Sunday, February 28, 2016

Presidential Cycle + Seasonal Pattern + Decennial Cycle for March 2016

Seasonal Cycle Mar 01 - Mar 31 (1900-2015) = +0.82%
6th Year of the Decennial Cycle (2016) Mar 01 - Mar 31 = +1.96%
4th Year of the Presidential Cycle (2016) Mar 01 - Mar 31 = +1.95%
SoLunar Map: Feb 26 (Fri), Mar 01 (Tue), Mar 05 (Sat), Mar 08 (Tue), Mar 12 (Sat),
Mar 16 (Wed), Mar 19 (Sat), Mar 23 (Wed), Mar 27 (Sun), Mar 30 (Wed)
Seasonal Cycle Jan 01 - May 31 (1900-2015) = +2.82%
6th Year of the Decennial Cycle (2016) Jan 01 - May 31 = +3.49%
4th Year of the Presidential Cycle (2016) Jan 01 - May 31 = -0.97%
Seasonal Cycle (1900-2015) Jan 01 - Dec 31 = +6.99%
4th Year of the Presidential Cycle (2016) Jan 01 - Dec 31 = +6.52%
6th Year of the Decennial Cycle (2016) Jan 01 - Dec 31 = +6.98%
4th Year of the Presidential Cycle (2016) Jan 01 - Dec 31 = +6.52%
6th Year of the Decennial Cycle (2016) Jan 01 - Dec 31 = +6.98%
1st Year of the Presidential Cycle (2017) Jan 01 - Dec 31 = +5.48%
7th Year of the Decennial Cycle (2017) Jan 01 - Dec 31 = +4.82%
2nd Year of the Presidential Cycle (2018) Jan 01 - Dec 31 = +2.99%
8th Year of the Decennial Cycle (2018) Jan 01 - Dec 31 = +13.13%
3rd Year of the Presidential Cycle (2019) Jan 01 - Dec 31 = +10.12%
9th Year of the Decennial Cycle (2019) Jan 01 - Dec 31 = +10.62%

Saturday, February 20, 2016

SPX vs Sun - Jupiter Cycle

Calculated and charted with Timing Solution.

SPX vs Sun - Neptune Cycle

Calculated and charted with Timing Solution.

NDX vs 4 Lunar Month Cycle

German DAX vs Intermediate Delta Cycle

SPX vs Declination of Mercury + Venus

Declination of Mercury and Venus almost perfectly parallel.

SPX vs Speed of Mercury

SPX vs AstroMetric Indicator

Friday, February 12, 2016

The Man Who Tapped The Secrets Of The Universe

There is but One universe, One Mind, One force, One substance.
Everything that is must be of everything else that is.
Nothing can be of itself alone.
There can be no two of anything in the universe,
two substances, two Minds or two beings.
All things are universal.

The Universal One | 1927 | Walter Bowman Russell 
(May 19,1871 – May 19,1963)

Element One & Element Eight

Hydrogen is the universal ONE. It is the first element in the periodic table, and takes 90% of the universe, leaving only 10% for all the other 143 possible remaining elements. In a hydrogen atom the phase velocity difference between the velocities of the orbits of the proton versus the electron is 8. Hydrogen is resonating at the note C = 8 Hz = Unity = the Golden 7 + 1 = EIGHT. Therefore 'H' is the most appropriate symbol for the ONE, for this letter is the 8th letter of the European, the Runic, the Egyptian, and the Greek alphabet. Water is the union of the gaseous elements ONE + EIGHT (Oxygen), where one molecule contains hydrogen and oxygen in a 1:8 ratio by mass.

The Fourth State of Matter

NASA Hubble Space Telescope image of planetary nebula NGC 2818:
red = nitrogen, green = hydrogen, and blue = oxygen (HERE)
"The whole of space is filled with electrons and flying electric ions of all kinds. We have assumed that each stellar system in evolution throws off electric corpuscles into space. It does not seem unreasonable therefore to think that the greater part of the material masses in the universe is found, not in the solar systems or nebulae, but in "empty" space." | Kristian Birkeland (1913) | see also HERE 

99.9 percent of the Universe is made up of plasma. The magnetosphere provides a barrier between our planet and particles continually given off by the Sun’s corona called the 'solar wind'. These particles constitute a plasma – a mixture of electrons (negatively charged) and ions (atoms that have lost electrons, resulting in a positive electric charge). Plasma is not a gas, liquid, or solid – it is the fourth state of matter [...] The Sun is composed of plasma, fire is plasma." | NASA 1999

SPX vs Jupiter-Saturn Cycle

SPX vs Sunspots

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

SPX vs Angular Distance between Mercury and Venus

The time between these events divided by 2 also coincides with market turns. Calculated and charted with Timing Solution.

SPX vs Planets under Fire

The concept of using the combustion of planets to forecast trend reversals was developed with more accuracy
and in more detail by Anand Chiney HERE. Calculated and charted with
Timing Solution.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Evidence for Extreme Human Antiquity | Forbidden Archeology

Darwinists routinely assert that anatomically modern humans like ourselves evolved from archaic humans in the Middle Paleolithic, about 200,000 years ago. However, among many others, the California gold mine discoveries provide a counterexample: In 1849 gold was found in the gravels of ancient riverbeds on the slopes of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in central California, drawing hordes of rowdy adventurers to places like Brandy City, Last Chance, Lost Camp, You Bet, and Poker Flat. Occasionally, the miners would find stone artifacts, and more rarely, human fossils. Altogether, miners found hundreds of stone implements - mortars, pestles, platters, grinders, and so forth. Many of the specimens found their way into the collection of C.D. Voy, a part-time employee of the California Geological Survey. Voy’s collection eventually came into the possession of the University of California, and the most significant artifacts were reported to the scientific community by Josiah Dwight Whitney, then the state geologist of California. J.D. Whitney thought the geological evidence indicated the auriferous - or gold-bearing - gravels, and the sophisticated stone tools found in them, were at last Pliocene in age. But modern geologists think some of the gravel deposits, which lie beneath volcanic formations, are much older.

The majority of gold-bearing gravels were laid down in stream channels during the Eocene and Early Oligocene. During the Oligocene, Miocene, and Pliocene, volcanic activity in the same region covered some of the auriferous gravels with deposits of rhyolite, andesite, and latite. Finds from mine shafts can be dated more securely than those from hydraulic mines and surface deposits of gravel. Many shafts were sunk at Table Mountain in Tuolumne County. Whitney and others reported that miners found stone tools and human bones there, in the gold-bearing gravels sealed beneath thick layers of a volcanic material called latite. Discoveries from the auriferous gravels just above the bedrock are probably 33.2 to 55 million years old. The more important discoveries from Table Mountain add up to a considerable weight of evidence. J.D. Whitney personally examined a collection belonging to Dr. Snell, consisting of stone spoons, handles, spearheads, and a human jaw - all found in the auriferous gravels beneath the latite cap of Tuolumne Table Mountain. Whitney remarked that all the human fossils uncovered in the gold-mining region, including this one, were of the anatomically modern type.

The most notorious fossil discovered in the Gold Rush mines of California was the Calaveras skull. In February 1866, Mr. Mattison, the principal owner of the mine on Bald Hill, near Angels Creek, removed this fossilized skull from a layer of gravel 130 feet below the surface. The gravel was near the bedrock, underneath several distinct layers of volcanic material. It was examined by J.D. Whitney who presented a report on the Calaveras skull to the California Academy of Sciences on July 16, 1866, affirming that it was found in Pliocene strata. From the modern geological dating of the Table Mountain strata, it is apparent that the Calaveras skull was over 9 million years old. In their book Forbidden Archeology (1993) Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson documented numerous other cases showing that human beings like ourselves have existed on this planet for tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of years. See also: Whitney, J. D. (1880): The auriferous gravels of the Sierra Nevada of California. Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology Memoir 6 (1); Cremo, M. (2003): The Nineteenth Century California Gold Mine Discoveries: Archeology, Darwinism, and Evidence for Extreme Human Antiquity. - World Archaeological Congress 5, June 21-26, 2003 Washington, D.C.; Cremo, M. (2014): Forbidden Archeology. - Talks at Google [63 m].

Friday, February 5, 2016

Oil Price and Russian Political History

Vladimir Putin’s unshakeable popularity - a people's president with approval rates
Western muppet puppets wouldn't even dream about. Credits: The Economist
(Feb 4, 2016)

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Deutsche Bank Derivative Exposure = 5 x Eurozone GDP

ZeroHedge (Feb 3, 2016) - Time to panic about Deutsche Bank?

The exposure of Deutsche Bank to its derivatives portfolio is a stunning EUR 64 Trillion, which is 16 times the GDP of Germany and roughly 5 times the GDP of the entire Eurozone! And to put things in perspective, the TOTAL government debt of the US government is 1/3rd of Deutsche Bank’s exposure - impossible for any government to bail out Deutsche Bank should things go terribly wrong.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Origin And Natural Abundance Of Hydrocarbons

“The suggestion that petroleum might have arisen
from some transformation of squashed fish or
biological detritus is surely the silliest notion
to have been entertained by substantial numbers
of persons over an extended period of time.”
Fred Hoyle, 1982
Since 150 years modern industrial civilization entirely rests upon the permanent and sufficient availability of hydrocarbons for fuel, power generation and the chemical transformation into an endless array of indispensable synthetical products. Yet, amazingly, there still coexist two opposing and politically very controversial theories on the origin of hydrocarbons such as petroleum, natural gas or black coal: the biogenic theory (Western School) and the abiogenic theory (Russian-Ukrainian School). The biogenic theory suggests that remnants of buried plants and animals somehow converted into hydrocarbons, and therefore crude oil, coal and natural gas were to be considered scarce, finite and hence expensive 'fossil fuels'. This view of course was always dear to Big Oil and in line with M. King Hubbert's malthusian-quack peak oil theory, forecasting the nearby exhaust and collapse of crude supplies ever since the 1950s. Meanwhile the abiogenic theory explains that deep deposits of primordial hydrocarbons were trapped during the formation of our planet, and hydrocarbon molecules (mostly methane) constantly migrate from the mantle to the crust. The element carbon is the fourth in order of abundance in the universe, preceded only by hydrogen, helium and oxygen. Therefore methane and other hydrocarbons are found not only on Earth but basically everywhere in our solar system and beyond: on Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and their moons as well as on Comet Halley, Comet Hyakutake, on cosmic dust, in nebulae and interstellar gas.

Prof. Nikolai Alexandrovitch Kudryavtsev (1893 - 1971)
The Russian geologist Nikolai Alexandrovitch Kudryavtsev was the first proponent of the modern theory of abiotic oil. In 1951 he argued that no petroleum resembling the chemical composition of natural crudes has ever been made from plant material in the laboratory under conditions resembling those in nature. He analyzed the geology of the Athabasca bituminous sands in Alberta, Canada, and concluded that no organic débris could have formed that huge volume of oil. The most plausible explanation was that oil is abiogenic, inorganic and it comes through faults from deep inside the Earth. Kudryavtsev's Rule states that "any region in which hydrocarbons are found at one level will also have hydrocarbons in large or small quantities at all levels down to and into the basement rock. Thus, where oil and gas deposits are found, there will often be coal seams above them. Gas is usually the deepest in the pattern, and can alternate with oil. All petroleum deposits have a capstone [or permafrost soils and ice], which is generally impermeable to the upward migration of hydrocarbons. This capstone leads to the accumulation of the hydrocarbon." He gave many examples of substantial quantities of petroleum being found in crystalline or metamorphic basements, or in sediments directly overlying those. Developing this approach, exploration companies like Rosneft, Exxonmobil and Tullow Oil are quite successful.

Mud volcano on Malan Island, emerged in 2011 in Balochistan,
Pakistan, producing methane, ethane, propane and butane.
Outside the Soviet Union the Austrian-American astrophysicist Thomas Gold (1920 - 2004) was the most prominent proponent of the abiogenic theory. His Deep Hot Biosphere Theory and the Deep-Earth Gas Theory propose that crude oil and natural gas are primordial materials, formed deep inside the Earth as well as in other planets. The rise of methane, sometimes along with helium and nitrogen, act as carrier gases, bring together heavier hydrocarbons and reach shallower areas in the crust, where deep microbial life interact with the hydrocarbons and contaminates the primordial oil. Natural oil and gas seeps are found worldwide, e.g. in the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea, and in the Gulf of Mexico, where more than 600 natural seeps leak one to five million barrels of oil per year. Ships and aircrafts disappear in the Bermuda Triangle due to the presence of large fields of methane hydrates, underwater gas seeps and gas eruptions. Refilling is a common phenomenon in oil and gas fields throughout the Middle East, Indonesia, on Eugene Island (Alaska), in the Gulf of Mexico, the Prudhoe Basin, Russia's Romashkinokoye supergiant oilfield, and many others. Enormous amounts of methane hydrate have been found beneath Arctic permafrost, beneath Antarctic ice and in sedimentary deposits along continental margins worldwide. In some parts they are much closer to high-population areas than any natural gas field, and might allow countries currently importing natural gas to become self-sufficient. The United States, Canada, Germany, Japan and India all have vigorous research programs working to discover viable technologies for producing gas hydrates.

From the analysis of a ketchup stain on a tie can not
be concluded that the tie would be made ​​from tomatoes. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Periodic Table of Commodity Returns

U.S. Global Investors (Jan 27, 2016) - This table shows the ebb and flow of commodity prices over the past decade.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

SoLunar Map February - March 2016

This chart depicts the solunar bias for short-term movements of stock indices two months ahead. The markets are certainly influenced also by
other planetary forces - especially longer-term - but a 3-5 day short-term rhythm and pattern is governed by the solunar forces (= 4 highs and
4 lows per lunar month). The solunar forces are a composite of Sun-Moon angles, orbital eccentricities, declinations and some long-term cycles.
A Low in the SoLunar Map frequently is a High in the stock market and vice versa. Inversions occur, and if so, they should occur only once every
4 lunar months around a New Moon (max +/- 7 days). The solunar rhythm is frequently disturbed by (1.) the FED, and (2.) by sudden solar activity,
altering the geomagnetic field, and hence the mass mood. This can result in the skip and/or inversion of pivots in the SoLunar Map. An increasing
number of sunspots and flares have usually a negative influence on the stock market some 48 hours later, and vice versa (Ap values > 10 are
usually short-term negative). A rising blue line in the SoLunar Map means the bias for the market is side-ways-to-up, and vice versa. Highs and
lows in the SoLunar Map also may coincide with the start and termination of complex, side-ways correction patterns like zig-zags, triangles or
flags. Upcoming turn-days are: Jan 28 (Thu), Feb 01 (Mon), Feb 04 (Thu), Feb 08 (Mon), Feb 11 (Thu), Feb 15 (Mon), Feb 26 (Fri), Mar 01 (Tue),
Mar 05 (Sat), Mar 08 (Tue), Mar 12 (Sat), Mar 16 (Wed), Mar 19 (Sat), Mar 23 (Wed), Mar 27 (Sun), Mar 30 (Wed), Apr 03 (Sun). Cross check these
dates with the Cosmic Cluster Days, the Bradley Indices, and Jack Gillen's Sensitive Degrees. Previous SoLunar Maps
Please note: since around Jan 13th the correlation flipped = now Low in the SoLunar Map is Low in the SPX; a High  in the etc.