Wednesday, February 26, 2025

How Algorithms Impact Market Direction: 80% of Breakouts Fail | Richie Naso

The first thing you need to truly understand is that algorithms control the stock market; not the large institutional players, not the massive hedge funds, but price auction algorithms. Algorithms are there to create volatility and liquidity; they have no mind, they are programmed to go to technical areas, certain levels, to take out buy and sell orders. The market operates on a day-to-day basis with both premium and discount levels. When the market moves toward a premium level, the algorithms target that area to create liquidity. Conversely, when the market moves lower, the algorithms aim for the discount area to generate liquidity.
 Equilibrium Level and Premium -Discount Zones.

Algorithms dictate the direction of the market, especially in the near term.
The mathematical equations used in these algorithms are designed by humans, based on historical data. When the market is trending lower and algorithms reach a significant technical level (support/resistance, supply/demand zones, previous highs and lows of sessions, days, weeks, months, imbalances, order blocks, 50%-levels, round numbers, option strike prices) and the market is trending lower, algorithms will activate and target that technical area. They recognize that the area is a support level. They also understand that they can manipulate investor emotions to make them believe that the market is bottoming out. 
Premium-Discount Zones for Short and Long Setups.

As a result, when the algorithm hits that technical area, it aims to trigger emotions that lead investors to sell or short in response to what appears to be a breakdown. These breakdowns are often referred to as "failed breakout trades," and they tend not to succeed. In fact, they fail in more than 80% of cases.

 » Some of the best trade setups are failed breakouts. «

Why? Because it’s a contrived effort by the mathematical logic of the algorithms, designed to make investors do exactly what the algorithms want. The goal is to get people to go short at the bottom and encourage long investors to sell their positions at the lowest point, clearing the way for an upward movement. First, shorts need to be covered. Then, longs who sold at the bottom will be motivated to buy back shares, creating another emotional impulse. Typically, this leads to a poor trade for those who sold too early.

» The goal is to get people to go long at the top. «
The same principle applies in both directions—whether the market is moving up or down. For instance, in a false breakdown, algorithms may manipulate the market to sell. In a false breakout, they may prompt buying. In both cases, the effect is similar: short covering and long investors buying at the wrong time. To sum it up, the algorithms exploit emotional responses. There is no support for short positions when the market is trending down, and the longs who are caught at the top are forced to sell. This creates the momentum for the market to move in the opposite direction.

 » 80% of Breakouts fail. «

This is why some of the best trades are failed breakdowns—buying against technical levels that are collapsing. This is when and where you should buy, while everyone else is being pushed out of the market. You don’t want to short a failed breakdown in a technical area, nor should you buy a breakout in such an area. Instead, you should do the opposite in these situations. 
» Algos do what they are programmed to do. They take no prisoners. «
My most successful trades, without question, occur when stop orders are triggered. People use stop orders to protect themselves from losses. This is where you should enter the market—against stop orders. If stop orders are triggered and the market has to sell down, you should buy. Conversely, if stop orders are triggered on the way up, you should sell. The key is to position yourself on the other side of stop orders.
To sum it up, algorithms are written by programmers, and have to be designed to go somewhere. Where do they go? To technical areas. Those algorithms are heading there, without a doubt. They aim to shake out longs and get people to go short or vice versa. So, what do the smart players do who are at the bottom of these algorithms, scooping up all this action? They feed into these people. That's the purpose of algorithms. We take advantage of what they give us. Printing money. That’s what we do. And we do it every day. 
You need to know the technicals, the levels, and pay attention to them. Technical areas are borders, and price history is how you identify and track them. Do multi-time frame analysis; understand what failed breakdowns and failed breakouts look like; double bottoms, double tops, pin bars, three-push-patterns, three-bar reversals, and M and W patterns, all the way down to the 1-minute chart. Find out what else VWAP, EMA (9), and Keltner can do for you. Wait for price to get to technical areas, and for reversal setups to form. Price to price, level to level, zone to zone. Don't chase trades; scale into them, as single-entry trades will kill you. Understand position management; know your stop-loss level, take-profit targets, and your R, and take what the market gives you. Consider taking partial profits and holding positions through a session close or daily close. Journal your trades; some of your best trades will be losing trades that help you learn valuable lessons. Keeping things simple is the key to success as a trader.

See also: 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The Truth Behind 9/11 | Captain Dan Hanley

I'm an American citizen, and have been an aircraft pilot for my entire 35-year career. Much later I became a federal whistleblower in the United States, specifically concerning issues surrounding 9/11, the September 11 Attacks in 2001
I mention this not to boast about my accomplishments, but to emphasize that, with my extensive experience, I am certain that neither I nor allegedly inexperienced Muslim hijackers could have flown the 9/11 flight profiles. In fact, there are 300,000 pilots worldwide, yet not a single one was allowed to testify before the 9/11 Commission to explain the absurdity of the notion that these hijackers piloted the planes. The reason this did not occur lies with one man: Phillip Zelikow, a Neocon-Zionist, and the executive director of the 9/11 Commission, who prevented such testimony.
Today there are over eight billion people living on planet Earth, two billion of whom are Muslim. Since the events of 9/11, the Muslim community has largely remained silent though no group has been more affected from the fallout. Islam has been trampled, and Muslims have been maligned based on lies propagated by complicit world governments and mainstream media controlled by Zionist interests. 
In December 2024, I traveled to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where I had the honor of being interviewed by internationally renowned Islamic scholar Sheikh Imran Hosein. We discussed the purpose and goals of 9/11 Pilot Whistleblowers, and addressed the fact that there were no Muslim hijackers controlling the 9/11 aircraft; instead, the planes were electronically hijacked and remotely controlled.

There were no Muslim hijackers. The planes were remotely controlled.
Captain Dan Hanley, February 24, 2025.

So, the question arises: Why are Muslims still silent? We hope to answer that question with our program '9/11 - The Muslim Voice'. Please take the time to watch the interview and share it with our Muslim brothers and sisters, as well as with family members, friends, and neighbors.
Thank you! All the best,
» About 10 days after 9/11, I went to the Pentagon and saw Secretary Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz. One of the generals called me in: "We're going to war with Iraq." This was on or about the 20th of September. I said, "Why?" He said, "I don't know." I came back to see him a few weeks later. By that time, we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, "Are we still going to war with Iraq?" He said, "Oh, it's worse than that: This memo describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and finishing off with Iran." « — General Wesley Clark, 2007.
The plan implementation of the US-Zionist War-of-Terror against the Muslim World kicked off in September 2001:
First Afghanistan, then Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, finally Iran.
Preliminary Results in 2023:
4.5 to 4.7 million Muslims killed, millions more wounded, maimed. 38 million Muslims displaced, tens of thousands of settlements, institutions, infrastructure destroyed. Economies collapsed, misery abundant, famines, mass migrations triggered. 
US Budgetary Costs: $8 trillion. Implementation much behind schedule: Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Lebanon, Iran invincible. Russia, Iran intervened. War-of-Terror in Syria, Sudan ongoing. Ethiopia on fire, Sahel from Chad to Niger, Nigeria to Mali, Palestine, Yemen new targets. Endless war feasible. Hampers China, UAE, KSA, Turkey, Russia, India. More funds needed.

» Al-Qaeda is based in New York. The terrorists who attacked New York were not Afghan. They did not use airplanes that took off from Iraq or Afghanistan. They flew from JFK Airport. The entire operation was carried out in America, the terrorists were trained here in America. « — Muammar Gaddafi, African Union Chairperson, CNN interview during UN Gen. Assembly, New York, 2009
» Today is July 25th, 2001. I was on television today saying "Bin Laden is a CIA asset and it looks like he will attack New York". I was saying, "Call Washington, tell them to call off the attack." They will use terrorism as the pretext to get it done. The point is, if any terrorism comes, it is from the US government. If there was an outside threat, like Bin Laden, he is the boogeyman they need in this well-crafted and phony system. We know the US government is planning terrorism. If you let some terrorist group do it, like the World Trade Center, we know who to blame. «Alex Jones, InfoWars, July 25, 2001
Know your Enemies.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Waiting for the Axe of History to Fall | Constantin von Hoffmeister

Aristotle, the ancient diagnostician of democracy, looms over this spectacle like an unblinking oracle. He saw this coming over two thousand years ago. In Politics, he warned of democracy’s slow suicide, its descent into ochlocracy, the rule of the mob, where plebeian apathy and elite corruption conspire to suffocate the soul of the polis. And now? Germany, the heart of the European project, is gasping in its terminal stage, a civilization devouring itself in the throes of bureaucratic sterility. Aristotle’s nightmare — where democracy degenerates into oligarchic tyranny — has unfolded before our eyes, and the people, battered and betrayed, have turned to the AfD in search of salvation.

This is not just another election. It is an insurrection of the disillusioned, the dispossessed, the ones cast aside in the great sacrificial burning of European industry, European identity, and European will. The AfD’s 20% is more than a number. It is a hammer blow to the temple of a senile establishment that clings to power like a parasite to a dying host. Oswald Spengler, always lurking in the shadows of decline, grins from the abyss, his vision of the West’s Untergang — the inevitable sinking into civilizational night — now fully realized in the pale, hollow eyes of Merkel and Scholz’s progeny.

Germany, once a titan of industrial might, now watches its factories shuttered, its energy bills soaring to heights unknown, its streets flooded not with the march of progress but with the quiet desperation of a people abandoned. Unvetted mass immigration further strains an already collapsing system, diluting national cohesion, fueling rising crime, and deepening economic turmoil. Deindustrialization is not a policy; it is a ritual suicide, orchestrated by an elite class that sneers at the workers it claims to represent. This self-inflicted ruin stems from the foolish decision to sever Russian oil and gas supplies while simultaneously shutting down perfectly safe and clean nuclear power plants, triggered by green hysteria, leaving the nation energy-starved and vulnerable. The AfD’s rise is the backlash, the return of the repressed, the last, desperate howl of a nation refusing to kneel before its executioners.

And yet, even as the AfD ascends, the rot remains. 20% is not enough. Not yet. The CDU, ever the shapeshifting chameleon of power, will twist itself into whatever grotesque coalition is required to keep the machine grinding on. The system is designed to perpetuate itself, to stifle true revolution before it can take root. Aristotle knew this, too — democracy’s end does not come with a sudden coup but with a slow, meticulous suffocation, the masses lulled into a stupor while the oligarchs tighten their grip.

Europe, as a geopolitical force, is vanishing. The great capitals — Berlin, Paris, London — are husks, their relevance bleeding away with every year that passes, every decision made to weaken their own people. Power is shifting, tectonic, and irreversible. The new centers of the West are no longer in Brussels or Strasbourg, those necropolises of decrepit bureaucracy, but in Moscow and Washington, in the hard men of Russia and the Trumpist resurgence in America, where will-to-power has not yet been extinguished.

The AfD, for all its momentum, must now decide whether it is content to be a protest vote or whether it will grasp the mantle of true revolution. Because Spengler’s twilight is here, and Aristotle’s lesson rings louder than ever: democracies do not die in flames; they decay from within, rotting until they are but incinerated ruins waiting for the axe of history to fall.

And the axe is coming.

Constantin von Hoffmeister
February 23, 2025.

The term 'banana republic' is inappropriate to describe the 'German' regime: 
To begin with, Germany is not a sovereign state and has no constitution—just like the State of Israel in Palestine, the so-called 'Federal Republic of Germany' is merely another illegitimate occupation regime for a pitiful territory with defeated and displaced natives in it, getting settled by foreign migrants, ruled and exploited since 80 years by Anglo-US-French Zionists, their stooges, and a Basic Law. The good news is that both the State of Israel and the Federal Republic of Germany are crumbling.
» I know, Jews will be resented for their leading role. «
 Dr. Barbara Lerner Spectre, calling for the destruction of Christian European ethnic societies
See also: 
Marrakesh Migration Compact, formally known as the United Nations Global Compact
 for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration, Morocco, December 10, 2018

Know your Enemies.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Funeral Ceremony of Martyred Hezbollah Leader Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah

 February 23, 2025.

Mourners in Lebanon's Beqaa Valley walk on foot through the biting cold, heading over the Jebel Libnan to Beirut to participate in the funeral ceremony of martyred Hezbollah leaders Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah and Hashem Safieddine.
  » There is no legal and legitimate state called Israel. 
As long as there is imperialism, lasting peace is impossible. «
Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah
Mourners in Beirut gather for the funeral.

Beirut, at the stadium, right before the funeral ceremony: 100,000 people inside, at least 300,000 outside. Despite obstacles preventing hundreds of thousands from coming from Iran, there were still significant numbers of participants from various countries, including 140,000 from Iraq, 106,000 from Iran, 18,000 from Kuwait, 9,000 from Bahrain, 9,000 from Oman, 27,000 from Yemen, and 80,000 from various other locations.

A Lebanese military source told AFP that over one million people attended the funeral of Hezbollah’s former Secretary-General, Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah. Hezbollah sources estimated the crowd at around 800,000, while organizers, through Lebanon’s National News Agency, put the number at 1.4 million.
The moment Israeli jets flew low over the venue of the ceremony,
the whole stadium instantly mocked them: "Death to Israel!"
Beirut's Sports City and surrounding roads filled with mourners.

Zainab Nasrallah reflects on her iconic father’s life and legacy.

If you want Arab countries to fight Israel, tell them Israel has converted to Shia Islam. «
Lebanese Sunni scholar Sheikh Maher Hamoud, February 23, 2025.
Know your Enemies.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Europe in Angst! Intelligence Agencies Fear Withdrawal of US Troops | BILD

In Case of a Deal Between Trump and Putin:
Europe in Angst! Intelligence Agencies Fear the Withdrawal of US Troops.

► In many parts of Europe, there is great concern about the American-Russian negotiations. US President Donald Trump (78) has ruled out a complete withdrawal of US troops from Europe. However, according to information from BILD, Western intelligence services and politicians fear that the negotiations, which began today in Riyadh, could lead to the end of the presence of US troops in large parts of Europe.
► A capitulation of the US to Russia – if it really comes to that. An Eastern European security official told BILD: "According to our information, this is about Putin's 2021 demands, namely the withdrawal of US troops from all NATO countries that joined the alliance after 1990.
» Betrayed. First Zelensky, then us? The US's radical withdrawal from its allies. «
Der Spiegel (MI6, USAID, and Bill Gates), Hamburg, Germany — February 22, 2025.

Accurate Translation:
Is NATO Dead?
Howling, Chattering Teeth, and Panic Among the Deranged, Failed, Defeated, and now Marginalized 
Zionist, Globalist, Russophobic, Neo-Nazi, and War-Hungry US-Lackey Elites Across Europe.
  » NATO's purpose is to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down. «
Lord General Hastings Lionel Ismay, 1st Baron Ismay (KG GCB CH DSO PC DL), NATO's first Secretary General, 1952.
The US created NATO in 1949 to contain the Soviet Union (official mantra).
NATO lost the war against Russia in Ukraine. 
NATO no longer serves any purpose for the US. America First.
The moment the US withdraws from post-1990 NATO states (Sweden, Finland, Baltic Chihuahuas, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Serbia's Kosovo), NATO will be dead, and the EU will be dead.
And then, what will happen to the US-lakey elites in Europe? They are already walking dead.

The Gringo Perestroika:
Beginning of the End of NATO and EU, and Eurasian Prospects.
The US empire is on the brink of bankruptcy, with the US no longer a unified entity, but rather a battleground itself, where competing forces are striving to impose alternative systems of governance to reduce running costs, including in Europe. Now that US/NATO has lost the war against Russia in Ukraine, Trump’s officials are distancing themselves from Zelensky and are set to push for elections and regime change in Kyiv. They also seem open to Russia’s 2021 demand that NATO revert to its pre-1990 configuration, which could lead to the withdrawal of US troops from all 16 countries that joined the alliance since that time. Cordon sanitaire 3.0.

The US has been occupying Italy and Germany since 1945; factually, they are not sovereign states. To this day, Article 53 and 107 of the UN Charter classify both as enemy states, meaning enemies of the UN world order at the time of its founding (the same is true for Japan). This, however, is still reason enough for the US to continue to treat them as cash cow vassal states, and to abuse them as nuclear missile launchpads, military bases, continental aircraft carriers, and command centers to control Europe, Africa, and West Asia (EUCOM, AFRICOM, CENTCOM). All paid by the occupied, of course. Protection money. Reunified Germany does not even have a democratically approved constitution, but is instead still governed by the 1948 Basic Law, designed to administer the US-British-French occupation zones. Why? Eternal US-Zionist-vassalage be their destiny because their great-grand parents were all fascists and Nazis.
That said, from US-occupied Italy and Germany, the European Union and NATO have expanded in lockstep up to Russia's borders, and a US/NATO withdrawal from any EU member state will immediately destabilize current regimes and finally erase the entire Brussels Eurocracy and NATO scheme. It will provoke regime changes, secession, the formation of new alliances, new conflicts, and potentially even military ones. 
 » The Lie of European Democracy: Europe today is a dictatorship, a tyranny.  « 

One potential immediate flashpoint is the Balkans: As soon as US forces pull out of Kosovo and vacate their massive key logistical and operational hub Camp Bondsteel (missile offense and defense systems, air base, hundreds of aircrafts, thousands of troops, central hub for drug and organ trafficking in Europe, etc.), Serbia will reclaim its province, and, through Montenegro, Eurasia's New Silk Road would gain access to the Adriatic Sea
, unlocking all prospects for cooperation, trade and development across the vast space spanning from the Port of Bar, Rotterdam and Duisburg to Saint Petersburg, Novorossiyk, Bandar Abbas, Vladivostok, Busan, Shanghai, Taipei, and Yokohama. The shifting power dynamics across Europe have already triggered changes in countries such as Romania, Bulgaria, Germany, and France, and may now spread rapidly to other nations. The overall direction seems clear: rejection of US/NATO/EU governance, reclaiming national sovereignty, stopping uncontrolled, illegal mass immigration, remigration, and the formation of new alliances, primarily between Germany, Russia, and China. Despite the craze and howling from deranged US-lackeys and EU’s unelected officials, this seems now irreversible. 
Know your Enemies.

Letter to Mikhail Gorbachev | Imam Seyyed Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini

Imam Khomeini was a Muslim cleric and authoritative scholar in Shia Islam, and the spiritual and political leader of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, which overthrew Reza Shah Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran. Following the Revolution, Imam Khomeini became the Grand Leader, the paramount figure in the political system of the new Islamic Republic, serving in this role until his death in 1989. He was regarded as a Marja by many Muslims and, in Iran, was officially addressed as Imam rather than Grand Ayatollah, a convention upheld by his supporters.
Spirit of God.
Imam Seyyed Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini (1900 – 1989).

Ruhollah was born to Ayatollah Seyyed Mostafa Musavi and Hajieh Agha Khanum in the town of Khomein, three hundred kilometers south of Iran's capital Tehran, on May 17, 1900. Through his father and the seventh Imam Mousa Kazem, Ruhollah was a Seyyed, a descendant of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). His father was murdered by agents of Ahmad Shah Qajar when he was five months old, and he was raised by his mother and one of his aunts. Inspired and guided by his mother and bloodline, Seyyed Ruhollah Musavi would go on to become a Marja and highly influential Islamic political theorist, best known for developing the Velâyat-e Faqih, the Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist. In 1964, Imam Khomeini fled from Reza Shah Pahlavi, first seeking refuge in Ankara and Bursa, Turkey, before moving to Najaf, Iraq, in 1965, where he stayed until 1978, when Iraq's leader, Saddam Hussein, deported him; under pressure from Reza Shah, he was then exiled to Neauphle-le-Château, Paris, on October 6, 1978. Finally, returning to Tehran, already in revolutionary turmoil, on February 1, 1979, he became the one who overthrew the last Shah dynasty, which had been installed by the British and Americans in 1925, and established the sovereign Islamic Republic of Iran. Imam Khomeini became the first major world leader to challenge Anglo-American-French imperialism and the entire foundation of Western modernity: nominalism, materialism, liberalism, nationalism, capitalism, communism, and Zionism. A highly charismatic Seyyed, he stood out for his mystical interpretation of Islam, poetry and prophetic vision of world-historical events.
The West's proxy war, namely that of the US, the British, and the French, against the Islamic Republic began in September 1980, with Saddam Hussein invading Iran. The war soon became a brutal stalemate, resulting in an estimated one million casualties, and lasted until August 1988, when both sides agreed to a ceasefire brokered by the United Nations, leaving both countries devastated and without a clear victor. In December 1988, almost a year before the fall of the Berlin Wall, Imam Khomeini wrote his first and only message to the head of a foreign country, to Mikhail Gorbachev, the then leader of the Soviet Union (1985-1991), who was just about to complete the withdrawal of his army from Afghanistan. The Imam's letter was delivered to Gorbachev at the Kremlin in Moscow on January 1st, 1989, by Ayatollah Abdullah Javadi Amoli, who read the Imam's message aloud while Gorbachev listened attentively for two hours. In his letter, the Imam predicted the collapse of communism within the Soviet bloc and urged Gorbachev to consider Islam as an alternative to communist ideology. He also suggested that the Soviet leader study the works of Muslim philosophers such as Ibn Arabi, Avicenna, and Al-Farabi. On the fate of communism, Imam Khomeini wrote:

It is clear to everybody that, from now on, communism will only have to be found in the museums of world political history, for Marxism cannot meet any of the real needs of mankind. Marxism is a materialistic ideology, and materialism cannot bring humanity out of the crisis caused by a lack of belief in spirituality—the prime affliction of human society in the East and the West alike.
 Mikhail Gorbachev (19312022).

Imam Khomeini warned the Russians about their interest in Western capitalism and the potential deception by the Americans. He also discussed deep philosophical and mystical issues, urging Gorbachev to turn toward God and religion instead of the West:
If you hope, at this juncture, to cut the economic Gordian knots of socialism and communism by appealing to the center of Western capitalism, you will, far from remedying any ill of your society, commit a mistake which those to come will have to erase. For, if Marxism has reached a deadlock in its social and economic policies, capitalism has also bogged down in this regard, as well as in other respects, though in a different form.
Mr. Gorbachev, reality must be faced. The main problem confronting your country is not one of private ownership, freedom, and economy; rather, it is the absence of true faith in God — the very problem that has dragged, or will drag, the West to vulgarism and an impasse. Your main problem is the prolonged and futile war you have waged against God, the source of existence and creation.
After listening to the Imam’s message, Gorbachev said, 'I am thankful for the Imam’s letter. I will respond when the situation is appropriate. We will deliver its contents to the Soviet clergy and are approving the law of religious freedom. As I’ve said before, although we have different ideologies, we can still maintain a peaceful relationship.'
 » If at that time we took Ayatollah Khomeini’s predictions seriously, we would not be in this situation today. «
The Reagans and the Gorbachevs wearing cowboy hats at Rancho del Cielo, California, in 1992.

Gorbachev, an atheist and communist, did not take the Imam’s message seriously, and as stated in the Imam's letter, this ignorance led to his downfall: By 1991, all communist governments had collapsed. Hailed by the West, Gorbachev faced the consequences of his own foolish Perestroika reforms, and the Soviet Union was plunged into uncertain changes, dominated by the US. In 1999, on the 10th anniversary of Imam Khomeini’s demise, Gorbachev, in an interview with the IRIB News Agency in Moscow, expressed regret for having ignored the Imam’s warnings three years before the collapse of the Soviet Union, saying:
I think Imam Khomeini’s message addressed all the ages throughout history [...] When I received this message, I felt that the person who wrote it was thoughtful and cared about the situation of the world. By studying the letter, I realized that he was someone who was worried about the world and wanted me to understand more about the Islamic revolution. [...] If at that time we took Ayatollah Khomeini’s predictions seriously, we would not be in this situation today.”

See also: