Showing posts with label Astrology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Astrology. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

War and Regime Change Soon in the US | L. David Linsky

Most, if not all, cycles in nature and human events can be shown to have a high correlation to astronomical periodicities. Some propose they provide the "cause" and basis for the cyclical structures involved in all cycle research. As with anything, cycles cannot occur out of thin air and cannot exist without scientific foundation. Cycles must be based upon something, since by their very nature they exist and are mathematically coherent. It can be shown that when specific astronomical cycles repeat, so do the same or similar events correlated to them. Below is a proposed case of potential and significant major conflict for the United States in +/- 2026.

» If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by. «
Asian proverb.

This conflict can manifest itself as either internal, external, or a combination of the two. In most cases, wars do not simply start randomly one day. They build slowly over time, and often brew for years as we are potentially seeing now. The following will show a pattern of significant and major conflicts in American history within a framework of an 84-year cycle. Every 84 years, Mars and Uranus form an initial conjunction or come together and meet at almost the exact same celestial longitude in that part of the sky astronomically known as Gemini. This is the foundation of the 84-year war cycle proposed and examined.

[...] The planetary positions between 1692, 1776, 1861, 1941 and 2026, represent a highly correlated synchronization of the planets mentioned with similar human events occurring on Earth, the associated major war cycle affecting the United States. Based upon the cycles illustrated, the data suggests there could be a serious war and or conflict in 2026 involving the United States, whether internal, external, or both. Circumstances do not need to be 100% identical, for they can "rhyme" or be similar in nature. This similarity could manifest itself as a significant internal conflict such as another kind of Revolution or Civil War, if not another major physical conflict overseas.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Astro Cycles and Speculative Markets | Luther James Jensen (1935 + 1978)

Luther James Jensen was born in 1900 and raised in Saint Paul, Minnesota, where he graduated in 1922. He entered the financial sector in New York, and worked for George E. Liggett and Associates until around 1930. Jensen then moved to Kansas, where he opened the Kansas City Bureau of Economic Research in 1931 which was his business for over 25 years. For the Roosevelt-administration he authored economic forecasts (e.g. Major Trends in American Economics from 1492 to 1950: An Analysis and a Forecast), but also wrote on war and peace cycles, radio communication technology or migratory locusts (The Locust Years After 1940). During the same period one of his major private clients became W.D. Gann. Though apparently Jensen himself was never an active trader, already in 1935 he published a booklet called Astro-economic Interpretation: A Mundane Astrology Notebook; Fundamentals of Economic Forecasting which primarily relied upon transiting aspects and horoscopes of companies. Today this very dense book is considered one of the bona fide classics and finest "How-To" guidelines on financial astrology ever written. Throughout the 1940s Jensen wrote the astro-financial column Market Perspective, which was published in the American Astrology magazine.

Soon after W.D. Gann died in 1955, Jensen closed down his Kansas City Bureau of Economic Research to work for B.C. Christopher and Co. in New York from 1957 until his retirement in 1971. Then, in 1978 at the age of 77, Jensen summarized his life's work in a new, updated and expanded edition of Astro Cycles and Speculative Markets. Over 50 years of study, research, and actual application of his concepts in the stock and commodity markets have proven Jensen to be one of the great astro-economic analysts of all time. Jensen took an approach that used standard aspect qualities (trines favourable, squares negative, etc.) and standard planet qualities such as Jupiter increasing prices, Saturn depressing prices. One of the problems with much of this early work is that it gives astrological indicators but provides little verification. In 1981 L.J. Jensen passed away in Shawnee, Kansas. Hard- and e-copies of his Astro Cycles and Speculative Markets are still available today, and his methods applied by some of the most successful private traders and large companies around the globe. The following is Jensen's introduction to financial astrology:

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Biblical Astrology | George Bayer (1935)

George Bayer was a financial astrologer and trader who made his famous market forecasts during the same time as W. D. Gann in the 1930s. Born in Germany, he moved to the USA just after 1900 to became a successful astrologer and commodity trader. Next to Gann, George Maréchal and Luther James Jensen, George Bayer is one of the most innovative minds in the field of Financial Astrology. He pioneered in applying many astronomical and astrological factors that he discovered also in the Bible to financial markets. "Planets act as beacons on the board of the river of time and attract price", he said, and disclosed his astrological insights without the esoteric veiling that W.D. Gann liked to sophisticate in his Tunnel Through the Air. The following compilation on "Biblical Astrology" from some of George Bayer's 1935-newsletters, exemplify his perplexingly unconventional thinking and inspiring approach:

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Geometry of Infinite Mind | Ernest Emery Richards

Ernest Emery Richards (1990) - All life on Earth has developed under the influence of this geomagnetic field which varies in structure and dynamic properties via geomagnetic pulsations. These pulsations are due to the interaction of the plasma waves coming from throughout the Solar System and Cosmos and interacting with the Earth's magnetosphere.

Solar System and Brainwave Frequencies.

When our brain and body rhythms are measured electromagnetically, they are found to occur prominently within what is termed the ELF (extremely low frequency) spectrum and lower. This brainwave spectrum is also divided into band segments, called the alpha (greatest amplitude)(8 to 16 Hz.), beta (16 to 32 Hz.), theta (4 to 8 Hz.), delta (2 to 4 Hz.), and zeta (1 to 2 Hz.), ranging from 32 cycles per second (Hertz) and down below 1 cps (Hz.).

Earth Frequencies.
The measurable presence of these different frequencies seems to indicate changes in individual consciousness. An example might be that a relaxed, attentive state develops strong alpha wave rhythms; these are also the prominent Earth resonant frequency ranges. The theta rhythms are found to occur during the dream period, and also while experiencing a spontaneous creative, intuitive state. The theta frequencies are seen to have strong lunar rhythm harmonics. The Moon has long been associated with our intuitive, creative capacity.

When calculations are performed related to the solar system and the planets, it is found that all of the planets and most of their moons have frequency aspects which fall within our brainwave spectrum. All of the planetary systems have electromagnetic field structures and prominent magnetospheric frequencies. Our home solar system forms a complex, harmonically interrelating, multi-octave musical instrument composed of over forty octaves of vibrational interplay. Your brain/body structure resonates to those continually fluctuating field patterns as they beat against the Earth's, Moon's, and Sun's natural rhythms.

[...] The Earth sets up a pattern of electromagnetic vibrations between its circumference frequency, around 7.5 Hertz (cycles per second) and its radius frequency of 47 Hertz (Hz.). The atmospheric cavity Schumann Resonance spectrum has been measured via electronic detection instruments. This Schumann Resonance, which occurs within the Earth and its surrounding energy field, has immediate impact upon planetary life-forms. When we measure our own brainwave electromagnetic signals, we see displayed these very same Earth vibrations. Since the Earth is very much alive vibrationally, these electromagnetic signals are continually changing and interacting.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

An Astronomer's Magnetic Theory of Astrology | Percy Seymour

In 1997 Percy Seymour, Director of the William Day Planetarium and principal lecturer in astronomy at the University of Plymouth in the U.K., published The Scientific Basis of Astrology. He is holding doctorates in astronomy and astrophysics, and his expertise in magnetic fields had won him academic acclaim. Percy Seymour outlined his “Magnetic Theory of Astrology” as follows:
 » A practica concerning the major and extensive interaction of the planets
which will appear in the year 1524 and without a doubt will bring many wonderful things. « 
Woodcut from Nürnberg, Germany, showing a Seven-Planet-Conjunction in Pisces in 1524.

It is now accepted by almost all scientists that the sunspot cycle effects the magnetic field of Earth, and the agency responsible for this effect, the solar wind, has been detected. It is also beyond doubt that the Moon causes tides in the upper atmosphere which give rise to electric currents, and these generate the lunar daily magnetic variation. There is also plenty of evidence that both the steady state as well as the fluctuating behavior of the geomagnetic field can be used by organisms, including man, for purposes of finding direction and keeping internal body time. This much is all well documented, and widely accepted. There is evidence, largely ignored, that positions and movements of planets as seen from the Sun, play a major role in the solar cycle. 

Furthermore, there is some evidence - highly controversial but difficult to dismiss - that some positions of the planets as seen from Earth at time of birth and linked to personality characteristics of individuals. This evidence exists. What my theory does is to prepare an interpretation, based on this evidence, which can be scientifically tested. Very briefly the steps are:
  1. Planets effect the solar cycle in specific ways.
  2. The solar cycle effects the geomagnetic field.
  3. The geomagnetic field affects life on Earth in certain observed ways.
  4. Specifically, many species, including man, can be influenced by particular states of the geomagnetic field.
  5. The particular influences appear to correlate with the planetary positions.
  6. I propose that the behavior of the fetus at the time of birth is linked to the cycles within the geomagnetic field, which in turn are influenced by the solar cycle and positions of the planets. Resonance is the phenomenon by which the fetus is phase locked to specific cycles.
To put this in more specific terms, my theory proposes that the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune control the direction of the convective motions within the Sun, which generate the solar magnetic field. They do so because they play the major role in moving the sun about the common center of mass of the solar system. As the solar cycle builds up to a maximum, so certain configurations of all the planets, at different stages, play a part in the disrupting the magnetic field of the sun, by means of the tidal tug (due to gravitation) of the planets on the hot gases in the Sun. Thus the planets play a role in the modulation of Earth's magnetic field by the solar wind. I am also proposing that the tidal tug of the planets on the hot gases trapped within our magnetosphere will, because of resonance, lock some of the vibrations of the Earth's field in step with the planetary movements. The resulting fluctuations of Earth's field are picked up by the nervous system of the fetus, which acts like an antenna, and these synchronize the internal biological clocks of the fetus which control the moment of birth. The tuning of the fetal magnetic antenna is carried on by the genes which it inherits, and these to some extent will determine its basic genetically inherited personality characteristics. Thus the positions of the planets at birth are not altering what we have inherited genetically but are labeling our basic inherited personality characteristics.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

A Theory of Astrology | L. Edward Johndro

In the 1930s electrical engineer and astrologer L. Edward Johndro (1882-1951) and astrologer Charles Jayne (1911-1985) simultaneously contributed to the development of the GEM Theory (Gravity, Electrical, Magnetism). In 1929 Johndro presented his Theory of Astrology as follows:

“Tesla demonstrated years ago that the earth is at a relatively constant electrical potential or charge of some seven million volts. It may now be accepted that all material bodies are in a state of relative charge, negative or positive, with respect to each other - man, atoms, earth, planets and stars, and that this manifests as love, cohesion, magnetism or gravitation, or their wholly illusionary opposite (repulse), according as the law manifests in a magnitude series ranging from the microcosm to the macrocosm.

[...] We cannot escape the fact that the earth is a charged body at a potential of millions or volts, nor can we easily escape the conclusion that the other planets are in a state of high charge. While that man is a charged body, with an accompanying electromagnetic field, is easily demonstrated by countless experiments [...] Suns and stars (not planets) are radioactive [...] they emit electromagnetic waves which, because of their exceedingly high frequency, we term light [...] The sun and stars, the planets, the earth, and man upon the earth are charged bodies, and that all their accompanying electromagnetic fields intersect and interact.

[...] The planets reflect light waves and they each, have a different natural frequency of oscillatory response to the solar and stellar light waves which constantly bombard them (consequently their reflected light is variously tinted) and that the phase angles of their field couplings, as their relative movements in space change them, changes the power factor at these frequencies; accept also the fact that these planetary frequencies, being of a far lower order than those of the sun and stars-a mere octave of lower harmonics, since they emit no light of their own, are within the range of man's sensibilities to subconsciously detect and respond to

[...] The solar waves continually directly bombard half the earth [...] they are also reflected to the earth by the Moon and planets [...] These waves constantly interact with the earth's electromagnetic field [...] as the inductive couplings of the earth, sun and planets change their mutual angular relations in space.

Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Earth each have a surrounding interactive sphere. These spheres have magnetic poles. At the magnetic poles there can be auroral ovals. One auroral oval sits above the attracting magnetically negative pole and the other above the discharging magnetically positive pole. The discharge travels through open space. It follows the path of least resistance and greatest attraction to cover vast distances while creating continuous waves in the yielding dark and cold medium of interplanetary space. The discharge energy from a planet is drawn in by Earth’s magnetic field and enters Earth’s environmental sphere. Some energy is visible light. Some become quarks and hadrons and neutrons and protons, and hydrogen atoms a universal building block that interacts with the nitrogen rich atoms of Earth’s atmospheric environment. Electron beams from interplanetary space hit Earth along a ring shaped oval where cathode rays interact with high speed electrons. This creates an electrical discharge powered by the solar wind that interacts with the magnetosphere. Solar wind and the effects of solar discharges upon the solar wind create a pressurizing mechanism for the continuous auroral flow at the negative (incoming) pole that will contain travelling matter and unique signatures from all of the planets in our solar system. On Earth, the planetary discharges arrive channelled by the magnetic field and are drawn through the negative auroral oval and through electromagnetic commonality and through biophysical processes are acted upon by human beings.

Monday, November 28, 2016

A Moment of Time

Two circular diagrams showing the division of the day and of the
week, from a Carolingian manuscript (Clm 14456 fol. 71r) of St.
Emmeram Abbey. The day is divided into 24 hours, and each hour
into 4 puncta, 10 minuta and 40 momenta. Similarly, the week is
divided into seven days, and each day into 96 puncta, 240 minuta
and 960 momenta.
A moment (momentum) was a medieval unit of time. The movement of a shadow on a sundial covered 40 moments in a solar hour. An hour in this case means one twelfth of the period between sunrise and sunset (see planetary hours). The length of a solar hour depended on the length of the day, which in turn varied with the season, so the length of a moment in modern seconds was not fixed, but on average, a moment corresponds to 90 seconds: A day was divided into 24 hours(of unequal lengths, twelve hours of the day and the night each), and an hour was divided into four puncta (quarter-hours), ten minuta and 40 momenta. The unit was used by medieval computists before the introduction of the mechanical clock and the base 60 system in the late 13th century. The unit would not have been used in everyday life. For our medieval counterparts the main marker of the passage of time was the call to prayer at intervals throughout the day.

The earliest reference we have to the moment is from the 8th century writings of the Venerable Bede. Bede describes the system as 1 hour = 4 points = 10 minutes = 15 parts = 40 moments. Bede was referenced four centuries later by Bartholomeus Anglicus in his early encyclopedia De Proprietatibus Rerum (On the Properties of Things). Centuries after Bede's description, the moment was further divided into 60 ostents, although no such divisions could ever have been used in observation with equipment in use at the time. Source: Wikipedia