- When Toy2mt is greater than 3%, the following year is 36-2 for an average gain of 16.7%.
- When Toy2mt is negative, the following year is 7-11 for an average loss of 2.6%.
- The 2025 Toy2mt came in at 1.35%. The above table shows the post-1950 performance, in which Toy2mt came in at 0-3%, which is considered the neutral signal range.
Monday, January 20, 2025
The Toy2mt Barometer Signals Neutrality for 2025 │ Wayne Whaley
Sunday, December 1, 2024
The Status of the TOY Barometer at the End of November | Wayne Whaley
The way equity markets move from one year to the next often provides insight into what to expect in the following year. One of my favorite Turn of the Year (TOY) barometers is Toy2mt, which tracks the S&P 500's performance over the two months from November 19 to January 19. Historically, when the S&P shows a gain of 3% or more during this period, it has performed very well over the following 12 months (36-2 record, with an average return of 16.6%). I have found that the November component of Toy2mt (November 19-30) serves as an early indicator of what may lie ahead for Toy2mt and the year to come.
As of November 30, six of the first seven Toy2mt days were positive, and the November segment of Toy2mt stands at +1.98%, with bulls targeting a +3% Toy2mt return. Below is the performance for the following 12 months (December-November) since 1950, based on three different levels of the November 19-30 segment of Toy2mt.
When the November 19-30 period registers +1.5% or higher, it has typically been a positive signal for the following 12 months (December-November). In 2024, the November 19-30 period came in at +1.98%. It’s still early, and we will learn much more over the next seven weeks.
Sunday, January 21, 2024
2024 Turn of the Year (TOY) Barometer very Positive │ Wayne Whaley
The 2024 TOY is +7.22%. Since 1950 if TOY was > 3%, the next year (January 19 - January 19) had an average gain of +16.5% with two single digit losses (32-2), and February - April was 32-5 for an average 3 month gain of 4.23%.
Sunday, January 7, 2024
S&P 500 Stats │ Wayne Whaley
Tuesday, December 26, 2023
2024 S&P 500 Election Year Seasonal Pattern │ Jeff Hirsch
Jan 06 (Sat) = negative = low
Jan 19 (Fri) = negative = low
Jan 30 (Tue) = positive = high
The Turning points in the Geocentric Bradley Barometer are (+/-1 CD):
Jan 13 (Sat) = High
Jan 22 (Mon) = Low
Jan 29 (Mon) = High
The SoLunar Rhythm during January 2024:
Wednesday, January 4, 2023
The Turn of the Year (TOY) Barometer | Wayne Whaley
Neutral Signals: There have been 19 neutral signals. The following year was positive 12 times (63%), compared to a 73% win rate for “all years.” The overall average and median returns were 6.0% and 7.1%. But among the “up” years, the average and median gains were 14.4% and 9.4%, while the “down” years’ average and median losses were -8.5% and -7.8%. There were several big up years (1995, 1996, 1998, 2003), and two big down years (1973, 1977), so even if there is a neutral signal, there’s still a decent chance the following 12 months will venture far from its January 19 print.
Bearish Signals: There have been 16 bearish signals. Only 6 (38%) of the following years posted a gain, while 10 posted losses – and 6 of those 10 posted double-digit losses. The overall average and median returns were -3.6% and -6.0%. The “up” years posted average and median gains of 14.6% and 15.5%, while the “down” years posted average and median losses of -14.6% and -12.9%. So, despite the low win rate, when the market does well, it has the ability to do very well, as was the case this past year.
[...] When a bullish signal is in play, odds heavily favor solid gains over the following 12 months, but when there’s a bearish signal, odds favor a down year with a relatively big loss. But regardless of the signal, “up” years tend to be very good.
Steve Deppe (Nov 19, 2015) - Maximizing Returns With Wayne Whaley’s TOY Barometer.
Steve Deppe (Jan 20, 2016) - Whaley’s “TOY Barometer” Sends Bearish Signal To Investors.
Taylor Dart (Jan 07, 2019) - S&P 500: One Study Worth Paying Attention To.
Seth Golden (Jan 19, 2021) - State of the Market: Historic Data Studies Offer A Guide.
Leavitt Brothers (2022) - Wayne Whaley's TOY Barometer.