Thursday, February 20, 2025

Europe in Angst! Intelligence Agencies Fear Withdrawal of US Troops | BILD

In Case of a Deal Between Trump and Putin:
Europe in Angst! Intelligence Agencies Fear the Withdrawal of US Troops.

► In many parts of Europe, there is great concern about the American-Russian negotiations. US President Donald Trump (78) has ruled out a complete withdrawal of US troops from Europe. However, according to information from BILD, Western intelligence services and politicians fear that the negotiations, which began today in Riyadh, could lead to the end of the presence of US troops in large parts of Europe.
► A capitulation of the US to Russia – if it really comes to that. An Eastern European security official told BILD: "According to our information, this is about Putin's 2021 demands, namely the withdrawal of US troops from all NATO countries that joined the alliance after 1990.
» Betrayed. First Zelensky, then us? The US's radical withdrawal from its allies. «
Der Spiegel (MI6, USAID, and Bill Gates), Hamburg, Germany — February 22, 2025.

Accurate Translation:
Is NATO Dead?
Howling, Chattering Teeth, and Panic Among the Deranged, Failed, Defeated, and now Marginalized 
Zionist, Globalist, Russophobic, Neo-Nazi, and War-Hungry US-Lackey Elites Across Europe.
  » NATO's purpose is to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down. «
Lord General Hastings Lionel Ismay, 1st Baron Ismay (KG GCB CH DSO PC DL), NATO's first Secretary General, 1952.
The US created NATO in 1949 to contain the Soviet Union (official mantra).
NATO lost the war against Russia in Ukraine. 
NATO no longer serves any purpose for the US. America First.
The moment the US withdraws from post-1990 NATO states (Sweden, Finland, Baltic Chihuahuas, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Serbia's Kosovo), NATO will be dead, and the EU will be dead.
And then, what will happen to the US-lakey elites in Europe? They are already walking dead.

The Gringo Perestroika:
Beginning of the End of NATO and EU, and Eurasian Prospects.
The US empire is on the brink of bankruptcy, with the US no longer a unified entity, but rather a battleground itself, where competing forces are striving to impose alternative systems of governance to reduce running costs, including in Europe. Now that US/NATO has lost the war against Russia in Ukraine, Trump’s officials are distancing themselves from Zelensky and are set to push for elections and regime change in Kyiv. They also seem open to Russia’s 2021 demand that NATO revert to its pre-1990 configuration, which could lead to the withdrawal of US troops from all 16 countries that joined the alliance since that time. Cordon sanitaire 3.0.

The US has been occupying Italy and Germany since 1945; factually, they are not sovereign states. To this day, Article 53 and 107 of the UN Charter classify both as enemy states, meaning enemies of the UN world order at the time of its founding (the same is true for Japan). This, however, is still reason enough for the US to continue to treat them as cash cow vassal states, and to abuse them as nuclear missile launchpads, military bases, continental aircraft carriers, and command centers to control Europe, Africa, and West Asia (EUCOM, AFRICOM, CENTCOM). All paid by the occupied, of course. Protection money. Reunified Germany does not even have a democratically approved constitution, but is instead still governed by the 1948 Basic Law, designed to administer the US-British-French occupation zones. Why? Eternal US-Zionist-vassalage be their destiny because their great-grand parents were all fascists and Nazis.
That said, from US-occupied Italy and Germany, the European Union and NATO have expanded in lockstep up to Russia's borders, and a US/NATO withdrawal from any EU member state will immediately destabilize current regimes and finally erase the entire Brussels Eurocracy and NATO scheme. It will provoke regime changes, secession, the formation of new alliances, new conflicts, and potentially even military ones. 
 » The Lie of European Democracy: Europe today is a dictatorship, a tyranny.  « 

One potential immediate flashpoint is the Balkans: As soon as US forces pull out of Kosovo and vacate their massive key logistical and operational hub Camp Bondsteel (missile offense and defense systems, air bases, hundreds of aircraft, thousands of troops, and a central hub for human, organ, and drug trafficking in Europe, etc.), Serbia will reclaim its province, and, through Montenegro, Eurasia's New Silk Road would gain access to the Adriatic Sea
, unlocking all prospects for cooperation, trade and development across the vast space spanning from the Port of Bar, Rotterdam and Duisburg to Saint Petersburg, Novorossiyk, Bandar Abbas, Vladivostok, Busan, Shanghai, Taipei, and Yokohama. Another powder keg is the Baltic States and Finland, and anyone with common sense can imagine their fate in just five minutes with a little imagination. The shifting power dynamics across Europe have already triggered changes in countries such as Romania, Bulgaria, Germany, and France, and may now spread rapidly to other nations. The overall direction seems clear: rejection of US/NATO/EU governance, reclaiming national sovereignty, stopping uncontrolled, illegal mass immigration, remigration, and the formation of new alliances, primarily between Germany, Russia, and China. Despite the craze and howling from deranged US-lackeys and EU’s unelected officials, this seems now irreversible. 
Know your Enemies.