Monday, August 13, 2012

Cosmic Patterns | John H. Nelson

From 1946 to 1971 John H. Nelson, an astronomer and radio engineer working for RCA Communications Co. in New York, published an article in RCA Review describing a theory for predicting shortwave radio propagation over the North Atlantic. He compared planetary positions relative to the Sun with logs of propagation conditions maintained at RCA's receiving station at Riverhead, Long Island. Nelson found that disturbances occurred primarily in the presence of significant planetary configurations (HERE). 

Of nearly 1,500 forecasts that he made in 1967 he had an accuracy rate of 93.2%. He did not dare to admit his work was astrologically based. Instead he called it Astro Physics. But he was actually using all the planetary configurations and major angular aspects astrologers have been using ever since. This was a major accomplishment in the scientific realm to prove that astrology does work. 

In summation, after more than 25 years of research in this field of solar system science, I can say without equivocation that there is very strong evidence that the planets, when in certain predictable arrangements, do cause changes to take place in those solar radiations that control our ionosphere.  I have no solid theory to explain what I have observed, but the similarity between an electric generator with its carefully placed magnets and the sun with its ever-changing planets is intriguing.  In the generator, the magnets are fixed and produce a constant electrical current.  If we consider that the planets are magnets and the sun is the armature, we have a considerable similarity to the generator.  However, in this case, the magnets are moving.  For this reason, the electrical-magnetic stability of the solar system varies widely.  This is what one would expect.
John H. Nelson, Cosmic Patterns, 1974
John H. Nelson in RCA Review, March 1951

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Lunar Chaos Cycle | Al Larson

Al Larson (1991) - Basic Physical Mechanisms: Development of a physical theory of cycles begins with an examination of the solar systems construction. It is composed of ten very important chunks of rock that orbit a ball of burning gas, the sun. The nine planets and our moon are the big rocks. For eons, these rocks have proceeded relentlessly on their courses, carefully balancing the forces they exert on each other and on the sun, and vice versa.

 "Fully 76% of the Venus events coincided with highs and lows,
as did 84% of the Mercury events.
To date, two mechanisms have been proposed that could explain the effects of this system on earthly events. Theodor Landscheidt has presented many correlations between the solar system's center of mass and the outburst of solar flares. His theory states that, as the planets rotate, they shift the center of mass of the combined planet/sun system around. Al times, this center of mass actually moves outside the surface of the sun. As it passes the sun's surface, a chaotic boundary condition exists, resulting in outbursts of large solar fares [...] As the planets orbit the sun, they exert tidal forces on the sun's gases, much as the moon raises tides on the earth [...]  Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, and Saturn are the most influential, in that order. These gas swirls cause a number of solar effects, including sunspots, coronal holes, and solar flares. All these effects combine to vary the amount of radiation that leaves the sun. This solar radiation is carried toward the earth in two ways: 
  1. as direct radiation, such as sunshine and radio-waves, and 
  2. as particles carried by the solar wind. This flow of charged particles forms a torrent of energy that blasts spaceship earth, creating n bow wave and a wake, just as a boat going upstream would do.
This bow wave forms a magnetopause between the Earth and the Sun, and interacts with the earth’s magnetic field, both shaping it and adding energy to it. At the north and south poles, the charged particles follow the magnetic lines of force, and enter our atmosphere in what is called a Polar Cap Absorption Event. This leads to the auroral oval, producing our Northern and Southern Lights.

The bow wave also creates an envelope about the earth, called the magnetosphere. As the solar wind flows past the earth, the magnetosphere forms a teardrop-shaped envelope of trapped particles that ends in what is called the magnetotail. It is inside this envelope that the moon orbits.

As the solar radiation varies, so does the earth's magnetic field, atmospheric ionization, and temperature. Scientists have tracked down a host of relationships between these events and a variety of earthly phenomena such as climate, weather, crime rates, plant growth rates, frequency of thunderstorms, blood PH levels, psychiatric emergencies, etc. My own work has related these events to market action as well. I believe a third mechanism that involves the moon also is at work . 

A Theory of Lunar Chaos: I believe I have discovered another lunar cycle, which I call the “lunar chaos cycle.” My theory is that, as the moon rides high and low and moves closer and further from the earth, it crosses the boundary between the ionized particles trapped in the moon's wake and the fast-flowing solar wind. The figure at left shows boundary crossings at two full-moon positions (1 and 2) and two new-moon positions (3 and 4). Such boundary crossings would lead to sharp disturbances in the earth's magnetic eld, which would affect those of us who live within it. A further perturbation can be theorized, as well- the perturbation of the nearby planets, Mercury and Venus. When the moon's balanced on the edge of the magnetopause, a chaotic balance point exists. Either interior planet can tug the moon into the solar wind, tipping the balance just as Lorenz's Butterfly Effect tips the balance in weather patterns.

A Simple Mathematical Model: To test this theory, I created a simple mathematical model. This model computes the degree of exact alignment of a planet (either Mercury or Venus) with the Earth and Moon, and when the Moon is above or below 3° inclination. This yields a lunar chaos input function for each planet [see chart above].

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Chladni Patterns

In 1787 the German jurist, musician, physicist and astronomer Ernst Florens Friedrich Chladni published Entdeckungen über die Theorie des Klanges (Discoveries Concerning the Theory of Sound), laying the foundations for what came to be called acoustics, the science of sound. Chladni introduced a method to make sound waves visible and to show how sound actually does affect physical matter and has the quality of creating geometric patterns: With the help of a violin bow which he drew perpendicularly across the edge of flat plates covered with sand, he produced those patterns and shapes which today are known as Chladni Patterns (see also HERE & HERE & HERE & HERE). 

These Patterns show primarily two things (see below): areas that are vibrating and areas that are not. When a flat plate of an elastic material is vibrated, the plate oscillates not only as a whole but also as parts. The boundaries between these vibrating parts, which are specific for every particular case, are called node lines and do not vibrate. The other parts are oscillating constantly. If sand is then put on this vibrating plate, the sand (black in the illustration) collects on the non-vibrating node lines. The oscillating parts or areas thus become empty. The converse is true for liquids; that is to say, water lies on the vibrating parts and not on the node lines.  

more HERE

Friday, August 10, 2012

S&P 500 Inflation Adjusted Earnings near ATH

With second-quarter earnings largely in the books (over 84% of S&P 500 corporations have reported), the chart below provides some long-term perspective to the current earnings environment by focusing on 12-month, as reported S&P 500 earnings.

The chart also illustrates how earnings declined over 92% from its Q3 2007 peak to Q1 2009 low which brought inflation-adjusted earnings to near Great Depression lows. Since its Q1 2009 low, S&P 500 earnings have surged (up an inflation-adjusted 1129%) and currently come in at a level that is well above its dot-com bubble peak and fast approaching its credit bubble peak. It is interesting to note that the original run up in real earnings from Great Depression lows to dot-com highs took over 67 years. The current spike has taken 37 months. Also, current Q2 earnings times four would make for a new inflation-adjusted high for S&P 500 corporate earnings. Therefore, as long as earnings do not decline, S&P 500 companies are on pace to make a new all-time record in earnings by Q1 2013 at the latest (HERE).

 For every $20 bln the FED purchases in long term debt the stock market rises 1%
  • QE1 was $1.4 tln: expected rise 70%, actual rise 69%. 
  • QE2 was $600 bln: expected rise 30%, actual rise 29%. 
  • Op Twist was $400 bln: expected rise 20%, actual rise 22%. 
  • Op Twist expanded to $667 bln: expected overall rise 33%, actual rise yet to be determined (HERE).

Thursday, August 9, 2012

SPX vs George Bayer's Rule #27 - Mercury's Speed is 59' or 1°58'

see also HERE
So let us take Raphael’s Ephemeris again, ... and follow the movements of Mercury from day to day in its longitude. Its speed ranges from 0 to 2.12. In another rule I told you already that 0 and 2.12 in Mercury’s speed bring changes of trend. 
Now we use Mercury’s speed when it is the same as the mean daily motion of the Sun in Longitude or double this amount. The daily motion of the Sun is 59’; double this amount is 1°58’.
Each time Mercury passes these values we can expect changes of trend and, mind you, often times they give big tops and big major bottoms ...
[George Bayer (1940): Stock and Commodity Traders´ Hand-Book of Trend Determination. Carmel, California; p. 35]
22.12.2011 01:12 (Thu) = Mercury Speed @ 00°58'59"
04.03.2012 15:25 (Sun) = Mercury Speed @ 00°58'59"
18.04.2012 00:21 (Wed) = Mercury Speed @ 00°58'59"
15.05.2012 20:50 (Tue) = Mercury Speed @ 01°58'00"
07.06.2012 09:24 (Thu) = Mercury Speed @ 01°58'00"
29.06.2012 20:44 (Fri) = Mercury Speed @ 00°58'59"
16.08.2012 03:49 (Thu) = Mercury Speed @ 00°58'59"
26.10.2012 10:56 (Fri) = Mercury Speed @ 00°58'59"
12.11.2012 09:20 (Mon) = Mercury Speed @ 00°58'59"
20.11.2012 22:40 (Tue) = Mercury Speed @ 00°58'59"
03.12.2012 22:57 (Mon) = Mercury Speed @ 00°58'59"
16.02.2013 06:24 (Sat) = Mercury Speed @ 00°58'59"

Calculated and charted with Sergey Tarassov's Timing Solution.

SPX vs George Bayer's Rule #38 - Latitude of Mercury

* = latitude in heliocentric ecliptical coordinates
In the present rule we shall use the heliocentric Latitude of Mercury ... There are four values in this line which bring forth changes of trend. These values are:

0°00'  =      0.00 degrees
3°21'  =
+/- 3.35 degrees
6°42'  =
+/- 6.70 degrees, and 
7°00’ =
+/- 7.00 degrees

The inside values are effective on either side, on the way up also on the way down.

Some mighty fine tops and bottoms are produced when Mercury in this motion passes the above mentioned degrees. Check them on past or recent performance and you will say yes, it is so.

... During 1938, especially during the first half of the year practically all the changes registered on this one rule alone.
[George Bayer (1940): Stock and Commodity Traders´ Hand-Book of Trend Determination. Carmel, California; p. 41]

SPX vs George Bayer's Rule #40 - Latitude of Venus

* = latitude in heliocentric ecliptical coordinates
This rule is intended to make you find the very small moves in Wheat lasting only a few days.
However, since we nearly always have to do with bottoms, tops, and gaps-either one and the changes explained here come one after the other, we must be in a position to watch the actual performance of Wheat at very close distance.

We turn to page 167 and up in the Nautical Almanac of the year 1937 or to page 187 in the year 1940. In the center of the page we have our column; Heliocentric Latitude of Venus.

We note the values vibrate between 3°23 and 0°, going from plus to minus to both extremes. 0° is the center of the vibration.

I have discovered that the following values within this vibration give changes, on the plus side as well as on the minus side. They miss occasionally one of the values, but, as said, we must be at the board to watch the sales and prices. My notes say: there are 17 values in the entire cycle movement, 8 on each side of the zero point. In my tests I found that one miss occurs (i.e. nothing happens) in one entire cycle.

Here is the rule: Changes of trend for minor moves occur at the following Latitude points of Venus when Venus passes over it;
0°00’ =       0.000 degrees
0°13’ = +/- 0.217 degrees
1°50’ = +/- 1.833 degrees
2°17’ = +/- 2.283 degrees
2°30’ = +/- 2.500 degrees
3°00’ = +/- 3.000 degrees
3°17’ = +/- 3.283 degrees
3°23’ = +/- 3.383 degrees
[George Bayer (1940): Stock and Commodity Traders´ Hand-Book of Trend Determination. Carmel, California; p. 42]

The Beauty of Maths

Sequential Inputs of numbers with 8
1 x
8 + 1 = 9
12 x
8 + 2 = 98
123 x
8 + 3 = 987
1234 x
8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x
8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x
8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x
8 + 7 = 9876543
8 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
89 x 8 + 9 = 987654321

Sequential 1's with 9
1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 + 10 = 1111111111

Sequential 8's with 9
9 x 9 + 7 =
8 x 9 + 6 = 888
87 x 9 + 5 = 8888
876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
8765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
87654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
8765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888

Numeric Palindrome with 1's
1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321

Without 8
12345679 x 9 = 111111111
12345679 x 18 = 222222222
12345679 x 27 = 333333333
12345679 x 36 = 444444444
12345679 x 45 = 555555555
12345679 x 54 = 666666666
12345679 x 63 = 777777777
12345679 x 72 = 888888888
12345679 x 81 = 999999999

Sequential Inputs of 9
9 x 9 = 81
99 x 99 = 9801
999 x 999 = 998001
9999 x 9999 = 99980001
99999 x 99999 = 9999800001
999999 x 999999 = 999998000001
9999999 x 9999999 = 99999980000001
99999999 x 99999999 = 9999999800000001
999999999 x 999999999 = 999999998000000001

Sequential Inputs of
6 x 7 = 42
66 x 67 = 4422
666 x 667 = 444222
6666 x 6667 = 44442222
66666 x 66667 = 4444422222
666666 x 666667 = 444444222222
6666666 x 6666667 = 44444442222222
66666666 x 66666667 = 4444444422222222
666666666 x 666666667 = 444444444222222222

A Magic Square of order n is an arrangement of n2 numbers, usually distinct integers, in a square, such that the n numbers in all rows, all columns, and both diagonals sum to the same constant. Building on the work of Ahmad ibn ‘Ali al-Buni, in about 1510 Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa wrote De Occulta Philosophia expounding on the magical virtues of seven magical squares of orders 3 to 9, each associated with one of the astrological planets.

Saturn = 15
4 9 2
3 5 7
8 1 6
Jupiter = 34
4 14 15 1
9 7 6 12
5 11 10 8
16 2 3 13
Mars = 65
11 24 7 20 3
4 12 25 8 16
17 5 13 21 9
10 18 1 14 22
23 6 19 2 15
Sol = 111
6 32 3 34 35 1
7 11 27 28 8 30
19 14 16 15 23 24
18 20 22 21 17 13
25 29 10 9 26 12
36 5 33 4 2 31
Venus = 175
22 47 16 41 10 35 4
5 23 48 17 42 11 29
30 6 24 49 18 36 12
13 31 7 25 43 19 37
38 14 32 1 26 44 20
21 39 8 33 2 27 45
46 15 40 9 34 3 28
Mercury = 260
8 58 59 5 4 62 63 1
49 15 14 52 53 11 10 56
41 23 22 44 45 19 18 48
32 34 35 29 28 38 39 25
40 26 27 37 36 30 31 33
17 47 46 20 21 43 42 24
9 55 54 12 13 51 50 16
64 2 3 61 60 6 7 57
Luna = 369
37 78 29 70 21 62 13 54 5
6 38 79 30 71 22 63 14 46
47 7 39 80 31 72 23 55 15
16 48 8 40 81 32 64 24 56
57 17 49 9 41 73 33 65 25
26 58 18 50 1 42 74 34 66
67 27 59 10 51 2 43 75 35
36 68 19 60 11 52 3 44 76
77 28 69 20 61 12 53 4 45


The order-4 magic square in Albrecht Dürer's engraving Melencolia I is believed to be the first seen in European art. The sum 34 can be found in the rows, columns, diagonals, each of the quadrants, the center four squares, and the corner squares (of the 4 x 4 as well as the four contained 3 x 3 grids). This sum can also be found in the four outer numbers clockwise from the corners (3 + 8 + 14 + 9) and likewise the four counter-clockwise (the locations of four queens in the two solutions of the 4 queens puzzle, the two sets of four symmetrical numbers (2 + 8 + 9 + 15 and 3 + 5 + 12 + 14), the sum of the middle two entries of the two outer columns and rows (5 + 9 + 8 + 12 and 3 + 2 + 15 + 14), and in four kite or cross shaped quartets (3 + 5 + 11 + 15, 2 + 10 + 8 + 14, 3 + 9 + 7 + 15, and 2 + 6 + 12 + 14). The two numbers in the middle of the bottom row give the date of the engraving: 1514. The numbers 1 and 4 at either side of the date correspond to, in English, the letters 'A' and 'D' which are the initials of the artist. Dürer's image was distributed widely, and travelled as far away as India, where the Mughal miniaturist Farrukh Beg referenced the work in his 1615 miniature The Old Sufi.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

August 7th = Gann Natural Trading Day

From Spring Equinox on March 20th, the Sun has moved 135 degrees of longitude (solar degrees) or 140 calendar days into Tuesday, August 7th. 

W.D. Gann always said the year begins on March 21st (not January 1st) and that this was a very important seasonal time. He used geometrical divisions of the solar year (solar degrees of longitude AND calendar days) to ascertain turning points in financial markets. 

Dates 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, and 315 solar degrees from Vernal Equinox (= 0 degrees Aries) are what he called Natural Trading Days.  

Though 15, 22.5 and 45 degrees also may coincide with changes in trend (CITs), Gann stressed the importance of the cardinal points (90 degrees apart). 225 degrees is 0.618 of a solar year.  
He also used multiples (squares) of 90 and 144, i.e. 90, 180, 270 etc. and 144, 288, 576, 720. CITs may also occur every 30 degrees (Sun moves into the next sign of the zodiac).

Since the Sun moves at different speed, e.g. 45 degrees not always equals 45 calendar days. For calculation an ephemeris is needed (e.g. HERE or HERE). The dates of Vernal Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumnal Equinox and Winter Solstice slightly change over time (see HERE).

Vernal Equinox in 2012 = March 20th 
Summer Solstice in 2012 = June 20th 
Autumnal Equinox in 2012 = September 22nd 
Winter Solstice in 2012 = December 21st