Showing posts with label Hybrid Warfare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hybrid Warfare. Show all posts

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Failed U.S. Regime Change Attempt in Mexico

The adoption of a constitutional reform in Mexico ended in riots. Demonstrators seized the Mexican Senate building and tried to disperse lawmakers. But unsuccessfully, two thirds of the senators managed to vote in favor. The reform will affect the Supreme Court of Mexico - its members will now be directly elected. This has become a priority for Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. After all, the judges blocked many of his initiatives in every possible way. López Obrador's successor, Claudia Sheinbaum, won the recent elections, and his Morena party won two-thirds of the seats. Now they are going to change the judges.
 USAID demonstrators storm the upper house and enter the chamber.
 —  September 11, 2024.

At the moment, the courts are increasingly involved in politics, and all over the world - from the USA and Brazil to Poland and Israel. Therefore, the struggle for control over the judicial system is intensifying everywhere. In Mexico, López Obrador's reforms are causing acute dissatisfaction with Washington. The American ambassador even called them
"the erosion of democracy." Well, through USAID and funds from the United States, the activities of opposition NGOs are sponsored, whose participants just stormed the Senate building on September 11. And, unlike the storming of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 this did not cause any criticism from Democrats in the United States. 
Mexico has already curtailed military cooperation with Washington and refuses GMO grain from the United States. During the López Obrador era, Mexico began to drift towards China. The pro-American candidates in the recent elections have flown by. So López Obrador has to rock the boat through the riots - and at the same time the U.S. writes Mexico off the "list of democracies." López Obrador in response refuses to help with the migration crisis, which is already destabilizing the United States itself.


Thursday, February 22, 2024

Despite Biden's Latest Insult, Putin Still Supports Biden's Re-election

» This is the last existential threat. It is climate. We have a crazy son of a bitch like that guy Putin and others and we always have to worry about nuclear conflict, but the existential threat to humanity is climate, « US President Joe Biden told a small group of influential campaign donors yesterday in San Francisco. Last night the Russian leader responded.

  » Biden is a more experienced person
he's predictable, he's an old-school politician. «

Putin did not resort to petty name-calling. Instead he was stating that he was  still right about preferring Biden over Trump and that Biden's fit of temper was actually appropriate as it helps Biden's reelection:
» He can't say 'Vlad, good job. Thanks, you helped me a lot.' We understand what's happening domestically in the US, « Putin said. 
February 21, 2024.