Monday, June 15, 2015

SPX vs MER-JUP Cycle and Planets @ 14 Degrees Cancer

Calculated and charted with Timing Solution.

Since the days of Ptolemy traditional astrology stresses the importance of a set of specific and simple angular relationships between pairs of planets known as the major planetary aspects (0°, 60°, 90°, 120° and 180°). As astronomical observation techniques and ephemerides improved, more elaborate harmonics and 30°, 45°, 72°, 135°, 144° and 150° angles of separation were considered and applied. More recent astro-financial research clearly showed correlations of aspects from the 9th (multiples of 40°), 24th (multiples of 15°), 48th (multiples of 7.5°) or even from the 768th harmonic (multiples of 0.46875°). Empirical and experimental analysis also reveals the correlation of many seemingly odd angular relationships - especially of the fast moving Mercury to other planets - to changes of different magnitude in financial markets.

The Mother of All Problems | Blythe Masters

She increased the derivatives exposure to USD 70 Trillion -
J.P. Morgan's CDS-Guru Blythe Masters:
"Don't Panic. No one's going to get screwed." (HERE & HERE)
Aged 22, smart Blythe Sally Jess Masters joined J.P. Morgan Chase and invented the modern Credit Default Swaps

This not only earned her the title ‘J.P. Morgan's Credit Derivatives Guru’. She was promoted to serve as the bank's Head of Global Credit Portfolio. Finally she ended up being Chief Financial Officer of J.P. Morgan's Investment Bank and Head of Global Commodities (HERE).

Earlier this year Ms. Masters decided to set her sights on the final financial frontier: She is now CEO of Digital Asset Holdings, a Bitcoin-related start-up seeking to streamline financial transactions (HERE).

Hitting the Fan | Deutsche Bank in Pre-Infarct State of Imminent Bankruptcy

On June 7, immediately following Greece’s missed payment to the IMF,
Deutsche Bank’s two CEOs announce their surprise departure from the
company (HERE)
Deutsche Bank is the 12th biggest bank worldwide and harbours USD 75 trillion in derivatives bets — an amount twenty times greater than the German GDP (USD 3.64 trillion in 2014). Deutsche Bank is the world’s largest  holder of derivatives exposure and dwarfs J.P. Morgan’s exposure by USD 5 trillion (HERE). Deutsche Bank - along other global banks - was engaged in a slew of corrupt practices from manipulation of interest rates (for which the firm was fined USD 2.5 billion in April 2015), to tax evasion and money laundering to “mis-selling” of derivatives

If Greece defaults at the end of June, Deutsche Bank will lose 50 to 100 billion Euros in Greek bonds and be caught off-side in its derivatives positions. And there is no government nor institution on earth to bail it out

Friday, June 12, 2015

The Magic of 150 Months | Tom McClellan

Tom McClellan (June 11, 2015): A period of 150 months (12.5 years) shows up in lots of places as the time distance between several important turning points for stock prices. [...] the 150-month period is related to a longer 393-month turning point pattern by virtue of the Fibonacci ratio.  Multiply 150 times 2.618 and you get 393.  Alternatively, if you multiply 393 by 0.382, you get 150. It works backwards and forwards. [...] This is all relevant at the moment because we are arriving at the 150 month anniversary of the 2002-2003 lows [...] Counting forward 150 months from October 2002 gets us to April 2015.  And 150 months from March 2003 gets us to September 2015.  Split the difference, and we have May to July 2015, and that’s right where we sit now. 

Synodic Period of the Jupiter-Pluto Cycle = 12.46 Years = 149.52 Months.
Calculated and charted with
Timing Solution

With Fib 377 / √5 from Tulipomania to 2015 | Stan Harley

The Stan Harley Methodology:

Fibonacci Series: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, etc.

► Derivation of Market Cycles (days, weeks, months, years):
(55 / √5) = 24.6
(89 / √5) = 39.8
(144 / √5) = 64.4
(39.8 * 2) = 89
(233 / √5) = 104.2
(64.4 * 2) = 128.8
(39.8 * 4) = 159.2
(377 / √5) = 168.6

(39.8 * 6) = 238.8
(610 / √5) = 272.8
(987 / √5) = 441.4
(1,597 / √5) = 714.2

► Most Common Cyclical Functions:
39.8 = (89 / √5)
49.2 = (55 / √5) * 2
79.6 = (39.8 * 2)
84.3 = (377 / √5) * 0.5
93.2 = (208.4 * 0.447)
98.4 = (55 / √5) * 4
115.2 = (208.4 * 0.553)
159.2 = (39.8 * 4)
168.6 = (377 / √5) * 2
196.8 = (55 / √5) * 8
208.4 = (168.6 * 1.236)

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

UK GNP vs North Node | Projection into 2025

See also HERE & HERE
"This is a graph of [UK] GNP, not of annual change, so that when the graph is falling there is a contraction in the economy and when it rises the economy is growing.” 

[Source: Graham Bates & Jane Chrzanowska Bowles (1994): Money & the Markets - An Astrological Guide;  p. 63].

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

US GNP vs North Node | Projection into 2025

See also HERE
One of the most important US cycles is that of the Moon's Node. The Nodal cycle does not involve a cycle between two planets, but rather a cycle through the zodiac, a cycle which the 1930s astrologer Louise McWhirter found had a powerful and persistent correlation with the American economy. Her research showed that many recessions in the US can be explained and predicted by the cycle, and so it is an invaluable guide to US economic activity.

[…] Taking the period from 1889 to 1988, we note the change in GNP at each point in the 18.6 year Node cycle. By repeating this over each occurrence of the cycle in the data and averaging the result for each position of the Node, we get the graph shown here.

[…] The Node cycle acts very strongly on the US economy, giving a swing of plus or minus 3% per cent in annual growth over the cycle. This is a graph of GNP, not of annual change, so that when the graph is falling there is a contraction in the economy and when it rises the economy is growing.” [Source: Graham Bates & Jane Chrzanowska Bowles (1994): Money & the Markets - An Astrological Guide;  p. 60-61].

Malcolm C. Rorty (1922) - The Forces of the Business Cycle.

The Revolution Cycle | Uranus-Pluto Squares 1500 - 2104

The Uranus Pluto cycle lasts about 127 years on average but it ranges between 113 to 141 years due to Pluto’s eccentric orbit. The current cycle began in 1965. The Uranus Pluto cycle represents revolutionary and radical cultural change and technological innovation that transforms society. Uranus represents the archetype of revolution and freedom and is associated with unexpected breakdowns and breakthroughs and innovative ideas. Pluto represents the archetype of transformation and evolution and is associated with the collective shadow, mass movements, and the drive for power. These are revolutionary periods when everything gets shaken up and the status quo is overthrown.

1500  1 28  21:02  Ura +SQR Plu  25Aq04  25Sc04
1538  9  7  15:35  Ura OPPN Plu   8Le57   8Aq57
1539  1 10   6:57  Ura OPPN Plu   9Le49   9Aq49
1539  8  3   3:27  Ura OPPN Plu  11Le15  11Aq15
1540  2 27  16:37  Ura OPPN Plu  12Le42  12Aq42
1540  6 26   8:56  Ura OPPN Plu  13Le32  13Aq32
1566  1 28   0:07  Ura -SQR Plu  15Sg31  15Pi31
1566  3 16  23:41  Ura -SQR Plu  16Sg42  16Pi42
1566 11 24  15:29  Ura -SQR Plu  16Sg00  16Pi00
1567  6  5  19:43  Ura -SQR Plu  19Sg16  19Pi16
1567 10  6  19:33  Ura -SQR Plu  17Sg44  17Pi44
1597  5  2   2:50  Ura CONJ Plu  20Ar17  20Ar17
1597 11 24  10:34  Ura CONJ Plu  19Ar35  19Ar35
1598  1 22   0:48  Ura CONJ Plu  19Ar22  19Ar22
1623 10  5  21:14  Ura +SQR Plu  15Le52  15Ta52
1624  2 14  23:46  Ura +SQR Plu  14Le22  14Ta22
1624  8  9   8:37  Ura +SQR Plu  17Le12  17Ta12
1648  1 10  22:06  Ura OPPN Plu   7Sg26   7Ge26
1648  5  3  14:05  Ura OPPN Plu   8Sg02   8Ge02
1648 11 28  17:08  Ura OPPN Plu   9Sg10   9Ge10
1649  7  2   0:17  Ura OPPN Plu  10Sg19  10Ge19
1649 10 16   8:21  Ura OPPN Plu  10Sg53  10Ge53
1678  4 17   7:34  Ura -SQR Plu   9Ar06   9Cn06
1678  8 15   8:05  Ura -SQR Plu  11Ar41  11Cn41
1679  3  1  14:14  Ura -SQR Plu  10Ar16  10Cn16
1679 10 19  21:24  Ura -SQR Plu  13Ar32  13Cn32
1680  1 11   3:27  Ura -SQR Plu  12Ar17  12Cn17
1710  9  7  17:16  Ura CONJ Plu  28Le53  28Le53
1755  5 29   4:41  Ura +SQR Plu  15Pi06  15Sg06
1755  8 31  17:34  Ura +SQR Plu  13Pi32  13Sg32
1756  4 30  10:54  Ura +SQR Plu  18Pi07  18Sg07
1756 10  5  22:44  Ura +SQR Plu  16Pi16  16Sg16
1757  4  6  14:27  Ura +SQR Plu  20Pi46  20Sg46
1757 11  9  21:51  Ura +SQR Plu  19Pi26  19Sg26
1758  3 11   0:05  Ura +SQR Plu  23Pi00  23Sg00
1792  9 19  11:54  Ura OPPN Plu  21Le39  21Aq39
1793  1 21  21:37  Ura OPPN Plu  22Le29  22Aq29
1793  8 13   6:08  Ura OPPN Plu  23Le52  23Aq52
1794  3 14   2:55  Ura OPPN Plu  25Le18  25Aq18
1794  7  5   1:48  Ura OPPN Plu  26Le04  26Aq04
1820  1  1   8:19  Ura -SQR Plu  25Sg36  25Pi36
1820  5  9  23:43  Ura -SQR Plu  28Sg17  28Pi17
1820 11 12   9:00  Ura -SQR Plu  26Sg48  26Pi48
1850  6 26   2:28  Ura CONJ Plu  29Ar40  29Ar40
1850  9 25  12:18  Ura CONJ Plu  29Ar21  29Ar21
1851  3 23  20:31  Ura CONJ Plu  28Ar43  28Ar43
1876 10 22   0:05  Ura +SQR Plu  24Le03  24Ta03
1877  2 12   8:12  Ura +SQR Plu  22Le38  22Ta38
1877  8 25   5:28  Ura +SQR Plu  25Le32  25Ta32
1891  8  2  18:15  Nep CONJ Plu   8Ge37   8Ge37
1891 11  5  19:52  Nep CONJ Plu   8Ge19   8Ge19
1892  4 30  16:46  Nep CONJ Plu   7Ge42   7Ge42
1901  1 31  13:24  Ura OPPN Plu  15Sg50  15Ge50
1901  4 29  18:24  Ura OPPN Plu  16Sg18  16Ge18
1901 12 17   3:32  Ura OPPN Plu  17Sg33  17Ge33
1902  6 28  12:29  Ura OPPN Plu  18Sg36  18Ge36
1902 11  6  22:45  Ura OPPN Plu  19Sg19  19Ge19
1932  4 21  14:08  Ura -SQR Plu  20Ar02  20Cn02
1932  9  2   9:27  Ura -SQR Plu  22Ar55  22Cn55
1933  3  8  18:28  Ura -SQR Plu  21Ar23  21Cn23
1933 11  5   3:17  Ura -SQR Plu  24Ar44  24Cn44
1934  1 18   3:52  Ura -SQR Plu  23Ar35  23Cn35
1965 10  9  19:58  Ura CONJ Plu  17Vi10  17Vi10
1966  4  4  21:11  Ura CONJ Plu  16Vi28  16Vi28
1966  6 30   9:24  Ura CONJ Plu  16Vi06  16Vi06
2012  6 24   8:12  Ura +SQR Plu   8Ar24   8Cp24
2012  9 19   6:55  Ura +SQR Plu   6Ar57   6Cp57
2013  5 20  22:18  Ura +SQR Plu  11Ar14  11Cp14
2013 11  1  11:15  Ura +SQR Plu   9Ar26   9Cp26
2014  4 21  18:35  Ura +SQR Plu  13Ar34  13Cp34
2014 12 15   6:21  Ura +SQR Plu  12Ar35  12Cp35
2015  3 17   1:44  Ura +SQR Plu  15Ar18  15Cp18
2046  9 22  16:25  Ura OPPN Plu   3Vi45   3Pi45
2047  2 15   3:29  Ura OPPN Plu   4Vi42   4Pi42
2047  8 16   5:35  Ura OPPN Plu   5Vi54   5Pi54
2048  4 12   1:22  Ura OPPN Plu   7Vi28   7Pi28
2048  6 30   1:06  Ura OPPN Plu   7Vi59   7Pi59
2073  2 15  11:34  Ura -SQR Plu   5Cp17   5Ar17
2073  4  6  18:23  Ura -SQR Plu   6Cp28   6Ar28
2073 12 13   2:33  Ura -SQR Plu   5Cp44   5Ar44
2074  6 27   2:13  Ura -SQR Plu   8Cp52   8Ar52
2074 10 24   9:37  Ura -SQR Plu   7Cp23   7Ar23
2104  4 24  11:30  Ura CONJ Plu   7Ta35   7Ta35

Sunday, June 7, 2015

“Wealth will not help a pilot to navigate his ship.”

“Out of Oligarchy arises Democracy”
Plato's Republic (Book VIII - 380 B.C.E.):

[...] What manner of government do you term oligarchy? 

A government resting on a valuation of property, in which the rich have power and the poor man is deprived of it. [...] Oligarchy is more or less exclusive; and they allow no one whose property falls below the amount fixed to have any share in the government. These changes in the constitution they effect by force of arms, if intimidation has not already done their work.

[...] How does the change from oligarchy into democracy arise?
Democracy comes into being after the poor have conquered their opponents, slaughtering some and banishing some, while to the remainder they give an equal share of freedom and power. [...] That is the nature of democracy, whether the revolution has been effected by arms, or whether fear has caused the opposite party to withdraw. [...] The people, consisting of those who work with their own hands, when assembled, is the largest and most powerful class in a democracy.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Future Ups and Downs into 2065 | Samuel Benner’s Prophecies

Samuel Benner was a farmer from Ohio who first published his prophecies about price fluctuations in 1875. The 19th century was the time of Laplacian probability, Gaussian distributions, Peano curves and Cantor set. While mathematicians were looking for structures in mathematics, Samuel Benner was studying and writing about a model of ‘Time’ to forecast the future. He lived in an era of Axe Houghton Indices, the time when the Chicago Board of Trade was established and agricultural commodity trading was active business. Society was busy with agriculture and expanding railroads. This is why his workings were based on pig iron, corn, cotton and hogs. Along with agriculture came the essential science of weather forecasting. What years would be dry or wet? When to expect years of heat, storm and cold? Agricultural statistics was compiled and used to establish demand and supply patterns. It was then 140 years back Benner wrote that the future cannot be calculated based on agricultural statistics. Statistics compilation would remain always poor, irregular, manipulable, undependable and non predictive. For Benner the axiom “history repeats itself” implies a cyclical movement in human affairs, and as it is a generally received opinion that everything moves in cycles, especially in nature. 

Prediction of the future can only be done by studying the past. History repeats itself with marvelous accuracy in detail from one panic year to another. Samuel Benner was the first to show how history repeated systematically. He was vocal about the cyclicality of financial catastrophes and his model illustrated the crisis' of 1891, 1902, 1910 and even 1929, 1987 and 2003. However, 2009 was a big miss in his set of nested cycles (exactly 20 Lunar Node Cycles after the 1637 Dutch Tulipomania bust). Time according to Benner was a pattern, a rule that did not change because of war, panic or elections. It was relentless in nature. It was periodical and not haphazard. The rule was unchangeable, determinable. Failures in business were connected with ignorance of ‘Time’. Today one can judge Samuel Benner as a farmer or a genius, but that would not change the fact that he was one of the first to see the mathematical hierarchy in ‘Time’. The story of the Benner’s work is intertwined with his personal experiences of bankruptcy. He was a prosperous farmer who was wiped out financially by the 1873 panic and then wanted to find out about the law of nature. He took the yearly average prices to smoothen the data. When he compared them he saw up and down yearly cycles repeating in a fixed sequence of a large cycle of 18-20-16 years and a small cycle of 9-10-8 years. The cycles low depicted reactions and depressions. According to Benner these were cast iron rules and he referred to them as ‘God in prices’.  

Benner discovered an 11 year cycle in corn and hog prices with alternating peaks at 4 and 6 year intervals. He also discovered an 11 year cycle peak in cotton prices and a 27 year cycle in pig iron prices with lows every 11, 9 and 7 years and peaks in a sequential order of 8, 9 and 10 years. He described a 54 Year Panic Cycle which arose from panics every 16, 18, 20 years, with this series repeating every 54 years, or as he explains, “it takes panics 54 years in their order to make a revolution or to return to the same order”. His book is one of the first examples of the development of cycles and periodicity theory in financial and commodity markets and was very popular amongst bankers and business men of the late 1800’s. His cycles and numerical sequences were effective throughout the 20th century, and can still be found to be operative today, predicting financial prices. Theorists will notice the similarities between his 11 year cycle and the sunspot cycle also of 11 years, something which has even been studied in current times by the Federal Reserve. Whether Benner was knowledgeable about this direct influence or not, he did make a connection through the weather and climate, and was likely aware of the earlier work on sunspots by Herschel, Jevons and others.

Benner never fully explained the basis of his cycle theories, but did state: "The cause producing the periodicity and length of these cycles may be found in our solar system … It may be a meteorological fact that Jupiter is the ruling element in our price cycles of natural productions; while also it may be suggested that Saturn exerts an influence regulating the cycles in manufacture and trade." Further, Uranus and Neptune: "may send forth an electric influence affecting Jupiter, Saturn and, in turn, the Earth … When certain combinations are ascertained which produce one legitimate invariable manifestation from an analysis of the operations of the combined solar system, we may be enabled to discover the cause producing our price cycles, and the length of their duration."

Later the larger 54 year cycle was also discussed in detail by Russian economist Kondratiev in 1925. Edward R. Dewey, Director of the Foundation for the Study of Cycles, assessed Benner's pig iron price forecasts over a 60 year period. Remarkably, he regarded this cycle as showing a gain - loss ratio of 45 to 1, which was “the most notable forecast of prices in existence”.

Extending and updating Samuel Benner's cycles and correlating them with more recent US-stock market prices, pointed to the low in 2003, the high in 2010, and the minor crisis in 2011. This would then be followed by a rising stock market into 2018 and a depression in 2021. 

2015 in the 56 Year Funk Cycle

Friday, June 5, 2015

SPX vs North Node | Louise McWhirter's Theory of Stock Market Forecasting

Louise McWhirter presented her theory in 1938 in "Astrology and Stock Market Forecasting" (p. 7-8) as follows:

Whenever the North Node passes through Scorpio and Libra
[2012-2015], there is a transition period as the curve passes from normal, going from normal to high.

[…] The high point of business volume is reached when the North Node transits Leo
[2017-2018]. As the North Node goes through Cancer and Gemini, business volume is above normal, but slowly going to normal.

[…] Taurus
[2003-2004] is the transition point or normal point as the curve goes from normal to below normal in business volume.

[…] When the North Node enters Aquarius
[2007-2008], the low point of business activity has been reached. As the Node transits Capricorn [2009] and Sagittarius [2011], the normal position of the business curve is below normal going to normal.

[…] This is the natural position of the curve without the presence of secondary factors which can distort the curve favorably or unfavorably from one to twenty percent.

[…] The following secondary factors tend to lift the Business Curve:

(1) Jupiter conjunction the North Node.
[2009, 2016, 2023]
(2] Saturn trine, sextile, or semi-sextile Uranus.
[2002-2003, 2016-2017, 2025-2026]
(3) Jupiter in Gemini or Cancer.
[2000-2005, 2030-2035]
(4) Jupiter conjunction, sextile or trine Saturn and Uranus, when in aspect to each other.
(5) The North Node in Gemini.
[2013, 2016]
(6) Favorable aspects to Pluto.
[2013, 2016]

[…] The following secondary factors have been found to depress the Business Curve:

(1) Saturn conjunction, square or opposition the North Node.
[2013, 2016]
(2) Saturn conjunction, square, opposition, or semi-square Uranus.
[2012-2013, 2021]
(3) Saturn in Gemini. [2000-2003, 2030-2032]
(4) Uranus in Gemini.
(5) Uranus square, conjunction, or opposition the North Node.
[Jan 2015, Jun 2018]
(6) Unfavorable aspects to Pluto.
[Jan 2015, Apr 2019]

As the Node moved through Capricorn (2010) and Sagittarius (2011) the general economy approached a very high level of activity in Scorpio (2012), and should peak as the Node passes through the sign of Leo (2017). 

However, W.D. Gann associated the period of the Node in Libra (2015) also with stock market panics (HERE). Moving through the signs of Cancer (2018) and Gemini (2020), the economic activity is still positive but beginning to slow to more normal levels. 

The above chart of the SPX and the North Node in the zodiac signs clearly shows that in the past this basic theory was not always properly reflected in the stock market's movements. This has to do with other important astronomical cycles, e.g. the 19.86 Year Jupiter-Saturn Cycle, 19 Year Metonic Cycle, the different natured 18.61 Year Lunar Declination Cycle, the 18 Year Saros Cycle or the varying lengths of the Solar Cycle. Additional important "secondary factors" could be the amazing activities of central banks, especially during the past 40 years. Nevertheless, empirical research discovered a multitude of other interesting economic sub-cycles of 17 to 20 years length, never out-ruled by any human intervention. The Wave Length Index of the Foundation for the Study of Cycles lists the following:
Credits: Foundation for the Study of Cycles (1964): Catalogue of Cycles - Part I.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Gold vs Sun-Pluto Cycle

Calculated and charted with Timing Solution.

Unless otherwise stated all times on
this blog are always EST and EDT.

SPX vs Moon and Planets transiting 14 Degrees Cancer

NYSE Natal Chart HERE & HERE
Calculated and charted with Timing Solution.

On the evening of October 11, 1492 Columbus anchored at sea. In the distance he saw fires burning on La Hispanola when the Ascendant was at 14 degrees Cancer. George Washington was sworn in as President in the morning of April 30, 1789 around 9:00 when the Moon was passing 14 degrees Cancer. On July 4, 1776 (US-Independence Day) the Sun was at 14 degrees Cancer. On May 19, 1792 at the founding date of the New York Stock Exchange the Ascendant was passing 14 degrees Cancer. On April 3, 1848 a group of Chicago businessmen founded the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) when the Moon passed 14 degrees Cancer. Agricultural commodities often change trend when heliocentric Mercury, Mars and Venus pass 14 degrees Cancer, and Louise McWhirter's methodology is based on structuring monthly lunation charts with the Ascendant at 14 degrees Cancer.


Monthly conjunctions of the Moon, the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
Calculated and charted with Timing Solution.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

SPX vs Mercury Latitude Cycle

Calculated and charted with Timing Solution.

Upcoming Astro Phenomena - June 2015

The Astronomical Almanac - United States Naval Observatory (HERE)
Cosmic Cluster Days (HERE)
Jun 02 (Tue), Jun 05 (Fri), Jun 11 (Thu), Jun 19 (Fri), Jun 21 (Sun), Jun 22 (Mon), Jun 23 (Tue), Jun 26 (Fri) 

Tidal Forces - SoLunar Map CITs (HERE)
Jun 02 (Tue), Jun 05 (Fri), Jun 09 (Tue), Jun 13 (Sat), Jun 16 (Tue), Jun 20 (Sat), Jun 24 (Wed), Jun 27 (Sat) 

Bradley Siderograph CITs (HERE
Jun 09 (Tue), Jun 20-21 (Sat-Sun), Jun 27-28 (Sat-Sun)  

Venus declination @ 23.27 degrees (HERE)
Jun 02 (Tue) 

Venus Elongation Cycle (HERE)
Jun 06 (Sat) = Maximum Elongation East

Natural Trading Days (HERE)
June 21 (Sun) = Summer Solstice

Radio Flux 10.7 cm Forecast CITs (HERE & HERE)
Jun 10-11 (Wed-Thu), Jun 23-25 (Tue-Thu)

SPX vs Venus at Maximum Elongation East

Calculated and charted with Timing Solution.


SPX vs Mercury Stationary Direct

Calculated and charted with Timing Solution.