Showing posts with label Yalta 2.0. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yalta 2.0. Show all posts

Friday, May 24, 2024

Putin wants Ukraine Ceasefire on Current Frontlines | Reuters

MOSCOW / LONDON, May 24, 2024 (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready to halt the war in Ukraine with a negotiated ceasefire that recognises the current battlefield lines, four Russian sources told Reuters, saying he is prepared to fight on if Kyiv and the West do not respond.

two presstitutes at Reuters are claiming. They are citing "four anonymous Russian sources", 
and are warning Putin is ready to fight as long as it takes if West refuses.
MOSCOW, May 24, 2024

Three of the sources, familiar with discussions in Putin's entourage, said the veteran Russian leader had expressed frustration to a small group of advisers about what he views as Western-backed attempts to stymie negotiations and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy's decision to rule out talks. 
War is diplomacy by other means. 
And it is the winner on all battlefields dictating the terms of 'peace'.
» Russia is ready if the West wants to fight for Ukraine. «
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov
MOSCOW, May 13, 2024
"Putin can fight for as long as it takes, but Putin is also ready for a ceasefire – to freeze the war," said another of the four, a senior Russian source who has worked with Putin and has knowledge of top  level conversations in the Kremlin.
♫  He, like the others cited in this story, spoke on condition of anonymity given the matter's sensitivity. ♫ 
Under Hibatullah Akhundzada's leadership, the Islamic Republic 
was dissolved and the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan was re-established.
KABUL, August 15, 2021
Under General Abdourahamane Tchiani's leadership, the Republic of the Niger
resisted ECOWAS' invasion threats, kicked out all French and American
military, and called in Russian troops.
NIAMEY, May 3, 2024
Under Abdul-Malik Badruldeen al-Houthi's leadership, Ansar Allah overthrew
the previous regime in 2015, and took full control over the Republic of Yemen. 
SANA'A, May 24, 2024

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The French Road to Nuclear War │ V.I.P.S.

ALERT MEMORANDUM FOR: The [U.S.] President [Joe Biden]
FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (V.I.P.S.)
SUBJECT: On the Brink of Nuclear War
DATE:  March 24, 2024

Mr. President:

France is reportedly preparing to dispatch a force of some 2,000 troops — roughly a reinforced brigade built around an armored battalion and two mechanized battalions, with supporting logistical, engineering, and artillery troops attached — into Ukraine sometime in the not-so-distant future.

 » From a military-technical point of view, we are certainly ready for nuclear war.
Our nuclear triad is more advanced than any other one. Everyone knows it, all experts do. «
Vladimir Putin, March 13, 2024.

This force is purely symbolic, inasmuch as it would have zero survivability in a modern high-intensity conflict of the scope and scale of what is transpiring in Ukraine today. It would not be deployed directly in a conflict zone, but would serve either as (1) a screening force/tripwire to stop Russia’s advance; or (2) a replacement force deployed to a non-active zone to free up Ukrainian soldiers for combat duty. The French Brigade reportedly will be supplemented by smaller units from the Baltic states.

This would be introducing combat troops of a NATO country into a theater of war, making them “lawful targets” under the Law of War. Such units would apparently lack a NATO mandate. In Russia’s view, however, this may be a distinction without a difference. France appears to be betting – naively – that its membership in NATO would prevent Russia from attacking French troops. Rather, it is highly likely that Russia would attack any French/Baltic contingent in Ukraine and quickly destroy/degrade its combat viability.

» In fact, it would be useful for the good of the cause for the restless French to send a few regiments to Neonaziland.
Their systematic destruction would not be the most difficult task, but the most important. 
And it will be a good lesson for the rest of Europe's restless cretins. «
 Dmitry Medvedev, March 20, 2024.

In that case, French President Macron may calculate that, after Russian attacks on the troops of NATO members – NATO mandate or not – he could invoke Article 5 of the NATO Charter and get the NATO alliance to intervene. Such intervention would likely take the form of aircraft operating from NATO nations – and perhaps include interdiction missions against tactical targets inside Russia. 
Doctrinally, and by legal right, Russia’s response would be to launch retaliatory strikes also against targets in NATO countries. If NATO then attacks strategic targets inside Russia, at that point Russia’s nuclear doctrine takes over, and NATO decision-making centers would be hit with nuclear weapons.

» REGULAR TROOPS from France, Germany and Poland have arrived, by rail and air, to Cherkassy, south of Kiev. «
 Pepe Escobar via Telegram, March 22, 2024.
We do not believe Russia will initiate a nuclear attack against the U.S., but rather would leave it up to the United States to decide if it wants to risk destruction by preparing to launch a nuclear strike on Russia. That said, Russian strategic forces have improved to the point that, in some areas – hypersonic missiles, for example – its capability surpasses that of the U.S. and NATO. 
In other words, the Russian temptation to strike first may be a bit stronger than during past crises, and we are somewhat less confident that Russia would want to “go second”. Another disquieting factor is that the Russians are likely to believe that Macron’s folly has the tacit approval of some key U.S. and other Western officials, who seem desperate to find some way to alter the trajectory of the war in Ukraine – the more so, as elections draw near.

What Needs to Be Done
Europe needs to understand that France is leading it down a path of inevitable self-destruction.
The American people need to understand that Europe is leading them to the cusp of nuclear annihilation. 

Saturday, February 24, 2024

What country, friends, is this? | The Empire of the Antichrist

What country, friends, is this? 
Know’st thou this country? 
Who governs here? « 

The Tempest.
William Shakespeare
George Washington and his slaves, 1743
- 1799
US war on Mexico, 1836
- ongoing
Trail of Tears, 1838
- 39.
Indian land for sale,
California genocide, 1864
Wounded Knee Massacre, 1890.
US war on Philippines, 1899
- 1902.
 Lynching postcard, 1908.

Hiroshima, 1945.
 US war on Vietnam, 1955-1975.
'Racial segregation' into 1964.
US war on Libya, 1986 - ongoing.
US war on Panama, 1989
US war on Yugoslavia/Serbia, 1989 - ongoing.
US war on Afghanistan, 2001 - 2021
 US war on Iraq, 1990 - ongoing.
US war on Syria, 2009 - ongoing
Satanic ruling elite, 1769 - ongoing
Culling of 'deplorables', ongoing
 Supporting ethnic cleansing and genocide in Palestine,
1947 - ongoing.

How and when exactly did 'God's Own Country' become global champion
of 'freedom', 'democracy' and 'human rights'? 
and is ruled by Satanists ever since.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Despite Biden's Latest Insult, Putin Still Supports Biden's Re-election

» This is the last existential threat. It is climate. We have a crazy son of a bitch like that guy Putin and others and we always have to worry about nuclear conflict, but the existential threat to humanity is climate, « US President Joe Biden told a small group of influential campaign donors yesterday in San Francisco. Last night the Russian leader responded.

  » Biden is a more experienced person
he's predictable, he's an old-school politician. «

Putin did not resort to petty name-calling. Instead he was stating that he was  still right about preferring Biden over Trump and that Biden's fit of temper was actually appropriate as it helps Biden's reelection:
» He can't say 'Vlad, good job. Thanks, you helped me a lot.' We understand what's happening domestically in the US, « Putin said. 
February 21, 2024.

Comrades Ukrainian Warriors, you keep smiling. How is the fighting going?

 So far the battle of Avdiivka was one of the bloodiest and fiercest 
in this Russia-Ukraine/NATOstan/The Collective West/Zionist war. The slaughter is over. Ukrainian army destroyed.
Massive surrender of decimated scattered units. Time is now for a military coup taking out Zelensky.
Gerasimov and Russian general staff much satisfied with the pace of combat. They shaped the
Russian military into an unstoppable war machine no one can challenge for the next 20-25 years.

You keep smiling. How is the fighting going?
» The Russians treat us like humans. They saved our lives. «
Ukrainian POWs in Lastochkino, west of Avdiivka, February 21.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Israel has the same Western support as Hitler | President of Venezuela

The president of Venezuela backed the assessment of the Gaza conflict made earlier by his Brazilian counterpart Lula da Silva. The criminal military apparatus of the State of Israel also has the same encouragement, the same funding, and the same support of the collective West like Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany before the World War II, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro stressed. As President Lula da Silva said, the Israeli government is doing the same thing to the Palestinians that Hitler did to the Jewish people.

Powerful family names in the US, Europe and London supported and celebrated Hitler’s arrival to power in 1933. They encouraged him and allowed him to persecute my Jewish ancestors, Maduro stated. The president made public his Jewish ancestry back in early 2010, revealing his grandparents were Sephardic Jews who converted to Catholicism.
The Western elites kept quiet because they were preparing Hitler to launch his military power against the Soviet Union, Maduro explained, stressing that, ultimately, Hitler was a construct, a monster created by the collective West. Modern Israel has turned into the very same thing, Maduro asserted, urging Jewish people who are still true to their roots to end the ongoing massacre of the Palestinians. 
February 13, 2024.

Israel's Genocide in Gaza is like Hitler's Holocaust | President of Brazil

Speaking at an African Union summit in Ethiopia on Sunday, February 18, Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva delivered a scathing condemnation of Israel's genocide in Gaza that compares only to the Holocaust.

» What’s happening in the Gaza Strip with the Palestinian people hasn’t happened at any other moment in history. Actually, it has happened: when Hitler decided to kill the Jews. It’s not a war of soldiers against soldiers. It’s a war between a highly prepared army, and women and children.
By that day Israel’s assault on Gaza had killed at least 28,858 people, mostly women and children, according to Palestinian authorities. Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu predictably dismissed Lula’s Holocaust parallel as antisemitic, disgraceful and grave, while Foreign Minister Israel Katz announced that Jerusalem will not forget nor forgive the alleged serious anti-Semitic attack and that Lula is a persona non grata in Israel until he takes back his comments. But Lula refused to bow down. On Monday, Brazil expelled the Israeli ambassador and recalled its ambassador from Tel Aviv, thus ending all diplomatic relations with Israel.

The irony is that Lula da Silva’s statement only confirms what Israeli politicians have been saying out loud over the past four months, and whose genocidal statements were cited as damning evidence at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) genocide hearing last month. Israeli officials and top generals themselves have openly called for genocide in Gaza, pledging to turn the besieged strip into Auschwitz and Dresden, and even celebrating such atrocities.

Javier Milei - Latin America's Prime Golem Zionist | Alexander Markovics

During campaign events, he recites the Torah. At events, he lights Jewish menorah candles instead of extinguishing them like Grzegorz Braun. He stands unwaveringly by Israel’s side and calls Vladimir Zelensky his friend. His name is Javier Milei; he is a self-proclaimed ‘anarcho-capitalist’ and intends to convert to Judaism after his presidency.

Argentina's 'chainsaw messiah' President Javier Gerardo Milei.
An unleashed libertarian, chosen and promoted by his country's financial oligarchy, the Koch brothers and George Soros.
 Spiritually counseled by his dead dog, Milton Friedman and Chabad-Lubavitch. A hero to Wall Street.
[...] Milei sees himself, inspired by the zeal of the convert, in the succession of Moses as the great liberator of the Argentine people. In his anarcho-capitalist interpretation of Judaism, God is a libertarian who does not mind if people sell their internal organs or their own children to alleviate their misery. In his view, this represents ‘the natural order of things’. Yet, his first public appearances since taking office suggest that his real loyalty might lie with another state than Argentina. At the public lighting of a menorah, he proclaimed his ‘unwavering commitment to the State of Israel’, which likely refers to Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza. He follows the apocalyptic worldview of many evangelical Christians, who are becoming increasingly numerous in Latin America and see Israel as the ‘bearer of light’ in the fight against darkness.

[...] Both in Latin America and Europe, we can observe a type of right-wing populist politician who declares US and Israeli interests as the raison d’état, sacrificing the geopolitical interests of their own country. Strache, Pazderski, and Gauland now find their tragic counterparts at the other end of the world in Milei and Noboa Azin. The motivation is the desire for recognition by demonised politicians, as well as economic dependencies and/or philosemitism. What increasingly sounds absurd has roots that reach deep into Western occultism: in the Jewish-Kabbalistic mysticism of the early Middle Ages, we find the figure of the Golem. This is a human-like figure created from clay through magic, often with immense powers, serving its Jewish master as a will-less proxy. The theme was processed, among others, by the Austrian writer Gustav Meyrink in his novel 'The Golem'. Today, more and more politicians from Europe and Latin America are made into such golems through blackmail and dubious promises — Strache from Austria is a tragic example of how such politicians ultimately end. The path of the Polish politician Grzegorz Braun shows us that patriotic politics against Zionism is possible.

 Assisted by his rabbi Shimon Axel Wahnish, Milei cries at the Wailing Wall.
February 6, 2024.

Monday, February 19, 2024

By the Grace of God Victory belongs to the Ummah | Brig. Gen. Yahya Sare'e

Statement issued by the Yemeni Armed Forces: In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. The Almighty says:  »Permission to fight is granted to those who are being fought, because they were wronged. And indeed, Allah is capable of granting them victory .« This is the truth of Allah Almighty. 
 » God is sufficient for us. « 

In support of the Palestinian people who are facing aggression and siege in the Gaza Strip up to this moment, and as part of the response to the American-British aggression on our country, the naval forces of the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out - with the help of Allah Almighty - two specific military operations in which they targeted two American cargo ships in the Gulf of Aden, the first was “Sea Champion” and the other was “Navis Fortuna”. The targeting operation was carried out with a number of appropriate naval missiles, and the casualties were accurate and direct, thanks to Allah. The total number of armed forces operations during the past twenty-four hours reached four: The first targeted a British cargo ship and the operation resulted in its complete sinking, thanks to Allah. The second operation destroyed an American MQ9 Reaper drone in the airspace of Hodeidah Governorate, while the last two operations in the Gulf of Aden targeted the mentioned two American cargo ships also heading for Israel.

The Yemeni Armed Forces affirm their full right to take further military measures in the Red and Arab Bahrain in defense of our people, our country, and our
nation, and in confirmation of their position in support of the oppressed Palestinian people, and that their operations in the Red and Arab Bahrain will escalate and will not stop until the aggression stops and the siege on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted.

God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs, the best protector, and the best helper. Long live Yemen, free, dear and independent! Victory belongs to Yemen and to all the free people of the Ummah!

Military Spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces;
Sana'a, 9 Shaban, 1445 AH,
February 19, 2024. 
Kids covered in blood, crying and terrified, as they are rushed to hospital after making up many of the casualties from Israel's bombings of
Central Gaza last night. Injuries in Gaza now top 70,000 as death toll tops 30,000 - 14,000 of those children.
February 19, 2024. 

UN envoy Riyad Mansour breaks to tears at International Court of Justice (ICJ) hearing.
During an emotional address at the highest court of the United Nations, Palestinian diplomat Riyad Mansour appealed for the protection of children and the coexistence of Israelis and Palestinians. Riad Mansour urged the court to validate 
the illegality of Israel's presence in the occupied Palestinian territory.
February 19, 2024.