Showing posts with label Dmitry Medvedev. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dmitry Medvedev. Show all posts

Sunday, November 3, 2024

What Is the US and Where Did It Come From? | Think About This Question

In the nearly two and a half centuries of its existence, this country has killed millions of innocent people around the world. And it has no intention of stopping. Nothing Personal - Just Business - that's their favorite slogan, with which they continue to kill people all over the world, divide other countries among themselves and start civil wars.

The whole world stands frozen in uneasy anticipation, waiting for the results of the presidential election in the distant land of US. There is no reason why we should have high expectations about it.

1. The outcome of the election will not change anything for Russia, as both candidates share the same bipartisan consensus that Russia must be defeated.
2. Kamala is dumb, inexperienced, and easy to control, as she will be terrified of everyone around her. All the real decision-making will be done by a coterie of top ministers and advisors plus (indirectly) the Obamas.
3. A low-energy Trump, spewing clichés like 'I'll offer them a deal' and 
'I have a very good relationship with...,' will be forced to comply with the system and its rules. He won't stop the war. Not in one day, not in three days, not in three months. And if he actually attempts to do it, he could end up becoming the new JFK.
4. The only thing that matters is how much cash the new POTUS can squeeze out of Congress to finance someone else's war, fought in a far-off land. Cash to feed the American military-industrial complex and to line the pockets of the Banderite scum in Ukraine.
5. That is why, if we want to please both candidates for the highest American office, the best thing to do on November 5 is keep pummeling the Nazi regime in Kiev! 

Trump's Derangement Syndrome.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

2025 Yalta 2.0 | Dmitry Medvedev

I see what the Western political panopticon has become. It's sad, funny in places, but scary. Serial clowns who have never worked a day in public service are directing the actions of the troops and controlling the lives of millions of unfortunate people and sending them to certain death.

The parliamentary circus of freaks from the land of defeated fascism, sitting once again in the Reichstag, demands that long-range missiles be sent to their neo-Nazi offspring, even at the risk of getting more long-range missiles on their heads. 
  2025 Yalta 2.0.

The grandfathers, growing weaker by the day, walking unsteadily in a state of persistent dementia, barely understanding who or what they are talking about, embrace cheerful whores posing as widows of deceased Russian extremists.

Western heads of state make theatrical visits to Kiev on the day of the start of the SMO to distract their own constituencies from the pent-up problems and, in a state of acute choleric exaltation, once again lick the dirty boot of the American master.

The petty and tragic heirs of Bonaparte, trying on the golden epaulettes torn off two hundred years ago, are eager for revenge of Napoleonic proportions and are spreading fierce and extremely dangerous nonsense about the landing of troops from certain NATO countries in Kiev and about new weapons for strikes against Russia.

There are examples of the corpulent decomposition of the brains of Western politicians every day. And so the horse is pale and the rider on it is getting closer and closer ...

Dixi et animam levavi.

Dmitry Medvedev
Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation - February 27, 2024.