Showing posts with label Satanism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Satanism. Show all posts

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Satanic Olympic Opening Shitshow in Paris | Angelo Giuliano

The opening of the Olympics in France was a ritual, calculated, and pervert public assassination of France, French culture, Olympic values and Western 'civilization'. After this freak show Angelo Giuliano, a Hong Kong-based Italian journalist and financial analyst told Sputnik: I would love to work for Sputnik in Russia and would not hesitate a second to swap my Italian passport for a Russian passport.
 The opening of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris is the final judgment on modern Western civilization. 
The West is cursed, and this is axiomatic. Anyone who does not immediately take up arms to destroy
this Satanic civilization, unprecedented in its brazenness, is complicit with it. Occidens delenda est.

Guiliano spoke to Sputnik after a social media post in which he asked Russia to grant him 
asylum after watching the sh*t-show of an Olympic opening ceremony in Paris went viral. The ceremony featured a controversial and offensive drag queen parody of the Last Supper.

French Catholic Church's Conference of Bishops condemned the blasphemous Last Supper scene
at the Olympics opening and deplored scenes of derision and mockery of Christianity.

The Paris Olympics are 
a disgrace for France, Giuliano said. The Olympic ceremony should be a family event showing the beauty of sport, of humanity, of France’s history and instead we were faced by profanation of Christianity, faced with nudity, decadence and Satanist messages.

Dancers performed the “Myocarditis Dance” simulating 
athletes who’ve died suddenly on national television.

Giuliano believes there is a 
powerful minority in the collective West that’s imposing upon the silent majority their globalist agenda in politics and social engineering project designed to radically transform societies and force a new form of fascism disguised as liberalism down people’s throats. This new system is disguised as a tolerant society but is in fact a repressive apparatus that controls the media, the narrative and shuts down alternative voices, he said.

I personally don’t want my son to be educated in Europe and would prefer to live in China or Russia to give a healthier environment to my son, Giuliano said. Russia is a beautiful country with beautiful people, it has preserved its culture, history, traditions, religion, family values. This is all what most people love and what the elites of the collective West want to destroy, he noted.
 As usual, Macron was completely overwhelmed by himself.
If any doubt remained about what was going on yesterday at the Olympics opening ceremony - a single rider on a pale horse appeared straight out of the Book of the Apocalypse (6:8):

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, 
and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, 
to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Look at the filth on display in Paris and remember these words of 2022: 
Look what they are doing to their own peoples . [...] The West is run by Satanic pedophiles
[...] They are destroying the institution of the family, their cultures and historical identities
[...] Pedophilia is now accepted as the norm.
What about the pope? He is silent. Is he not offended? Is he not a Christian? 
Serbs, which civilization do you belong to?
Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vulin addressed his nation today in connection with the Satanic opening orgy of the Olympic Games in Paris: This single event should explain the difference and the reason for the clash of the civilization between the New West and the civilization of the New East: It is the opening of the Olympic Games in Paris and the opening of the BRICS Games in Kazan, Russia. In Paris, Marie Antoinette sings, holds a bloody severed head in her hands, and the patient who set it all up shows The Last Supper as a scene from a porn movie. In Kazan athletes under national flags, folk dances without Satanic symbols, without severed heads, without sick visions only focus about sports in a healthy environment.

See also:

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Prosecute / Fauci | Elon Musk

Fun Fact #1 - Dr. Anthony Fauci is NOT Jewish.
 Fun Fact #2 - The Goyim do NOT know.
  Fun Fact #3 - The ADL does NOT complain.

Fun Fact #4 - Jeffrey Epstein WAS a beloved American financier, broker, and educator.
Fun Fact #5 - The list of names in Jeffrey Epstein's 'Little Black Book' of US Mossad assets includes
Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg, Robert Kennedy Jr., Elon Musk, and Donald Trump. 
Fun Fact #6 - Zionist US mainstream media do NOT mention Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein were Mossad agents, 
and suggest William Henry 'Bill' Gates III is NOT a deranged eugenicist but a benevolent philanthropist
 Fun Fact #7 - The Zionist entity awarded Dr. Fauci FOR 'Speaking Truth To Power'.
 Fun Fact #8 - Cluelessness prevails about WHO could have had imagined this.
Fun Fact #9 - This is
» a flat-OUT lie. «
Fun Fact #10 - WHY Netanyahu thinks America is stupid.


Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Hidden History of Zionism | Winston S. Churchill

In violent opposition to all this sphere of [national] Jewish effort rise the schemes of the International Jews. The adherents of this sinister confederacy are mostly men reared up among the unhappy populations of countries where Jews are persecuted on account of their race. Most, if not all, of them have forsaken the faith of their forefathers, and divorced from their minds all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt (Illuminati) to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (USA), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing.

Winston S. Churchill, Secretary of State for War and Air  - 1920.

It played [...] a definitely recognisable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at the last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.
 Article by Winston S. Churchill in the Illustrated Sunday Herald, February 8, 1920.

There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders.

[...] In violent contrast to International Communism, Zionism presents to the Jew a national idea of a commanding character. It has fallen to the British Government, as the result of the conquest of Palestine, to have the opportunity and the responsibility of securing for the Jewish race all over the world a home and a centre of national life. Zionism has already become a factor in the political convulsions of Russia, as a powerful competing influence in Bolshevik circles with the international communist system. Nothing could be more significant than the fury with which Trotsky has attacked the Zionists.

[...] The cruel penetration of his mind leaves him in no doubt that his schemes of a world-wide communist State under Jewish domination are directly thwarted and hindered by this new ideal, which directs the energies and the hopes of Jews in every land towards a simpler, a truer, and a far more attainable goal. The struggle which is now beginning between the Zionist and Bolshevik Jews is little less than a struggle for the soul of the Jewish people.

It is particularly important in these circumstances that the national Jews in every country who are loyal to the land of their adoption should come forward on every occasion, as many of them have already done, and take a prominent part in every measure for combating the Bolshevik conspiracy. In this way they will be able to vindicate the honour of the Jewish name and make it clear to all the world that the Bolshevik (Communist, Atheist) movement is not a Jewish movement, but is repudiated vehemently by the great mass of Jewish people. 
Quoted from:
See also:

Friday, April 5, 2024

Israel attacked Iran | Alexander Dugin

Israel attacked Iran. In Syria, which is not Israel or Palestine. This is an act of aggression. Now Iran has no choice but to attack Israel. With all the forces of the Resistance. This war will be started by the Shiites, but at some point it cannot but become a war of all Muslims.

  » Everyone can see the tactics that are used to defeat the enemy in war.
But what no one can see is the strategy from which great victory arises. «
Sun Tzu, The Art of War.

We must take into account timing: Biden does not want it at all, as his priority is the election and support for Ukraine against Russians, but Trump, on the other hand, does not care about Russians, but Israel is dear to him. 
Therefore, Tehran has every reason to start a war with Israel as soon as possible. Under Biden and before Trump. The US and NATO will definitely get involved, but with great reluctance. In the meantime Russians will take Kiev and strengthen dramatically anti-Western pole. That's where Trump will come in or civil war will break out in the US. And the world will already be irreversibly multipolar.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Sabbatai Zevi, Freemasonry, Dönmeh & the Turkish Republic │ Dejan Lučić

Turkey is ruled by the secret society Dönmeh. You can check this on the internet. They are Jews who converted to Islam in 1666. Mind you, 1666. Let me explain who they are. A guy called Sabbatai Zevi, a charismatic Jew, handsome, two meters tall, being familiar with magic, a good speaker, travels around Turkey. Although people know that he is a friend of the English, and keeps boasting how he will establish a Jewish state in the Ottoman Sultan's empire, he is supported by the Sufis, by the Kabbalists. Everyone admires him. So he has 50,000 followers, and the majority of them live in Thessaloniki.

 Enthronement of the false Jewish messiah 
Sabbatai Zevi in Smyrna (İzmir) in 1648.

The Sultan hears about this and orders his servants to arrest Sabbatai Zevi in 1666. He asks him: "You fool, do I hear that you're talking about establishing a Jewish state in my Empire of the Turks, how are you going to establish a Jewish state here? Who is spreading this nonsense? Are you insulting me? I will order my servants to cut off your head, since you are a subversive element." Sabbatai Zevi answered: "Hold on, dear Sultan, I want to tell you something. If you cut my head off, you will enrage the Jews in London, Paris, Berlin, who are all interconnected, and they will overthrow you, cutting your own head off. Your brother will become Sultan, or perhaps your son, while you and I will be headless. So let me make a suggestion: Spare my head, and I will do my best to restore your honor by neglecting stupidities that I talked about. I will denounce my Jewish faith and will publicly convert to Islam, I will say 'Allahu Akbar', I will bow and accept it." The Sultan smiled and said: "All right, do it!", and Sabbatai Zevi actually converted to Islam on September 16, 1666 and so did his 50,000 Jewish followers. Within five years the Sabbatean crypto-Jews were able to infiltrate every existing pore in the Ottoman state, and taking full control of it. And ever since, Turkey has been ruled by this secret society, the Dönmeh, comprised of Jews, who today number some 20,000, but are perfectly distributed. 

Is Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the President of Türkiye, really a Georgian, a Laz, a Greek, an Armenian, a Kurd, a snake, a Jew
a Dönmeh, a Freemason? Is he really an Israeli asset and all of his 'support for Palestinians' but empty talk? Who really cares.

Thus Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was born in Thessaloniki and educated in Bitola. He also probably spoke Serbian. A wise man. Of course a Freemason. The order of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of the English amputated the Ottoman Empire, abolished the Caliphate, created a Turkish nation state, switched to the Latin alphabet and modernized Turkey. Since then, up until today, Turkey has been ruled by the Jewish Dönmeh. So Mr. Erdoğan, who says that he feels at home in Sarajevo and that Sarajevo and Priština are Turkish and so on, is a member of the secret society Dömneh just like his former Minister of Foreign Affairs – Abdullah Gül. All of you Bosniacs can easily check this. Contact your countrymen in Turkey, ask them via phone, Skype or Viber if that what this Dejan Lučić claims is true, that Erdoğan is actually a Jew.  
Quoted from:
Dejan Lučić (2016/2020) - Erdogan is a Freemason, member of Turkey’s secret society ‘Dömneh’.

 » Erdoğan is actually a Jew. «
Serbian-Yugoslavian historian Dejan Lučić, 2016.

See also

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Gaza Genocide preludes West's Final Battle against Islam | Alexander Dugin

What is your opinion on Israel's genocidal campaign in Gaza? How long can Israel continue this war?
I believe we are now on the verge of a major war in West Asia, a clash between American hegemony and Islamic civilization. I cannot say what will happen in the future, but I can say that the Zionists really want to blow up the Al-Aqsa Mosque. This is the apocalyptic project of Zionism to create a Greater Israel. The destruction and genocide of Gaza is a preparation for the creation of a Greater Israel, thus ignoring the two-state solution, an idea that the Zionists cynically reject.
 » Trump is anti-Islam, pro-Israel, pro-Zionist, anti-Chinese and anti-Iranian. «
I do not believe that Israel's actions can be stopped only by protesting, boycotting and opposing it. The only way to stop and destroy the Zionist regime is for the Muslim population and the Islamic world in general to openly confront Israel. Because if the Islamic civilization does not pay attention to such genocide and closes its eyes to the destruction of the Al Aqsa Mosque, I think that would mean that the Islamic world is powerless before the rest of the world. I believe that the tragic events and genocide facing Gaza is the prelude or the first stage of a much larger war between Islam and the West. Such a war can only be won if all Muslims participate in it.

If you could say one more thing to our audience, what would it be?

All the events of the modern world are connected with eschatology. It is clear that the Russian Orthodox world considers modern Western civilization to be the incarnation of the Antichrist. This is in line with Ayatollah Khomeini's idea about the historical mission of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. Furthermore, I believe that modern politics is a form of fossilized theology. Geopolitics is equally important. Only by bringing geopolitics and eschatology together can we understand the true meaning of current world events and changes. It is time to combine geopolitics with religion. 
This is exactly what contemporary Iranian ideology has been doing. I believe that we must stand together in this eschatological war. Russia and Iran, Russian Orthodox Christianity and Islam, share a similar geopolitical worldview where the West is identified with the Great Satan or the Dajjal, which represents a totally negative form of social and religious deviation. Putting all these elements together I believe that Russia and Iran are part of the same front and belong to the army of light that will fight against the army of darkness in the final battle.

Israeli Army Celebrates

Israeli Army celebrates the destruction of Gaza’s nonprofit Society for Deaf Children. 
These specimens do not even qualify to the sub-zoology realm.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Pentagon Staged COVID-19 Plandemic Years in Advance | Sasha Latypova

Some four hundred contracts worth 50 billion dollars between the United States Department of Defense (DOD) and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) indicate that these agencies pre-planned and orchestrated the global COVID-19 pandemic years before February 2020. COVID-19 was classified as a national security threat by the US government in the Department of Defense on February 4, 2020, and at the time this information was allegedly kept from President Donald Trump. 
Dr. Anthony Fauci, an alledged Israeli Mossad asset, was the White House 
Covid-19 Czar and Chief Medical Advisor to alleged Mossad asset POTUS Donald Trump.
» What was the role of Mike Pompeo, former director of the CIA, in all of this? «

A leaked audio and the coverage of Sasha Latypova, a former US pharma executive and investigative journalist, seem to prove this.
She is exposing fraud and cover up of the US government and pharmaceutical industry as well as lies told during the COVID-19 pandemic which according to her was all planned and preset years in advance.
 Clayton Morris interviews Sasha Latypova, Feb 28, 2024.


Monday, February 26, 2024

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines are Mossad Bioweapons developed in the US 
» The Author believes that Mossad intends to kill billions of people. 
Already 70% of the world’s population have received a COVID-19 vaccine which in all appearance has the ability to cause deadly non curable prion disease. The Author hopes the information provided will help those interested in ending this covert war. «
J. Bart Classen
[...] While working at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) the Author realized that as of 1988, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) had been highly infiltrated by Israel’s Mossad. To the Author’s knowledge the Mossad leader at NIH was Israeli national Zami Ben-Sasson, who worked across the hallway from the Author. Based on the Author’s observation from 1988 to present, Mossad has been using NIH for development of bioweapons on NIH campuses, funding bioweapons development at other locations and training US citizens to become bioweapons experts for Mossad. Israel never signed the 1972 Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention and the Author provides evidence to indicate Mossad, using US human and material assets, is running a large genocidal bioweapons attack on the world. The Author’s morbid assessment is made based on 30 years of following Mossad activities in the medical research field.

[...] One key facet of the Mossad infiltrated NIAID/NIH research was developing a defense to a weaponized coronavirus. Research included using measles vaccine virus as protection against these deadly coronaviruses [...] The Author found multiple reports relating to Mossad informant Joseph Moshe and his revelation that Mossad was planning on using vaccines as carriers for bioweapons. Mossad’s plan, according to Moshe, was to disguise bioweapons as beneficial vaccines and have targets literally lining up and begging to be given a bioweapon. Dr. Joseph Moshe was, he has not been heard of since his capture, a Jewish American virologist who studied a number of potential deadly microbiotic agents.

 The list of names in Jeffrey Epstein’s book of Mossad assets includes
Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg, Robert Kennedy Jr., Elon Musk, and Donald Trump. 

[...] Suspicion related to the SPARS manuscript in part relates to Michael Bloomberg, the namesake and a major financial supporter of the Bloomberg School of Public Health. Bloomberg was listed in Mossad operative Jeffrey Epstein’s book of Mossad assets. Bloomberg also has been associated with Jeffrey Epstein when it was disclosed their foundations were both involved in funding charter schools in New York City. The schools were a potential source of children to use in Mossad’s pedophile blackmail scheme. Bloomberg also had links to Epstein’s partner in crime, Ghislaine Maxwell. The Bloomberg School of Public Health has been linked to the WHO infertility vaccine project. This is the same WHO project that has been accused of being a bioweapons operation, sterilizing unsuspecting poor women living in the third world nations.

[...] The Author understood Mossad had infiltrated NIAID/NIH and was scheming a large bioweapons attack. He understood that Mossad intended to “preempt the next Jewish Holocaust” and planned genocide on a large number of ethnic groups including in the US. The Author understood, from reading about Joseph Moshe and working in the vaccine field that vaccines would likely be used as a carrier for bioweapons. In order to carry out this plan Mossad would likely benefit from controlling the FDA to ensure the bioweapon contaminated “vaccines” received regulatory approval.
 The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level plandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York. 
[...] Starting in June of 2019, two months after intelligence agencies around the world had been warned that a major Mossad bioweapons attack was under way, certain events occurred consistent with a major attack. Fort Detrick, the US Army’s bioweapon base and source of the US anthrax attack, was shut down in June of 2019. Mossad operative Jeffrey Epstein was re-arrested in July of 2019. Epstein had already served time in a Florida jail for his crimes. Dr. Suzanne Eaton, wife of an Israeli born prion expert, was brutally killed in a cave around July 3 of 2019. The details of the brutal death provided by the widespread media coverage gave an appearance to the Author that a message was being sent to would be Mossad informants. The first retirement / nursing home to have an outbreak of COVID-19 like symptoms was the Greenspring facility in Fairfax County, Virginia where at least 63 residents were stricken with COVID-19 like symptoms by July 15th 2019.
[...] The coronavirus causing COVID-19 utilizes the spike protein to attach to cells in order for it to infect the cells. One receptor on human cells for the coronavirus spike protein is a protein called ACE-2. There is genetic variation in the ACE-2 protein that affects binding of the spike protein. A paper looking at racial variants of ACE-2 with affinity for the spike protein stated. “ACE2- K26R; which is most frequent in Ashkenazi Jewish population decreased the SARS-CoV-2/ACE2 electrostatic attraction”. According to the results in this paper the coronavirus causing COVID-19 resembles a race specific bioweapon that spares the Ashkenazi Jewish population but preferentially binds to that race Mossad blames for the 1940s Jewish Holocaust, Europeans.

[...] Much of the main stream media has focused on a possible lab leak from Wuhan. The Author does not find this surprising given the connection between main stream media and Mossad. Mossad thrives on false flag events. The anthrax letters from 2001 incriminated Muslims when in fact the anthrax was linked to a Zionist at Fort Detrick. 
[...] With the unexpected rapid approval of the mRNA Covid vaccines in late 2020, the Author started to determine if the vaccines may in fact be prion related weapons. The Author soon discovered that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Ellison Medical Foundation had funded prion research. Bill Gates has been closely linked to Mossad operative Jeffrey Epstein. Larry Ellison has a strong partnership with Dr. David Agus who shared work space at the Laboratory of Immunology, NIAID/NIH with Mossad operative Zami Ben-Sasson. Dr. Agus is “Founding Director and CEO of USC’s Lawrence J. Ellison Institute for Transformative Medicine” and is also a business partner for a resort at Ellison’s Lanai Island in Hawaii. The island more closely resembles a paramilitary base than a resort because of its efforts to have sustainable food and energy production. The Island boasts of celebrity visits resembling Jeffrey Epstein’s Island. Bill Gates got married on the island. Elon Musk, Tom Cruise and former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are a few celebrities who reportedly visited the Island. Ellison has also been linked to the events surrounding 9/11.
[...] Take Robert (Bobby) Kennedy Jr. for example. In 2017 his name appeared as a possible chair of a Trump "vaccine safety and scientific integrity" commission. On the outside Trump and Kennedy seemed like an odd team, a Conservative President elect choosing a liberal Democrat to run a commission for him. However, one only needs to consider that both had a strong connection to Mossad operative Jeffrey Epstein to become suspicious of alternative motives for their relationship. Multiple Kennedy family members including Bobby Kennedy Jr. and mother Ethel Kennedy are listed with Donald Trump in Jeffrey Epstein’s book of Mossad assets. Bobby Kennedy Jr. was reported to be at Mossad operative Jeffrey Epstein’s Palm Beach estate according to court documents related to one of Epstein’s legal suits. Social media is full of links between Epstein and Kennedy. In all appearances Bobby Kennedy Jr., like Donald Trump, had a long relationship with Mossad operative Jeffrey Epstein. Kennedy also told the Author that he was close personal friends with George Soros, who has strong ties to the World Economic Forum. Bobby Kennedy Jr.’s recent book attacks Anthony Fauci as a villain of sort but “conveniently” blames Fauci’s actions on large pharmaceutical money and not the Mossad organization that infiltrated NIAID.

[...] Many people take false comfort in believing that the US government would protect its citizens from an bioweapons attack of domestic origin. These individuals ignore the historical truths. For example, in the US while Presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson advocated civil liberties and the pursuit of happiness, yet they owned slaves and conspired genocide of native Americans. Things are not much different now except the racial targets have changed. There is little doubt that Mossad has strong influence on US politics. Presidents Clinton, and Trump had strong affiliations with Mossad operatives Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. However, the link does not end with Presidents. Many in the US Congress as well as presidential appointees and career government officials have Mossad links.
 Independent presidential candidate and alleged Mossad asset Robert F. Kennedy Jr.:

[...] A social media post claimed multiple senior Biden appointees were dual Israeli- US citizens. While the Author could not confirm this post, the Author found multiple articles from Israeli/ Jewish publications citing these same people as being Jews with assumed sympathy for Israel. These people include Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, CIA deputy director David Cohen, Attorney General Merrick Garland, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, Chief of Staff Ronald Klain, Office of Science and Technology Policy director Eric Lander, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, National Security Agency cybersecurity director Anne Neuberger, and Covid-19 Coordinator Jeff Zients. Eric Lander admitted to meeting with Mossad operative Jeffery Epstein at least twice. The problem with this cabinet is that it creates a significant national security threat for a Mossad lead bioweapon attack on US citizens.
Quoted from:
» Make no mistake, this is not a theory. This is a crime. «
Dr. David Martin accuses CDC, NIH, and Pfizer of Bio-Warfare, Bio-Terrorism and premeditated orchestration 
of the COVID-19 pandemic, and comments on Trump's fraudulent 'Operation Warp Speed' - Sep 25, 2023.