Friday, August 7, 2015

The Real Price of Gold

A “golden constant” perspective suggests a fair value price for gold of $825 an ounce (HERE)

Campbell R. Harvey (Aug 3, 2015) - Using the U.S. Consumer Price Index as an arbitrary, though conventional, fundamental driver of the price of gold, the high real price of gold has been about 8.73, the low real price of gold has been about 1.47 and the current real price of gold is about 4.63.

[...] There are at least two ways to think about the current historically high real price of gold. One is that the real price of gold may “mean revert” towards the horizontal rust colored line, the golden constant value for gold linked with the average real price of gold. Or it is also possible that all of “history is more or less bunk”, as Henry Ford once put it, reflecting an idea that bold investors and innovators were never slaves to history.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Strangeloves, the Crazies and the Butchers

While President Obama was in Ethiopia addressing the African Union on the problem posed by ISIS, the clique of warmongers around General John R. Allen and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of Turkey, began its deceptive bombing attacks against the Kurds of northern Syria, weakening the most effective opponents of ISIS. The front page of The Washington Post declared the air campaign will be expanded into a “safe-zone” along the Turkish-Syrian border that “could become a haven for civilians” — meaning ISIS and Nusra butchers disguised as the “Free Syrian Army”. Pushing ISIS away from the Turkish border, regardless of the semantic argument over whether it will be a buffer zone/safe zone/no-fly zone or “civilian haven” are all methods for achieving the same end: Any place along the Turkish-Syrian border put under the control of the NATO-Turkey-Saudi-Qatar Axis represented by General Allen would act as a smuggling route transporting ISIS fighters, money and equipment into Syria and oil or other resources out of there. Thierry Meyssan of the Voltaire Network is providing new revelations about the role of Turkish President Erdoğan as one of the top terrorist controllers running ISIS and parallel groups like al Qaeda:

War Cycles on the rise (HERE)
“[...] in order to care for the wounded ISIS jihadis, Erdoğan has created a secret hospital, outside of the combat zones, in the Turkish town of Şanlıurfa, not far north of the Turkish-Syrian border. This town was already the site of a secret Al Qaeda training camp. The wounded ISIS fighters are taken to this hospital in Turkish military vehicles by the MIT (Milli Istihbarat Teskilati or national intelligence organization). This hospital is under the personal supervision of Sümeyye Erdoğan, the daughter of President Erdoğan. She is also the director of international relations for the Erdoğan-Davutoğlu AKP Islamist party. In addition, according to Gürsel Tekin, the spokesman of the Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (Republican People’s Party), the crude oil stolen by ISIS is now being exported by BMZ Ltd., the shipping company controlled by Bilal Erdoğan, the son of President Erdoğan, in flagrant violation of Resolution 2170 of the United Nations Security Council. (HERE + HERE + HERE + HERE + HERE).

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Marvels of Creation - The Sun and the Lunar Cycle

This Persian manuscript made in 1566 is a translation of the famous cosmography Marvels of Creation, originally written in Arabic by the thirteenth-century Persian lawyer, physician, astronomer and geographer Zakariya ibn Muhammad al-Qazwini (1203-1283). The miniatures illustrate the lunar cycle and the path of the Sun’s rays interrupted by the globe of the Earth at the time of a lunar eclipse. Born in the Persian town of Qazwin, Zakariya served as legal expert and judge in several localities in Persia, traveled in Mesopotamia and Syria, and finally entered the circle patronized by the governor of Baghdad. He also wrote a futuristic proto-science fiction tale entitled “Awaj bin Anfaq” about a man who traveled to Earth from a distant planet. 

Credits: Nick Anthony Fiorenza
The Sun spews forth an endless stream of charged particles in all directions. This solar wind blows far out into the solar system and beyond. The Earth's magnetic field shields from direct contact with the solar wind's charged particles. The Earth's magnetic field is rounded towards the Sun, and stretches out in a long tail away from the Sun. The solar wind rushes around and past the Earth and on out into space while the Moon passes through the different sections of the Earths magnetic sphere in its monthly orbit. At New Moon it is always in the upstream portion of the magnetosphere, facing the Sun and downstream in the Earth's tail at Full Moon. At First Quarter, the Moon is to the dusk side of Earth and at Fourth Quarter, the Moon is in the dawn side of the magnetosphere. The 10th and 25th days of the lunar cycle are significant periods because these points are more or less in line with the 45 degrees vector along which solar corpuscular radiation reaches the Earth. At a phase angle of some 315 degrees the Moon effectively blocks and cuts off most of solar radiation during its cycle, while at the opposite point around 135 degrees, the Moon reaches a point of least blockage. When the Moon is less than 3.5 degrees from the plane of the ecliptic, geomagnetic activity reaches a minimum during the Second Quarter and a maximum during Third Quarter.

SPX vs Lunar True Node's Speed + Eclipse Crash Windows

Saturday, August 1, 2015

DJIA vs Lunar North Node in Zodiac Signs | Louise McWhirter

The mathematically calculated Lunar Nodes are sensitive points in space where the Moon’s orbit around the Earth
intersects the ecliptic - the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. The Ascending Node is where the Moon crosses from
south of the ecliptic to north of the ecliptic. The Descending Node is where it crosses from north of the ecliptic
to south of the ecliptic. In Western astrology the Ascending and Descending Nodes are known as the "North Node"
and the "South Node". Only the North Node is usually marked in horoscopes, as the South Node is by definition at
the opposite point in the chart. In Vedic astrology, the North and South Nodes are called Rahu and Ketu respectively,
and both are marked in the chart. Nodes always move retrograde and are considered natural malefics. Astrologically
the Nodes are thought to powerfully influencing both the affairs of nations and of people. Eclipses occur only near
the Lunar Nodes: Solar eclipses occur when the passage of the Moon through a Node coincides with the New Moon.
Lunar Eclipses occur when passage coincides with the Full Moon. The plane of the lunar orbit precesses in space
and hence the Lunar Nodes precess around the ecliptic, completing a revolution (called a Draconic or Nodal Period,
the period of nutation) in 6798.383 days or 18.612 years. The Nodes need 1.55 years to pass through one zodiac sign.

In her book 'Astrology and Stock Market Forecasting' published almost 80 years ago, financial astrologer Louise McWhirter described a theory of the business cycle. She claimed the low point of the depression was reached in summer of 1933 (Lunar North Node in Aquarius) and predicted the next peak in economic activity would occur in November 1942 (NN in Leo). Her prediction for recovery in 1942 coincided with the massive economic stimulus spending set in motion by the build-up for World War II. Looking at 100 years of stock market prices she consistently found the North Node in the sign of Aquarius during periods of low economic activity. At the halfway point in the 18.6-year cycle, the North Node is moving into the sign of Leo, where economic high points have historically been recorded. After this, the long-term trend moves lower as the North Node slowly and systematically makes its way back to the sign of Aquarius, where the cycle begins anew (see also HERE). 

Using McWhirter’s method, one would have expected the lowest economic period between January 2008 and August 2009 (NN in Aquarius), and then gradually improving from below normal levels to normal levels between August 2009 and August 2012 (NN in Capricorn, Sagittarius and Scorpio). The period between September 2012 and February 2014 was projected to be an above normal period for economic performance (unfortunately the red line of the averaged composite in the above chart doesn't clearly reflect this pattern). 

Though a considerable market correction between now and Q1 2016 is likely (HERE & HERE), a larger ensuing double-dip recession wouldn’t fit into the McWhirter-pattern (HERE). Instead the general upward trend should continue into the major peak-out between May 2017 and November 2018 (NN in Leo - HERE), followed by collapsing and declining markets into the 2020s (HERE).

Ranking of Countries by Sovereign Debt in Percent of GDP and Absolute Debt


405 Year Sunspot Record Revised and Newly Calibrated

Credits: SILSO Data - Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels
Dating back to Galileo and the invention of the telescope, the 405-year solar sunspot record is the longest continuously monitored daily measurement in all of science. Studies into sunspots, solar and planetary cycles corresponding with trade cycles, crop prices and shifts in the markets have accelerated since the 19th century. Now, on July 1st, 2015 the official sunspot record underwent a complete overhaul for the first time since it was created by Swiss astronomer Rudolf Wolf in 1849. The newly calibrated record is likely to have implications in many diverse scientific disciplines including financial astrology.

Yet, this important change to one of science’s most fundamental measurements went literally unnoticed (HERE & HERE) Two sunspot record time series were recalibrated: The first is the traditional International Sunspot Number (ISN) record most people are familiar with. The second is the more physically meaningful group number. Groups have always been counted as part of the ISN. The newly released group number update redefines and corrects defects in the original 1998 version. The newly rebuilt group number time series shows that solar activity is considerably more ‘even’ over its 405-year history than previously thought. Formerly, it looked as though sunspot activity in the past was much weaker than at present, especially prior to 1890. Counting inconsistencies artificially created that non-existent effect. The rebuilt record contains four distinctive dips in solar activity that occur roughly every 100 years.

Friday, July 31, 2015

“Cosmic Causation in Geophysics” - W.D. Gann's Reading List

A reader of this blog recently provided the pdf-softcopy of one of the last three missing titles from W.D. Gann's Reading List: Paul Councel's “Cosmic Causation in Geophysics”. In this 28 page pamphlet of 1945 the author argues that the history of humankind and its future evolution could be plotted by astrological computation: There were “cultural epochs" about 2,160 years long, themselves divisible into recognizable events, and if humans wanted to control the evolution of the earth, and bring it back into cosmic harmony, they would need to follow Mr. Councel's fortean eschatology.

Unlike the title suggests, “Cosmic Causation in Geophysics” has nothing to do with geophysics nor with trading, and is certainly but another incoherent, eclectic and non-relevant trivia in W.D. Gann's long Reading List. Why Mr. Gann advised his students to waste time on such humbug? Didn't he know better?

SPX vs 20th Harmonic of Earth-Venus Cycle

Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Art of Measuring Time

Prague Astronomical Clock (HERE)
For thousands of years, devices have been used to measure and keep track of time. The current sexagesimal system of time measurement dates to approximately 2000 BCE, in Sumer. 

Most of the first clocks were not so much chronometers as exhibitions of the pattern of the cosmos. Clearly the origins of the mechanical clock lie in a complex realm of monumental planetariums. 

The medieval Prague Astronomical Clock at left was installed in 1410 - more than 130 years before Copernicus published ‘On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres’ in 1543. It is the third-oldest astronomical clock in the world and the oldest one still working (HERE)

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Fractal Design of Time | Martin A. Armstrong

The Economic Confidence Model (ECM) is a computer model that analyzes the global economy by tracking capital flows and concentration, providing a macro long-term perspective of when shifts in confidence are possible that could lead to notable economic events as demonstrated over the course of history.
  • The model consists of cycle waves that vary in length, from shorter to longer, and build up over time; for example, 8.6 to 51.6 to 309.6 years.
  • It examines these cycle waves to discover when they are set to culminate, reflecting a possible shift in market confidence at that point in time.
  • This shift in confidence is reflected by capital flows and concentration.
  • The longer the cycle wave, the greater the magnitude of the shift in confidence.
  • The dates in the model that reflect possible shifts are referred to as ECM turning points.
The ECM does not track or forecast individual financial instruments, securities, or markets.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

SPX - Near Term Projections

Methodologies HERE & HERE.
Calculated and charted with
Timing Solution

Upcoming Astro Phenomena - August 2015

Heidelberger Schicksalsbuch on astrology and magic,
completed in the 1490s in Regensburg, Germany. 
Traditional Aspects
Jul 31 (Fri) = Full MOO

Aug 01 (Sat) = SAT (D)
Aug 02 (Sun) = MOO @ Perigee
Aug 03 (Mon) = JUP 90° SAT
Aug 04 (Tue) = MER @ 178° [helio] + VEN 0° JUP
Aug 05 (Wed) = VEN 90° SAT
Aug 06 (Thu) = MAR 120° SAT + Third Quarter MOO
Aug 10 (Mon) = MOO @ Max N-Declination

Aug 11 (Tue) 09:41 = MOO 180° PLU 
Aug 13 (Thu) = SUN 120° URA
Aug 14 (Fri) 10:17 = NEW MOO
Aug 14 (Fri) 13:51 = MOO 0° VEN 

Aug 16 (Sun) = MER par VEN
Aug 17 (Mon) = Moon @ Apogee
Aug 19 (Wed) = VEN 120° URA
Aug 21 (Fri) = SUN 90° SAT

Aug 22 (Sat) = First Quarter MOO
Aug 25 (Tue) = MER 90° GC + MOO @ Max S-Declination
Aug 26 (Wed) = SUN 0° JUP
Aug 29 (Sat) = Super Full MOO
Aug 30 (Sun) = MOO @ Perigee
Aug 31 (Mon) = SUN 180° NEP + VEN 0° MAR

Aug 31 (Mon) 13:08 = MOO 180° MER 
Sep 02 (Wed) = MER @ 268° [helio]

SoLunar CITs (HERE)
Jul 31 (Fri), Aug 03 (Mon), Aug 07 (Fri), Aug 11 (Tue), Aug 14 (Fri), Aug 18 (Tue), Aug 22 (Sat), Aug 26 (Wed), Aug 29 (Sat), Sep 02 (Wed)

Cosmic Cluster Days (HERE)
Jul 22 (Wed), Aug 11 (Tue), Aug 12 (Wed), Aug 13 (Thu), Aug 14 (Fri), Aug 15 (Sat), Aug 16 (Sun), Aug 24 (Mon), Aug 25 (Tue), Aug 31 (Mon), Sep 01 (Tue)

Bradley Siderograph CITs (HERE)
Jul 30 (Thu), Aug 03 (Mon), Aug 23 (Sun), Aug 27 (Thu), Sep 03 (Thu)

Planets vs Galactic Center (HERE)
Aug 25 (Tue) 04:34 = MER 90° GC

Planets out of Bounds (HERE)

SUN and Planets @ 14°Cancer (HERE)
Aug 11 (Tue) 11:03 = MOO @ 14°06' CNC  

Natural Trading Days (HERE)
Aug 08 (Sat) = 45° from Summer Solstice
Aug 23 (Sun) = SUN @ VIR+ 150° from Spring Equinox

Radio Flux 10.7 cm Forecast CITs (HERE)
Aug 02-04 (Sun-Tue), Aug 15 (Sat) 

Sensitive Degrees of the SUN (HERE)
Jul 29 (Wed) 06:09 = SUN @ 06° LEO  +
Aug 09 (Sun) 17:58 = SUN @ 17° LEO  -
Aug 10 (Mon) 18:59 = SUN @ 18° LEO  +
Sep 02 (Wed) 15:04 = SUN @ 10° VIR  - 

Sensitive Degrees of the MOO (Intraday CITs +/- 5m [Mon-Fri 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.] - HERE)
Jul 31 (Fri) 08:43 = MOO @ 09° AQU  +
Aug 03 (Mon) 12:26 = MOO @ 25° PSC  +
Aug 03 (Mon) 17:25 = MOO @ 28° PSC  -
Aug 04 (Tue) 08:20 = MOO @ 07° ARI  +
Aug 04 (Tue) 11:39 = MOO @ 09° ARI  -
Aug 05 (Wed) 06:07 = MOO @ 20° ARI  -
Aug 07 (Fri) 14:47 = MOO @ 23° TAU  +
Aug 10 (Mon) 07:17 = MOO @ 29° GEM  -
Aug 10 (Mon) 16:28 = MOO @ 04° CNC  -
Aug 12 (Wed) 07:39 = MOO @ 25° CNC  +
Aug 12 (Wed) 13:18 = MOO @ 28° CNC  -
Aug 13 (Thu) 10:19 = MOO @ 09° Leo  -
Aug 14 (Fri) 11:30 = MOO @ 22° Leo  -
Aug 17 (Mon) 11:06 = MOO @ 28° VIR  +
Aug 20 (Thu) 11:49 = MOO @ 04° SCO  -
Aug 21 (Fri) 09:44 = MOO @ 15° SCO  -
Aug 24 (Mon) 15:53 = MOO @ 26° SGR  -
Aug 25 (Tue) 08:05 = MOO @ 05° CAP  -
Aug 26 (Wed) 08:40 = MOO @ 19° CAP  +
Aug 27 (Thu) 11:53 = MOO @ 05° AQU  -
Aug 31 (Mon) 16:40 = MOO @ 07° ARI  +
Sep 01 (Tue) 07:17 = MOO @ 16° ARI  + 

Cosmic Cluster Days in August - September 2015

Upcoming Cosmic Cluster Days (CCDs) are:
Jul 22 (Wed), Aug 11 (Tue), Aug 12 (Wed), Aug 13 (Thu), Aug 14 (Fri), Aug 15 (Sat), Aug 16 (Sun), Aug 24 (Mon), Aug 25 (Tue),
Aug 31 (Mon), Sep 01 (Tue), Sep 03 (Thu), Sep 07 (Mon), Sep 08 (Tue), Sep 15 (Tue), Sep 19 (Sat), Sep 30 (Wed), Oct 02 (Fri).
Previous CCDs are HERE

SoLunar Map for August - September 2015

A Low in the SoLunar Map frequently is a High in the Stock Market and vice versa. Inversions occur. Upcoming turn-days are:
Jul 31 (Fri), Aug 03 (Mon), Aug 07 (Fri), Aug 11 (Tue), Aug 14 (Fri), Aug 18 (Tue), Aug 22 (Sat), Aug 26 (Wed), Aug 29 (Sat),
Sep 02 (Wed), Sep 06 (Sun), Sep 10 (Thu), Sep 13 (Sun), Sep 17 (Thu), Sep 21 (Mon), Sep 24 (Thu), Sep 28 (Mon), Oct 01 (Thu).
Previous SoLunar Maps

Monday, July 27, 2015

China Stock Market Crashes Again

Chinese mainland shares are in the process of mean reversion towards its 200 day moving
average. The Shanghai Composite went as far as 55% above its 200 MA into June of this
year. That was an extremely overbought condition, similar to the peak in 2007.
Credits: ShortSideOfLong
South China Morning Post (Jul 27, 2015) - Monday ended with the SCI300 index of 300 leading Shanghai and Shenzhen stocks off by 8.6% and the SSECI (Shanghai Composite) down 8.5%. That is their biggest one day fall since 2007. The abrupt drop, during the afternoon trading session on the Shanghai stock exchange, appears to signal worried investor sentiment, despite the past month of massive government efforts to prop up the equity markets. Traders said that there was no specific news that triggered the sell-off, and said that the government organized rally had been too quick and too steep to be sustainable. 

The Chinese stock markets have been a roller coaster ride for many investors. A huge rally began in October last year and propelled the market upwards by over 150%. Late June saw a brutal 30% correction, which sparked panic and the suspension of trading in most Chinese shares. That caused the Chinese government to loosen liquidity, cajole some companies into buying back their shares, and cancel many IPOs. It even announced a target, for the indexes to reach 4,500 before support measures would be withdrawn. Amazingly, Monday’s crash still leaves the mainland markets up over the past three weeks. Since the markets’ recent low on July 8, they had climbed by 18% till Friday (July 24).

Iris Treppner's Gold Forecast 2012-2021


Iris Treppner's DAX Forecast 2012-2021


Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Planetary Hours

One fundamental principle of cognition is the scission of the Monad into two parts of symbolic opposites: hot and cold, light and dark, hard and soft, raw and cooked, good and evil. The division of the day into planetary hours is based on this way of thinking: the cycle of the day is split into a dark and a light part. The light part is defined by the length of time between sunrise and sunset and the dark part comprises the hours between sunset and sunrise. And since the length of day and night is only equal at the equinoxes, whereby its opposite, the longest day and shortest night or vice versa occurs at the solstices, William Lilly wrote in his Christian Astrology:

1 Planetary Hour = (Sunset - Sunrise) / 12
It is very true, some of the Ancients have Winter and Summer, made the day and night to consist of equal hours. I mean every hour to consist of sixty minutes, equally; but Astrologists do not so, but follow this method, viz. according to the motion of the Sun both  Summer and Winter, so do they vary their hours in length or shortness.” One measures the time between sunrise and sunset and divides it into 12 equal parts. These are the planetary day hours. The same may be done with the night hours, measured from sunset to next day’s sunrise to find out the length of each of the planetary night hours.

Watch rulers of days, hours and signs, especially beginnings of Sun
and Moon hours as well as rise, culmination and set of planets.
You must understand that as there are seven days of the week [...] there are seven Planets [...] We appropriate to each day of the week a several Planet; as to Sunday the Sun, to Monday the Moon, to Tuesday Mars, to Wednesday Mercury, to Thursday Jupiter, to Friday Venus, to Saturday Saturn.” 

This order is known as the “Chaldean Order”, derived from the planets' relative mean speeds which are important in horary astrology (HERE).

Calculation of the planetary hours played a certain role in Renaissance astrology and magic. Astronomical tables published in the late 15th or during the 16th century often included a table of planetary hours with their significations.

SPX vs 4 Lunar Year Cycle + 1 Lunar Year Cycle

The 4 Lunar Year Cycle is repeating and currently modulating the very choppy July-December 2011 correction pattern
(blue shaded areas). Should the May 20, 2015 high (#5 + #1) be exceeded, the next likely time-frames for a major top
would be August 18 (Tue) and September 8 (Tue). The ideal time frames for the major low in this correction pattern (#6
are the second week of July, August 19, the second week of October and November 6 [all dates +/- 5 CD].