Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Russia Happy with Harris and Trump | Alexander Dugin

If Trump wins, he will act differently than he did during his first term in office. He won't have another chance to put his ideas into action. And he does have ideas. He wants to change everything in both US foreign and domestic policy. And now he's not gonna care about the Swamp. He will have to napalm it. In fact, he'll establish a national idea against globalism, and maybe even raise the dizzyingly Hegelian question of constitutional monarchy. And how else to make America great again than by proclaiming a monarchy! And you have Curtis Yarvin, the mastermind behind the post-liberal right-wing Vance, saying the same thing. And yes, Trump will likely lift sanctions on Russia and try to break our alliance with China.

»  We'll be supporting not Trump, but Kamala Harris. She will destroy America for sure. «

However, we'll be supporting not Trump, but Kamala Harris. And rightfully so. After all, she will destroy America for sure. It's certainly a safer option. But we're happy with either candidate. We can deal with either a great strong American monarchy based on traditional values (Trump will quickly eliminate all its furries and quadrobers and lgbt+ people, take away dope from drug addicts, and finally build the highest wall with Latin America), or stoned liberal degenerates on all fours, who abandon their old astronauts in orbit because of commercial expediency and encourage illegal migrants to rob stores and kill whites. These are very promising elections for Russia. So, we have no reason to interfere in them. What for?

Chinese Intellectual Shen Yi on the U.S. presidential Debate —  September 10, 2024.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Prophecy of Trump Assassination Attempt & Market Crash | Brandon Biggs

» I saw an attempt on Trump's life. This bullet flew by his ear and it came so close to his head that it busted his ear drum. And I saw he fell to his knees and he started worshiping the Lord. He got radically born again. He became really on fire with Jesus.  « 
» I saw a great economy crash - worse than the Great Depression. « 
» And then I saw Trump winning the presidency through the patriots coming out voting for him. And then there will be a great economy crash - worse than the Great Depression. And the Lord warned me about this would be a great dark time. And then I could see that darkness and heaviness upon America. And I saw Donald Trump praying in the Oval Office. He was weeping before the Lord with his hands on his head. Then the crisis started to lift and good times coming back again. But the Lord said it would be a season of a shaking. « 
Brandon Biggs, March 14, 2024.

Meanwhile in Uganda.

Trump vs Coup d'Etat of Globalists | Alexander Dugin

The architecture of power in the world is radically changing from the Western unipolarity to multipolarity. Trump represents the situation where US can be one of the poles - albeit the strongest and most powerful - of a multipolar world. The globalists don't care about the US as much as they care about anyone else. What they need is planetary power, the absolute power of supranational capital. And all countries, including America and Europe, are only tools in the creation of the World Government.

» God save America and all of humanity from the criminal gang of liberals and globalists. «
Trump is for America and against World Government. Just as Putin is for Russia, Xi Jinping is for China, Modi is for India, and Orban, Fico, Marine Le Pen and the AfD are for Europe. The multipolar world is a system of sovereignties, while the globalists want sole planetary power, which fell into their hands with the collapse of the Warsaw Pact and the end of the USSR, which is now slipping away from them and to which they are frantically clinging. The globalists have finally turned to direct terror tactics. This is a fact, not just a series of coincidences. It is time to strike back at the globalist network.

Tucker Carlson told me in Moscow that Trump seriously fears assassination by the globalists. Turns out, not for nothing. The more senile Joe sinks into dementia, the more likely it is that Trump will be assassinated. They already have tried. Some people are dead, some are injured. God save America and all of humanity from the criminal gang of liberals and globalists. If we don't stop them now, they will destroy us all.

"ZIONIST AGENT JD Vance calls for bombing Iran."

Monday, July 15, 2024

Wishing Comrade Trump a Speedy Recovery | Pepe Escobar

Comrade Trump is making an absolute killing on Chinese social media. Trump is all over the place on Weibo - zillions of trending hashtags, some with over 450 million views, and a non-stop meme machine. On Chinese social media, Trump is widely known as “Comrade Jianguo” (建国同志  —  Comrade Build-Country). This nickname has been in effect for years. “Build the Country Trump” (Chuān Jiànguó —  川建国) usually translates as “Making China Great Again” - as in whatever he does, China ultimately profits.

  » May he continue to work hard for the ultimate mission entrusted to him by the Party. «

It’s a fascinating process: over the years, the avalanche of playful Trump nicknames actually reflect a blend of mockery and affection. On Weibo, the iconic “fist” pic has been edited in all sorts of ways, for instance depicting Trump as a Communist champ with the caption: “Workers of the world, unite!” (全世界无产者联合起来). And what about this Weibo comment: “I wish Comrade Jianguo a speedy recovery, may he continue to work hard for the ultimate mission entrusted to him by the Party.”


Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Pentagon Staged COVID-19 Plandemic Years in Advance | Sasha Latypova

Some four hundred contracts worth 50 billion dollars between the United States Department of Defense (DOD) and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) indicate that these agencies pre-planned and orchestrated the global COVID-19 pandemic years before February 2020. COVID-19 was classified as a national security threat by the US government in the Department of Defense on February 4, 2020, and at the time this information was allegedly kept from President Donald Trump. 
Dr. Anthony Fauci, an alledged Israeli Mossad asset, was the White House 
Covid-19 Czar and Chief Medical Advisor to alleged Mossad asset POTUS Donald Trump.
» What was the role of Mike Pompeo, former director of the CIA, in all of this? «

A leaked audio and the coverage of Sasha Latypova, a former US pharma executive and investigative journalist, seem to prove this.
She is exposing fraud and cover up of the US government and pharmaceutical industry as well as lies told during the COVID-19 pandemic which according to her was all planned and preset years in advance.
 Clayton Morris interviews Sasha Latypova, Feb 28, 2024.