Aristotle, the ancient diagnostician of democracy, looms over this spectacle like an unblinking oracle. He saw this coming over two thousand years ago. In Politics, he warned of democracy’s slow suicide, its descent into ochlocracy, the rule of the mob, where plebeian apathy and elite corruption conspire to suffocate the soul of the polis. And now? Germany, the heart of the European project, is gasping in its terminal stage, a civilization devouring itself in the throes of bureaucratic sterility. Aristotle’s nightmare — where democracy degenerates into oligarchic tyranny — has unfolded before our eyes, and the people, battered and betrayed, have turned to the AfD in search of salvation.
This is not just another election. It is an insurrection of the disillusioned, the dispossessed, the ones cast aside in the great sacrificial burning of European industry, European identity, and European will. The AfD’s 20% is more than a number. It is a hammer blow to the temple of a senile establishment that clings to power like a parasite to a dying host. Oswald Spengler, always lurking in the shadows of decline, grins from the abyss, his vision of the West’s Untergang — the inevitable sinking into civilizational night — now fully realized in the pale, hollow eyes of Merkel and Scholz’s progeny.
Germany, once a titan of industrial might, now watches its factories shuttered, its energy bills soaring to heights unknown, its streets flooded not with the march of progress but with the quiet desperation of a people abandoned. Unvetted mass immigration further strains an already collapsing system, diluting national cohesion, fueling rising crime, and deepening economic turmoil. Deindustrialization is not a policy; it is a ritual suicide, orchestrated by an elite class that sneers at the workers it claims to represent. This self-inflicted ruin stems from the foolish decision to sever Russian oil and gas supplies while simultaneously shutting down perfectly safe and clean nuclear power plants, triggered by green hysteria, leaving the nation energy-starved and vulnerable. The AfD’s rise is the backlash, the return of the repressed, the last, desperate howl of a nation refusing to kneel before its executioners.
And yet, even as the AfD ascends, the rot remains. 20% is not enough. Not yet. The CDU, ever the shapeshifting chameleon of power, will twist itself into whatever grotesque coalition is required to keep the machine grinding on. The system is designed to perpetuate itself, to stifle true revolution before it can take root. Aristotle knew this, too — democracy’s end does not come with a sudden coup but with a slow, meticulous suffocation, the masses lulled into a stupor while the oligarchs tighten their grip.
Europe, as a geopolitical force, is vanishing. The great capitals — Berlin, Paris, London — are husks, their relevance bleeding away with every year that passes, every decision made to weaken their own people. Power is shifting, tectonic, and irreversible. The new centers of the West are no longer in Brussels or Strasbourg, those necropolises of decrepit bureaucracy, but in Moscow and Washington, in the hard men of Russia and the Trumpist resurgence in America, where will-to-power has not yet been extinguished.
The AfD, for all its momentum, must now decide whether it is content to be a protest vote or whether it will grasp the mantle of true revolution. Because Spengler’s twilight is here, and Aristotle’s lesson rings louder than ever: democracies do not die in flames; they decay from within, rotting until they are but incinerated ruins waiting for the axe of history to fall.
And the axe is coming.
Constantin von Hoffmeister
February 23, 2025.
February 23, 2025.
The term 'banana republic' is inappropriate to describe the 'German' regime:
To begin with, Germany is not a sovereign state and has no constitution—just like the State of Israel in Palestine, the so-called 'Federal Republic of Germany' is merely another illegitimate occupation regime for a pitiful territory with defeated and displaced natives in it, getting settled by foreign migrants, ruled and exploited since 80 years by Anglo-US-French Zionists, their stooges, and a Basic Law. The good news is that both the State of Israel and the Federal Republic of Germany are crumbling.
» I know, Jews will be resented for their leading role. «
Dr. Barbara Lerner Spectre, calling for the destruction of Christian European ethnic societiesSee also:
Marrakesh Migration Compact, formally known as the United Nations Global Compact
for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration, Morocco, December 10, 2018.
Know your Enemies.
Know your Enemies.