Showing posts with label Globalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Globalism. Show all posts

Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Great Replacement - Europe has fallen | Eva Vlaardingerbroek

Their message is clear. Our way of life, our Christian religion, our nations, they have to go without exception. Their vision of the future is the neoliberal, unrecognizable Europe, where every city becomes kind of like Brussels. Ugly, dirty, unsafe, zero social cohesion. And what are we left with? A permanent state of isolation, confusion and disorientation. 

» Everyone who has eyes can see it:
The native white Christian European population is being replaced at an ever-accelerating rate.«
[...] So what's the antidote? A strong Christian Europe of sovereign nation states. That's why we need to outright reject the lie that nationalism causes war. It's not nationalism or national sovereignty that causes war. It's expansionism. And where in Europe do we find that nowadays? In one place and one place only: Brussels. Isn't it funny how the same people who erode our national sovereignty are now telling us that we need to spend billions and billions of euros on the national sovereignty of Ukraine?

» I am going to draw the forbidden conclusion:
The Great Replacement Theory is no longer a theory.«  

[...] During a recent interview I got asked: "Do you think that you ever go too far? Do you think that you're ever too radical?" I thought about it for a second and said: "No, I don't think I go too far." Truth be told. I think we in Europe do not go far enough. I think that if we really think about the organized structural attack on our civilization, that we don't do enough. Do we do enough to stop the attack on our families, on our continent, on our countries and our religion? When we hear about another murder, another stabbing of a young innocent child, do we do enough? When we know that our national sovereignty has been given up in Brussels, do we do enough? When we hear that Christian kids in Germany are now converting to Islam to fit in, do we do enough? I don't think so. 

The totalitarian institution of the European Union needs to come down. Let me be clear: I don't believe in reforms. When the foundation of your institution is rotten, and that is the case in Brussels, you can rebuild the house on top of it all you want, but it's still going to crumble. So the only answer is: The Tower of Babel needs to be destroyed! We are the daughters and sons of the greatest nations on Earth. And we need to ask ourselves, what has happened to us? Where do we come from? And more importantly, where are we going? 
Our elites have declared a war on us, and now it is time for us to put on the full armor of God, fight back and win.  
April 25, 2024
"The Islamic New World Order is Here - Europe has fallen."
Speech at the 'Conservative Political Action Conference' in Budapest, Hungary.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines | Who could have had imagined this

» Re-analysis of the Pfizer trial data identified statistically significant increases in serious adverse events (SAEs) in the vaccine group. Numerous SAEs were identified following the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), including death, cancer, cardiac events, and various autoimmune, hematological, reproductive, and neurological disorders [...] we urge governments to endorse a global moratorium on the modified mRNA products. «

July 16, 2010 - US radio host Alex Jones warns his audience about a coming global plandemic,
lockdowns, mandatory vaccines, biometric ID cards, etc. announced by a Rockefeller Foundation paper.

Friday, February 16, 2024

I told Tucker Carlson 'We are Fighting the same Enemy' │ Alexander Dugin

I think Russian and Western patriots have exactly the same enemy. And my recent conversation with Tucker Carlson, with whom I had the chance to speak here in Moscow during his visit, has totally convinced me about this. Because we started immediately to speak as brothers to each other, not as enemies who fight each other. Tucker Carlson is absolutely not pro-Russian. He's a liberal and an American patriot, and I am a Russian patriot. 
Saint George killing the dragon, the common enemy of the human race

Obviously, we have many things in common but also disagreements concerning geopolitics, multi-polarity, Protestantism or Liberalism, for example. But in spite of all these, the main core of our world vision is the same. We are both fighting for Christianity, for the faith, for the roots, for the tradition, for the eternity, and for the human dignity. And we are fighting exactly the same enemy.
So we need to take inspiration from each other. I am considered to be the main anti-Western Russian thinker. But I love Western tradition and admire Western philosophers. I am a follower of Plato, of Heidegger, of Aristotle, and of Christian thought in the West and in the East. We are totally free to have this inspiration from the classical heritage of each other because the Russian tradition has maybe the same roots as the Western one.

Plato, Aristotle, Greece, Rome, Byzantine Empire, Roman Empire, Mediterranean culture - all that we have in common. And we try to preserve, to conserve and to save something of it because the modern Western elite eliminates anything that has real classical roots. In that sense, we are in the same boat and on the same front line with American and Western European patriots. It is not about either West or East. It is about tradition and roots versus globalism and its artificial, anti-human and nihilist hegemony. That is our common enemy.
Quoted from:

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Tucker, Putin, and the Apocalypse │ Alexander Dugin

Why is Tucker Carlson’s interview considered pivotal for both the West and Russia?

Let us start with the simpler part: Russia. Here, Tucker Carlson has become a focal point for two polar opposites within Russian society: ideological patriots and elite Westernisers who nonetheless remain loyal to Putin and the Special Military Operation. For patriots, Tucker Carlson is simply ‘one of us’. He is a traditionalist, a right-wing conservative, and a staunch opponent of liberalism. This is what twenty-first-century emissaries to the Russian tsar look like.

Putin does not often interact with prominent representatives of the fundamentally conservative camp. The attention the Kremlin pays him ignites the patriot’s heart, inspiring the continuation of a conservative-traditionalist course in Russia itself. Now it is possible and necessary: Russian power has defined its ideology. We have embarked on this path and will not deviate from it. Yet, patriots are always afraid we will. No.

On the other hand, the Westernisers sighed with relief: see, not everything in the West is bad, and there are good and objective people, we told you! Let us be friends with such a West, think the Westernisers, even if the rest of the globalist liberal West does not want to be friends but only bombards us with sanctions, and with missiles and cluster bombs, killing our women, children, and the elderly. We are at war with the liberal West, so let there at least be friendship with the conservative West. Thus, Russian patriots and Russian Westernisers (increasingly more Russian and less Western) come to a consensus in the figure of Tucker Carlson.

Tucker going through the roof (as of Feb 11, 2024).
In the West, everything is even more fundamental. Tucker Carlson is a symbolic figure. He is now the main symbol of the America that hates Biden, liberals, and globalists and is preparing to vote for Trump. Trump, Carlson, and Musk, plus Texas Governor Abbott, are the faces of the looming American Revolution, this time a Conservative Revolution. To this already powerful resource, Russia connects. No, it is not about Putin supporting Trump, which could easily be dismissed in the context of war with the United States. Carlson’s visit is about something else. Biden and his maniacs have effectively attacked a great nuclear power through the hands of Kiev’s unleashed terrorists, and humanity is on the verge of destruction. Nothing more, nothing less.

The globalist media continue to spin a Marvel series for infants, where Spider-Man Zelensky magically wins with superpowers and magical pigs against the Kremlin’s ‘Dr. Evil’. However, this is just a cheap, silly series. In reality, everything is heading towards the use of nuclear weapons and possibly the destruction of humanity. Tucker Carlson conducts a reality check: does the West understand what it is doing, pushing the world towards the apocalypse? There is a real Putin and a real Russia, not these staged characters and settings from Marvel. Look what the globalists have done and how close we are to it!
 'Ukraine' in the 1911 edition of Russia's eternal enemy's Encyclopædia Britannica.

It is not about the content of the interview with Putin. It is the fact that a person like Tucker Carlson is visiting a country like Russia to meet a political figure like Putin at such a critical time. Tucker Carlson’s trip to Moscow might be the last chance to stop the disappearance of humanity. The gigantic billion-strong attention to this pivotal interview from humanity itself, as well as the frenzied, inhuman rage of Biden, the globalists, and the world’s citizens intoxicated with decay, testify to humanity’s awareness of the seriousness of the situation.

The world can only be saved by stopping now. For that, America must choose Trump. And Tucker Carlson. And Elon Musk. And Abbott. Then we get a chance to pause on the brink of the abyss. Compared to this, everything else is secondary. Liberalism and its agenda have led humanity to a dead end. Now the choice is this: either liberals or humanity. Tucker Carlson chooses humanity, which is why he came to Moscow to meet Putin. The whole world understood why he came and how important it is.

» Do the United States need this? « (video clip)

Friday, January 5, 2024

The Rest against the West │ Samuel P. Huntington

The central axis of world events will be conflict between Western and non-Western civilizations, conflict between the West and the Rest. The Rest has now three options:
The Rest against the West.
  • Surrender and submission
  • Isolation and protection of sovereignty and values. The costs are very high. Only few pursue this option.
  • Protection and defense of values and sovereign institutions through constant development of economic-military power and through cooperation and alliance with the West's other enemies.
 Projection from Bharat.

Benjamin Netanyahu, 1990.
The man who ruined all the US’s illegitimate plots in West Asia:
Qasem Soleimani, Major General, Commander of 41st Tharallah Division of Kerman Quds Force (1957-2020).

The world is witnessing an asymmetrical confrontation between two opposing sides, which has displayed the peak of brutality as well as desperation on one side and innocence along with heroic resistance on the other side. With a broader look at the years of confrontation and conflict between Global Arrogance and its vassals in West Asia on the one hand, and the Resistance Front and popular forces on the other hand, there remains no doubt that the astonishing work by Hamas and the residents of Gaza in Palestine are the domino effect of successive defeats of the hegemons and global colonialism in the region. «


Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The Financial System Has Reached The End | Egon von Greyerz

The world is now witnessing the end of a currency and financial system which the Chinese already forecasted in 1971 after Nixon closed the gold window [...] History tells us that we have now reached the point of no return. So denying history at this point will not just be very costly but will lead to a total destruction of investors’ wealth. 

History never lies but politicians do without fail. In a fake system based on false values, lying is considered to be an essential part of political survival. Let’s just look at Nixon's ignorant and irresponsible statements of August 15, 1971 when he took away the gold backing of the dollar and thus all currencies. Later on we will show how clear-sighted the Chinese leaders were about the destiny of the US and its economy. So there we have tricky Dick’s lies:
  • The suspension of the convertibility of the dollar in 1971 is still in effect 52 years later.
  • As the dollar has declined by almost 99% since 1971, the “strength of the economy” is also declining fast although using fiat money as the measure hides the truth.
And now to the last lie: “Your dollar will be worth just as much tomorrow”. Yes, you are almost right Dick!  It is still worth today a whole 1% of the value when you closed the gold window. The political system is clearly a farce. You have to lie to be elected and you have to lie to stay in power. That is what the gullible voters expect. The sad result is that they will always be cheated. So in 1971 after Nixon closed the gold window, China in its official news media the People’s Daily made the statements below: 

Clearly the Chinese understood the consequences of the disastrous US decision which would destroy the Western currency system as they said:
  • Seriousness of the US economic crisis and decay and decline of the capitalist system.
  • Mark the collapse of the monetary system with the US dollar as its prop.
  • Nixon’s policy cannot extricate the US from financial and economic crisis.
I am quite certain that the US administration at the time ridiculed China’s official statement. As most Western governments, they showed their arrogance and complete ignorance of history. How right the Chinese were. But the road to perdition is not immediate and we have seen over 50 years the clear “decline of the capitalist system”. The end of the current system is unlikely to be far away. Interestingly it seems that a Communist non-democratic system is much more clairvoyant than a so called Western democracy. There is clearly an advantage not always having to buy votes. 
As the whole currency system is about to implode,  it is in my view totally irrelevant where the US dollar is heading short term measured against other fiat currencies. The dilemma is that most “experts” use the Dollar Index (DXY) as the measure of the dollar’s strength or weakness. This is like climbing the ladder of success only to find out that the ladder is leaning against the wrong building. To measure the dollar against its partners in crime (the other fiat currencies) misses the point as they are all on the way to perdition. So the dollar index measures the dollar against six fiat currencies: Euro, Pound, Yen, Canadian Dollar, Swedish Kroner and Swiss Franc. The Chinese Yuan shines in its absence even though China is the second biggest economy in the world. But here is the crux. The dollar is in a race to the bottom with 6 other currencies. Since Nixon closed the gold window in 1971 all 7 currencies, including the US dollar, have declined 97-99% in real terms. Real terms means constant purchasing power. And the only money which has maintained constant purchasing power for over 5,000 years is of course gold. So let’s make it clear – the only money which has survived in history is GOLD!

All other currencies have without fail gone to ZERO and that without exception. Voltaire said it already in 1729: "Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value – zero." And that has been the destiny of every currency throughout history. Every single currency has without fail gone to ZERO. And this is where the dollar and its lackeys are heading. To debate if a currency, which has fallen 98.2% in the last 52 years, is going to strengthen or weaken in the next year or two is really missing the point. It is virtually 100% certain that the dollar and all fiat money will complete the cycle (which started in 1913 with the creation of the Fed) and fall the remaining 1-3% to ZERO. But we must remember that the final fall involves a 100% loss of value from today.
[...] The world’s reserve currency has had a sad performance based on lies, poor real growth, all due to a mismanaged economy based on debt and printed money. So although most currencies have lost 97-99% in real terms since 1971 there are shining exceptions. When the gold window was closed in 1971 I was working in a Swiss bank in Geneva. At the time, one dollar cost Swiss Franc 4.30. Today, 52 years later, one dollar costs Swiss Franc 0.88! This means that the dollar has declined 80% against the Swiss Franc since 1971. 

So a country like Switzerland with virtually no deficits and a very low debt to GDP proves that a well managed economy with very low inflation doesn’t destroy its currency like most irresponsible governments. The Swiss system of direct democracy and people power is totally unique and gives the people the right to have a referendum on almost any issue they choose. This makes the people much more responsible in their choices as a winning vote on any issue becomes part of the constitution and cannot be changed by government or parliament. Only a new referendum can change such a decision. Swiss Debt to GDP is around 40%. This was the level of US debt back in 1971 before the gold window was closed. [...] US debt to GDP is now 132%. In 2000 it was 55%. 132% debt to GDP is the level of a Banana Republic which is frantically trying to survive by printing and borrowing ever increasing amounts of worthless fiat money.
 Agustín Carstens, general manager of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) — the central bank of central banks in Basel, Switzerland — admits that Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) will grant central bankers 
» absolute control « over how it can be used, and the technology to be able to centrally enforce that. Not 'up to date' with your injections? Exceeded your weekly carbon allowance? Ventured outside of your designated '15 minute' district? Oops, no money for you!  
» Digital ID and CBDC is the essence of scientific dictatorship «, says Patrick Wood, author of the 2014 book 'Technocracy Rising: 
The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation'. He breaks down the all-encompassing digital open-air prison
that CBDC and digital ID are designed to facilitate.
Joe Rogan, host of the world's most popular podcast, is now wide awake to the grave dangers posed to freedoms by CBDC, and the social credit systems that it facilitates. » If you get a bad social credit score because you tweeted something they didn't like, now you can't buy a plane ticket, now you can't buy a car, now you can't get a loan. «

See also:

Friday, November 24, 2023

For A Peaceful Mass Extinction | The Club Of Rome

Dennis L. Meadows, an American Emeritus Professor of Systems Management and the Chief Quackademic Eugenicist Officer of the very powerful elitist globalist think-tank The Club of Rome since the late 1960ies, is confident the "necessary depopulation of the planet, down to one billion" — a 87.5% reduction from today’s population — can "occur in a civil way".
What is your biggest hope, Dr. Meadows?  
» A peaceful collapse and many revolutions. «
 » The planet can support something like one billion people, maybe two billion, depending on how much liberty and how much material consumption you want to have. [...] If you want more liberty, and more consumption, you have to have fewer people. And conversely, you can have more people. I mean, we could even have eight or nine billion, probably if we have a very strong dictatorship. «
 » We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, law-breaking, withholding and concealing truth. We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, scorn , and the like, towards those who disagree with us. «
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
quoted in Max Eastman (1955) - Reflections on the Failure of Socialism.
 » In searching for a new enemy to unite us [after the collapse of the Soviet Union], we came up with the idea that pollution,
the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. The real enemy is humanity itself. «
President Emeritus of the Club of Rome Alexander King and Secretary General Bertrand Schneider 
in their book The First Global Revolution , 1991
 — as detailed in the 2023 documentary 'No Farmers, No Food: Will You Eat The Bugs?' (HERE)

Thursday, November 23, 2023

The Prophet Of The Antichrist | Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

The sensitivity that Bergoglio shows towards idols and false religions is second only to the contempt he has for the true God and the one Church. 
Jorge Mario Bergoglio , Viganò's » Prophet of the Antichrist. «
Also-known-As : The Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Patriarch of the West, Primate of Italy, Metropolitan Archbishop of the Province of Rome,
Sovereign of the State of Vatican City, Servant of the Servants of God, Society of Jesus, His Holiness, Holy Father,
Pope Francis SJ alias » Call-Me-Jorge «
On the one hand, he receives notoriously blasphemous artists in the Sistine Chapel and supports the LGBTQ+ sect which publicly vilifies Our Lord and the Blessed Virgin; on the other hand he expresses “indignation” over a Koran burned by those who are exasperated by the Mohammedan invasion imposed by the New World Order he promoted. A crucifix dipped in urine is worth a papal audience full of smiles and a “thumbs up;” the Pachamama thrown into the Tiber arouses deploration. One wonders of which “church” he can be considered “pope:” Certainly not the Catholic one. Bergoglio and his sect, enslaved to woke ideology, take the errors of Vatican II to their extreme consequences and create the premises—with immigration—and ecumenism—for the social unrest that the globalist elite wants to create, so as to legitimize new restrictions on fundamental freedoms. The New Order prepares the way for the Antichrist, but Bergoglio in the role of his Prophet seems to want to get there even faster.

Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana, July 03, 2023. (video)

October 28, 2023More recent discussions by the old wise Christian warrior priest — 
may Allah (SWT) have mercy on his soul and grant him a beautiful palace in Jannah. Alhamdulillah for the blessing of Islam :
Archbishop Viganò laments the 2021 global coup d'etat of Satanists and their war on Christian peoples.
» May Almighty God protect and assist us. This is an important message for everyone. «, he exclaims. 
Important for the brotherhood of men honoring God Most High (SWT) and his last Prophet (PBUH).
» For You alone we worship. And You alone we ask for help. « For the peoples of The Book prevail.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Avoiding Default By Destroying Others | The War-And-Pillage Business Model

The US started talking again about a possible default. However, while a default is technically possible, it is unlikely for now. A default would have immediate severe consequences for the US themselves. Their entire war economy would collapse. And why default now? So far continued destruction of other countries has proved to be a lucrative alternative, attracted investors and directed gigantic capital flows to the US.

 Wonders of a War-And-Pillage Economy.

Since 2008 full spectrum assault missions on European Union countries turned out to be nothing short of a success story for the US. In dollar terms the EU economy is now down to 65% of the United States economy. That’s down from 91% in 2013. American GDP per capita is now more than twice that of the EU, and the gap continues to widen. However, now one dollar is worth 50 cents in 2020 dollars. And why exactly is 2013, the year before the US Maidan coup in Ukraine, important? Because in 2013 the US systematically began to use sanctions mechanisms to deprive the European Union countries of cheap Russian energy and to force them to break off beneficial trade and projects with Russia and China. Capital fleeing from the EU to the US was triggered and has been increasing ever since. The US is perfectly content with the now rapidly de-industrializing, US energy-dependent, asset-stripped and broke European Union and will abuse it as long as it lasts. 
So this time around, which are the remaining wealthy, long-term strategically expendable, docile and suicidal vassal states expected to finance the US for just a little bit longer: Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE? Taiwan, South Korea, Japan? In reality the recently near global US dollar hegemony shrunk by half a planet since February 2022. Destroying and plundering Russia, China and Iran remains the US' only goal and hope. Whatever it takes. For the universal triumph, to the full satisfaction and for the eternal glory of their chosen masters. Or, under certain circumstances, God willing, war and regime change in the US will soon mess up those ambitions, as L. David Linsky suggests.
April 27, 2023 – Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell speaking plainly about sensitive issues, sanctions against Russia, 
shrunken labor force, high inflation, minuscule growth, ample support to Ukraine, his interest rates-scheming for 2023, etc.
in a real Russian television interview with pranksters Vovan and Lexus, who posed as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky

» O my people, your guides mislead you and they have swallowed up the course of your paths. «
Prophet Isaiah, Holy Bible.
 » Know your enemy. «
Sun Tzu, The Art of War.

Monday, July 3, 2023

The BRICS+ Currency | James G. Rickards

A new BRICS+ currency will be announced in Durban, South Africa, at the annual BRICS Leaders’ Summit Conference on August 22–24, 2023 [...] In all likelihood, the new BRICS+ currency would not be available in the form of paper notes for use in everyday transactions. It would be a digital currency on a permissioned ledger maintained by a new BRICS+ financial institution with encrypted message traffic to record payments due or owing by participating parties. (This is not a cryptocurrency because it is not decentralized, not maintained on a blockchain and not open to all parties without approval.)

BRICS stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, representing about 27% of the world's land
surface, 41% of the global population, and 32% of global GDP PPP.
The most important development in the BRICS system concerns the expansion of BRICS membership.
This has led to the informal adoption of the name BRICS+ for the expanded organization.
Currently 10 additional nations formally applied for membership:
Algeria, Argentina, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Egypt, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
24 countries have expressed interest in joining the BRICS:
Afghanistan, Angola, Belarus, Comoros, Cuba, D.R. Congo, Gabon, Guinea-Bissau, Honduras, Kazakhstan, Mexico,
Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Sudan, Syria, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Uruguay, Venezuela
and Zimbabwe.
By every measure — population, landmass, energy output, GDP, food output and nuclear weapons — BRICS is not
just another multilateral debating society. They are a substantial and credible alternative to Western hegemony.
The BRICS are developing an optical fiber submarine telecommunications system that would connect its members.
It is being developed under the name BRICS Cable. Part of the motivation for BRICS Cable is to foil spying by
the U.S. National Security Agency on message traffic carried through existing cable networks.

[...] It appears likely that the new BRICS+ currency will be linked to a weight of gold. This plays to the strengths of BRICS members Russia and China, who are the two largest gold producers in the world and are ranked sixth and seventh respectively among the 100 nations with gold reserves.
[...] Reserve currencies are essentially the savings accounts of sovereign nations that have earned them through trade surpluses. These balances are not held in currency form but in the form of securities. When analysts say the dollar is the leading reserve currency, what they actually mean is that countries hold their reserves in securities denominated in a specific currency. For 60% of global reserves, those holdings are U.S. Treasury securities denominated in dollars. The reserves are not actually in dollars; they’re in securities. As a result, you cannot be a reserve currency without a large, well-developed sovereign bond market. No country in the world comes close to the U.S. Treasury market in terms of size, variety of maturities, liquidity, settlement, derivatives and other necessary features.

[June 29, 2023]
Jail break acceleration:
Ethiopia, one of Africa's fastest-growing economies, is
aiming to become the latest brick in the firewall against U.S.-imperialism.

[...] The BRICS+ currency offers the opportunity to leapfrog the Treasury market and create a deep, liquid bond market that could challenge Treasuries on the world stage almost from thin air. The key is to create a BRICS+ currency bond market in 20 or more countries at once, relying on retail investors in each country to buy the bonds. The BRICS+ bonds would be offered through banks and postal offices and other retail outlets. They would be denominated in BRICS+ currency but investors could purchase them in local currency at market-based exchange rates. Since the currency is gold backed it would offer an attractive store of value compared with inflation- or default-prone local instruments in countries like Brazil or Argentina. The Chinese in particular would find such investments attractive since they are largely banned from foreign markets and are overinvested in real estate and domestic stocks. [...] The sheer volume of retail investing in BRICS+-denominated instruments in India, China, Brazil and Russia and other countries at the same time could absorb surpluses generated through world trade in the BRICS+ currency. In short, the way to create an instant reserve currency is to create an instant bond market using your own citizens as willing buyers.
The United States exploits the world's wealth with the help of "seigniorage."
It costs only about 17 cents to produce a 100 dollar bill, but other countries
had to pony up 100 dollar of actual goods in order to obtain one (HERE)
[...] This entire turn of events — introduction of a new gold-backed currency, rapid adoption as a payment currency and gradual use as a reserve asset currency — will begin on August 22, 2023, after years of development. Except for direct participants, the world has mostly ignored this prospect. The result will be an upheaval of the international monetary system coming in a matter of weeks.

See also: