Showing posts with label Sun and Financial Markets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sun and Financial Markets. Show all posts

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Predictable Cycles in Geomagnetic Activity | Theodor Landscheidt

Geomagnetic storms, which are released by energetic solar eruptions, are important geophysical events. Newer results indicate that there is a connection with weather. Figure 1 shows the zonal type of atmospheric circulation as a result of geomagnetic disturbances caused by the sun’s eruptional activity, and meridional circulation related to a lull in geomagnetic activity. This is a permanent feature that regulates the prevalence of warm westerly flow or cool arctic air over Europe and North America. 

The bulk flow speed of the solar wind, which is indicative of the energy of eruptional mass ejections and resultant shock waves caused by solar eruptions, is strongly coupled to geomagnetic activity, which in turn seems to be the common factor of a wide variety of terrestrial phenomena.

Quoted from:
Theodor Landscheidt (1989) - Predictable Cycles in Geomagnetic Activity and Ozone Levels.
In: Cycles, November/December 1989, Foundation for the Study of Cycles.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Sun - Earth - Man | Theodor Landscheidt

The unanimous message of mystics of all ages that all entities in the universe are interconnected and constitute an indivisible whole is proven now by unequivocal physical experiments that have been replicated again and again. From this undeniable unity, connectedness, and inseparability follows that any action or configuration in any distant part of the universe can influence processes in the Solar System inhabited by Man. This is also valid for the interrelations of Sun and planets within the Solar System and especially the Earth's connections with other cosmic bodies in the solar environment.

 » The whole of space is filled with electrons and flying electric ions of all kinds. 
We have assumed that each stellar system in evolution throws off electric corpuscles into space. 
It does not seem unreasonable therefore to think that the greater part of the material 
masses in the universe is found, not in the solar systems or nebulae, but in 'empty' space. «
Kristian Birkeland, 1913.

To look at the solar system and its constituent parts as a whole that embraces a complex web of holistic interrelations, is a premise of traditional astrology, which seemed antiquated, but turns out to be trend-setting. Thus, it appears promising to subject the astrological thesis of an influence of celestial bodies on the Earth and life on its surface to a new test. The quality of the astrological body of theses matches the holistic results of modern research, as it represents the archetype of an integrating science. Astrology of this brand was a historical reality in the era of Kepler, Galileo and Newton. It is well known that Kepler was both an astrologer and one of the creative founders of modern science. Book IV of his principle work Harmonices Mundi (1619) with the heading Book on Metaphysics, Psychology, and Astrology is evidence of this, as well as his papers De fundamentis astrologiae certioribus (1602) and De stella nova (1604). Those who pretend that Kepler was not really engaged in astrology should read these writings.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

The Physics of the Seasonal Cycle | Al Larson

Any grade-school pupil can tell you when the seasons begin. In the northern hemisphere, generally, spring begins March 21, while summer begins June 21. Autumn begins September 23, and winter begins December 21. Actual dates may vary by one day in a particular year. So step one is simple.
The physical reason behind the seasonal cycle is the tilt of the Earth's axis. The 23.5-degree tilt of the Earth's axis causes more direct heating of the northern hemisphere in the summer, when the Earth tilts toward the sun. It causes less heating in the winter, when the Earth tilts away from the sun. This change in heating and cooling causes the seasonal weather patterns that we are familiar with.

 Charged particles from the sun form a teardrop-shaped envelope about the globe called magnetosphere.
Not so well known is the effect of the seasonal variation on the Earth's geomagnetic field. As the sun emits energy, charged particles flow outward, carried by the solar wind. As these particles sweep past Earth, they form a teardrop-shaped envelope around the globe called the magnetosphere.

There is a seasonal variation in two important parts of the magnetosphere. When the Earth tilts toward the sun in the summer, the charged particles can more directly flow into the north pole, where they affect the Earth's magnetic field. This effect is lessened when the Earth tilts away from the sun in the winter.
The second magnetic effect is on the magneto-tail, that part of the magnetosphere which streams away from the sunny side of the Earth. As the Earth tilts toward the sun, this tail "rides higher." As the Earth tilts away from the sun, the tail "rides lower." This affects how our moon, which moves in and out of the magnetosphere, interacts with the Earth's magnetic field.

So what does this have to do with stocks and commodities? Scientific evidence suggests that these fluctuations in the Earth's magnetic field affect humans. Studies show that magnetic field changes are linked to blood PH changes, which in turn cause mood swings. Perhaps the psychological mood swings of traders are also subject to these magnetic field changes.
More obviously, the seasonal cycle could be expected to affect crop prices, such as those of wheat, corn and other commodities. Similarly, with most businesses running on a quarterly profit cycle, seasonal variations in the buying and selling of materials and equipment can be expected. Thus, on both a fundamental and technical basis, a trader can expect season price variations in stocks and commodities.

To perform step 2, mark the dates of the cycle on a chart with solid dots, and place them above or below the price as you estimate that price is high or low relative to what it was approximately one-fourth cycle earlier. Points do not necessarily have to alternate between high and low. Now look for cycle "inversions." If two lows or highs occur in succession, the cycle has "inverted" between the points. A normal inversion point is halfway through the cycle.

Quoted from:
Al Larson (1991) - The Physics of the Seasonal Cycle.

Mini-Crash in Tune with Cosmic Rhythms | Theodor Landscheidt

Solar eruptions and related geomagnetic storms can be predicted by means of major and minor instability events released by special solar systems configurations. Minor instability events occur when the Sun's Center of Mass (CS), the Solar Systems Center of Mass (CM), and Jupiter (JU) - the weighty center of the world of planets - arc in line (JU-CM-CS). Such configurations initiate strong impulses of torque in the Sun's orbital motion about the CM. JU-CM-CS events form cycles with a mean period of 9.275 years, but are subject to considerable variation in wavelength: it can be as short as two years, or as long as 14 years.
The above chart shows the relationship between the S&P 500's monthly index and Cycles of Minor and Major Solar System Instability Events: The short fat arrows indicate epochs of consecutive JU-CM-CS events that form cycles showing rather different wavelengths. Wide and narrow arrows as well as small arrows represent harmonics of respective cycles specified by indices.Indicators that coincide with maxima of the S&P 500 point upwards, while those that coincide with minima point downwards. After the long fat arrow that marks the epoch of a 'major instability event', the epochs of JU-CM-CS events and the second harmonic (= 1/2) of the respective cycles are correlated with bottoms in the data, and the fourth (= 1/4) and eigth (= 1/8) harmonics with tops. In the current JU-CM-CS cycle - running from October 31, 1982 (= 1982.83), to April 20, 1990 (= 1990.3) - the midpoints between the fourth and eighth harmonics, the sixteenth harmonics, were, in each case, related to bottoms in the data. The chart also shows the cosmic background of the famous 4-Year Cycle, and - this is crucial to predictions - hints to an explanation why it is sometimes longer or shorter. 

The next chart is an extension of the first one. The upper curve represents the DJIA, and its turning points are in phase with the arrows marking epochs of respective harmonics of the 
JU-CM-CS cycle. The last arrow matches the date of the mini-crash on October 13, 1989 - the biggest plunge of the stock market since the 1987 crash.
Quoted from:
Theodor Landscheidt (1989) - Mini-Crash in Tune with Cosmic Rhythms.
In: Cycles, November/December 1989, Foundation of the Study of Cycles.
See also:

Cosmic Regulation of Cycles in Nature and Economy | Theodor Landscheidt

Let us try to find cycles in nature that can be understood and predicted - and, in addition, that are connected with human behavior, especially the economy. Planetary tide-generating forces, acting on the Sun, are a promising candidate. Hence, we shall try to find dependable cycles in the tide-generating forces of the planets that are linked to energetic solar eruptions and terrestrial effects, especially in the economy. Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Jupiter, the so-called tidal planets, can be expected to exert a realizable trigger effect.
» The golden section seems to be implanted in man, too. Dürer, the famous painter, made a thorough investigation of proportions in the human body and found as many as 25 realizations of the "divine proportion," as the golden section is also called, Is this why there is also psychic response to this proportion? According to H. Read, the golden section has, for centuries, been regarded as a key to the mysteries of art. Aesthetically speaking, it is considered to have the most pleasing proportions. « 
 » There is a growing body of circumstantial evidence that strong solar eruptions are linked to the tidal cycle. That energetic solar flares have a strong impact on important terrestrial cycles. Hence, the tidal cycle, with an average duration of  118.5 days - equaling 16.9 weeks, or 3.9 months - should have left marks in the records. «
» My example is a cycle in stock prices which averages 14-3/4 days long, but which proceeds m a hop-skip fashion in waves that are first shorter than the average and then longer than the average, alternately. On the average, the shorter waves run about 13-1/4 days long, the longer waves about 16-1/4 days long... it should be obvious that ... forecasts made on a 13-1/4-, 16-1/4, 13-1/4, 16-1/4-day basis would be vastly superior to those made on a rigid 14-3/4-day basis, even though both time intervals would come out to the same place in the end. You will doubtless have noticed that one long and one short wave together equal 29-1/2 days — the time interval from one new moon to the next. « 
Quoted from:
Theodor Landscheidt (1990) - Cosmic Regulation of Cycles in Nature and Economy.
In: Proceedings, February 1990, Foundation of the Study of Cycles.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Playing the Field: Lunar Effects on Mood and Biology | Michael Bevington

The Earth’s magnetosphere is formed by the Sun’s wind passing the Earth. It surrounds the Earth but is much larger on whichever part forms its local ‘shadow’ or ‘night’ side, where it forms a tail, or magnetotail. The magnetotail extends over 6,300,000 km. 

[...] Every month, at full moon, the Moon crosses the magnetotail for 6–7 days at about 348,000 km from the Earth. As revealed by recent space exploration, when the Moon traverses the magnetotail’s electromagnetic plasma sheet, it attracts a large electrical charge, thus disturbing the plasma sheet. Ions from the Moon’s surface transfer to the Earth’s magnetosphere. This in turn can influence the Earth’s electric and magnetic field by a form of magnetospheric feedback, since the thin current sheet of the magnetotail has an earthward electric field.

[...] The Moon affects the Earth’s magnetosphere differently at new moon compared with full moon. At new moon, on the Sun’s side of the Earth, the Moon does not cross through the magnetosphere. Instead its lunar wake, formed from the solar wind, is blown downstream towards the Earth’s magnetosphere in a relatively narrow pathway, but in a varied way because of the Sun’s 11-year sun-spot cycle and the Sun’s rotating magnetic field. The latter has two effects. Firstly, Earth experiences reversed solar polarity when crossing sectors in the interplanetary magnetic field, typically twice in about 27 days. Secondly, the solar wind travels in a spiral, so the lunar wake is not usually in direct alignment from the Sun. The new moon effect from the lunar wake on the Earth’s magnetosphere can be considered comparable to magnetotail effects at full moon, with evidence of electric fields, and magnetic fluctuations of up to 5 Hz from the plasma of the penumbra surrounding the lunar wake."

The greatest change in the electric field potential occurs as the moon crosses into and out of the magnetotail plasma, which occurs 2-3 days before the full moon and 3-4 days after the full moon.

Some of the reported effects of the full moon on animal and plant biology: tree diameter variation reflects a lunar rhythm; reproduction; changes in the stress hormone; epileptic seizures and unexpected deaths increase during full moon; increase of violent and acute behavioral disturbances during full moon, etc.


Monday, December 23, 2019

S&P 500 Index vs Division of Solar Year 2020 starting from Earth’s Perihelion

32nd Harmonic of Solar Year 2020 | W.D. Gann's Natural Trading Days:
[ 1 Solar Year = 360 Degrees of the Sun's Geocentric Longitude / 32 = 11.25 Decimal Degrees ]
2019 Dec 02 (Mon) 07:39:34 = 326.25
2019 Dec 13 (Fri) 13:31:43 = 337.5
2019 Dec 24 (Tue) 18:40:56 = 348.75
2020 Jan 05 (Sun) 01:47:00 = 360 = Earth's Perihelion
2020 Jan 16 (Thu) 04:24:47 = 11.25
2020 Jan 27 (Mon) 09:35:44 = 22.5
2020 Feb 07 (Fri) 15:33:59 = 33.75
2020 Feb 18 (Tue) 06:45:01 = 45
2020 Feb 29 (Sat) 14:52:49 = 56.25
2020 Mar 12 (Thu) 00:40:14 = 67.5
2020 Mar 23 (Mon) 12:04:20 = 78.75
2020 Apr 03 (Fri) 09:00:56 = 90
2020 Apr 15 (Wed) 00:03:59 = 101.25
2020 Apr 26 (Sun) 16:47:04 = 112.5
2020 May 08 (Fri) 11:20:33 = 123.75
2020 May 19 (Tue) 14:47:34 = 135
2020 May 31 (Sun) 12:02:01 = 146.25
2020 Jun 12 (Fri) 10:27:23 = 157.5
2020 Jun 24 (Wed) 09:24:58 = 168.75
2020 Jul 05 (Sun) 16:01:47 = 180 = Earth's Aphelion
2020 Jul 17 (Fri) 15:21:55 = 191.25
2020 Jul 29 (Wed) 14:12:04 = 202.5
2020 Aug 10 (Mon) 12:24:10 = 213.75
2020 Aug 21 (Fri) 16:44:08 = 225
2020 Sep 02 (Wed) 12:28:40 = 236.25
2020 Sep 14 (Mon) 06:37:08 = 247.5
2020 Sep 25 (Fri) 22:55:17 = 258.75
2020 Oct 06 (Tue) 21:19:28 = 270
2020 Oct 18 (Sun) 10:04:18 = 281.25
2020 Oct 29 (Thu) 21:05:34 = 292.5
2020 Nov 10 (Tue) 06:30:12 = 303.75
2020 Nov 20 (Fri) 22:28:34 = 315
2020 Dec 02 (Wed) 05:16:15 = 326.25
2020 Dec 13 (Sun) 11:02:37 = 337.5
2020 Dec 24 (Thu) 16:08:14 = 348.75
2021 Jan 02 (Sat) 07:50:00 = 360 = Earth's Perihelion

Previous Year HERE

Friday, January 4, 2019

S&P 500 Index vs Division of Solar Year starting from Earth’s Perihelion

32nd Harmonic of Solar Year 2019 | W.D. Gann's Natural Trading Days:
[ 1 Solar Year = 360 Degrees of the Sun's Geocentric Longitude / 32 = 11.25 Decimal Degrees ]
2019 Jan 03 (Thu) 12:19 [EST] = Earth's Perihelion
2019 Jan 14 (Mon) 17:41 = 11.25
2019 Jan 25 (Fri) 19:33 = 22.50
2019 Feb 06 (Wed) 01:22 = 33.75
2019 Feb 16 (Sat) 16:22 = 45.00
2019 Feb 28 (Thu) 00:30 = 56.25
2019 Mar 11 (Mon) 10:57 = 67.50
2019 Mar 22 (Fri) 22:14 = 78.75
2019 Apr 02 (Tue) 19:01 = 90.00
2019 Apr 14 (Sun) 09:42 = 101.25
2019 Apr 26 (Fri) 02:21 = 112.50
2019 May 07 (Tue) 20:36 = 123.75
2019 May 18 (Sat) 23:54 = 135.00
2019 May 30 (Thu) 21:04 = 146.25
2019 Jun 11 (Tue) 19:14 = 157.50
2019 Jun 23 (Sun) 18:17 = 168.75
2019 Jul 04 (Thu) 18:10 = 180.00 = Earth's Aphelion
2019 Jul 17 (Wed) 00:09 = 191.25
2019 Jul 28 (Sun) 23:09 = 202.50
2019 Aug 09 (Fri) 21:20 = 213.75
2019 Aug 21 (Wed) 01:59 = 225.00
2019 Sep 01 (Sun) 21:49 = 236.25
2019 Sep 13 (Fri) 16:10 = 247.50
2019 Sep 25 (Wed) 08:48 = 258.75
2019 Oct 06 (Sun) 07:16 = 270.00
2019 Oct 17 (Thu) 20:22 = 281.25
2019 Oct 29 (Tue) 07:33 = 292.50
2019 Nov 09 (Sat) 16:05 = 303.75
2019 Nov 20 (Wed) 08:20 = 315.00
2019 Dec 01 (Sun) 15:07 = 326.25
2019 Dec 12 (Thu) 21:02 = 337.50
2019 Dec 24 (Tue) 02:14 = 348.75

2020 Jan 05 (Sun) 02:21 = 360 = Earth's Perihelion

Thursday, November 22, 2018

S&P 500 Index vs Sunspots | Transition from Solar Cycle #24 to #25

Last weekend, a small ephemeral sunspot appeared in the Sun's northern hemisphere, only to vanish a few hours later. The magnetic field of the spot was reversed, marking it as a member of the upcoming solar cycle (see data, e.g., HERE). Sunspot AR2727 appeared just north of the Sun’s equator. This sunspot still belongs to the decaying Solar Cycle #24, which peaked between 2012 and 2014. However, its magnetic polarity is already aligned with that of the other, yet unnumbered sunspot located at a higher latitude. These two sunspots have opposite magnetic polarities.
According to Hale's Law, this indicates that the two sunspots belong to different solar cycles. The high-latitude sunspot appears to be a harbinger of Solar Cycle #25. Solar cycles often blend at their boundaries. Indeed, ephemeral sunspots possibly linked to Solar Cycle #25 were reported on December 20, 2016, and April 8, 2018. Now, November 17, 2018, can be added to this list. The slow transition between Solar Cycle #24 and Solar Cycle #25 seems to be underway.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Critical Degrees and Change of Trend | George Bayer (1937)

Detecting the Change of Trend by Means of Critical Degrees. In:
George Bayer (1937): Time Factors in the Stock Market; Carmel, California; pp. 69-72. 

S&P 500 Index vs George Bayer’s Critical Degrees of Mars
@ 0° @ 5° @ 17° @ 25° of each Zodiac Sign | April 17
(Tue) High ?


Saturday, March 24, 2018

The Sun and Market Movements | George Bayer (1939)

This is another pick from the wide spectrum of George Bayer's work and interests, written years before the ascend of modern space technology and space physics. It was not until the 19th century, some 200 years after Galileo's invention of the telescope and discovery of sunspots, that the systematic scientific study of the Sun began. During the second half of the 20th century, correlations reported between solar activity (as manifested in the changing sunspot number and in flares), disturbances in the Earth’s magnetic field, and auroral activity clearly suggested the existence of a physical connection between the Sun’s activity and terrestrial magnetic and upper atmospheric phenomena. 

The nature of this connection — one of the central themes of space physics became the subject of intense study and controversy during the first half of the 20th century. By mid-century, the prevailing theory involved ionized “corpuscular streams” from the Sun that traveled at speeds of 1,000 to 1,600 kilometers per second and within which the geomagnetic field formed a cavity. This picture was changed dramatically in the late 1950s when it was shown theoretically that the outer solar corona could not be static but must be continually expanding outward. The model of individual corpuscular streams was replaced by the modern concept of a continuous solar wind. Of fundamental importance for the field of solar-terrestrial research were the prediction and discovery during the first decade of the space age of a link between geomagnetic activity and the orientation of the magnetic field embedded in the solar wind (the IMF). During the ensuing decades, space physicists made significant progress in understanding this link, which involves the merging of the interplanetary and terrestrial magnetic fields and the consequent transfer of energy, mass, and momentum from the solar wind into the magnetosphere, often resulting in major disturbances of Earth’s space environment. See also HERE

George Bayer (1939): Preview of Markets for January 1940 (Vol. 1, No. 8); Carmel, California.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

A Theory of Astrology | L. Edward Johndro

In the 1930s electrical engineer and astrologer L. Edward Johndro (1882-1951) and astrologer Charles Jayne (1911-1985) simultaneously contributed to the development of the GEM Theory (Gravity, Electrical, Magnetism). In 1929 Johndro presented his Theory of Astrology as follows:

“Tesla demonstrated years ago that the earth is at a relatively constant electrical potential or charge of some seven million volts. It may now be accepted that all material bodies are in a state of relative charge, negative or positive, with respect to each other - man, atoms, earth, planets and stars, and that this manifests as love, cohesion, magnetism or gravitation, or their wholly illusionary opposite (repulse), according as the law manifests in a magnitude series ranging from the microcosm to the macrocosm.

[...] We cannot escape the fact that the earth is a charged body at a potential of millions or volts, nor can we easily escape the conclusion that the other planets are in a state of high charge. While that man is a charged body, with an accompanying electromagnetic field, is easily demonstrated by countless experiments [...] Suns and stars (not planets) are radioactive [...] they emit electromagnetic waves which, because of their exceedingly high frequency, we term light [...] The sun and stars, the planets, the earth, and man upon the earth are charged bodies, and that all their accompanying electromagnetic fields intersect and interact.

[...] The planets reflect light waves and they each, have a different natural frequency of oscillatory response to the solar and stellar light waves which constantly bombard them (consequently their reflected light is variously tinted) and that the phase angles of their field couplings, as their relative movements in space change them, changes the power factor at these frequencies; accept also the fact that these planetary frequencies, being of a far lower order than those of the sun and stars-a mere octave of lower harmonics, since they emit no light of their own, are within the range of man's sensibilities to subconsciously detect and respond to

[...] The solar waves continually directly bombard half the earth [...] they are also reflected to the earth by the Moon and planets [...] These waves constantly interact with the earth's electromagnetic field [...] as the inductive couplings of the earth, sun and planets change their mutual angular relations in space.

Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Earth each have a surrounding interactive sphere. These spheres have magnetic poles. At the magnetic poles there can be auroral ovals. One auroral oval sits above the attracting magnetically negative pole and the other above the discharging magnetically positive pole. The discharge travels through open space. It follows the path of least resistance and greatest attraction to cover vast distances while creating continuous waves in the yielding dark and cold medium of interplanetary space. The discharge energy from a planet is drawn in by Earth’s magnetic field and enters Earth’s environmental sphere. Some energy is visible light. Some become quarks and hadrons and neutrons and protons, and hydrogen atoms a universal building block that interacts with the nitrogen rich atoms of Earth’s atmospheric environment. Electron beams from interplanetary space hit Earth along a ring shaped oval where cathode rays interact with high speed electrons. This creates an electrical discharge powered by the solar wind that interacts with the magnetosphere. Solar wind and the effects of solar discharges upon the solar wind create a pressurizing mechanism for the continuous auroral flow at the negative (incoming) pole that will contain travelling matter and unique signatures from all of the planets in our solar system. On Earth, the planetary discharges arrive channelled by the magnetic field and are drawn through the negative auroral oval and through electromagnetic commonality and through biophysical processes are acted upon by human beings.

Saturday, April 23, 2016