Showing posts with label WWIII. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WWIII. Show all posts

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Energy War over Syria │ The Geopolitics of Oil and Gas Pipelines

Major Planned Pipelines - Enlarge
The war on Syria is only unclear at first sight. On closer inspection, it becomes clear that fighting between mercenaries and government forces takes place only where important pipelines are running or planned. 

Russia, the Western powers and the Gulf States are fighting for the best starting position for gas and oil supplies for the European market. France, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia and the United States, in particular, are interfering in the distribution struggle without any reference to international law, while Russia's support to the legal Syrian government is fully in line with international law.  

Two of the most important oil markets are located in the Syrian cities of Manbij and al-Bab, both of which are located in the Aleppo province. These two cities are also the most important pipeline, the oil from Iraq - from Mosul and al-Qaim - transported to Syria as far as the province of Idlib

Territorial Control - Enlarge
The same Pipeline runs through the city of Aleppo to the oil market in Idlib. Whoever controls Manbid, has a great influence on the oil transport in Syria. The same applies to Aleppo, Idlib and al-Bab in the west of the country. In the east of the country the same oil transport line runs through Raqqa and Deir Ezzor. The oil that flows through this transport line comes from Mosul, via Sinjar to Deir Ezzor and a second strand from al-Qaim to Deir Ezzor. So far, Turkey has had no influence on the oil transport lines in the Syrian conflict. Through the capture of Manbidz, Turkey could assert its influence on the transport system in Syria. The current battle for Aleppo is called only from a basic decision-making battle: Aleppo is the last big city through which flows the country's most important transport line. Anyone who controls Aleppo controls the "key" of the pipeline. It is striking that the conflicts between the conflict parties take place, in particular, on the most important points of the transport lines: Raqqa, Deir Ezzor, Aleppo, Idlib, Manbidsch, Hasaka, al-Bukamal, Ain Issa and al-Bab. In Homs and Hama also violent battles take place. Previously, Palmyra was fiercely fought. These, in turn, are the areas through which the Qatar-Turkey pipeline is planned. The Iran-Iraq-Syria pipeline supported and planned by the Russians should also be run by Homs. That is why Homs from the Russian point of view cannot be controlled by the Islamic mercenaries. 

The fog of war and the realm of uncertainty:
and US Airstrikes -
From the map of the air strikes, it is clear that the US airspace mainly focuses on the East and the Russian air strikes, especially on the west of Syria. While the control of West Syria is important to the Russians to prevent pro-Western pipelines, it is important from the US point of view that the prospect of pro-Russian pipelines - like the Iran-Iraq-Syria pipeline - to prevent.

Another planned pipeline was originally to go from the Israeli Golan Heights via Damascus to Turkey. This pipeline would allow Israel to emerge as a gas supplier, provided the government is overthrown in Damascus. But Russia does not want any competitors in the gas market.

In connection with the pipeline routes, the planned "Kurdish corridor" is also critical. The Caucasus Strategic Research Center (KAFKASSAM) in Ankara reports: "The real objective of this corridor is to transport the Kurdish oil and gas from the Northern Iraq over Northern Syria to the Mediterranean by pipeline there. In addition, the US had planned to build another pipeline from the Persian Gulf to the Northern Iraq and from there via Northern Syria. Thus, both Iraq and Turkey should be brought to the West and especially to Europe on the energy market through both Turkey and Northern Syria. But the plan to found a Kurdish corridor fell into the water because the Russians intervened in Syria. Russia is opposed to this corridor because Europe is to be maintained as a customer of Russian energy carriers. Russia will under no circumstances give up its position on the European market." See also HERE + HERE + HERE + HERE

War as the continuation of politics and economic interest by other means.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Weapon of Mass Migration | The US War on Europe

Open Gates: Coerced collective
suicide of European nations (
Artificial mass migration as imperial policy has a long history, and the current mass migration into Europe is the brain child of US military grand strategist Thomas P.M. Barnett. He was a strategic advisor to former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and currently works with the Israeli military consultancy firm Wikistrat, a close collaborator of the US Africa Command (AFRICOM) in Stuttgart, Germany. Barnett’s books 'The Pentagon’s New Map' and 'Blueprint for Action' (2004, 2005) have had a major influence on US and Israeli global military geostrategies. Today Wikistrat is heavily involved in the development of ‘crowd sourcing’ and ‘crowd leveraging’ technologies, and most of the Twitter entries encouraging migrants in the Middle East and Africa to travel to Austria, Germany and Sweden come from the UK, US and Australia (Ayn Rand Institute, The Escape Institute, etc.). Barnett came up with the theory of the ‘Five Flows of Globalisation’ — five flows which must come about if US imperialism wants to prevail in the world of the 21st century. These involve the free flow of money, security, food, energy and people. The ‘Five Flows’ theory means breaking down nation-state structures and freeing up resources for pillage by US multinational corporations and hyenas of high finance. The inundation of Europe with migrants is a key feature of Barnett’s geostrategic thinking: 1.5 million immigrants from third world countries to Europe every year. The result will be a mixed new population with an average IQ of 90 - too dumb to grasp anything, but intelligent enough to work.

Not welcome anymore (HERE)
In her book Weapons of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement, Coercion and Foreign Policy (2011), Kelly M. Greenhill argues that one of the reasons for Europe’s rapprochement with Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was the latter’s offer to stem the tide of African emigration to Europe. It would be erroneous, therefore, to suggest that the chaos wrought by the Arab Spring, the devastation of Libya and the killing of Gaddafi were unintentional. EU borders have long been deconstructed by EU utopianism of a borderless world. This fits perfectly with Greenhill’s “hypocrisy cost” of wealthy liberal nations which can be coerced by specifically such open border vulnerabilities. Hundreds of thousands of migrants are equipped with welcome booklets published by a George Soros foundation. Written in Arabic, and packed with maps and useful information on where to go, what to do, whom to refer to, and which sob story to tell to the European authorities, these rough-guides are distributed by an ominous NGO called, which stands for Welcome to the EU. One is reminded of the non-violent revolution hand book by Gene Sharp which was used to train activists in the US-Israeli fomented counter-revolutions in North Africa in 2011 (HERE). Since the very inception of the ensuing 'refugee crisis' the multi-billion dollar business of human trafficking into Europe and the booming asylum-industry is controlled by the EU Commission, globalist fifth columns inside EU member states, by the Erdoğan regime, ISIS, the Italian Mafia, certain oligarchs, and the CIA. 

Reporting on services rendered.
In 2015 the Merkel regime certainly had foreknowledge of what would happen when the chancellor repeatedly issued her infamous “Welcome” calls to not only Syrian war refugees and their families but to any asylum-seeker in the world. Merkel had been warned personally by her domestic intelligence and the Joint Centre for Illegal Migration Analysis and Policy that Europe's borders would be stormed and Germany and her neighbors seriously and permanently damaged and destabilized (HERE). But Merkel is clearly cooperating with a script originating from western intelligence agencies that follows the Greenhill recipes. In May 2016, facing a new mega-wave of migrants out of Libya into Italy, Merkel steadfastly refuses to close borders. By mid 2016 1.8 million refugees had invaded Germany. More than 1.5 million of them are young men aged 20 to 35, outnumbering the German army by the factor of 20 already. While thousands of them are ISIS and Al Nusra fighters, thousands of these invaders are actually housed on active military bases. The total cost to entertain 2 million refugees for the next three years was estimated to be 900 billion Euros - more than twice the federal government's annual budget of 2014. Quoting Shakespeare: Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.

Jihad - Muslim Invasion (HERE)
What we are dealing with here is a well-planned strategy of chaos. Washington is the driving force of this strategy that destroys entire states and nations, causing a chaotic chain reaction of division and conflict to be used according to the old method of "divide and rule." We are witnessing a genocidal covert war being waged by the Anglo-Zionist power elite on the nation states and peoples of Europe. Migrants are weaponized to create social chaos and fiscal constraints in order to prevent Berlin’s inevitable rapprochement with Moscow. The migrants cannot possibly integrate into society if the German economy does not integrate into Eurasia, as Germany will have insufficient access to resources and energy, and no viable markets for its exports. Let Europe whither on the vine. Keeping Russia and Germany separate and in conflict has been the primordial geopolitical objective of the US in Europe since 1871. Barnett predicts that both western Europe and Russia would disintegrate in the 21st Century, leaving only India and China to rival the United States. US strategists believe that coercive engineered mass migration into Europe, coupled with the American occupation of Eastern Europe and the Balkans, with terrorism and the destabilization of the Ukraine, with currency wars, trade wars, and hot wars, would altogether prevent Eurasian integration, whilst securing control over Europe and establishing the conquest of Africa would ultimately safeguard future US global supremacy. 

This is the plan and its implementation is underway. However, this will not solve any of the US' major problems: Losing the dominating position in world production, finance, trade, transport, and communication. The center is drifting towards China and other Asian countries. The US financial hegemony is endangered by the collapse of the dollar pyramid of state obligations, and the dollar's position as the world currency is undermined by the processes of regional economic integration, namely by China and Russia. As the US financial and economic system cannot be kept in balance without powerful and growing outside support, it feels objectively forced to escalate military and political tensions and eventually start a world war, that it cannot win. Von Clausewitz would have immediately realized. But Barnett is a brute, a gambler, a mercenary strategist.

On a larger time-scale, we are currently living through the repetition of the 100 Year War Cycle and the conclusion of Arnold Toynbee's 500 Year Cycle of Civilizations. We are living in a period that Antonio Gramsci termed an interregnum, morbid times, times of chaos, in which the old is dying, and the new is not born yet. The first decades of this millennium are similar to the early 16th century in Europe, times of technological innovations, population growth, migrations, capitalist expansion, but also religious secession, fanaticism and war. The process was finally directed to outer European conquest, and the ascent of the imperial West (HERE). Today the fate of the US empire largely depends on whether Russia will be sufficiently destabilized and subjected to the globalist oligarchy. Russia is the Heartland and has everything necessary to become the cornerstone for the next world system. Whether the new emerging multipolar system of civilizations and big spaces will be able to establish and to defend itself, is currently decided in Russia, by Russia, and through Russia. 

The spin-doctors and architects of this epic mass migration and population replacement unleashed a monster: French, Italians, Germans, Anglo-Saxons, Irishmen, Swedes, Poles, and almost every other European ethnic group are marked for replacement, i.e. demographic extinction. The utopia of multiculturalism failed and is rejected. Instead Europe is headed for ethnic clashes and breakdowns of economic, social, political and international regimes. However, the globalist's Great Replacement project itself may never reach its ultimate end. Naturally it is unacceptable to passively surrender, and to be dominated and replaced by invaders, by barbarians in the literal sense of the word. Pan-European Nationalism is on the rise across Europe. Radicals and fanatics are ready to defend their lands and cultures at all costs. They are prepared to topple and destroy abusive regimes, to wage civil war and pogroms. What nobody seems to be prepared for is how to recover and what should be build instead. Once the US hegemony diminishes, the leftovers of a shattered Europe may finally become absorbed in some Sino-Russian dominated Eurasian empire (HERE).

Thursday, November 26, 2015

NATO Opens Another Front Against Russia in Crimea (Nov 26, 2015) - [NATO, Turkey and Ukraine] have made a strike at another front. As result of a terrorism act near the border with Russia, the four main transmission lines between Ukraine and Crimea were blown up. About 1,7 million people in Crimea are cut from the power supplies. Some experts believe that the terrorism act was conducted by Turkish intelligence services in concurrence with the US. Formally, the terrorism act was made by Crimea Tatar extremists and the “Right Sector” terrorist group. The Crimea’s blackout could be described as a clear war provocation against Russia. At the moment, we could observe an escalation in a diplomatic sphere and military build up of the all sides involved in the Syrian crisis. If the US and its allies continue their provocative and shallow policy, there is a serious threat of an open military escalation in the region (see also HERE).

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

NATO's Loose Cannon Erdoğan Attacks Russia

Turkish F-16s Shoot Down Russian Sukhoi Su-24 Warplane (HERE)
The Russian jet crashed in the mountainous Jabal Turkmen area of
Latakia, where air strikes and fighting between rebel terrorists and
Syrian government forces were reported earlier on Tuesday. The Kremlin
recommended not jumping to conclusions. NATO is to hold an urgent meeting
to discuss the downing.
The ES futures dipped 1%.
European, Turkish and Russian markets plunged after confirmation that Turkey had shot down a Russian jet near its border with Syria and Moscow warning Ankara of "serious consequences".

Turkey’s Borsa Istanbul 100 was down almost four percent after Russian President Vladimir Putin called Ankara's action a “stab in the back made by accomplices of the terrorists.” He also warned Turkey of “very serious consequences” for relations.

The Russian stock market also fell on the news from Syria. As of 6:00pm MSK, the ruble-traded MICEX index was down 3.30 percent, while the dollar-denominated RTS index fell 3.56 percent. On Monday, the MICEX skyrocketed to 1,865 points, its highest level in seven years.

The crisis also affected European stock markets. London's FTSE was down 1.19 percent as of 3:00pm GMT. The markets in France and Germany were losing 1.90 and 1.42 percent, respectively.

The Turkish lira is the worst performer among the currencies. As of 3:00pm GMT the lira was down 0.87 percent against the US dollar.

The downing of a Russian jet fighter over Syria’s airspace was undertaken by Turkey in consultation with Washington and Brussels. Turkey did not take this decision without getting the greenlight from the Pentagon. Is this an act of revenge against Russia for bombing the US-sponsored Islamic State in Syria? The unspoken truth is that Russia is undermining US-NATO’s ground operations inside Syria. The latter are made up of various Al Qaeda affiliated formations which de facto constitute the foot-soldiers of the Western alliance. These ISIS and Al Nusrah rebel forces are in turn led by intelligence operatives and Western special forces, many of whom are deployed by private mercenary companies on contract to US-NATO (see also HERE + HERE).

Monday, October 19, 2015

United States Just Lost Superiority In Conventional Warfare

The biggest event that took place in Syria as part of Operation Hmeymim was the use by
the Russian Navy’s Caspian Flotilla of 26 seaborne land-attack cruise missiles (LACMs)
that hit 11 Daesh and Jabhat al-Nusra military targets inside Syria, which were located
about 1,500 km. away from the missile launch site (HERE)
Thierry Meyssan (Oct 19, 2015) - Moscow’s military intervention in Syria has not simply overturned the fortunes of war and spread panic throughout the ranks of the jihadist groups. It has also shown the rest of the world the current capacities of the Russian army in situations of real warfare. To everyone’s astonishment, it has proved to possess a system of signal jamming capable of rendering the Atlantic Alliance deaf and blind (A2/AD = anti-access/area denial). Despite a far superior budget, the United States have just lost their military domination.

Vladimir Kozin (Oct 13, 2015) - The firing of cruise missiles by the Russian Navy, from the Caspian Sea, was not necessary for its military operation in Syria. However, this convincing show of force, demonstrates Russia’s technical superiority over NATO in this domain. Therefore, the so-called anti-missile shield, currently deployed by the Atlantic Alliance around Russia, is now obsolete.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Revolution Cycle | Uranus-Pluto Squares 1500 - 2104

The Uranus Pluto cycle lasts about 127 years on average but it ranges between 113 to 141 years due to Pluto’s eccentric orbit. The current cycle began in 1965. The Uranus Pluto cycle represents revolutionary and radical cultural change and technological innovation that transforms society. Uranus represents the archetype of revolution and freedom and is associated with unexpected breakdowns and breakthroughs and innovative ideas. Pluto represents the archetype of transformation and evolution and is associated with the collective shadow, mass movements, and the drive for power. These are revolutionary periods when everything gets shaken up and the status quo is overthrown.

1500  1 28  21:02  Ura +SQR Plu  25Aq04  25Sc04
1538  9  7  15:35  Ura OPPN Plu   8Le57   8Aq57
1539  1 10   6:57  Ura OPPN Plu   9Le49   9Aq49
1539  8  3   3:27  Ura OPPN Plu  11Le15  11Aq15
1540  2 27  16:37  Ura OPPN Plu  12Le42  12Aq42
1540  6 26   8:56  Ura OPPN Plu  13Le32  13Aq32
1566  1 28   0:07  Ura -SQR Plu  15Sg31  15Pi31
1566  3 16  23:41  Ura -SQR Plu  16Sg42  16Pi42
1566 11 24  15:29  Ura -SQR Plu  16Sg00  16Pi00
1567  6  5  19:43  Ura -SQR Plu  19Sg16  19Pi16
1567 10  6  19:33  Ura -SQR Plu  17Sg44  17Pi44
1597  5  2   2:50  Ura CONJ Plu  20Ar17  20Ar17
1597 11 24  10:34  Ura CONJ Plu  19Ar35  19Ar35
1598  1 22   0:48  Ura CONJ Plu  19Ar22  19Ar22
1623 10  5  21:14  Ura +SQR Plu  15Le52  15Ta52
1624  2 14  23:46  Ura +SQR Plu  14Le22  14Ta22
1624  8  9   8:37  Ura +SQR Plu  17Le12  17Ta12
1648  1 10  22:06  Ura OPPN Plu   7Sg26   7Ge26
1648  5  3  14:05  Ura OPPN Plu   8Sg02   8Ge02
1648 11 28  17:08  Ura OPPN Plu   9Sg10   9Ge10
1649  7  2   0:17  Ura OPPN Plu  10Sg19  10Ge19
1649 10 16   8:21  Ura OPPN Plu  10Sg53  10Ge53
1678  4 17   7:34  Ura -SQR Plu   9Ar06   9Cn06
1678  8 15   8:05  Ura -SQR Plu  11Ar41  11Cn41
1679  3  1  14:14  Ura -SQR Plu  10Ar16  10Cn16
1679 10 19  21:24  Ura -SQR Plu  13Ar32  13Cn32
1680  1 11   3:27  Ura -SQR Plu  12Ar17  12Cn17
1710  9  7  17:16  Ura CONJ Plu  28Le53  28Le53
1755  5 29   4:41  Ura +SQR Plu  15Pi06  15Sg06
1755  8 31  17:34  Ura +SQR Plu  13Pi32  13Sg32
1756  4 30  10:54  Ura +SQR Plu  18Pi07  18Sg07
1756 10  5  22:44  Ura +SQR Plu  16Pi16  16Sg16
1757  4  6  14:27  Ura +SQR Plu  20Pi46  20Sg46
1757 11  9  21:51  Ura +SQR Plu  19Pi26  19Sg26
1758  3 11   0:05  Ura +SQR Plu  23Pi00  23Sg00
1792  9 19  11:54  Ura OPPN Plu  21Le39  21Aq39
1793  1 21  21:37  Ura OPPN Plu  22Le29  22Aq29
1793  8 13   6:08  Ura OPPN Plu  23Le52  23Aq52
1794  3 14   2:55  Ura OPPN Plu  25Le18  25Aq18
1794  7  5   1:48  Ura OPPN Plu  26Le04  26Aq04
1820  1  1   8:19  Ura -SQR Plu  25Sg36  25Pi36
1820  5  9  23:43  Ura -SQR Plu  28Sg17  28Pi17
1820 11 12   9:00  Ura -SQR Plu  26Sg48  26Pi48
1850  6 26   2:28  Ura CONJ Plu  29Ar40  29Ar40
1850  9 25  12:18  Ura CONJ Plu  29Ar21  29Ar21
1851  3 23  20:31  Ura CONJ Plu  28Ar43  28Ar43
1876 10 22   0:05  Ura +SQR Plu  24Le03  24Ta03
1877  2 12   8:12  Ura +SQR Plu  22Le38  22Ta38
1877  8 25   5:28  Ura +SQR Plu  25Le32  25Ta32
1891  8  2  18:15  Nep CONJ Plu   8Ge37   8Ge37
1891 11  5  19:52  Nep CONJ Plu   8Ge19   8Ge19
1892  4 30  16:46  Nep CONJ Plu   7Ge42   7Ge42
1901  1 31  13:24  Ura OPPN Plu  15Sg50  15Ge50
1901  4 29  18:24  Ura OPPN Plu  16Sg18  16Ge18
1901 12 17   3:32  Ura OPPN Plu  17Sg33  17Ge33
1902  6 28  12:29  Ura OPPN Plu  18Sg36  18Ge36
1902 11  6  22:45  Ura OPPN Plu  19Sg19  19Ge19
1932  4 21  14:08  Ura -SQR Plu  20Ar02  20Cn02
1932  9  2   9:27  Ura -SQR Plu  22Ar55  22Cn55
1933  3  8  18:28  Ura -SQR Plu  21Ar23  21Cn23
1933 11  5   3:17  Ura -SQR Plu  24Ar44  24Cn44
1934  1 18   3:52  Ura -SQR Plu  23Ar35  23Cn35
1965 10  9  19:58  Ura CONJ Plu  17Vi10  17Vi10
1966  4  4  21:11  Ura CONJ Plu  16Vi28  16Vi28
1966  6 30   9:24  Ura CONJ Plu  16Vi06  16Vi06
2012  6 24   8:12  Ura +SQR Plu   8Ar24   8Cp24
2012  9 19   6:55  Ura +SQR Plu   6Ar57   6Cp57
2013  5 20  22:18  Ura +SQR Plu  11Ar14  11Cp14
2013 11  1  11:15  Ura +SQR Plu   9Ar26   9Cp26
2014  4 21  18:35  Ura +SQR Plu  13Ar34  13Cp34
2014 12 15   6:21  Ura +SQR Plu  12Ar35  12Cp35
2015  3 17   1:44  Ura +SQR Plu  15Ar18  15Cp18
2046  9 22  16:25  Ura OPPN Plu   3Vi45   3Pi45
2047  2 15   3:29  Ura OPPN Plu   4Vi42   4Pi42
2047  8 16   5:35  Ura OPPN Plu   5Vi54   5Pi54
2048  4 12   1:22  Ura OPPN Plu   7Vi28   7Pi28
2048  6 30   1:06  Ura OPPN Plu   7Vi59   7Pi59
2073  2 15  11:34  Ura -SQR Plu   5Cp17   5Ar17
2073  4  6  18:23  Ura -SQR Plu   6Cp28   6Ar28
2073 12 13   2:33  Ura -SQR Plu   5Cp44   5Ar44
2074  6 27   2:13  Ura -SQR Plu   8Cp52   8Ar52
2074 10 24   9:37  Ura -SQR Plu   7Cp23   7Ar23
2104  4 24  11:30  Ura CONJ Plu   7Ta35   7Ta35