Tuesday, December 6, 2016

From Conquest to Affluence to Collapse | The 250 Year Empire Life Cycle

Regardless of financial strength, political power and knowledge of previous history life cycles, no empire leader has ever been able to prevent its supremacy from collapsing. For instance, the successive Chinese dynasties would always rise, stay and fall regardless of lessons learned from the past. Empire life cycles would repeat over and over following a same cyclical pattern. 
In 1977, Sir John Glubb wrote an essay titled The Fate of Empires: "during 3 millenaries the average superpowers duration period has been consistently of about 250 years […] the full 250-year cycle corresponds to about ten 25-year generations. This 250-year duration presents an unexpected consistency, especially if we consider all the major changes during the 3,000 years in transportation speed and weapons sophistication, which has expanded territories conquests from local to global. Regardless of the historical period, the life cycle was always of about 250 years."

Something bigger than their leaders was inclining empires to rise and also to fall. While we could seek a spiritual explanation of divine influence, we can also look at the sky from an astrologer perspective and find out that there are perfect correlations between the 250-year empires live cycles and Pluto’s 248 year orbital cycle. When a country is born, Pluto occupies a certain position in the sky, which eventually will return to the same position in about 248 years. That period corresponds to the entire superpower life cycle. 

In his essay, Sir John Glubb also revealed that all empires cycles in history have followed a same 8-phase pattern process, which is represented below […] here are the empires 8 common phases and their corresponding heroes. While not necessarily of equal duration, each phase would last an average of about 41 years.

During the past 3,000 years the average life expectancy of superpowers has been 250 years.
All Empire Cycles followed the same 8-phase pattern, and this pattern along with the Pluto Cycles
indicates that 2015-2022 will be the last 7 years of the USA as the world superpower.
The USA is now in the final phase of the superpower life cycle pattern. The USA was born on July 4, 1776. That day Pluto was positioned at 27°33′ of Capricorn and will return to that same natal position during the years 2021-2023, which is about 248 years later as found with most of the historical empires lives. During that orbital period, transiting Pluto covered all angles from 0° to 360° with natal Pluto. Angles multiple of 45 degrees are critical and correspond to tensions during each of the 8 phases transitions.  

At left is a rudimentary historical outline associating USA superpower life cycle with Pluto orbital cycle. Human death is unavoidable regardless of wisdom and knowledge about what happened to previous dead people, and so are empires that rise and live until their inexorable collapse. Superpowers' life and death patterns will repeat itself whether their leaders study past history cycles or not. 

Cosmic life is bigger than human life. The USA’s last phase runs from Pluto semi-square in 2001 to Pluto's return to its natal position in 2022. It is worth noting the year 2001 amazing synchronicity between Pluto semi-square (45°), the historic empire transition from decadence to collapse and the September 11 terrorist attack. Now, during their last phase from 2001 to 2022, the USA will not give up its supremacy without a full fledge military, political, economic and religious war. The next financial bubble burst may be fatal and global. USA will win the battle against terrorism, but will lose the supremacy war against the rest of the world, where contenders such as China are already preparing themselves for the opportunity to fill the vacuum. This process started in 2001 and most USA power strategies miserably failed ever since. We are now seeing a growing world chaos that will likely expand into a worldwide war during the next 7 years until USA final supremacy collapse around 2022-2023.
See also:

Lieutenant-General Sir John Bagot Glubb (1978):
The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Jack Gillen's Sensitive Degrees of the Sun | 2017

"The Sun's position by itself in relation to the stock market can show you trends that are more or less active for each year, as the sun degrees are generally fixed. They fall on about the same date every year. So this is why some periods of the year would be more of a pattern."
Jack Gillen (1979): The Key to Speculation on the New York Stock Exchange.

2016 Sensitive Degrees of the Sun HERE

SPX vs Mercury @ Maximum Elongation East / West + Mercury conjunct Sun

Any Mercury Maximum Elongation (e.g. maximum East on Dec 10, 2016) coincides with increased solar storminess, particularly within a few days either way of the key points within the cycle. An inferior conjunction of the Sun and Mercury will occur on Dec 28, 2016 (Wed).

Astronomical Calculator HERE

SPX vs Mercury – Mars Speed Differential | December 2016

Upcoming signal-days: Dec 14 (Wed), Dec 21 (Wed), Dec 29 (Thu), Jan 07 (Sat), Jan 15 (Sun).

SPX vs AstroMetric Indicator | December 2016

Upcoming turn-days: 
Dec 03 (Sat), Dec 11 (Sun), Dec 13 (Tue), Dec 17 (Sat), Dec 30 (Fri), Jan 06 (Fri), Jan 11 (Wed).

SPX vs True Node Speed = Mean Node Speed + Extremes

Upcoming signal-days:
Dec 05 (Mon), Dec 08 (Thu), Dec 10 (Sat), Dec 14 (Wed), Dec 18 (Sun), Dec 21 (Wed),
Dec 23 (Fri), Dec 28 (Wed), Jan 02 (Mon), Jan 05 (Thu), Jan 08 (Sun), Jan 11 (Wed).

Monday, November 28, 2016

A Moment of Time

Two circular diagrams showing the division of the day and of the
week, from a Carolingian manuscript (Clm 14456 fol. 71r) of St.
Emmeram Abbey. The day is divided into 24 hours, and each hour
into 4 puncta, 10 minuta and 40 momenta. Similarly, the week is
divided into seven days, and each day into 96 puncta, 240 minuta
and 960 momenta.
A moment (momentum) was a medieval unit of time. The movement of a shadow on a sundial covered 40 moments in a solar hour. An hour in this case means one twelfth of the period between sunrise and sunset (see planetary hours). The length of a solar hour depended on the length of the day, which in turn varied with the season, so the length of a moment in modern seconds was not fixed, but on average, a moment corresponds to 90 seconds: A day was divided into 24 hours(of unequal lengths, twelve hours of the day and the night each), and an hour was divided into four puncta (quarter-hours), ten minuta and 40 momenta. The unit was used by medieval computists before the introduction of the mechanical clock and the base 60 system in the late 13th century. The unit would not have been used in everyday life. For our medieval counterparts the main marker of the passage of time was the call to prayer at intervals throughout the day.

The earliest reference we have to the moment is from the 8th century writings of the Venerable Bede. Bede describes the system as 1 hour = 4 points = 10 minutes = 15 parts = 40 moments. Bede was referenced four centuries later by Bartholomeus Anglicus in his early encyclopedia De Proprietatibus Rerum (On the Properties of Things). Centuries after Bede's description, the moment was further divided into 60 ostents, although no such divisions could ever have been used in observation with equipment in use at the time. Source: Wikipedia

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Cosmic Cluster Days | December 2016 - January 2017

The basic assumption here is that heliocentric and geocentric angles between planets are related to financial market movements. A signal is triggered when the composite line of all aspects breaks above or below the Average Cosmic Noise Channel

Upcoming Cosmic Cluster Days (CCDs) are: Nov 25 (Fri), Nov 26 (Sat), Nov 27 (Sun), Dec 14 (Wed), Dec 23 (Fri), Dec 29 (Thu), Jan 09 (Mon), Jan 11 (Wed), Jan 12 (Thu), Jan 25 (Wed), Feb 08 (Wed). Previous CCDs are HERE

SoLunar Map | December 2016 - January 2017

This chart depicts the solunar bias for short-term movements of stock indices two months ahead. The markets are certainly influenced also by other planetary forces - especially longer-term - but a 3-5 day short-term rhythm and pattern is governed by the solunar forces (= 4 highs and 4 lows per lunar month). The solunar forces are a composite of Sun-Moon angles, orbital eccentricities, declinations and some long-term cycles. A Low in the SoLunar Map frequently is a High in the stock market and vice versa. Inversions occur, and if so, they should occur only once every 4 lunar months around a New Moon (max +/- 7 days). The solunar rhythm is frequently disturbed by (1.) the FED, and (2.) by sudden solar activity, altering the geomagnetic field, and hence the mass mood. This can result in the skip and/or inversion of pivots in the SoLunar Map. An increasing number of sunspots and flares have usually a negative influence on the stock market some 48 hours later, and vice versa (Ap values > 10 are usually short-term negative). A rising blue line in the SoLunar Map means the bias for the market is side-ways-to-up, and vice versa. Highs and lows in the SoLunar Map also may coincide with the start and termination of complex, side-ways correction patterns like zig-zags, triangles or flags. 

Upcoming SoLunar turn-days are: Nov 25 (Fri), Nov 29 (Tue), Dec 03 (Sat), Dec 06 (Tue), Dec 10 (Sat), Dec 14 (Wed), Dec 18 (Sun), Dec 21 (Wed), Dec 25 (Sun), Dec 29 (Thu), Jan 01 (Sun), Jan 05 (Thu), Jan 08 (Sun), Jan 12 (Thu), Jan 16 (Mon), Jan 20 (Fri), Jan 23 (Mon), Jan 27 (Fri), Jan 31 (Tue), Feb 04 (Sat). Previous SoLunar Maps HERE

Bradley Indices | Geocentric + Heliocentric | 2017


The above Bradley Indices were created by combining all geocentric and heliocentric planetary aspects and declinations in numerical values for each day. Sometimes the changes in trend in these indices will fit incredibly with the market behavior. The direction of the indices aren't as important as the concrete trend change. Find more information on the Bradley Indices in Donald Bradley's original "Stock Market Prediction" and HERE.

Turn Days in the Geocentric and Heliocentric Bradley Indices 2017:

2016 Nov 25 (Fri) = High [geo]
2016 Nov 28 (Mon) = Low [geo] 

2016 Dec 09 (Fri) = High [geo]
2016 Dec 14 (Wed) = Low [geo] 

2016 Dec 28 (Wed) = High [geo]
2017 Jan 07 (Sat) = Low [geo]
2017 Jan 16 (Mon) = Low [helio]

2017 Jan 20 (Fri) = High [geo]
2017 Jan 23 (Mon) = High [helio]
2017 Jan 28 (Sat) = Low [geo + helio] 

2017 Feb 11 (Sat) = High [geo]
2017 Feb 19 (Sun) = High [helio]
2017 Feb 27 (Mon) = Low [geo + helio] 

2017 Mar 04 (Sat) = High [helio]
2017 Mar 06 (Mon) = High [geo]
2017 Mar 12 (Sun) = Low [geo]
2017 Mar 13 (Mon) = Low [helio]

2017 Mar 16 (Thu) = High [geo + helio]
2017 Mar 21 (Tue) = Low [geo+ helio] 

2017 Mar 28 (Tue) = High [geo+ helio]
2017 Apr 02 (Sun) = Low [geo+ helio] 

2017 Apr 19 (Wed) = High [geo + helio]
2017 Apr 26 (Wed) = Low [geo + helio] 

2017 May 11 (Thu) = High [geo+ helio]
2017 May 19 (Fri) = Low [geo + helio] 

2017 Jun 01 (Thu) = High [geo + helio]
2017 Jun 09 (Fri) = Low [geo + helio] 

2017 Jun 20 (Tue) = High [geo]
2017 Jun 22 (Thu) = High [helio]
2017 Jul 03 (Mon) = Low [geo]
2017 Jul 05 (Wed) = Low [helio]

2017 Aug 07 (Mon) = High [helio]
2017 Aug 09 (Wed) = High [geo]
2017 Aug 19 (Sat) = Low [geo]
2017 Aug 20 (Sun) = Low [helio]

2017 Aug 25 (Fri) = High [geo]
2017 Aug 29 (Tue) = High [helio]
2017 Oct 07 (Sat) = Low [geo]
2017 Oct 08 (Sun) = Low [helio]

2017 Nov 14 (Tue) = High [geo]
2017 Nov 19 (Sun) = High [helio]
2017 Dec 03 (Sun) = Low [helio]
2017 Dec 04 (Mon) = Low [geo]

2017 Dec 13 (Wed) = High [geo]
2017 Dec 14 (Thu) = High [helio]
2017 Dec 18 (Mon) = Low [helio]
2017 Dec 23 (Sat) = Low [geo]

 2018 Jan 03 (Wed) = High [geo]
2018 Jan 04 (Thu) = High [helio]
2018 Jan 28 (Sun) = Low [geo]
2018 Feb 01 (Thu) = Low [helio]

Top 0.1% Of American Households Hold Same Wealth As Bottom 90%

The US has a serious inequality problem according to a huge study by Credit Suisse: The top 0.1% of households now hold about the same amount of wealth as the bottom 90%. The Gini coefficient is a measurement of the income distribution within a country that aims to show the gap between the rich and the poor. The number ranges from zero to one, with zero representing perfect equality (everyone has the same income) and one representing perfect inequality (one person earns the entire country’s income and everyone else has nothing). A higher Gini coefficient means greater inequality. Developed-market economies such as those in Germany, France, and Sweden tend to have a higher GDP per capita and lower Gini coefficients. On the flip side, emerging-market economies in countries like Russia, Brazil, and South Africa tend to have a lower GDP per capita but a higher Gini coefficient.

The US, however, is a big outlier. Its GDP per capita is on par with developed European countries like Switzerland and Norway, but its Gini coefficient is in the same tier as Russia’s and China’s. On a global scale just 0.7% of the world's adult population owns almost half of the world's wealth, while the bottom 73% have less than $10,000 each. The 3.5 billion adults with wealth below $10,000 account for 2.4% of global wealth. In contrast, the 33 million millionaires comprise less than 1% of the adult population, but own 46% of household wealth. The past year saw a slight increase in the number of US dollar millionaires and high net worth individuals, with Japan the main beneficiary due to appreciation of the yen. 

The top tiers of the wealth pyramid – covering individuals with net worth above $100,000 – comprised 5% of all adults at the turn of the century. The proportion rose rapidly until the financial crisis, but has remained quite stable since that time. It currently comprises 8.2% of the global total, exactly the same as in mid-2015. The US, home to 41% of the world's millionaires, dominates the wealth league tables, while the UK had a terrible year in dollar terms. Britain lost by far the greatest number of ultra-high-net-worth individuals – those with more than $50 million – down 700 to 4,700. The UK also lost the most amount of millionaires, down by 422,000 to 2,225,000 people. Because the data is denominated in dollars, the pound's 18% collapse after the vote to leave the European Union will have driven a lot of the change. 

Sunday, November 20, 2016

SPX vs Declination of Mercury + Venus | Parallel of Declination

A parallel aspect is formed between two planets with the same declination or distance north or
south of the ecliptic. If the planets are both North or both South of the ecliptic, the parallel
aspect is read as a conjunction. If they are the same declination but one is North and one is South,
then the contra-parallel is read as a 180 degree opposition.
On Nov 24 (Thu) Mercury and Venus will be parallel of declination at -25 degrees south (circled in red).
This usually entails a change in trend (+/- 1 CD).

2 Million Pageviews ...

1,000,000 pageviews between August 2012 and July 2015 = 2 years 11 months.
2,000,000 pageviews in November 2016 = 1 year 3 months.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Share Prices from 1509 to 2016 | Tide in the Affairs of Men

There is a tide in the affairs of men.
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat,
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures.

William Shakespeare | Julius Caesar: Act 4, Scene 3, 218 – 224.

High Resolution *.pdf HERE | Source: HERE

Monday, November 7, 2016

SuperMoon on Nov 14 | Closest and Largest in 86 Years

On November 14 (Mon) the Full Moon will be closer to Earth than it’s been since January 26, 1948. And the Moon won’t come this close again until November 25, 2034. That makes the upcoming Full Moon the closest and largest Supermoon in a period of 86 years. A Supermoon is the coincidence of a Full Moon or a New Moon with the closest approach the Moon makes to the Earth on its elliptical orbit, resulting in the largest apparent size of the lunar disk as seen from Earth. The technical term is the Perigee-Syzygy of the Earth-Moon-Sun system.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

SPX vs Jupiter – Saturn Cycle | November 2016

Upcoming turn-days:
2016 Oct 28 (Fri), 2016 Nov 04 (Fri), 2016 Nov 09 (Wed), 2016 Nov 17 (Thu), 2016 Nov 26 (Sat),
2016 Nov 30 (Wed), 2016 Dec 06 (Tue).