Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Trump Managing the Collapse of the American Empire | Thierry Meyssan

On January 21 and 22, Donald Trump had gathered the central bankers and finance ministers of the G7 in his Mar-a-Lago residence. He is said to have welcomed them by telling: "No one will leave this room until we have found an agreement on the dollar." The agreement in question would therefore have been approved by the allies. The main idea would be for the US Treasury to issue government bonds that do not pay interest (what are called "zero coupons") and that would not mature for a century (that is, could not be exchanged for cash for 100 years). Washington would therefore have to force its allies to convert their debts into "zero coupons". 
 » No one will leave this room until we have found an agreement on the dollar. «
[...] The US public debt has now reached the astronomical sum of 34,000 billion dollars, of which only a third is held by foreign investors, according to Forbes. If some of the US creditors, mainly China and Saudi Arabia, were to ask for repayment, a gigantic economic crisis would occur as in 1929. Many economists regularly warn of this prospect. According to Jon Hartley of the Hoover Institution, central banks have not reduced the share of the dollar in their foreign exchange reserves since the war in Ukraine. However, on February 20, a videoconference by analyst Jim Bianco, taken up by the Bloomberg agency, rekindled concerns. According to this analyst, the Trump administration is following a plan, the "Mar-a-Lago Accord". It intends to radically restructure the US debt burden by reorganizing world trade through tariffs, devaluing the dollar and, ultimately, reducing the cost of borrowing, all with the aim of putting US industry on an equal footing with its competitors in the rest of the world. [...] De-dollarization, that is, using the dollar only at the national level of the United States and no longer in international trade, is the sea serpent of finance.

[...] If we accept this analysis, we must reinterpret various actions of President Trump, in terms of customs duties or the creation of a sovereign wealth fund. They no longer seem as erratic as the international press describes them, but on the contrary very logical. We must therefore consider that Donald Trump is trying to manage the possible economic collapse of Joe Biden’s "American empire" as Yuri Andropov, Konstantin Chernenko and Mikhail Gorbachev tried to manage that of Leonid Brezhnev’s "Soviet empire". I am all the more attentive to this hypothesis because, in my opinion, the coup of September 11, 2001 had no other goal than to postpone the foreseeable collapse of the “American empire”. The last two decades have been only a reprieve that, far from solving the problem, have only made it much more complex. 
[...] This time, cautiously, President Trump is lulling his public opinion to sleep by evoking the annexation of the entire North American continental shelf, from Greenland to the Panama Canal, while liquidating the war in Ukraine and the European Union. If my hypothesis is correct, we must not believe a word of the threats of annexation of new territories, such as Canada, and not imagine that the United States is withdrawing militarily from Europe to confront China, but admit that it is militarily abandoning its European allies. We see that it is abandoning Germany and relying on Poland to organize Central Europe, even if it means letting Warsaw annex Eastern Galicia (currently Ukrainian). Similarly, we must prepare to see the United States abandon its Middle Eastern allies, with the exception of Israel. Indeed, it has just resumed arms deliveries to Tel Aviv and begun secret talks with Iran via Moscow. They let Saudi Arabia and Turkey divide up the Arab world.

 » Russia needs the United States to avoid finding itself face to face with China. «

The competition between Paris and London to take the lead in European defense should therefore not be understood as opposition to peace in Ukraine. Neither the French nor the British armies have the possibility of replacing Washington’s military support. It is rather a question of determining the role that the two capitals will subsequently play on the continent. Emmanuel Macron, the French president, hopes to develop his defense concept around the French strike force, while Keir Starmer, the British prime minister, intends to take advantage of the situation. The former is aware that the European Union, around Germany, is disintegrating and that President Trump prefers the "Three Seas Initiative", around Poland. He could therefore reawaken the Weimar Triangle (Germany/France/Poland) to maintain some room for maneuver. While, from the same analysis and taking into account the disappearance of NATO, the second will ensure that Germany is kept as far away from Russia as possible, thus continuing his country’s foreign policy for a century and a half. 
Fuhrer Ursula is mobilizing everybody to re-militarize Europe. «
Note that if the European allies, the Chinese and the Saudis should consider it a scam to exchange their debts for “zero coupons”, Russia should on the contrary support the United States in this maneuver. Indeed, during the dismantling of the Soviet Union, Russia went through a decade of recession and unrest, but today it needs the United States to avoid finding itself face to face with China.

Trump’s Special Envoy, Steve Witkoff, is making his way to Moscow this week to “urge” Russia to agree to a ceasefire in Ukraine, or else, the White House announced today. It remains unclear whether President Vladimir Putin will even meet with him. Putin has already made Russia’s position clear: No “temporary” ceasefires. A whole new multipolar security order. Yalta 2.0. Long-term peace or nothing.

 » I hope it's not going to be necessary. «
GOAT One-Trick ZioCon MIGA-MAGA Don, March 12, 2025.

After the complete trainwreck in Saudi Arabia, where Washington bent over backwards to appease Ukraine’s fascist regime, agreeing to rearm the Nazi terrorists and give them a 30-day breather, it’s hard to see what’s even on the table. Russia doesn’t do ceasefires for Western rearmament. Russia dictates battlefield reality, not White House wishful thinking. Putin won’t waste more time on US theatrics unless there’s something real to discuss.

 Efforts to reasonably deal with the Trump administration failed, and on March 12,
Putin appears in military uniform for the first time since the start of the war.
If the US wants a real negotiation, it should finally realize where to start: First, stop this hollow and ridiculous propaganda charade of 'Trump aiming to broker a ceasefire and peace deal between Russia and Ukraine,' and acknowledge that Russia has defeated the US and all of NATO in Ukraine. The US has lost, is exhausted, humiliated, and bankrupt, and Russia has offered the new US administration a chance to at least save face and improve relations, instead of escalating into nuclear Armageddon. Second, stop financing and rearming the Zelensky regime, and cut its access to Starlink.

The GOAT fiscal MIGA-MAGA Ponzi scheme beyond repair.

If it's just about another silly PR stunt to please BlackRock and the 
deluded MIGA-MAGA gaga-crowds, you’d better DOGE the airfare, Witkoff.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

United Kingdom Configured for Civil War Within the Next 5 Years | David Betz

At first glance, the distant and telegenic United Kingdom may appear to most outsiders as one of the least likely countries to experience widespread civil unrest, typical of failed regimes. However, years of uncontrolled large-scale immigration, multiculturalism, economic decline and impoverishment, injustice, oppression, the COVID-19 craze, public insecurity, corruption, enforced wokeness, media indoctrination, permanent war-and-terror hysteria, a surveillance state, and individual intimidation and submission have led to widespread and stark religious, educational, moral, and ethical degeneracy across all social realms, Zionist and Wahhabi-Salafi-controlled extremism, as well as nearly omnipresent discontent and tension. As a result, the failed UK regime now seems to be on the brink of precisely that.
Professor David J. Betz, a top academic and government advisor, expects that the UK will experience a civil war within the next five years, caused by the "destruction of legitimacy" brought about by the government's failure to secure the border. Betz made these claims during a remarkable, profound, and shockingly plausible podcast appearance with journalist and author Louise Perry.
» This is worse for Europe than bombs falling out of the sky. The enemies
of Europe know this, which is why this is their weapon of choice
. « 
Betz is neither alarmist nor sensationalistic. He has been researching and teaching at the Department of War Studies at King's College London for the past 25 years, focusing on the evolution of insurgency and counterinsurgency, information warfare and cyberwar, propaganda, civil-military relations, hybrid warfare, and grand military strategy. He has worked with the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) and Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), in addition to being a contributor to the current British counter insurgency doctrine (COIN) and a Senior Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI). Professor Betz describes himself as a “classic member of the establishment” and explained Perry in concrete detail why and how British society is now "explosively configured" to experience mass unrest, critical infrastructure sabotage, and subsequent total breakdowns in institutions, society, economy, logistics, and law, along with excessive crime, violence, and anarchy. 
Now, what could and should be done to prevent all of this—power outages, burning cities, destroyed communication infrastructure, gang violence, looting, population displacement, famine, epidemics, and more? The UK is beyond repair; it's too late, and nothing and no one can stop this from happening, concludes Betz. When from London, Manchester, Birmingham, and similar places, you may already have some experience, but might want to learn additional valuable lessons from recent examples like Aleppo, Benghazi, Caracas, Mogadishu, Lagos, or Port-au-Prince. Have a solid community, family, and friends, be prepared with food, water, cash, skills, and more, and try to mitigate the impending damage and consequences, Betz recommends.
 » Caused by the destruction of legitimacy. «
 Between 1997 and 2013 in Rotherham 1,400 girls were sexually abused by Pakistani grooming gangs. 
And by 2020, a Home Office investigation report finds no links between ethnicity and child sexual abuse.

He said the fallout began with the fracture of the social contract after the political establishment in the UK tried to subvert the Brexit vote. Subsequent years have brought about a “destruction of legitimacy” as a result of successive governments’ open border policy and their inability to protect children and citizens from grooming gangs and rampant violence, in addition to a two-tier justice system presided over by a highly-politicized judiciary defending globalism, wokism, and illegal mass immigration. 

Given the situation today, this British scenario may apply, in one form or another, to most Western European countries, Canada, and possibly the US.


Europe Has Had Its Soul Colonized | Martin Sellner

Europe, and Germany in particular, has had its soul colonized. Generations — especially the Boomers — have unlearned how to think independently and with pride. 
 » I represent a consistent Central European position with primacy on remigration
Anything else would be sheer madness given the situation. «
They are mentally broken. Guilt and ‘gratitude’ towards foreigners define their identity.

Western liberals, raised under NATO, cannot thank the Allies enough for their ‘liberation.’
Eastern socialists, raised under the Warsaw Pact, express the same fervent gratitude towards the ‘Red Army.’

Instinctively, they are always in search of a new ‘protector.’ Psychologically, this mindset is understandable within the context of the 20th century. However, it is entirely unfit for the 21st century, the return of history, and the multipolar world. True Europeans are:

Against any cult of guilt and submission.
Against the East/West divide and the interference of foreign powers.
For the removal of the old elites, remigration, and a strong, renewed Central Europe on an equal footing with both 
      Russia and the United States.

Gene Sharp’s analysis of "Regime Change" is considered the blueprint for all globalist color revolutions in recent decades. Amid the rise of conservative and patriotic politics across all member countries of the European Union, aiming for regime change from the right, 36-year-old Austrian activist Martin Sellner's Identitarian Movement has adapted Sharp's key strategies, along with metapolitics, parliamentary patriotism, militancy, remigration, and cultural reconquista, encouraging debate and action among Europe's youth committed to securing their future and freedom.
See also:

S&P 500 Premium and Discount Levels in the Current 18-Month Cycle

 Current 18-Month Cycle in the S&P 500 (weekly bars, October 2023 to March 2025) and retracement levels.
The current 18-month cycle began in October 2023 and is expected to bottom between April and May 2025, likely falling below the August 2024 low and the 50% retracement level. J.M. Hurst's nominal 18-month cycle has an average wavelength of 17.93 months, or 77.98 weeks, or 545 calendar days, which can contract and expand significantly (see table and Hurst chart below). The weekly pattern for March appears to be the X-AMD version, meaning this week should be the month's (re-)accumulation phase (while Martin Armstrong alerted to a "panic cycle").
In his latest update, David Hickson expects the current 18-Month Cycle to bottom around May-June, and the current 80-Day Cycle this or next week (CPI, Quad Witching, FOMC Statement; see Hurst chart below). Lately, shorter Hurst cycles in the dollar-priced S&P 500 have been distorted by the significant changes in the EUR/USD valuation.

The ECB's Dystopian Digital Euro Dictatorship Set to Launch in October 2025

The European Central Bank (ECB), under Christine Lagarde, is pushing for a digital euro at full speed: “The deadline for us will be October 2025, and we are preparing for this date,” Lagarde explained. The implementation depends on the approval of the Commission, the Council, and Parliament must complete the legislative process.

Every payment tracked in real time, with the ECB able to block payments, deduct taxes,
prevent withdrawals (no bank run), impose expiration dates on money, and enable censorship.

The digital euro is to come in two versions: a retail version for citizens and a wholesale version for financial institutions. What central bankers praise as innovation could turn out to be a Trojan horse for civil liberties. Despite the ECB’s assurances of “high privacy standards,” the fundamental fact remains: a digital central bank currency creates the technical prerequisites for seamless financial transparency.

Unlike cash, every transaction with the digital euro leaves a data trail. The assurance that the ECB will not track transactions is not convincing, given the increasing trends of state surveillance. Technically, it would be possible at any time to lift this self-imposed restriction – for example, in the name of "counterterrorism" or "tax justice."

Especially concerning is the possibility of freezing or confiscating balances at the push of a button. What is currently dismissed as a theoretical scenario could become bitter reality tomorrow. The experiences with account freezes of politically unpopular individuals and media in Western democracies show that this danger is by no means unfounded. A digital euro would dramatically increase this concentration of power. Imagine: A government critic suddenly finds their digital balance frozen – without a court order, without legal recourse, and without a cash alternative.

The "programmability" of the digital euro, hailed as an advantage by its supporters, reveals its true threat: The state could determine what you are allowed to spend your money on (for example, linked to a CO2 budget). Spending limits for certain products, time restrictions, or intended purposes could be directly programmed into the currency. This control could also be abused to enforce political goals. Climate policy through limiting meat purchases or air travel? Health policy by limiting "unhealthy" foods? The technical possibilities would be nearly unlimited.

 » A digital euro would be a digital form of cash. «
This is a blunt lie and exactly what the digital euro is not.

While the ECB presents the digital euro as a necessary response to China’s digital yuan and US stablecoins, it conceals the true essence of this race: It is about control, not innovation. China's CBDC project already shows how digital currencies can be used for social control. The ECB's Ethereum blockchain tests may be technically impressive but divert attention from the fundamental shift in power that a digital euro would represent: away from the citizen, towards the state and its institutions.

 » The key difference with the CBDC is that central banks will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability. And also we will have the technology to enforce that. Those two issues are extremely important and that makes a huge difference with respect to what cash is. «
Agustín Carstens, General Manager, Bank for International Settlements.

The digital euro is not a neutral means of payment but a tool for undermining civil liberties. The promised benefits – faster transactions, offline functionality, competitiveness – do not outweigh the risks. While Lagarde and the ECB are pushing forward with technical preparations, citizens and parliamentarians should ask the fundamental question: Do we want a society where every financial transaction can potentially be monitored, controlled, and sanctioned? The answer to this question will have consequences far beyond 2025 or 2028.
See also:
Know your Enemies.

Monday, March 10, 2025

Markets Crash On Cue & Trump Won't Rule Out Recession | Martin Armstrong

Comment by Kirk: It looks like Trump is aware of the Economic Confidence Model (ECM). Markets crashed right on cue with Socrates, and he refused to rule out a recession. What is most curious is that you had a Panic Cycle for this week of March 10 [...]

Reply by Martin Armstrong: The ECM turned down on May 7, 2024. That was the day of the attempted assassination of Zelensky. Within weeks, the central banks started lowering rates. [...]
We are headed into a Global RECESSION no matter what Trump thinks or does.
 Dow Jones Industrials Index - Weekly Timing Arrays (Feb 24 - May 12, 2025)

[...] This is NOT my personal opinion. Socrates is the only fully functioning Artificial Intelligence Computer with more than a 40-year track record. [...] It will be a depression in some regions, primarily Europe. One country alone does not dictate the trend globally. Trump cannot create an economic boom when the rest of the world is imploding.


Friday, March 7, 2025

Make Chimerica Great Again | Mitchell Presnick

Forget about the G7 and G20. The truly important focus is the US and China, and what we do together. First of all, we are moving into a multipolar world. This means that the US and China will be peer competitors, but there will also be other important countries rising and becoming more influential over time, such as India, Brazil, Indonesia, and Russia. 
Donald Trump is probably the most pro-China President in US History. 
President Trump said that the US and China could solve all the world’s problems, and he is right. «
Mitchell Presnick.
We have this multipolar world, and within this context, we are going to see the formation of the G2. Forget about the G7 and G20. The real focus is the US and China and what we do together. President Trump said that “the US and China could solve all the world’s problems, and he is right. He specifically said the US and China; not the US, China, BRICS, and the developing world. If China and the US are working together, everyone else—over 200 countries—will be aligned with one or the other, or both in some cases.

This, I believe, is the world order that is coming. I think it is going to be net positive for the world because it will provide more opportunities for countries that have been ignored. Africa did not get much attention until China entered and began developing business and resource opportunities there. Now, Africa is receiving a lot more attention from everyone. The same is true for Latin America. The US has been dominant in this hemisphere since the early 1800s, and yet Latin America and South America have struggled to develop. Objectively, it is clearly in the interest of South America for China to get more involved and help develop infrastructure there.

This might even encourage the US to do the same, which would be a net positive for South America. It would also create business opportunities, because one thing people don’t understand about the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is that every time China builds a railway, road, port, or airport in a developing country, it is also creating the foundation for a middle class who will later buy other goods from China. In other words, it's like brand building for Chinese industry. China, as a brand, is being built in these countries. People there will become familiar with Chinese cars, well-built roads, and high-quality products. As these consumers develop, they will naturally be more inclined to buy Chinese goods, which are well-priced and of good quality. This is something I think the US also needs to be doing.

Globalism is Dead, What Comes Next | Alexander Dugin

The order of great powers is something harsher than multipolarity. It is essentially a form of multipolarity, since it is neither unipolar nor bipolar, but something greater. However, in this case, only the state civilizations that currently exist are considered, not those that might emerge in the future based on deep-rooted identities. 

We are living in a new age of great power politics, and Europe is the big loser. The order of great powers, outlined by Trump's bold reforms, represents a redistribution of the spheres of influence in the world among the tetrarchy of the US, Russia, China and India. 
 » Trump's bold reforms, represents a redistribution of the spheres of influence. «

Everything else falls into the realm of the periphery. In theory, Europe could have joined, but not under the liberal lunatics who are currently in power. Europe is desperately clinging to the unipolar world, from which, however, the structural foundation, the US, has been removed. The EU now hardly has any chance of surviving. So, for now, it's the tetrarchy and the prospects of Yalta 2.0.


The Three Week Cycle, Quarterly Shift, and IPDA Data Ranges

Thursday, March 6, 2025

The Panama Canal & The Best MIGA-MAGA-ShowBizMan Money Can Buy

BlackRock, in collaboration with Goldman Sachs, has agreed to acquire a majority stake in the Balboa and Cristobal ports at either end of the Panama Canal from Hong Kong's CK Hutchison Holdings for approximately $19 billion. This acquisition aligns with strategic US efforts to counter China's influence over the canal and the region, as extensively outlined by US President Donald Trump in recent months.
On March 4, 2025, Trump praised this as his latest tremendous, beautiful, and incredible deal to the US Congress, referring to it as the US "reclaiming" the Panama Canal. BlackRock's CEO, Larry Fink, a devoted globalist of the Davos cult, has been involved in various Trump initiatives, and his latest acquisition seamlessly intertwines BlackRock's interests with US geopolitical objectives. Nothing could possibly go wrong: everything within BlackRock, nothing outside BlackRock, nothing against BlackRock. Not even two months in office, and already incredible. Perfect deal.

» One way or the other, we’re going to get it. «
The Art of the Deal.
Great job, Donnie; Waltz, Witkoff, Rubio, brilliant. Without a single shot and only a little taxpayer money. Exemplary. Checkbook diplomacy, corporatism, and plutocracy at their finest. Very clever. And a deal with the Greenlanders may finally compensate BlackRock for its misinvestment in Biden's Project Ukraine. Let's see how the UKR rare earths, Nord Stream 2, and this Canada thing play out. Now, if only these issues with the Gaza Casino Beach Resort could be resolved, Jared and Ms. Adelson would be really delighted. And you might very well end up with the Nobel Peace Prize, going down in history as Trump, The Peace President. Never mind, whatever is good for the Goldmans, the Musks, and the BlackRocks is sure good enough for your MAGA crowds.
 » I reject in the name of Panama and all Panamanians this new affront 
to the truth and our dignity as a nation. Trump is lying again. «
 José Raúl Mulino, President of Panama, on Trump's MIGA-MAGA show to the Congress.
However, on March 5, Panama's President José Raúl Mulino accused President Trump of lying in his congressional address when he declared his administration was "reclaiming" the Panama Canal. 
 » Truth is reality. The canal is and will always be Panamanian. «
José Raúl Mulino, President of Panama, March 6, 2025.
Panama asserts full control over the canal, arguing that the Chinese group's port operations do not equate to Chinese control over the waterway. The government called the sale a private transaction and dismissed any notion of US "reclaiming" the canal. Mulino rejected claims that the deal was due to US pressure, posting a message on X: "I reject in the name of Panama and all Panamanians this affront to the truth and our dignity as a nation," and accused Trump of "lying again". C'mon, Stalin Mulino, life is a business, and I pleased my MIGA-MAGA crowds. Truth is reality.
 » Too Pig to Fail. «