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Showing posts sorted by date for query Power of 3. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Five Stages of the Revolutionary Cycle | Martin Armstrong

Governments fall when the police no longer offer them protection. [...] The Revolutionary Cycle takes place in five stages:

Stage 1: Whistleblower Disagreements; Discontentment Grows
Stage 2: Initial Conflict Begins; Economy Begins to Decline
Stage 3: Civil Unrest Peaks
Stage 4: Revolution
Stage 5: Recovery

The FIRST STAGE in a revolution is always the rise of intellectual whistleblower disagreement, which the government simply ignores as a passing phase. This stage is the realization of corruption and injustice of governmental rule. Perhaps the symbolization of this was the revelation of Edward Snowden [2013 – present
] that the government was violating the constitution and abusing its power against the people, constructing a 100% surveillance state [...]

 » The former head of state is often publicly killed, and typically all their ministers. «

The SECOND STAGE is where the intellectual debates prove pointless, and the initial conflict begins. This corruption has run its course, and governments have transformed justice into their own self-interest. This stage is usually accelerated by governments raising taxes in the midst of an economic decline. [...] This is when history will typically produce some leader who can be a moderate who sees the problem and will often try to reason in order to reach a resolution that is ignored by the government. This further intensifies the feelings of injustice, especially in light of the economic decline. [...]

The THIRD STAGE is where it often becomes an outright war in the streets as governments seek to retain power and refuse to see the error of their ways. [...]

The FOURTH STAGE is retribution in a domestic revolution in direct confrontation with the government and head of state. [...] The former head of state is often publicly killed, and typically all their ministers.  [...]

 » Hang everyone. That's the only solution. «
Washington D.C. – May 31, 2024

The FIFTH STAGE is typically the recovery stage, where a new form of government emerges from the ashes. [...] During this recovery stage, the radicals are usually overthrown, and sometimes, a new head of state emerges, such as Napoleon or Oliver Cromwell. [...] Divisions emerge once again between opposing political views. At this point, there is the restoration of a sense of nationalism, but the cycle of corruption slowly begins to take root. 
We [the USA] are currently in the SECOND STAGE of the Revolutionary Cycle and rapidly heading toward STAGE THREE as discontent grows.
The end is nigh, draw or mate? – June 6, 2024
See also:

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Prosecute / Fauci | Elon Musk

Fun Fact #1 - Dr. Anthony Fauci is NOT Jewish.
 Fun Fact #2 - The Goyim do NOT know.
  Fun Fact #3 - The ADL does NOT complain.

Fun Fact #4 - Jeffrey Epstein WAS a beloved American financier, broker, and educator.
Fun Fact #5 - The list of names in Jeffrey Epstein's 'Little Black Book' of US Mossad assets includes
Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg, Robert Kennedy Jr., Elon Musk, and Donald Trump. 
Fun Fact #6 - Zionist US mainstream media do NOT mention Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein were Mossad agents, 
and suggest William Henry 'Bill' Gates III is NOT a deranged eugenicist but a benevolent philanthropist
 Fun Fact #7 - The Zionist entity awarded Dr. Fauci FOR 'Speaking Truth To Power'.
 Fun Fact #8 - Cluelessness prevails about WHO could have had imagined this.
Fun Fact #9 - This is
» a flat-OUT lie. «
Fun Fact #10 - WHY Netanyahu thinks America is stupid.


Friday, May 10, 2024

ICT T.G.I.F. (Thank God It's Friday) Setup | Darya Filipenka

Algorithmic trading is a method of executing trades using pre-programmed instructions or algorithms that automatically trigger trades based on certain conditions. It's a fascinating approach that can help traders make more precise and efficient decisions. Now, let's focus on a specific algorithmic trading model called the TGIF (Thank God It's Friday) setup. This is a day-based algorithmic trading model that can be applied to all assets. As the name suggests, this model is designed to be used on Fridays. The TGIF setup focus is on a market pullback into the current weekly range. It is particularly effective when anchored against higher time frame analysis.

» In the last portion of Friday’s trading, if it hasn't occurred yet, you can expect some retracement of the weekly range. «

When using the TGIF setup it's crucial to approach from a top-down perspective. This means starting with higher time frame analysis, such as monthly or weekly charts, to get a broader view of the market's direction. In candlestick analysis, there is a concept called the ICT Power of 3. This refers to a specific pattern and distribution phase that can indicate a potential reversal or exhaustion in the market. By studying the one-month chart, you identify the weekly range and its key levels. You apply Fibonacci levels to pinpoint the sweet spot where the TGIF setup is likely to occur. You also conduct top-down analysis by examining higher time frame charts to get a broader view of the market's direction. Keep an eye out for the ICT Silver Bullet formation. 

To apply the TGIF setup, follow these steps:
  1. Start by analyzing the higher time frame charts, such as monthly or weekly charts, to get a broader view of the market's direction.
  2. Identify the Weekly Range Profile and its key levels, such as the High and the Low of the range.
  3. Use Fibonacci levels to pinpoint sweet spot where the TGIF setup is likely to occur.
  4. Look for the pullback into the weekly range.
  5. Pay attention to the ICT Power of 3 pattern in candlestick analysis, which can indicate potential reversals or exhaustion.
  6. Keep an eye out for the ICT Silver Bullet formation, a powerful pattern that provides valuable insights into market dynamics.
  7. Combine all these analysis techniques to make informed trading decisions using the TGIF setup.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

A Lunar Chaos Theory | Al Larson

As the planets orbit the sun, they exert tidal forces upon the gases of the gun, much as the moon raises tides on the earth. The equation below describes these forces. Numerical solution of this equation reveals that Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, and Saturn are the most Influential, in that order. In Figure 1 shows this tidal effect caused by planets 1 and 2 rotating a gaseous portion of the sun's surface. These gas swirls cause several solar effects, including sun spots, coronal holes, and solar flares. All these effects combine to vary the amount of radiation that leaves the sun.

This solar radiation travels toward the earth in two ways, as direct radiation, such as sunshine and radio waves, and as particles, carried by the solar wind. This flow of charged particles forms a torrent of energy that blast spaceship earth, creating a bow wave and a wake just as a boat going upstream would do. This bow shock wave forms a magneto-pause between the earth and the sun. It interacts with the earth's magnetic field, shaping and adding energy to it. At the north and south poles, the charged particles follow the magnetic lines of force, and enter our atmosphere in a Polar Cap Absorption Event. This leads to the auroral oval, producing our Northern and Southern Lights.

The bow wave also creates an envelope about the earth, called the magnetosphere. As the solar wind flows past the earth, the magnetosphere forms a teardrop shaped envelope of trapped particles, ending in the magneto-tail. It is inside this envelope that the moon orbits. As the solar radiation varies, so does the earth's magnetic field, atmospheric ionization, and temperature. Scientists have tracked down a host of relationships between these events and a variety of earthly phenomena such as climate, weather, crime rates, plant growth rates, frequency of thunderstorms, blood PH levels, psychiatric emergencies, etc.  My own work has related these events to market action as well.

I believe there is also a third mechanism at work, one involving the moon. Let me explain: The moon's orbit is the most complex of all the ten bodies under consideration. While a planet's position may be accurately computed from an equation containing about nine or so terms, computing the moon's location to the same accuracy requires over 100 terms. Some of these terms are directly traceable to the pull of various planets and the sun on the moon. For example, there is a term related to Venus, our closest planetary neighbor. All these terms still do not describe a stable orbit, but one that rotates slowly In space, coming back to the same orientation in about 18.6 years. This is the moon's nodal cycle. Most people are familiar with the moon's full moon, new moon, or synodic cycle of 29.531 days. Many have tried to correlate it with market movements. The moon has many other cycles. It moves closer to and further from the earth, in what is the moon’s anomalistic cycle, which ls 27.554 days long. As the moon passes through the ecliptic plane (the plane of the earth's orbit) it crosses at its node, to form the moon's draconic cycle of 27.212 days (so named by the ancient Chinese who viewed this cycle as having the power of a dragon). Further, as the moon passes the earth’s equator, it forms the lunar tropical cycle of 27.321 days. There is also the motion from star to star, which is the sidereal cycle, of 27.322 days. Additionally, since the moon's orbit tips approximately 5 degrees, the observer on earth sees the moon 'ride high' or 'ride low' as it revolves in its orbit. The venerable Farmer’s Almanac points out the effect of this on tides, weather, and earthquakes.

I have, I believe, discovered another lunar cycle that I call the lunar chaos cycle. Figure 2 shows this cycle pictorially. My theory is that as the moon rides high and low, and moves closer and further from the earth, that the moon crosses the boundary between the ionized particles trapped in the moon's wake and the fast flowing solar wind. Figure 2 shows this possibly happening at two full moon positions (1 and 2) and two new moon positions (3 and 4). Such boundary crossings would lead to sharp disturbances in the earth’s magnetic field, affecting those of us who live within it.

A further perturbation can be theorized as well. This is the perturbation of the nearby planets Mercury and Venus. When the moon balances on the edge of the magneto-pause, a chaotic balance point exits. Either interior planet can tug the moon into the solar wind, tipping the balance just as Lorenz's Butterfly Effect tips the balance in weather.

[...] While at first it may be hard for the average buyer or seller of stocks and commodities to accept that his fortunes are controlled by a burning ball of gas and ten pieces of revolving rock, this study presents scientific evidence that this indeed may be true. The theory of lunar chaos does provide a rational explanation of possible cause and effect. The statistics of correlation, while they do not 'prove' the theory correct, are sufficiently strong to permit one to claim that this theory is possible.
Quoted from:
Al Larson a.k.a. Dr. Hans Hannula (1991) - A Lunar Chaos Theory.
In: Cycles, January/February 1991, Foundation of the Study of Cycles.
See also:

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

The Psychology of Modern Leftism | Theodore Kaczynski

59. We divide human drives into three groups: (1) those drives that can be satisfied with minimal effort; (2) those that can be satisfied but only at the cost of serious effort; (3) those that cannot be adequately satisfied no matter how much effort one makes. The power process is the process of satisfying the drives of the second group. The more drives there are in the third group, the more there is frustration, anger, eventually defeatism, depression, etc.

 Assistant professor Kaczynski at UC Berkeley in 1968.

60. In modern industrial society natural human drives tend to be pushed into the first and third groups, and the second group tends to consist increasingly of artificially created drives.

 » The truth is superior to provability. « 

See also:

Saturday, March 2, 2024

ICT Seasonality | Michael J. Huddleston

We are in the quiet part of the year still.
Spring is coming to the markets very soon.

The year, if viewed as a single range ... we are in the Accumulation phase still.
Don't blow your equity before the salad days return.

January to April is the yearly Accumulation.
April to May is the Manipulation.
May to November is the Distribution.
December resets the yearly range.

Power of 3

Now go lose sleep over it in your charts.

You won't appreciate this until you pour
over all markets and asset classes and then your ass will hit the floor.
Time is more important than Price.

There are two sets of instructions that the algorithm follows:  

A = Accumulation (required for a cycle to occur)
M = Manipulation
D = Distribution
X = Reversal or Continuation

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Forecaster BS │ Robert Miner

Learn to trade, ignore forecasters. «
'Forecasts' and 'signals' are useless without strategies and setups. A setup includes timing and levels for entry, exit, stop-loss, and position sizing in line with risk-management. This is what Robert Miner teaches in his books. Understand time cycles, price action, that price is always timed and measured; order flow, accumulation, manipulation and distribution (AMD/Power of 3); trend, trend reversal and trend continuation; time of day/week/month/quarter and risk/reward. Then develop 'signals' and strategies. Back-test. Learn to trade, ignore forecaster BS. 

Sunday, January 21, 2024

The Defeat of the West │ Emmanuel Todd

Emmanuel Todd, historian, demographer, anthropologist, sociologist and political analyst, is part of a dying breed: one of the very few remaining exponents of old school French intelligentzia. Todd was the first Western intellectual, already in 1976, to have predicted the fall of the USSR in his book La Chute Finale (The Final Fall), with his research based on Soviet infant mortality rates [...] The first nugget concerning his latest book, La Défaite de l’Occident (The Defeat of the West) is the minor miracle of actually being published last week in France, right within the NATO sphere: a hand grenade of a book, by an independent thinker, based on facts and verified data, blowing up the whole Russophobia edifice erected around the 'aggression' by 'Tsar' Putin.
Behemoth, the land monster (land forces), and Leviathan, the sea monster (sea forces), killing each other.
Engraving by William Blake (1757–1827).

Todd focuses on the key reasons that have led to the West’s downfall. Among them: the end of the nation-state; de-industrialization (which explains NATO’s deficit in producing weapons for Ukraine); the “degree zero” of the West’s religious matrix, Protestantism; the sharp increase of mortality rates in the US (much higher than in Russia), along with suicides and homicides; and the supremacy of an imperial nihilism expressed by the obsession with Forever Wars. Todd methodically analyses, in sequence, Russia, Ukraine, Eastern Europe, Germany, Britain, Scandinavia and finally The Empire. Let’s focus on what would be the 12 Greatest Hits of his remarkable exercise:

1. At the start of the Special Military Operation (SMO) in February 2022, the combined GDP of Russia and Belarus was only 3.3% of the combined West (in this case the NATO sphere plus Japan and South Korea). Todd is amazed how these 3.3% capable of producing more weapons than the whole Western colossus not only are winning the war but reducing dominant notions of the “neoliberal political economy” to shambles.
2. The “ideological solitude” and “ideological narcissism” of the West – incapable of understanding, for instance, how “the whole Muslim world seems to consider Russia as a partner rather than an adversary”.
3. Todd eschews the notion of “Weberian states” – evoking a delicious compatibility of vision between Putin and US realpolitik practitioner John Mearsheimer. Because they are forced to survive in an environment where only power relations matters, states are now acting as “Hobbesian agents.” And that brings us to the Russian notion of a nation-state, focused on “sovereignty”: the capacity of a state to independently define its internal and external policies, with no foreign interference whatsoever.
4. The implosion, step by step, of WASP culture, which led, “since the 1960s”, to “an empire deprived of a center and a project, an essentially military organism managed by a group without culture (in the anthropological sense)”. This is Todd defining the US neocons.
5. The US as a “post-imperial” entity: just a shell of military machinery deprived of an intelligence-driven culture, leading to “accentuated military expansion in a phase of massive contraction of its industrial base”. As Todd stresses, “modern war without industry is an oxymoron”.
6. The demographic trap: Todd shows how Washington strategists “forgot that a state whose population enjoys a high educational and technological level, even if it is decreasing, does not lose its military power”. That’s exactly the case of Russia during the Putin years.
7. Here we reach the crux of Todd’s argument: his post-Max Weber reinterpretation of The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, published a little over a century ago, in 1904/1905: “If Protestantism was the matrix for the ascension of the West, its death, today, is the cause of the disintegration and defeat.Todd clearly defines how the 1688 English 'Glorious Revolution', the 1776 American Declaration of Independence and the 1789 French Revolution were the true pillars of the liberal West. Consequently, an expanded 'West' is not historically 'liberal', because it also engineered “Italian fascism, German Nazism and Japanese militarism”. In a nutshell, Todd shows how Protestantism imposed universal literacy on the populations it controlled, “because all faithful must directly access the Holy Scriptures. A literate population is capable of economic and technological development. The Protestant religion modeled, by accident, a superior, efficient workforce.” And it is in this sense that Germany was “at the heart of Western development”, even if the Industrial Revolution took place in England. Todd’s key formulation is undisputable: “The crucial factor of the ascension of the West was Protestantism’s attachment to alphabetization.Moreover Protestantism, Todd stresses, is twice at the heart of the history of the West: via the educational and economic drive - with fear of damnation and the need to feel chosen by God engendering a work ethic and a strong, collective morality - and via the idea that Men are unequal (remember the White Man’s Burden). The collapse of Protestantism could not but destroy the work ethic to the benefit of mass greed: that is, neoliberalism.
8. Todd’s sharp critique of the spirit of 1968 would merit a whole new book. He refers to “one of the great illusions of the 1960s – between Anglo-American sexual revolution and May 68 in France”; “to believe that the individual would be greater if freed from the collective”. That led to an inevitable debacle: “Now that we are free, en masse, from metaphysical beliefs, foundational and derived, communist, socialist or nationalist, we live the experience of the void.” And that’s how we became “a multitude of mimetic midgets who do not dare to think by themselves – but reveal themselves as capable of intolerance as the believers of ancient times.
9. Todd’s brief analysis of the deeper meaning of transgenderism completely shatters the Church of Woke – from New York to the EU sphere, and will provoke serial fits of rage. He shows how transgenderism is “one of the flags of this nihilism that now defines the West, this drive to destroy, not just things and humans but reality.” And there’s an added analytical bonus: “The transgender ideology says that a man may become a woman, and a woman may become a man. This is a false affirmation, and in this sense, close to the theoretical heart of Western nihilism.” It gets worse, when it comes to the geopolitical ramifications. Todd establishes a playful mental and social connection between this cult of the fake and the Hegemon’s wobbly behavior in international relations. Example: the Iranian nuclear deal clinched under Obama becoming a hardcore sanctions regime under Trump. Todd: “American foreign policy is, in its own way, gender fluid.”
10. Europe’s “assisted suicide”. Todd reminds us how Europe at the start was the Franco-German couple. Then after the 2007/2008 financial crisis, that turned into “a patriarchic marriage, with Germany as a dominant spouse not listening to his companion anymore”. The EU abandoned any pretention of defending Europe’s interests - cutting itself off from energy and trade with its partner Russia and sanctioning itself. Todd identifies, correctly, the Paris-Berlin axis replaced by the London-Warsaw-Kiev axis: that was “the end of Europe as an autonomous geopolitical actor”. And that happened only 20 years after the joint opposition by France-Germany to the neocon war on Iraq.
11. Todd correctly defines NATO by plunging into “their unconscious”: “We note that its military, ideological and psychological mechanism does not exist to protect Western Europe, but to control it.
12. In tandem with several analysts in Russia, China, Iran and among independents in Europe, Todd is sure that the US obsession – since the 1990s - to cut off Germany from Russia will lead to failure: “Sooner or later, they will collaborate, as “their economic specializations define them as complementary”. The defeat in Ukraine will open the path, as a “gravitational force” reciprocally seduces Germany and Russia.

[...] Whatever the deadline, inbuilt in all this is a total Russia victory – with the winner dictating all terms. No negotiations, no ceasefire, no frozen conflict – as the Hegemon is now desperate spinning.


Sunday, December 31, 2023

The Concept of Distributed Heartland │ Alexander Dugin

The fight to rule Heartland – by Sea Power from without, or in Heartland itself from within – is the main formula of geopolitical history, the very essence of geopolitics. Geopolitics is the battle for Heartland. All schools of geopolitics are founded upon and proceed from this model [...] Just as the multi-polar world arises, so does a contradiction. If we take into consideration only one Sea Power and one Heartland, then when it comes to speaking of a multi-polar world, Russia cannot possibly be the only Heartland. Russia cannot achieve a multi-polar world on its own. In the very least, multipolarity entails four or five of the most important poles in the world. Russia could be the center of this multi-polar world or only one of its poles. But Russia cannot be the only Heartland.
 » It is surprising that at the bottom of our politics we always find theology. «
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Les confessions d'un revolutionnaire, 1849.

[...] Over the course of numerous discussions, conferences, speeches, lectures, and articles, I have come to the conclusion that it is high time to introduce the notion of an apportioned, or “distributed Heartland.” To this end, I think it is important to attentively examine the German geopolitics of the 1920-’30’s, which proclaimed Germany to be the European Heartland. Of interest to us is not so much Germany itself as the very possibility of considering an additional Heartland [...] A Chinese Heartland is an altogether different question. China, after all, is Rimland, a coastal zone. If we recognize China as bearing the status of a Heartland, then we are recognizing China as an independent strategic space. If we qualify China as Heartland, then we are emphasizing the conservative aspect of China – China as Land Power. But if China declares itself to be a Heartland against Russia, just as Hitler’s Germany declared itself to be the heart of Eurasia against Soviet Russia, then conflict will immediately arise.

If Russia retains the status of an independent pole, then this “distributed Heartland” acquires a completely different meaning. Then it is possible to consider such Heartlands as a Russian Heartland, as in all traditional geopolitical maps as the “geographical pivot of history”, and a European Heartland. We also arrive at considering a Chinese Heartland, and this means that we consider China as a traditional, conservative, independent, and sovereign state as it is today – and it will only become more so in the future. In the very least, it is important to reconcile the Chinese Heartland with the Russian Heartland, and partially even the European Heartland. But even this is insufficient to constructing a multi-polar world. We necessarily have to consider an Islamic Heartland (covering the historical spaces of at least 3-4 empires, stretching from Turkey to Pakistan). The concept of a distributed Heartland can further be expanded to India, and projected onto Latin America and Africa as well.

As follows, there should be an American Heartland in the multi-polar system. We have become too accustomed to thinking in the terms of classical geopolitics that the US and Anglo-Saxon world can only be Sea Power. In a multi-polar world, America will not be able to play this role, its global maritime range will naturally be reduced, thereby changing the very nature of America. As follows, an American Heartland should arise which, in a multi-polar system, should not be seen exclusively as in opposition to other Heartlands. The vote for Trump represented the contours of this American Heartland. If we begin to conceive of Heartland as a distributed type of culture associated with the reinforcement of conservative identity, then “Make America Great Again” is the thesis of an American Heartland. Stop being a Sea Power, and you will be great again.

[...] Distributed Heartland is the imperative of the new geopolitical model, of multi-polar geopolitics. I think that this concept deserves very serious cogitation, pondering, and description. There should be a number of conferences, or an even entire volume devoted to this inevitable question. The efficacy of this concept of distributed Heartland is, in my opinion, extremely important, insofar as the construction of a multi-polar world now demands clearer and more precise roadmaps.

See also: