Showing posts with label Swing Trading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Swing Trading. Show all posts

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Don't Panic in or out of a Market | Robert Miner

Beware of FOMO. Don't Panic in or out of a Market. Learn to identify probable market position, specific trade opportunities and trade management.
ES U24 - daily closes.
» A "daily" high is likely early next week, followed by a 4-5 day or so decline. «
ES U24 - weekly bars.
 » ES is likely to be mostly trendless for another week or two. When the two momentum cycles are 
aligned, a consistent trend will follow. The resolution is likely to eventually be to the upside. «

Saturday, August 31, 2024

S&P 500 Uptrend May Extend to 5,800 Into Equinox | Robert Miner

Daily S&P 500 data from the July high shows an an A-B-C correction into August 13. Since then, the S&P 500 has continued upward and sideways, reaching a new high last Friday, August 30. With daily momentum showing a bull reversal, the S&P 500 is expected to remain bullish for the next few days and likely exceed the July high within the next week or two. The daily closing level of 5,798 is a key benchmark to watch.
Key dates to monitor include the week ending September 20, which aligns with the next Fed announcement and the fall equinox on September 22. Historically, reversals often occur near the fall equinox. If the S&P 500 remains sideways or rises into this period, it could signal the completion of the current upward trend and the onset of a counter-trend move.

For the next three weeks, the S&P 500 should target the range of 5,689 to 5,783 based on weekly closing data. Monitoring this range is essential. A weekly close within this range by the week ending September 20 may indicate a potential weekly high. Weekly momentum indicators suggest that the S&P 500 is likely to continue its upward trend for another two to three weeks.
See also:

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

S&P 500 vs Tri-Annual, Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly & Daily Pivot Levels

S&P 500 E-mini Futures (weekly candles) vs Tri-Annual Pivot Levels (for 2022-2024).
Based on spectrum analysis, Sergey Tarassov forcasted a multiyear high in US-stocks sometime 
around August 2024 between the crests of the 40 Month Cycle and the 42 Month Cycle
By then the tri-annual R1 level at 6,019 could well be reached. R2 is at 6,928.
S&P 500 E-mini Futures (weekly candles) vs Yearly Pivot Levels (for 2024).
Tri-Annual and Yearly Pivot Points and Levels are suitable for long-term investing or swing trading
with a time frame of several months to a year or more.

S&P 500 E-mini Futures (weekly candles) vs Quarterly Pivot Levels (for Q3 July-September 2024).
Quarterly Pivot Points and Levels are suitable for medium-term trading with a time frame of several 
weeks to a few months. They are useful for identifying intermediate support and resistance levels, 
trend continuations, and potential corrections.
S&P 500 E-mini Futures (daily candles) vs Monthly Pivot Levels (for (July 2024).
Monthly Pivot Points and Levels are ideal for short-term to medium-term trading 
with a time frame of several days to a few weeks.

S&P 500 E-mini Futures (daily candles) vs Weekly Pivot Levels (for July 07-12, 2024).
Weekly Pivot Points and Levels are suitable for short-term trading with a time frame of one to several
days to a week, to identify short-term support and resistance levels, trend continuations, and potential reversals.

S&P 500 E-mini Futures (4 hour candles) vs Daily Pivot Levels (for July 10, 2024).
Daily Pivot Points and Levels are ideal for short-term and intraday trading with a time frame of several hours to a day in order to identify short-term support and resistance levels, trend reversals, and potential breakouts. Daily Pivots can be used to make quick trading decisions, adjust stop-losses, or set price targets for the current trading session.

Pivot Points, Support and Resistance levels are calculated based on previous high, low, and close prices. These levels can identify areas, where price may bounce, reverse or break through, and where to set entry, stop-loss and take-profit orders. This technique is valid on various timeframes. Common types are Floor (Trader) Pivots a.k.a. Standard or Traditional Pivots (= all charts above), Central Pivot Range (CPR), Fibonacci, Woodie, Classic, Camarilla and DeMark Pivot Points, each type having their own calculation method.

See also:

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Structural Characteristics of Bullish & Bearish Months | D'onte Goodridge

Traders want to find trending markets but often fail to see and understand the structural characteristics of bullish and bearish months. Both move in a similar fashion but inverse to one another. Here are the characteristics for the formation of a bullish month:
The first example is a daily chart of US Dollar versus Japanese Yen (USDJPY) during February 2023. The market was trending up. It was a bullish month. Let's identify the five key factors to a bullish month:

1. Price moves below the monthly opening price.
2. A swing low forms below the month's open.
3. Price purges a previous daily low (PDL) and reverses back to a previous daily high (PDH).
4. The market creates a market structure shift (MSS) to the upside and an Imbalance or Fair Value Gap (FVG).
5. Higher swing highs and higher swing lows form.

Looking at the daily candles in the USDJPY chart, we see the methodical sequence of a Bullish Month developing:
1. Price was movesg below the monthly opening price. Price stops below it, runs up, drops below it, runs up and continues the bullish trend.
2. A swing low below the month's open forms. This is a swing low because the candle on the left has a higher low and the candle on the right has a higher low, hence the low in the middle is the lowest point. To form a swing low  only takes three bars.
3. Price purges a previous low and works back to a previous high. The following day price reverses back to the previous daily high, all happening within a three bar setup, creating a swing low, which is a purge on the previous daily low and a reversal back to a previous daily high.
4. Next the market creates a shift to the upside with speed through a previous swing high and a FVG.
5. And price created a new swing high and a higher swing low.

The next example is a daily chart of Apple during January 2023. The same five criteria for a Bullish Month were met:

Now let's look at the five key factors to a Bearish Month:

1. Price moves above the monthly opening price.
2. A swing high forms above the month's open.
3. Price purges a previous daily high and reverses back to a previous daily low.
4. The market creates a shift to the downside and a FVG.
5. Lower swing highs and lower swing lows form.

The first example is a daily chart of British Pound versus US Dollar during August 2022. The market was trending down. Identify the above listed five criteria for the formation of a Bearish Month:
The last example is a daily chart of Gold during February 2023. Gold was in a down trend. Identify the structural criteria for the formation of a Bearish Month:


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Taylor Trading Technique | Scott Hoffman

In my opinion, George Douglass Taylor was one of the greatest trading thinkers, and luckily he left behind one book on trading: 'The Taylor Trading Technique' (1950). This book lays out his 'Taylor Book Method' for swing trading in futures. Taylor postulated that the markets had patterns based on "market engineering" from the "powers that be" in the grain markets. These insiders would frequently cause prices to decline to set up a buying opportunity for themselves. Then, after the market rallied sufficiently to yield profit for these insiders, a short-term top was created to give them a selling opportunity. The market would sell off, and the cycle would start again. 
George Douglass Taylor was a grain trader in the 1940s and 1950s at the CBOT pit
and is credited original author of the 3 Day Cycle Short-Term Trading System.

The effect of this engineering was to amplify the natural rhythm of the market, creating false moves that would fool traders into buying when they should be selling, and vice versa. The thrust of the Taylor Technique is to identify this rhythm and take advantage of the "false moves". I have long maintained that if an individual could identify moves in the market that would serve to inflict the most pain on unwary traders then they would have a great trading system. I believe the Taylor Technique does that. Taylor created this method for the grain futures markets, but I find it equally applicable in the financial futures markets today. 
George Douglass Taylor’s system of short-term swing trading is based on the premise that the market moves in two to three day timeframes, moving from a low to a high and back to a low. The other important concepts are the importance of the previous day’s high and low, the length of upswings relative to downswings, and being a solely technical trader (ignoring fundamentals).

Cycle Day #1 – Buy Day
The first day of the cycle is the buying day. Look for a Buy Day two days after a swing high (the highest high of the past few days). On a Buy Day, look for the market to make its lows first, finding support around yesterday’s low. If the market opens flat to higher, look to buy the first sell off towards the previous low. If the market trades under yesterday’s low, be careful about going home long. The market should close higher than where it opened. If it is making new lows late in the day, it is usually best to exit. You can often get in the next day at a better price.
Cycle Day #1 - Buy Day

Generally, it’s good rule of thumb not to buy late in the day on a buy day if the market is heading lower or closing lower than where it opened. Odds favor a lower opening the next day, giving you a better enter price. Likewise, if the market is going to close lower than it opened, don’t be afraid to liquidate your position. Odds are in your favor that you’ll be able to buy at a lower price the next day.

Cycle Day #2 – Sell Day
If you are long and the market is closing in your favor, carry your long position overnight. Odds favor a higher opening the next day setting up the Sell Day, the second day of the cycle. On the Sell Day you should look to sell into strength, liquidating your position, and going home flat. Often, the sell day trades on both sides in what I call a 'fade' day. A fade day often follows a trend day and can be traded from either side.

 Cycle Day #2 - Sell Day

Cycle Day #3 – Sell Short Day
The third day of the cycle is the Sell Short Day. The Sell Short Day is the mirror image of the buying day. On a sell short day, you should be looking to sell early morning resistance, looking for resistance around the previous day’s high. The market should not be making highs late in the day, if it is you should be able to get a better entry point the next day. On a Sell Short Day, the market should close lower than it opened. The Sell Short Day is often followed by a 'Fade' day.
Cycle Day #3 - Sell Short Day.

That is the gist of Taylor’s technique - a rhythm of buy-sell-sell short. I don’t always recognize where we are in Taylor’s cycle (you’re always learning!), but on days when it is clear, at the least it gives you a good indication of the market’s bias for that day. In swing trading, the relation of the open to the close should indicate the direction of the next morning’s opening. This helps you determine whether the odds favor being a buyer or a seller on a given day.


Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Complete 3 Day Cycle Short-Term Trading System | Cameron Benson

[...] Back in the 1950s George Douglass Taylor was a pit trader and he is the original author of the 3-Day Cycle. He watched the people trading larger capital and started to notice a rhythmic 1, 2, 3 to the markets. He used these rhythmic studies to develop the 3-Day Cycle Short-Term Trading System.
  1. A Buy Day (Day 1) occurs after 1-5 Days of decline, when a market that has opened, made its low in the morning, and closed in the upper third of the days range.
  2. Then follows the Sell Day (Day 2) which in fact (contrary to what its name suggests) rallies higher above Day 1 and one could already cover long positions on that day. However, if the 'Sell Day' has a strong close, a directional follow through could occur the next day (Day 3/1).
  3. The Sell Short Day (Day 3) could come immediately following the Buy Day (Day 1), if price action presents in the opposite direction. However, after Day 1 the market could also move higher for 2-3 days before printing new highs in the morning, and close in the lower third of the days range. If you ever notice a market breaking out for 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 days in one direction, it's probably because it is breaking out of a larger structural pattern. [...] 
 » Once you see it, you can't unsee it. «

» The largest Aha moment I ever had when I started trading the 3 Day Cycle strategy was that the above three things can be traded completely different. It is massively important to your understanding of this style of trading:

(1.) 3 Day Setups using signal days (previous day's high and low, inside day, first green/red day).
(2.) Weekly Template.
(3.) 3 Day Cycle.
All three can also be mashed together into one big trading strategy that will present setups for parabolic trend trades, short squeeze, long squeeze, and some other setups that can help you get into the trade. « - Cameron Benson, 2023 


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

My “New Reversal Day” Discovery | Larry Williams

The most common reversal day is simply one where prices sell off substantially, almost always down limit, only to reverse and close up for the day. Such a day appears in the following diagram [A + B].

A series of top and bottom reversals are also shown for your observation. Notice, in each case, how a temporary reaction against the main trend was ended when we had the flush-out day with prices selling off drastically, then recovering, to close up for the day. A reversal day is even more significant the longer the correction has been in effect.

Our second form of reversal day, and one I’ll bet you’ve never even heard about, starts with prices heading sharply lower and closing, sharply lower prices might end up limit down, or just 
off sharply but, in any event, prices take a beating and are down handsomely for the day [C].

» When prices should go lower, but don't, buy ! «

The trend reversal is indicated the next morning when prices open a good deal higher than the previous day's close. Such unusual strength is indicative of a key reversal for the market. What happens, in essence, is that prices fail to follow through with the previous day's slide. This type of action is most unusual since lower prices forecast lower openings about 85% of the time. Lower prices, with substantially higher openings, are a sure thing that a new move has begun.

It is particularly significant if prices close down the limit, and the next day open slightly up. Limit moves should beget more limit moves. A reversal of this pattern points to a market opportunity.

A special point of interest here is that an extremely strong signal is generated any time you have two reversal days with the second one higher, for a buy, lower for a sale. This is an unusual display of strength. I cannot recall when such a signal did not produce profits.

 "New Reversal Days" in the NQ — April-May 2024 (daily bars)

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

S&P 500 Strength into May 1st & Weakness through Mid May | Larry Williams

Larry Williams expects U.S. stock market strength through May 1 (Wed) and weakness to follow through the middle of May.

That weakness could be followed by a relief rally into early June, then another leg down in July. “I am heavily short here,” he says. He expects a strong end of the year as a rally gets under way in early September. 


Saturday, March 2, 2024

ICT Seasonality | Michael J. Huddleston

We are in the quiet part of the year still.
Spring is coming to the markets very soon.

The year, if viewed as a single range ... we are in the Accumulation phase still.
Don't blow your equity before the salad days return.

January to April is the yearly Accumulation.
April to May is the Manipulation.
May to November is the Distribution.
December resets the yearly range.

Power of 3

Now go lose sleep over it in your charts.

You won't appreciate this until you pour
over all markets and asset classes and then your ass will hit the floor.
Time is more important than Price.

There are two sets of instructions that the algorithm follows:  

A = Accumulation (required for a cycle to occur)
M = Manipulation
D = Distribution
X = Reversal or Continuation

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

2024 S&P 500 Election Year Seasonal Pattern │ Jeff Hirsch

 2024 is an Election Year and the sitting President is running for office again. 
In this constellation the S&P 500 typically tends to (1.) trend higher from early January into mid February;  
(2.) decline into late March; (3.) rise up for the rest of the year, especially after elections.
Also take note of Larry Williams' re-election pattern.
The S&P 500's average annual return during Election Years is 11.6%. Since 1833 the fourth year in the Decennial Pattern has been up 13 vs 6 times down with an average annual return of 5.22%. Over the past 30 years, January gains have occurred 17 times (57%), while losses numbered 13 (43%), barely better than the flip of a coin. In bull markets, New Moons are bottoms, and Full Moons are tops. In bear markets, New Moons are tops, and Full Moons are bottoms. More often than not, stocks will rise from around the 7th to around the 14th calendar day of a month, fall from the 14th to the 20th, and rise from the 20th to the 25th.
In 1967 Yale Hirsch published the first Stock Trader’s Almanac and presented the Four Year Presidential Election Cycle as an significant and predictive indicator of stock market performance. The outcomes are relatively steady, regardless of the president’s political leanings in office at the time, and the year after each presidential election marks the start of a new four-year stock market cycle. Considering annual returns of each year in the four year cycle, the Pre-Election Year (2023) is considered best, and  the Election Year second. The most predictive period of the year is November 19th to January 19th. Wayne Whaley coined it a 'Turn of the Year (TOY) Barometer'. If the return of this 2-month period is greater than 3%, a bullish signal is given, and the market is very likely to do well over the following 12 months. If the return is 0-3%, the signal is considered neutral; and if the return is negative, the signal is bearish, and returns very poor. Currently the S&P 500 still trades some 6% above the November 19 level.

The 250 year US empire live cycle concluded in 2023. Demise by folly overstretch. Uni-polar global supremacy is over, and Russia, China and Iran stronger than ever. A multi-polar world of worlds now knows how to deal with a paper-tiger gone mad. All star-spangled striped monsters check-mated, defeated and unveiled 24/7 along the many battle fronts on the globe. Project Ukraine lost. Now supervising genocide in Palestine. Yemen's Ansar Allah controls the Bab al-Mandab and launches full front attacks against the hegemon. An emerging Muslim alliance will liberate the Holy Land. Iran may shut down the Gibraltar strait any moment. The Taliban will enter Jerusalem and flatten Tel Aviv. Zionist Saudis and emirs doomed. Revolutionary Shia will root them out. The fever pitch increases. As some discard all this as hysteria and Islamist war propaganda, the dollar hegemony is rapidly melting away under the world island's rising sun. 2024 will be a remarkable 'election year'. W.D. Gann projected 'major panic, breadlines, soup kitchens, despair, and unemployment' into the US of 2024. And US astrologer L. David Linsky sees the home-front ready for more mayhem, upheaval, war and regime change. Plenty of opportunities along the lines and times in the above seasonal roadmap for 2024.
The Kitchin Cycle and the Benner Cycle are bullish for all of 2024 and 2025 (historically the fifth year outperforming all other years in the decennial pattern). In the current decennial cycle Larry Williams identified June 2024 as "the sweet spot with 90% accuracy" to buy stocks until December 2025.
In January 2024 the Sensitive Degrees of the Sun are:
Jan 02 (Tue) = Earth at perihelion = positive = high
Jan 06 (Sat) = negative = low
Jan 19 (Fri) = negative = low
Jan 30 (Tue) = positive = high

The Turning points in the Geocentric Bradley Barometer are (+/-1 CD):
Jan 04 (Thu) = Low
Jan 13 (Sat) = High
Jan 22 (Mon) = Low
Jan 29 (Mon) = High

The SoLunar Rhythm during January 2024: 

Additional References:
Seth Golden (Dec 26, 2023) @ X
 Last time the S&P 500 was up 9 consecutive weeks was in 2004 and before that two 9-week win streaks in 1989 and in 1994,
before that a 12-week win streak in 1985. The next years' returns were:
1986 = 14%
1990 = -4.5%
1995 = 34%
2005 = 3%