Showing posts with label Presidential Cycle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Presidential Cycle. Show all posts

Thursday, September 19, 2024

S&P 500 Projection Chart from 2009 to 2025 | Jeff Hirsch

We are revising our 15-Year Projection chart. This was first drawn in 2011 when our book Super Boom: Why the Dow Jones Will Hit 38,820 and How You Can Profit From It (Wiley) hit the stores. The projection was based upon, drawn from, years of historical patterns and data. In the years to follow numerous unprecedented events occurred, the Fed held its key lending rate in a range of 0 to 0.25% for an incredible seven years, under took multiple rounds of quantitative easing (QE) and essentially pledged unwavering support for the market. Many other nations and central banks around the world were taking similar or even more aggressive steps to support their own economies and markets. Negative interest rates and negative yields on 10-year bonds are not what we consider normal.

Our current updated projection is illustrated in the red line in the chart. In keeping with the history of market performance in pre-election years and the current trajectory of the indices, it would not surprise us for the market to continue rising through April make new high here in Q2, then pause over the weaker summer months before hitting higher highs toward yearend. Next year promises to be an embattled election year and the likelihood of another significant correction or even a bear market are higher.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

September Quadruple Witching Week Dodgy, Week After Dreadful | Jeff Hirsch

Since the S&P index futures began trading on April 21, 1982, stock options, index options as well as index futures all expire at the same time four times each year in March, June, September [20 - Fri], and December. September’s quarterly option expiration week has been up 54.8% of the time for S&P 500 since 1982. DJIA and NASDAQ have slightly weaker track records with gains 52.4% of the time and 52.4% respectively.

However, the week has suffered several sizable losses. The worst loss followed the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001. In the last twenty-one years, S&P 500 and NASDAQ are tied for best record during September’s quarterly option expiration week, up thirteen times, but NASDAQ has been down the last six straight. Friday had been firm with all three indices advancing every year 2004 to 2011, but S&P 500 has been down 11 of the last 12 and NASDAQ has been down 10 of the last 12 since.

S&P 500 Down 27 of 34 Week After September Quarterly Options Expiration, Average Loss 1.06%

The week after September options expiration week, has a dreadful history of declines most notably since 1990. The week after September quarterly options expiration week has been a nearly constant source of pain with only a few meaningful exceptions over the past 34 years. Substantial and across the board gains have occurred just four times: 1998, 2001, 2010 and 2016 while many more weeks were hit with sizable losses. In 2022 DJIA and S&P 500 declined over 4% while NASDAQ fell 5.07%.

Full stats are the sea-of-red in the tables here. Average losses since 1990 are even worse; DJIA –1.09%, S&P 500 –1.06%, NASDAQ –1.06%. End-of-Q3 portfolio restructuring is the most likely explanation for this trend as managers trim summer holdings and position for the fourth quarter.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

S&P 500 September 2024 Seasonality | Jeff Hirsch

The Bull Market is still intact but wait for a fatter pitch. Ramped of election uncertainty, extended valuations, some big earning misses and a few troubling economic data points helped the worst month of the year deliver an opening blow. Fund managers tend to sell under-performers, restructure portfolios and window dress ahead of the end of Q3. Also a tough month in election years. 
 Sep 03 (Tue) = High | Sep 09-10 (Mon-Tue) = Low | Sep 12 (Thu) = High 
Sep 18 (Wed) = Low | Sep 20 (Fri) = High | Sep 26-27 (Thu-Fri) = Low

[STA Aggregate Cycle = Combo Of All Years

There have been some nasty selloffs near month-end over the years. The week after
[September 20, 2024 (Fri)] Quadruple Witching has been brutal, S&P 500 down 27 of the last 34, averaging a loss of 1.06%. In 2022, DJIA, S&P 500, and NASDAQ all dropped 4% or more.

September Weakness & October-phobia loom large. Bullish election forces at play, but September-October are the worst months of the election years. Lack of clarity about economy, election and Fed’s next move. Expect chop and sideways action over next several weeks w/ a likely test of the lows. This should set up the Q4/post-election rally. So be patient and be ready for the fatter pitch later in Q3 or early Q4.

Friday, August 30, 2024

The US Is Now Ready for Violence, Civil War & Secession | Martin Armstrong

This will probably be the last election in the United States, for we will most likely split into three regional governments. [...] There is no question that post-election violence will be extreme. Whenever you have this winner-takes-all system and political corruption unfolds, the LEFT is not seeking to govern the nation; they are seeking to oppress all opponents.
 » The United States will most likely split into three regional governments. «
[...] Democracies are supposed to be where people have the right to vote. The Democrats were denied the right even to select their candidate. This is tyranny, for Kamala was merely installed. [...] Typically, governments go into civil wars when there is a conflict that is culturally/ethnically, religiously, or racially driven, and we are now checking that box and just waiting for the election. We will face a rigged and contested election that neither side will accept. When there is no confidence in the government anymore, the ONLY resolution is always violence. History confirms this prognostication. How can there be such fantastic polls for Kamala, who never won a single delegate during the 2020 primary, and we look at the only real independent poll organization that shows confidence in Congress down to 7%?

 » No question that post-election violence will be extreme. «

It does not matter who wins. This election will NEVER be accepted, and it certainly will NOT unify the country. The Democratic Convention threw Trump’s name out 329 times. It was just a hate fest. That will ensure violence. The LEFT will never accept a Trump victory – NO WAY!!!!! There is no belief that this election will be free and fair. The United States has declined into this dangerous characteristic that warns the country is far too divided to stand. I am concerned that the dollar may decline FOR THIS REASON. I want to think that reform is possible. Unfortunately, history tells us that when an empire, nation, country, or city-state is this divided, REFORM becomes possible only AFTER violence.  

Monday, August 19, 2024

4-Year Presidential Election Cycle 1949-2020 vs 2021-2024 | Jeff Hirsch

The market continues to follow the trends of our seasonal and 4-year cycle patterns [...] In our July Outlook, we maintained our bullish outlook for 2024, but cautioned that the market was possibly due for some mean reversion (a pullback) once NASDAQ’s 12-Day Midyear Rally ended in mid-July. NASDAQ did top out on July 10 while DJIA and S&P 500 topped about one week later.


The market has recovered in line with Historical Election Year strength in August, but the correction is not likely over. With President Biden stepping aside our Open Field Election Year is back in play. This does not mean we are heading into the red for the year, but it does suggest the market may continue to struggle over the next few months during the seasonal weak period and leading up to this now more uncertain election. [...] Any potential September/October market weakness could set up a solid Q4, End-of-Year Rally, most likely beginning after Election Day [Tuesday, November 5, 2024⁩].

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

S&P 500 Time & Price Targets | Seasonality & Measured Moves

 Second push and month out of the April-May consolidation seems about to complete at around 5,750

 First month of the third quarter. After a sideways-to-down retracement, third push in August to around 6,000 (± 100)? 
The tri-annual R1 level is at 6,019.
Or the Armstrong Panic Cycle kicks in right now this week or the Feigenbaum Cycle in early August? 
The 40 Month and the 42 Month Cycles point to a multiyear high in August (± 2).


Trump vs Coup d'Etat of Globalists | Alexander Dugin

The architecture of power in the world is radically changing from the Western unipolarity to multipolarity. Trump represents the situation where US can be one of the poles - albeit the strongest and most powerful - of a multipolar world. The globalists don't care about the US as much as they care about anyone else. What they need is planetary power, the absolute power of supranational capital. And all countries, including America and Europe, are only tools in the creation of the World Government.

» God save America and all of humanity from the criminal gang of liberals and globalists. «
Trump is for America and against World Government. Just as Putin is for Russia, Xi Jinping is for China, Modi is for India, and Orban, Fico, Marine Le Pen and the AfD are for Europe. The multipolar world is a system of sovereignties, while the globalists want sole planetary power, which fell into their hands with the collapse of the Warsaw Pact and the end of the USSR, which is now slipping away from them and to which they are frantically clinging. The globalists have finally turned to direct terror tactics. This is a fact, not just a series of coincidences. It is time to strike back at the globalist network.

Tucker Carlson told me in Moscow that Trump seriously fears assassination by the globalists. Turns out, not for nothing. The more senile Joe sinks into dementia, the more likely it is that Trump will be assassinated. They already have tried. Some people are dead, some are injured. God save America and all of humanity from the criminal gang of liberals and globalists. If we don't stop them now, they will destroy us all.

"ZIONIST AGENT JD Vance calls for bombing Iran."

Monday, July 15, 2024

Wishing Comrade Trump a Speedy Recovery | Pepe Escobar

Comrade Trump is making an absolute killing on Chinese social media. Trump is all over the place on Weibo - zillions of trending hashtags, some with over 450 million views, and a non-stop meme machine. On Chinese social media, Trump is widely known as “Comrade Jianguo” (建国同志  —  Comrade Build-Country). This nickname has been in effect for years. “Build the Country Trump” (Chuān Jiànguó —  川建国) usually translates as “Making China Great Again” - as in whatever he does, China ultimately profits.

  » May he continue to work hard for the ultimate mission entrusted to him by the Party. «

It’s a fascinating process: over the years, the avalanche of playful Trump nicknames actually reflect a blend of mockery and affection. On Weibo, the iconic “fist” pic has been edited in all sorts of ways, for instance depicting Trump as a Communist champ with the caption: “Workers of the world, unite!” (全世界无产者联合起来). And what about this Weibo comment: “I wish Comrade Jianguo a speedy recovery, may he continue to work hard for the ultimate mission entrusted to him by the Party.”


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Panic Cycles Week July 15 - 19 & Week September 9 - 13 | Martin Armstrong

This assassination attempt came precisely at the time our computer had provided. The week of July 15th was showing up when this year began. Look at the volatility and uncertainty ahead into September. Will they try again? 

Saturday, June 29, 2024

How fast Superpowers can Collapse

In early 1991, Soviet citizens voted on the New Union Treaty which proposed to reform-rather than dissolve-the USSR. 76% of Soviet voters ultimately supported maintaining the federal system of the Soviet Union, including a majority in nine of the 15 republics. A year later, however, the USSR didn’t exist.
In 2021, in the US an astonishing 66% of Southern Republicans and 50% of independents were in favor of secession. The West Coast also showed strong support for secession but of a different political flavor, this time being mostly supported by Democrats.

Friday, June 28, 2024

July 4th Bullish Pre-Holiday Trade, Bearish After | Jeff Hirsch

Trading the three days ahead of the July 4th Independence Day holiday has historically been stronger than the days after the holiday. Trading on the day before and after the holiday is often lackluster. Volume tends to decline on either side of the holiday as vacations begin early and/or finish late. Since 1980, DJIA, S&P 500, NASDAQ and Russell 2000 have recorded net losses on the day after.


This has become more pronounced in recent years and was the case again last year. However, over the past thirteen years since 2011, trading after Independence Day has softened notably. DJIA has declined ten times in 13 years on the day after. S&P 500 has slipped eight times. Average performance remains fractionally positive. NASDAQ and Russell 2000 have more up days after the 4th but R2K averages losses the two days after the 4th.

y Best S&P & NASDAQ Month Last 21 Years - nearly all gains in first 13 trading days | Jeff Hirsch