’s message seriously, and as stated in the Imam's letter, this ignorance led to his downfall: By 1991, all communist governments had collapsed. Hailed by the West, Gorbachev faced the consequences of his own foolish Perestroika reforms, and the Soviet Union was plunged into uncertain changes, dominated by the US. In 1999, on the 10th anniversary of Imam Khomeini’s demise, Gorbachev, in an interview with the IRIB News Agency in Moscow, expressed regret for having ignored the Imam’s warnings three years before the collapse of the Soviet Union, saying:
I think Imam Khomeini’s message addressed all the ages throughout history [...] When I received this message, I felt that the person who wrote it was thoughtful and cared about the situation of the world. By studying the letter, I realized that he was someone who was worried about the world and wanted me to understand more about the Islamic revolution. [...] If at that time we took Ayatollah Khomeini’s predictions seriously, we would not be in this situation today.”

See also: 

Friday, February 14, 2025

Trump, Putin, and Yalta 2.0: Redrawing the World Map | Alexander Dugin

On February 4th, 1945, the Yalta Conference of the Allied Powers began, a meeting that shaped the world order following the defeat of Nazi Germany. This defeat was already inevitable, and the leaders of the victorious camps—the Soviet bloc and the western liberal capitalist world—laid the foundations for the post-war, post-Nazi global arrangement. 
» For now, we are still in the midst of conflict and perhaps even on the brink of a larger-scale war. «
This order was characterized by the existence of only two camps, two blocs with opposing ideologies, which divided the world and assigned spheres of influence. This model largely persisted until the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact and, ultimately, the collapse of the Soviet Union itself. With that collapse, the Yalta system effectively ended, giving way to a unipolar world. Thus, it is no surprise that the US Agency for International Development (USAID), in essence a covert and subversive organization, played a significant role in shaping post-Soviet Russian statehood. It influenced the Yeltsin-era constitution, the new tax and land codes, and other structural changes.
» Let us build a great Russia, establish our power, and revive all the glory and strength of the empire. We must ruthlessly fight against all tendencies of nihilism, perversion, decay, and corruption in the world. « — Alexander Dugin, February 10, 2025.

This marked the triumph of the unipolar world order, as Yalta was fully dismantled. Now, we see the prospect of a meeting between Putin and Trump. Indeed, these are two great political figures, two leaders representing two civilizational states, but their meeting, as it stands, will not yet be the new Yalta, defining the parameters of the next world order, which can only be multipolar.

 » Putin and Trump alone are insufficient. At a minimum, China and India must be involved. «

For us to arrive at genuine negotiations regarding the fate of humanity, two key conditions must be met. First, Putin and Trump alone are insufficient. Second, for Russia to fully participate in reshaping the global architecture, it must achieve a crucial milestone: victory over globalism in Ukraine. Just as Stalin had victory over Hitler in the Great Patriotic War, Putin must secure victory in Ukraine.

Yes, we are moving towards this goal, and it will be achieved. But only after victory in Ukraine will truly significant negotiations between Russia and Western civilization take place. However, even these negotiations will not finalize the global architecture, as a multipolar world requires the participation of other civilizational states. At a minimum, China and India must be involved, leading to at least four-party negotiations. Moreover, Europe is increasingly distancing itself from the United States, forming a distinct geopolitical model. Thus, Europe becomes another potential participant. We must also consider the Islamic world, with its billion adherents, as well as Africa and Latin America. These represent three additional civilizational actors, whose perspectives cannot be ignored in the new global architecture. However, the New World Order is already being shaped amidst the ongoing civil war in the US, between Trump's supporters and the deep state—the fanatical globalist elite within America itself.

With his character and persistence, Trump will bring order to Europe quite quickly. And soon, all of  
Europe's elites will stand at the master's feet, and gently wag their tails. Everything will fall into place. «
Vladimir Putin, February 3, 2025.
It is telling that the Democrats' organic demonstrations in support of USAID, which had been shut down by Trump and Musk, recognize that the agency holds documents that could potentially incriminate much of the Democratic Party's leadership and parts of the Republican Party as well. This is why America is currently engulfed in a civil conflict. Trump must win this conflict and begin constructing his American model.

» It is entirely conceivable that Canada will become the 51st state of the US — we have no objections. Or that Greenland will become American — we have no objections. And even if Western Europe becomes American, we probably won’t object too much either. But Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltics, and part of Eastern Europe definitively belong to us in the new map of global redistribution. There are no questions about this. Ukraine is ours — a part of Russia, period. Belarus is our ally, period. Iran is our union state, period.  «  Alexander Dugin, February 13, 2025.
Similarly, Russia must achieve victory in its war in Ukraine, defeating the globalists and their puppets on the battlefield. China, India, Africa, and Latin America will also need to prove themselves in the face of new challenges. The Islamic world, for its part, is currently being tested by the challenge of the Greater Israel Project. Therefore, to reiterate, we are not yet in the situation of a new Yalta world, where two camps have already essentially triumphed over a third and are preparing to define the next cycle of world history.
For now, we are still in the midst of conflict and perhaps even on the brink of a larger-scale war. Only when these wars come to an end and the victors and the defeated are known will it be possible to speak of truly fateful meetings between the great leaders of great powers to establish the structure of a new world order.

The old world is dying and the new world struggles to be born. Now is the time of monsters. « 

See also:
Know your Enemies.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Russia Must Help Overthrow Europe's Dangerous Elites │ Sergey Karaganov

Any outcome of the Ukraine conflict framed as a ‘compromise’ would be celebrated in the West as a victory and perceived as a failure by Russia. This must be avoided at all costs.

» Western Europe must be sidelined from global decision-making. It has become the primary threat to itself and the world. 
True peace will only come when Western Europe’s backbone is broken once more, as it was after Russia’s victories over 
Napoleon and Hitler. The current elites must be replaced by a new generation capable of engaging in constructive dialogue. «
Sergey Karaganov, honorary chairman of Russia’s Council on Foreign and Defense Policy
dean of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs, and adviser to Vladimir Putin.

First, Russia must openly confront Western Europe’s historical culpability. It’s not the ‘garden’ its elites imagine but a field of fat weeds thriving on the blood of hundreds of millions it has enslaved, murdered, and robbed. Calling Western Europe out for its crimes – from colonialism to warmongering – legitimizes our potential use of nuclear deterrence as a justified response to aggression.

Second, Russia must emphasize the inevitability of nuclear escalation in any conflict between NATO and Russia. This message is essential not only to limit an arms race but also to underscore the futility of stockpiling conventional weapons that will be rendered irrelevant in a nuclear confrontation. NATO’s leaders must understand that they cannot avoid the consequences of their actions.

Third, we must continue advancing on the battlefield, destroying the enemy’s forces with relentless precision. However, it is equally critical to declare that Russia’s patience is finite. For every Russian soldier killed, we must make clear that a thousand Western Europeans will pay the price if their governments persist in waging war against us. The public over there must understand that their elites are preparing to sacrifice them, and nuclear weapons will not discriminate between soldiers and civilians. Western European capitals will be among the first targets of our retaliation.

Fourth, Russia must communicate to the Americans that their continued escalation of the Ukraine conflict will lead to catastrophic consequences. Should they persist, we will cross the nuclear Rubicon, targeting their allies and bases worldwide. Any non-nuclear response will provoke a nuclear strike on American soil. This clarity will force Washington to reconsider its reckless policies.

, we must strengthen our military capabilities while continuing to adjust our nuclear doctrine. If diplomacy fails, we must escalate decisively, demonstrating our readiness to use advanced weapons to defend Russia’s sovereignty and interests. While new technologies such as the Oreshnik missile system enhance our capabilities, they are no substitute for nuclear weapons, which remain the ultimate guarantor of our security.

Finally, Russia must offer the United States a dignified exit from its self-inflicted Ukrainian disaster. We have no desire to humiliate America but are prepared to help it extricate itself from this quagmire, provided it abandons its destructive policies. At the same time, Western Europe must be sidelined from global decision-making. It has become the primary threat to itself and the world.

If America withdraws, Ukraine’s defeat will follow swiftly. Russia will reclaim its rightful territories in the east and south, while a neutral, demilitarized state is established in central and western Ukraine. Those unwilling to live under Russian law will be free to relocate. Peace can only be achieved by removing Western Europe as a destabilizing force and addressing humanity’s broader challenges alongside the global majority.

True peace will only come when Western Europe’s backbone is broken once more, as it was after Russia’s victories over Napoleon and Hitler. The current elites must be replaced by a new generation capable of engaging in constructive dialogue. Only then can Europe rejoin the world as a responsible partner, not a source of perpetual conflict. 
The stakes are clear: This is not just a battle for Russia’s future, but for the survival of human civilization as we know it.

[ RT’s version of Karaganov's January 21st Profile essay is essentially completely rewritten 
including its title, although RT merely says it "was translated and edited by the RT team." ] 

Friday, January 24, 2025

Mexico's Strategic Position in the Maritime Silk Road of the Americas

While Trump and Washington focus on renaming the Gulf of Mexico, reclaiming the Panama Canal, 'purchasing' Greenland, toppling the governments of Mexico, Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba, and Nicaragua, and militarizing and sabotaging global trade, Beijing is subtly reshaping the commercial landscape in the Americas. Enter the new Port of Manzanillo, Mexico's mega project on the Pacific, a crucial element in China’s strategic plan for the Maritime Silk Road of the Americas:

Second phase inauguration of the Manzanillo project, November 23, 2024.
Mexico is currently building the largest port in Latin America in Manzanillo, a flagship project in President Claudia Sheinbaum’s administration that continues the legacy of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (2018-2024) to enhance the country’s infrastructure and establish Mexico as an economic superpower. 
Situated in Cuyutlán Bay, Colima, the port’s expansion aims not only to increase Mexico’s capacity to handle international trade but also reflects the comprehensive vision of the left-wing government in improving key economic sectors: infrastructure, international trade, and energy. By 2030, with a budget of 63 billion pesos (3.4 billion US dollars), the project will expand the port from 450  to 1,880 hectares, allowing it to handle up to 10 million containers annually and establishing it among the 20 largest ports in the world.

 Mexico's new trade hub on the Pacific, bypassing the Panama Canal.

This expansion is part of a broader strategic initiative to amplify Mexico's global connectivity, which includes the construction of specialized terminals, advanced dredging systems, state-of-the-art cranes, and improvements to the railway and road infrastructure. These upgrades will allow the port to accommodate up to five mega-ships simultaneously and connect seamlessly with interoceanic logistical corridors and commercial routes in Asia, North America, and Latin America. The expansion will not only optimize the movement of goods but will significantly reduce transportation times and improve access for Mexican products in markets across the globe.

 By 2030, Puerto Manzanillo will rank among the 20 largest ports in the world.

Puerto Manzanillo will become a pivotal hub for international trade, facilitating direct links with Asia and bypassing the Panama Canal bottleneck. COSCO Shipping’s direct routes further bolster Manzanillo’s position as a central node in the Asia-Pacific supply chain, making it a strategic partner for Latin American markets.
Mexico is on track to become an economic superpower, driven by a growing population, an expanding middle
class, and a robust manufacturing sector, potentially surpassing the US in the second half of the 21st century.
This connection strengthens Mexico’s role in the global trade network, promoting exports like automobiles, agricultural goods, and steel, and secures it as a vital link between Latin America and Asia’s manufacturing powerhouse.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

America's Final War | Andrei Martyanov

"Warfare is a geopolitical tool of the first order; only wars of scale can measure the real strength of nations." For decades, American claims of hegemony, and by extension, those of the West, have been based on what has now proved to be a carefully constructed mythology of economic and military supremacy.

 » Barack Obama allowed Russia to steal American hypersonic technology. This is why Russia
is two generations ahead of the US in hypersonic technology, while the United States still
cannot produce even 'slow' hypersonic weapons.
This is Andrei Martyanov’s fourth book addressing this issue, now as it concerns the war in Ukraine. In America’s Final War, he lays out in detail the underpinning causes and extent of its self-deception. Washington’s eight years of preparing Ukraine and its armed forces for war with Russia was a mistake of historic proportions due to its misperception of American military power based on its 1991 Gulf War victory against a minor military player. Washington believed its own propaganda about crippling sanctions on Russia, the viability of its Ukrainian proxy army, and the economic and military weakness of Russia, spelling doom for the American empire and its “rules-based order.”

 The Sarmat II ICBM travels at Mach 20.7 (25,000 km/h) and has a range of up to 18,000 km.
In comparison, the United States is actively working on its own hypersonic
weapons, which aim to travel at speeds greater than Mach 5.

Martyanov lays out Washington’s utter incompetence and shocking military amateurism. But then, he claims, the US doesn’t do strategy; it does business plans. Through 2022-2023, Russia’s Special Military Operation (SMO) exposed US and NATO forces as legacy armies stuck in the 1990s, still viewing the world from that vantage point. The massive destruction of the West’s high-cost weaponry ensued, annulling their vaunted superiority. Western armaments, from anti-tank Javelins to APC Bradleys to air defense complexes such as the Patriot PAC3 or NASAMS, performed dismally and proved unready for what has become the largest military conflict in Europe since WWII. By 2023, the Kiev regime could no longer exist without the West’s support, both financial and in war materiel. By 2024, Russia will have not just exhausted Ukraine but also demilitarized NATO as a whole, exposing the industrial and military impotence of the US and its European vassals.

The finance and tech-based economy is not a real economy; expeditionary warfare and doctrine are not real war.
The global balance of power has shifted to Eurasia. Western Europe has become a collection of weak and fast-deindustrializing economies which will increasingly become irrelevant against the background of the explosive economic, technological, scientific, and military development in Eurasia. The world has noticed what has been exposed, and because of that, life as we knew it is no more. The rule of the West of the last half-millennium is over.
See also: