Showing posts with label Colonialism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Colonialism. Show all posts

Thursday, July 18, 2024

French and Dutch Colonized Territories demand Independence | Elena Panina

The leaders of more than 15 political associations from Corsica, Melanesia, Polynesia, the Caribbean and the Antilles arrived at the First Congress of Independence Movements from French-Colonized Territories in Baku, Azerbaijan. The congress is also attended by three organizations from the islands of Bonaire and Saint Martin, which are colonies of the Netherlands. The event was organized by the People's Union for the Liberation of Guadeloupe with the support of the Baku Initiative Group.
 More centrifugal forces induced into the orbit of 'La Grande Nation'.

It is obvious that the opposition to Paris from the Turkey—Azerbaijan tandem, where Baku acts as a junior partner, has reached a new level. After the protests in New Caledonia, which Paris accused Baku of, Azerbaijan began to fight French colonialism quite overtly. The Fifth Republic clings to its colonial legacy for a reason. 
 Macron imposing “republican order” to quash New Caledonia unrest in May 2024
- safeguarding once again French oligarchical cronyism.

Somewhere, like in New Caledonia, there are valuable minerals. Other locations are strategic points for global trade and logistics. So if it turns out to rid these regions of colonialism, then, in addition to the rights and freedoms of local residents, profitable commercial niches will also arise there. Baku—Ankara's actions are completely logical and understandable. It is not clear why Russia does not do the same.

 Without Europe's Spaceport in French Guiana and without support of the US, 
the European Space Program would be in existential troubles.

It should be noted that while Azerbaijan is fighting colonialism, neighboring Armenia is trying, on the contrary, to obtain the status of a colony. Right now, joint military exercises with the United States are taking place on Armenian territory — with units usually stationed in Europe and Africa, as well as with the Kansas National Guard. 

 Royal Dutch Shell, operating in Curaçao since 1918, lost its grip long ago to Petróleos de Venezuela,
S.A. (PDVSA) which is in decline since decades while Brazilian/US and Chinese oil giants rose.

The exercises will last until July 24. Interestingly, does Yerevan understand that when the anti-colonial actions of Baku and Ankara begin to seriously annoy the Western "hegemon" and its satellites, it will be Armenia that will be obliged to fight on both fronts?

See also:

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Massacres And Soap From Human Bones | French Terror in Algeria

France occupied Algeria for 132 years between 1830 and 1962, during which it killied over 1.5 million Algerians. Abdelmadjid Cheikhi, an advisor to Algeria's president Tebboune has accused France of having used the bones of slain Algerians to produce soap. Algeria was "a real field of experiments for the brutal practices that France later applied in other colonies, especially the African ones." He added that France's dark colonial history has pushed it to "obliterate it in all ways," including by destroying historical archives and obstructing Algeria's efforts to recover colonial records and the remains of anti-colonial fighters. Cheikhi also alleged that France moved its archives from Paris and Aix-en-Provence to "unknown places" in order to avoid scrutiny.
French soldiers standing around 45,000 Algerian men, women and children
massacred in the region of Setif, Guelma and Kherrata.

The release of colonial archives, Cheikhy contended, would "discredit France and the image it is trying to promote as a civilised country based on democracy and respect for human rights." Earlier this year, Algeria buried the remains of 24 resistance fighters returned from Paris after more than a century and a half as it marked the 58th anniversary of its independence from France. The skulls of the fighters, shot and decapitated in the early years of the French occupation, were laid to rest during an emotional ceremony at El Alia cemetery.

In February 1960 France tested its first atomic bomb, exposing over 24,000 Algerians to radiation. It is difficult to imagine the real losses caused by the resulting pollution. Up until today the exact and complete locations of all test sites, areas and aquifers of disposal of nuclear waste remain unknown to Algeria. But it is safe to say that France doesn't care. 

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Li Jingjing's World | The Tianxia System For A Possible World Order

» Where were you, why didn't you invest in them?  «

» In this video, I share my own story of seeing how infrastructures lifted China out of extreme poverty, 
and my observations of Belt and Road projects in Asia, Africa, and Europe. 
I also give my analysis of why some Western politicians designed the whole smear campaign on Xinjiang. «
Tianxia (天下) ─  » All-under-Heaven «  or » Celestial Empire «  ─ is a Chinese cultural concept that denotes the entire geographical world and the metaphysical realm of mortals. Today Tianxia is mainly associated with political sovereignty, the Chinese Civilization-State and international relations governed by universal and well-defined principles of order.
Conquer hearts and minds. Develop cooperation. Create wealth.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Against the Genocidal Zionist Regime | Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss

We have a message for this Nakba Day [May 15] 2023 commemorating the 75th year of the Zionist occupation of Palestine: We want the world to know that what is being perpetrated against the Palestinian people,  the oppression, the subjugation, the terrible cruelty is not in the name of our religion. It is not in the name of the Star of David. It is not in the name of the Jewish people around the world who are true to the Jewish religion. Because we are Jews, because we are Jewish and because we are true to our religion, we are in total opposition to the existence of the Zionist state of Israel. I call it Zionist state of Israel because it is Zionist, not Jewish. We want the world to know that the Zionist movement is not a Jewish movement. It is a political materialist movement created by heretics and they simply try to incorporate our religion in order to intimidate and silence people and call them anti-semitic if they stand in opposition. But this is patently false.

Zionism is the cause of bloodshed of Palestinians and Jews alike. It is the cause of the oppression not only of the Muslims and the Christians in Palestine but also of the Jews. Hundreds of thousands of Jews have lived in Palestine prior to the establishment of the Zionist state of Israel in 1948. Jews have lived there and they're continuing to live there till today. They stand in Palestine, they demonstrate daily against the Zionist regime and get brutally beaten and arrested. This is the sad story of this terrible Nakba, the Palestinian Catastrophe, the destruction of the Palestinian society and homeland in 1948, and the permanent displacement of a majority of the Palestinian Arabs. It is a tragedy, a calamity and God with his compassion will see the suffering. And even today, the last few days, how we see daily the death and suffering of the Palestinians. This is all because of Zionism, not Judaism. We can once again live together in harmony - Jews and Arabs - as we've had lived together for all these hundreds and hundreds of years. And Jews could show their gratitude to the Arab and Muslim countries for their embracing Jews and giving them a home. 
Insha'Allah, soon in our days.

» In contrast to classical colonialism, in settler colonialism the focus is on eliminating, rather than exploiting,
 the original inhabitants of a territory. Commonly cited cases of settler colonialism include the United States,
Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
«  — Patrick Wolfe (2006)

See also:
» Until his death in 1934, Baron Edmond de Rothschild  provided support for Jewish colonists,
 overseeing dozens of new colonies, earning the name 'The Benefactor'.
— The Rothschild Archive's website.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

India's Role in the New Multi-Polar World Order | Timur Fomenko

Timur Fomenko (21 Feb, 2023) - The truth, though, is that they don’t truly see India as an equal. They hope, given the foundations of its political system, that India will one day be “the same” as they are, and anticipate a course of liberalization and political change under their guidance, similar to what was once expected from Russia and China. But, if India fails to follow that route, or continues to grow as an autonomous power which does not consent to Western dominance, the chances are that the West’s tolerance for the country, and especially for Modi’s government, will run out.
At the helm of a superpower of the future: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

What happens when India becomes wealthy and powerful and does not eagerly accept the Western-centric political world order? Also, what if it seeks to be a geopolitical power in its own terms? What happens when Western countries begin to perceive India not as a partner in need of help and support, but as a rival in a similar vein to how they view China and, of course, Russia? What happens when the US-led Indo-Pacific initiative starts to appear not as something that would incorporate and help India, but something that could also potentially contain its military rise?

India’s current foreign policy is often described as “strategic autonomy,” but in recent years the country has been overly friendly with the US to exploit mutual anti-China sentiment in a bid to gain economic opportunities for itself. At the same time, there has been a domestic political shift in India which orients it away from westernization. The West’s good will for New Delhi, a superpower of the future, will one day run out, and the agenda will shift towards containment. India needs to look at what is happening now with China and be ready when that day comes.