During the Great North American Total Solar Eclipse on April 8 (a Monday) 2024 the path of totality of the Moon's shadow runs northeast across the Pacific Ocean, Sinaloa, Texas, Upstate New York, Newfoundland, the Labrador Sea, and the North Atlantic Ocean. For some moment Nazas in Durango will be the darkest place on Earth. And the invisible true lunar nodes are performing their particular choreography again.
Showing posts with label Solar Eclipse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Solar Eclipse. Show all posts
Monday, April 1, 2024
Sunday, August 5, 2018
S&P 500 Index vs Natural Trading Days | Cluster ± August 8-9 (Wed-Thu)
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S&P 500 Index vs True Lunar Node Speed @ 0 and Extremes | 30 Day CIT Forecast |
Financial Astrology,
Lunar Libration,
Mean Lunar Node,
Moon Wobbles,
Natural Trading Days,
Solar Eclipse,
True Lunar Node,
Sunday, July 29, 2018
S&P 500 Index vs Lunar Declination + Latitude | August 2018
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Recent and upcoming events: Jul 27 (Fri) 16:20 + 18:38 = Full Moon + MOO Lat @ 0 = Total Lunar Eclipse = SoLunar Turn-Day Jul 31 (Tue) 22:27 = SoLunar Turn-Day Aug 02 (Thu) 04:29 = MOO Dec @ 0 Aug 04 (Sat) 02:16 = MOO Lat @ Min + SUN 270° MOO = SoLunar Turn-Day Aug 07 (Tue) 01:49 = SoLunar Turn-Day Aug 08 (Wed) 18:22 = Moon Declination @ Max Aug 10 (Fri) 14:01 = Moon @ Perigee Aug 11 (Sat) 04:23 = SoLunar Turn-Day = Partial Solar Eclipse (Super New Moon) Aug 15 (Wed) 10:52 = SoLunar Turn-Day Aug 16 (Thu) 15:31 = Moon Latitude @ Max Aug 18 (Sat) 03:32 = SUN 090 MOO = 1st Q Aug 19 (Sun) 00:25 = SoLunar Turn-Day Aug 21 (Tue) 22:57 = Moon Declination @ Min Aug 22 (Wed) 02:33 = SoLunar Turn-Day Aug 23 (Thu) 07:55 = Moon @ Apogee Aug 26 (Sun) 09:46 = SoLunar Turn-Day = Full Moon = SUN 180 MOO Aug 29 (Wed) 09:11 = SoLunar Turn-Day Aug 31 (Fri) 07:20 = Moon Latitude @ Min Sep 02 (Sun) 22:48 = SUN 270° MOO = 3rd Q Sep 03 (Mon) 13:24 = SoLunar Turn-Day [all times calculated for New York City = EST/EDT] |
Financial Astrology,
Fred Espanak,
Lunar Cycle,
Lunar Eclipse,
Solar Eclipse,
Saturday, July 21, 2018
S&P 500 Index vs Lunar Year Cycle | Blood Moon Eclipse on July 27
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The total phase of the "blood moon" eclipse on July 27 (Fri) will last 1 hour and 43 minutes and will be the longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century. During the eclipse the Moon will turn into a spectacular red whilst the red planet Mars reaches opposition to the Sun on the very same day. Mars will appear brightest in the night sky from July 27 (Fri) to July 30 (Mon), and its closest approach to Earth will occur on July 31 (Tue). The wobble periods of the Moon during lunar and solar eclipses usually coincide with major highs and lows in financial markets, and the Lunar Year Cycle (354.36 Calendar Days) projects a low in the S&P 500 to August 8 (Wed) which is also 181 Calendar Days (or 184.74 solar degrees) away from the major low in stocks on February 8 (Thu), 2018. |
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July 23-24 (Mon-Tue) Low and upturn, July 27 (Fri) High, and August 8 (Wed) Low in the S&P 500? |
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Major Celestial Phenomena during late July and early August 2018. Source: NAO of Japan |
1 Lunar Year Cycle,
Financial Astrology,
Lunar Eclipse,
Lunar Libration,
Mean Lunar Node,
Moon Wobbles,
Solar Eclipse,
True Lunar Node,
Saturday, July 14, 2018
S&P 500 Index vs Lunar Declination + Latitude + Composite | July 2018
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Recent and upcoming events: Jun 28 (Thu) 10:26 = MOO Dec @ Min Jun 29 (Fri) 22:18 = MOO @ Apogee Jun 30 (Sat) 12:44 = MOO Lat @ 0 Jul 02 (Mon) 00:00 = SoLunar Turn-Day (HERE) Jul 05 (Thu) 22:01 = MOO Dec @ 0 Jul 06 (Fri) 00:00 = SoLunar Turn-Day Jul 07 (Sat) 19:19 = MOO Lat @ Min Jul 09 (Mon) 00:00 = SoLunar Turn-Day Jul 12 (Thu) 07:51 + 22:47 = MOO Dec @ Max + New Moon Jul 13 (Fri) 22:51 = MOO Lat @ 0 + MOO @ Perigee = Partial Solar Eclipse = SoLunar Turn-Day Jul 16 (Mon) 00:00 = SoLunar Turn-Day Jul 18 (Wed) 11:19 = MOO Dec @ 0 Jul 20 (Fri) 08:26 = MOO Lat @ Max = SoLunar Turn-Day Jul 24 (Tue) 00:00 = SoLunar Turn-Day Jul 25 (Wed) 16:52 = MOO Dec @ Min Jul 27 (Fri) 16:20 + 18:38 = Full Moon + MOO Lat @ 0 = Total Lunar Eclipse = SoLunar Turn-Day Jul 31 (Tue) 00:00 = SoLunar Turn-Day Aug 02 (Thu) 04:29 = MOO Dec @ 0 Aug 04 (Sat) 02:16 = MOO Lat @ Min + SUN 270° MOO = SoLunar Turn-Day [all times calculated for New York City = EST/EDT] |
Financial Astrology,
Fred Espanak,
Lunar Cycle,
Lunar Eclipse,
Solar Eclipse,
Saturday, July 29, 2017
SPX vs True Lunar Node Speed │ August 2017
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Upcoming Turn-Days: Aug 04 (Fri), Aug 12 (Sat), Aug 16 (Wed), Aug 19 (Sat), Aug 28 (Mon), Sep 02 (Sat). |
Lunar Eclipses (e.g. Aug 07, 2017) occur at Full Moon and Solar Eclipses (e.g. Aug 21, 2017) at New Moon only when their alignments occur in three dimensions. Relative to Earth's orbit, the plane of lunar orbit is inclined. Mean Inclination of Lunar Orbit equals 5.1454 degrees. Eclipses only occur near the Nodes of Lunar Orbit intersection with the Solar Orbital Plane. Earth's Mean Orbital Plane is termed the Ecliptic (synonymous with eclipse). There are two nodal crossings of the ecliptic per nodal period, the ascending node and the descending node. Half the nodal period is the shortest possible interval between two eclipses. Solar and Lunar Eclipses are very distinct: The Moon's shadow during a total Solar Eclipse is only a narrow band on the earth. The Earth's conic shadow at the Moon's mean distance is over 9,000 km wide, nearly three lunar diameters. Only a small percentage of people experience each Solar Eclipse while half the world can view each Lunar Eclipse.
Before and after Lunar and Solar Eclipses the True Lunar Node starts wobbling (e.g. on Jul 30, 2017), quickly moving back and forth, retrograde, stationary, direct. Financial markets correlate with this 4 to 14 Day Cycle of the Retrograde-Stationary-Direct motion of the Lunar True Node. About every 86.655 days a so called Moon Wobble (lunar libration) occurs when the Sun is conjunct (e.g. on Aug 16, 2017), opposite and square (0°, 90°, 180°, 270°) the Lunar Node (4 * 86.655 days = 1 Nodical Year or Eclipse Year = 346.62 days). The Node starts wobbling about two weeks before the exact event and remains unstable until about one week after. If coupled with Solar and Lunar Eclipses, the wobble-effect can be extended. And as the Sun approaches conjunction and opposition towards the Lunar Node, it's motion is almost blocked (speed at or near zero). Notably these periods go along with exuberant mood and frenzy, most of the times correlating with rallies or crashes in financial markets. More charts on the correlation of the markets with the Rhythm of the Node HERE + HERE
Financial Astrology,
Lunar Eclipse,
Lunar Libration,
Mean Lunar Node,
Moon Wobbles,
Solar Eclipse,
True Lunar Node,
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Lunar and Solar Eclipses 2017 | August 21 — The Great American Eclipse
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2017 Feb 11 (Sat) = Penumbral Lunar Eclipse @ 24° LEO 59' This eclipse may turn out to be of immediate importance to Canada and the USA. The UK, Spain, Algeria, Morocco and Mali are likely to be affected at a later date. With the Sun being eclipse ruler, countries falling under the Sun’s rulership will have to be taken into consideration. |
2017 Feb 26 (Sun) = Annular Solar Eclipse @ 02° PIS 34' This eclipse may be of immediate importance to Canada and the USA. With Jupiter being eclipse ruler, countries falling under Jupiter’s rulership will have to be taken into consideration. |
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2017 Aug 07 (Mon) = Partial Lunar Eclipse @ 08° AQU 04' This eclipse may turn out to be of immediate importance to Poland, Austria and Italy. Russia, China and India may be affected at a later date. With Saturn being eclipse ruler, countries falling under Saturn’s rulership will have to be taken into consideration. |
2017 Aug 21 (Mon) = Total Solar Eclipse @ 20° LEO 21' This is truly a great American eclipse sweeping the U.S. from the Pacific to the Atlantic. However, this eclipse may be of immediate importance to Russia. Canada and the USA are likely to be affected at a later date. With the Sun being eclipse ruler, countries falling under the Sun’s rulership will have to be taken into consideration. Sources: NASA. + Peter Stockinger. See also HERE + HERE |
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Asa Smith’s Illustrated Astronomy was the most popular American pictorial astronomy guide of the 19th century, with numerous diagrams demonstrating or showing principles of planetary motion and features, other astronomical phenomena, the moon, and the constellations. Originally copyrighted in 1848, numerous editions followed. |
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DJIA vs Eclipses 2014 - 2016 (HERE) |
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FTSE vs Eclipses 2004 - 2013 (HERE) |
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More about Stock Markets vs Lunar Node's Speed and the Eclipse Crash Window HERE |
Asa Smith,
Fred Espenak,
Lunar Eclipse,
Mundane Astrology,
Peter Stockinger,
Solar Eclipse,
True Lunar Node
Saturday, April 9, 2016
SPX vs True Node Speed = Mean Node Speed + Extremes | April 2016
Financial Astrology,
Lunar Eclipse,
Mean Node,
Mean Node's Speed,
Solar Eclipse,
True Lunar Node,
True Lunar Node's Speed,
Friday, March 18, 2016
SPX vs True Node Speed = Mean Node Speed + Extremes | March 2016
Financial Astrology,
Lunar Eclipse,
Mean Node,
Mean Node's Speed,
Solar Eclipse,
True Lunar Node,
True Lunar Node's Speed,
Thursday, March 3, 2016
SPX vs True Lunar Node's Speed + Longitude | March 2016
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Additionally to the phenomenon of the Eclipses, in a period of +/- 2 weeks around the Equinoxes, when the Earth crosses the Ecliptic from south to north (spring) and vice versa (fall), the geomagnetic activity is relatively strong, though changing and most unpredictable, since in this season solar emissions are hitting parts of both hemispheres and are unbalanced. This is when many astronomical and astrological indicators and signals jam, invert or completely fail. |
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However, today is a Cosmic Cluster Day - the strongest this month - and yesterday, Mar 02 (Wed), the Sun passed a sensitive degree on the NYSE Natal Chart at 343 degrees longitude (13° of Pisces), a position associated with some sort of a high in the US-stock market. That said, the average annual seasonality as well as the bias in the Decennial and Presidential Cycles are positive into the Equinox and the end of March. |
Financial Astrology,
Lunar Eclipse,
Solar Eclipse,
True Lunar Node,
True Lunar Node's Speed,
Saturday, October 10, 2015
SPX vs True Lunar Node's Speed
Financial Astrology,
Lunar Cycle,
Lunar Eclipse,
Lunar Node,
Lunar Node's Speed,
Solar Eclipse,
Saturday, October 3, 2015
SPX vs True Lunar Node's Speed + Eclipse Crash Window
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Expected CITs: Oct 05 (Mon), Oct 08 (Thu), Oct 11 (Sun), Oct 17 (Sat), Oct 21 (Wed), Oct 23 (Fri), Oct 25 (Sun), Oct 30 (Fri), Nov 04 (Wed) |
Financial Astrology,
Lunar Eclipse,
Lunar Node,
Lunar Node's Speed,
Solar Eclipse,
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
SPX vs Lunar Node's Speed
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Market CITs are likely when the Lunar Node's Speed (degrees longitude/day) is at MIN/MAX and at 0. The Eclipse Crash Window opens and closes around 21 days before and 21 days after the Solar- and Lunar Eclipses. The table at left shows the nodal speed at MIN/MAX and at 0 during the next 30 days. The Sun will conjunct the Lunar Node (North Node) on Sep 24 (Thu). See also HERE + HERE |
18 Year Cycle,
Lunar Eclipse,
Lunar Node's Speed,
Mean Lunar Node,
Moon Wobble,
Nodal Cycle,
Nodal Speed,
North Node,
Solar Eclipse,
True Lunar Node,
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Blood Moon Ends Lunar Tetrad - SuperMoon Lunar Eclipse on September 28
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Credits: NASA |
There's much talk about the Seven Year Shemitah Cycle and related stock market crashes. However, eclipses occur near the Lunar Nodes: Solar eclipses (September 13) when the passage of the Moon through a Node coincides with the New Moon, and Lunar Eclipses (September 28) when the passage coincides with the Full Moon (HERE + HERE).
Blood Moon,
Fred Espenak,
Harvest Moon,
Lunar Cycle,
Lunar Eclipse,
Lunar Node,
Lunar Node's Speed,
Lunar Tetrad,
Richard Nolle,
Seven Year Shemitah Cycle,
Solar Eclipse,
Friday, August 28, 2015
VIX vs 4 Lunar Year Cycle
4 Lunar Year Cycle,
Financial Astrology,
Lunar Eclipse,
Solar Eclipse,
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Marvels of Creation - The Sun and the Lunar Cycle
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Credits: Nick Anthony Fiorenza |
Earth's Magnetic Field,
Lunar Cycle,
Lunar Eclipse,
Nick Anthony Fiorenza,
Solar Eclipse,
Solar Wind,
Zakariya al-Qazwini
Sunday, June 21, 2015
SPX vs the Rhythm of the Node
Financial markets correlate with the 4-14 day cycle of the retrograde-stationary-direct motion of the Lunar True Node (North Node). This cycle can be depicted by charting the geocentric longitude and speed of the Node against e.g. the S&P 500 (speed in this context is geocentric motion of degrees longitude per day). About
every 86.5 days a so called Moon Wobble occurs when the Sun is
conjunct, opposite and square (0°, 90°, 180°, 270°) the Lunar Node. The Node
starts wobbling about two weeks before the exact event and remains
instable until about one week after. If coupled with solar and lunar
eclipses, the wobble-effect can be extended. And as the Sun approaches
conjunction and opposition towards the lunar node, it's motion is almost
blocked (bluish shaded areas). This is a potential crash period in financial markets.
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The blue dotted diagonal is the longitude of Lunar Mean Node. The blueish verticals indicate the changes in the motion of the Lunar True Node. |
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The plane of the lunar orbit precesses in space completing a revolution in 6798.3835 days or 18.612958 years. The Lunar Node enters a new sign of the zodiac (30°) every 1.551 years or every 18.613 months = 1.55 years = 80.9 weeks = 566.53 CD / 8 = 10.12 week cycle = 55 Trading Days |
Lunar Cycles Trading Strategies,
Lunar Node's Speed,
Moon Wobble,
Nodal Cycle,
Nodal Speed,
North Node,
Solar Eclipse,
True Lunar Node,
Thursday, January 9, 2014
SoLunar Tidal Forces 2014
[Eastern Standard Time (EST) -0500 UTC]
2013-12-26 (Thu) = Tidal Force @ Zero
2014-01-01 (Wed) = SuperNewMoon
= Moon @ Perigee + Tidal Force @ MAX
2014-01-04 (Sat) =
Earth @ Perihelion
2014-01-07 (Tue) = 1st Quarter
2014-01-09 (Thu) = Tidal Force @ Zero
(Wed) = Full Moon + Moon @ Apogee
2014-01-16 (Thu) = Tidal Force @ MIN
2014-01-23 (Thu) = Tidal Force @ Zero
2014-01-24 (Fri) = 3rd Quarter
2014-01-30 (Thu) = SuperNewMoon
= Moon @ Perigee + Tidal Force @ MAX
2014-02-06 (Thu) = 1st Quarter + Tidal Force @ Zero
2014-02-12 (Wed) = Moon @ Apogee + Tidal Force @ MIN
(Fri) = Full Moon
2014-02-20 (Thu) = Tidal Force @ Zero
2014-02-22 (Sat) = 3rd Quarter
2014-02-27 (Thu) = Moon @ Perigee + Tidal Force @ MAX
2014-03-01 (Sat) = New
2014-03-06 (Thu) = Tidal Force @ Zero
2014-03-08 (Sat) = 1st Quarter
2014-03-11 (Tue) = Moon @ Apogee + Tidal Force @ MIN
(Sun) = Full Moon
2014-03-20 (Thu) = Equinox + Tidal Force @ Zero
2014-03-23 (Sun) = 3rd Quarter
2014-03-27 (Thu) = Moon @ Perigee + Tidal Force @ MAX
2014-03-30 (Sun) = New
2014-04-03 (Thu) = Tidal Force @ Zero
2014-04-07 (Mon) = 1st Quarter
2014-04-08 (Tue) = Tidal Force @ MIN
(Tue) = Full Moon = Lunar Eclipse
2014-04-16 (Wed) = Tidal Force @ Zero
2014-04-22 (Tue) = 3rd Quarter + Moon @ Perigee
2014-04-23 (Wed) = Tidal Force @ MAX
2014-04-29 (Tue) = New
Moon = Solar Eclipse
2014-04-30 (Wed) = Tidal Force @ Zero
2014-05-06 (Tue) = 1st Quarter + Moon @ Apogee + Tidal
Force @ MIN
2014-05-13 (Tue) = Tidal Force @ Zero
(Wed) = Full Moon
2014-05-18 (Sun) = Moon @ Perigee + Tidal Force @ MAX
2014-05-21 (Wed) = 3rd Quarter
2014-05-26 (Mon) = Tidal Force @ Zero
2014-05-28 (Wed) = New
2014-06-02 (Mon) = Moon @ Apogee
2014-06-03 (Tue) = Tidal Force @ MIN
2014-06-05 (Thu) = 1st Quarter
2014-06-10 (Tue) = Tidal Force @ Zero
(Thu) = Full Moon
2014-06-14 (Sat) = Moon @ Perigee
2014-06-15 (Sun) = Tidal Force @ MAX
2014-06-19 (Thu) = 3rd Quarter
2014-06-21 (Sat) =
2014-06-22 (Sun) = Tidal Force @ Zero
2014-06-27 (Fri) = New
2014-06-30 (Mon) = Tidal Force @ MIN
2014-06-30 (Mon) = Moon @ Apogee
2014-07-03 (Thu) =
Earth @ Aphelion
2014-07-05 (Sat) = 1st Quarter
2014-07-08 (Tue) = Tidal Force @ Zero
(Sat) = SuperFullMoon = Moon @ Perigee
2014-07-13 (Sun) = Tidal Force @ MAX
2014-07-18 (Fri) = 3rd Quarter
2014-07-20 (Sun) = Tidal Force @ Zero
2014-07-26 (Sat) = New
2014-07-27 (Sun) = Moon @ Apogee
2014-07-28 (Mon) = Tidal Force @ MIN
2014-08-03 (Sun) = 1st Quarter
2014-08-05 (Tue) = Tidal Force @ Zero
(Sun) = SuperFullMoon = Moon @ Perigee + Tidal Force @ MAX
2014-08-17 (Sun) = 3rd Quarter + Tidal Force @ Zero
2014-08-24 (Sun) = Moon @ Apogee + Tidal Force @ MIN
2014-08-25 (Mon) = New
2014-09-02 (Tue) = 1st Quarter + Tidal Force @ Zero
2014-09-07 (Sun) = Moon @ Perigee
(Tue) = SuperFullMoon = Tidal Force @ MAX
2014-09-14 (Sun) = Tidal Force @ Zero
2014-09-15 (Mon) = 3rd Quarter
2014-09-20 (Sat) = Moon @ Apogee + Tidal Force @ MIN
2014-09-23 (Mon) =
2014-09-24 (Wed) = New
2014-09-29 (Mon) = Tidal Force @ Zero
2014-10-01 (Wed) = 1st Quarter
2014-10-06 (Mon) = Moon @ Perigee + Tidal Force @ MAX
(Wed) = Full Moon = Lunar Eclipse
2014-10-13 (Mon) = Tidal Force @ Zero
2014-10-15 (Wed) = 3rd Quarter
2014-10-18 (Sat) = Moon @ Apogee + Tidal Force @ MIN
2014-10-23 (Thu) = New
Moon = Solar Eclipse
2014-10-26 (Sun) = Tidal Force @ Zero
2014-10-30 (Thu) = 1st Quarter
2014-11-02 (Sun) = Moon @ Perigee
2014-11-03 (Mon) = Tidal Force @ MAX
(Thu) = Full Moon
2014-11-09 (Sun) = Tidal Force @ Zero
2014-11-14 (Fri) = 3rd Quarter + Moon @ Apogee
2014-11-15 (Sat) = Tidal Force @ MIN
2014-11-21 (Fri) = Tidal Force @ Zero
2014-11-22 (Sat) = New
2014-11-28 (Fri) = Tidal Force @ MAX
2014-11-29 (Sat) = 1st Quarter
(Sat) = Full Moon
2014-12-07 (Sun) = Tidal Force @ Zero
2014-12-12 (Fri) = Moon @ Apogee
2014-12-13 (Sat) = Tidal Force @ MIN
2014-12-14 (Sun) = 3rd Quarter
2014-12-18 (Thu) = Tidal Force @ Zero
2014-12-21 (Sun) = New
Moon +
2014-12-24 (Wed) = Moon @ Perigee + Tidal Force @ MAX
2014-12-28 (Sun) = 1st Quarter
2015-01-02 (Fri) = Tidal Force @ Zero
(Sun) = Full Moon + Earth @ Perihelion
See also HERE
John Alden Knight,
Lunar Cycle,
Lunar Eclipse,
Market and Solar Activity,
Solar Eclipse,
SoLunar Forecast,
Solunar Theory,
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
SPX vs Solar Flux & Lunar Cycle
Active Region 1613, located in southern hemisphere, produced three M-class solar flares in last 6 hours. At 23:28 UTC, November 12, 2012 it peaked with M2.0 solar flare, then on November 13, 2012 at 02:04 an impulsive M6.0 peaked followed by M2.5 at 05:50 UTC (HERE).
See also HERE & HERE
See also HERE & HERE
10.7 cm Radio Flux,
Lunar Cycle,
Market and Solar Activity,
Solar Eclipse,
Space Weather,
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