Showing posts with label Louise Perry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Louise Perry. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

United Kingdom Configured for Civil War Within the Next 5 Years | David Betz

At first glance, the distant and telegenic United Kingdom may appear to most outsiders as one of the least likely countries to experience widespread civil unrest, typical of failed regimes. However, years of uncontrolled large-scale immigration, multiculturalism, economic decline and impoverishment, injustice, oppression, the COVID-19 craze, public insecurity, corruption, enforced wokeness, media indoctrination, permanent war-and-terror hysteria, a surveillance state, and individual intimidation and submission have led to widespread and stark religious, educational, moral, and ethical degeneracy across all social realms, Zionist and Wahhabi-Salafi-controlled extremism, as well as nearly omnipresent discontent and tension. As a result, the failed UK regime now seems to be on the brink of precisely that.
Professor David J. Betz, a top academic and government advisor, expects that the UK will experience a civil war within the next five years, caused by the "destruction of legitimacy" brought about by the government's failure to secure the border. Betz made these claims during a remarkable, profound, and shockingly plausible podcast appearance with journalist and author Louise Perry.
» This is worse for Europe than bombs falling out of the sky. The enemies
of Europe know this, which is why this is their weapon of choice
. « 
Betz is neither alarmist nor sensationalistic. He has been researching and teaching at the Department of War Studies at King's College London for the past 25 years, focusing on the evolution of insurgency and counterinsurgency, information warfare and cyberwar, propaganda, civil-military relations, hybrid warfare, and grand military strategy. He has worked with the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) and Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), in addition to being a contributor to the current British counter insurgency doctrine (COIN) and a Senior Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI). Professor Betz describes himself as a “classic member of the establishment” and explained Perry in concrete detail why and how British society is now "explosively configured" to experience mass unrest, critical infrastructure sabotage, and subsequent total breakdowns in institutions, society, economy, logistics, and law, along with excessive crime, violence, and anarchy. 
Now, what could and should be done to prevent all of this—power outages, burning cities, destroyed communication infrastructure, gang violence, looting, population displacement, famine, epidemics, and more? The UK is beyond repair; it's too late, and nothing and no one can stop this from happening, concludes Betz. When from London, Manchester, Birmingham, and similar places, you may already have some experience, but might want to learn additional valuable lessons from recent examples like Aleppo, Benghazi, Caracas, Mogadishu, Lagos, or Port-au-Prince. Have a solid community, family, and friends, be prepared with food, water, cash, skills, and more, and try to mitigate the impending damage and consequences, Betz recommends.
 » Caused by the destruction of legitimacy. «
 Between 1997 and 2013 in Rotherham 1,400 girls were sexually abused by Pakistani grooming gangs. 
And by 2020, a Home Office investigation report finds no links between ethnicity and child sexual abuse.

He said the fallout began with the fracture of the social contract after the political establishment in the UK tried to subvert the Brexit vote. Subsequent years have brought about a “destruction of legitimacy” as a result of successive governments’ open border policy and their inability to protect children and citizens from grooming gangs and rampant violence, in addition to a two-tier justice system presided over by a highly-politicized judiciary defending globalism, wokism, and illegal mass immigration. 

Given the situation today, this British scenario may apply, in one form or another, to most Western European countries, Canada, and possibly the US.