Showing posts with label 4PT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 4PT. Show all posts

Friday, June 28, 2024

A Remake of Beavis and Butt-Head | Alexander Dugin

American democracy is like an episode of Beavis and Butt-Head. In the 1990s, the animated cartoon 'Beavis and Butt-Head' directed by Mike Judge was popular in the United States and Russia. Its heroes were two mentally retarded American teenagers, swearing profanely at each other, expressing one absurd thought after another, unable to solve any domestic situation, but despite their complete uselessness and senselessness, somehow coping with life.   
 » The USA is a crazy teenager with a loaded rifle. «

Whenever a series of idiotic actions brought them to the brink of total disaster, an equally ridiculous accident or a breakdown in the logic of things saved them, giving them another chance. Which they immediately squandered, however. And everything repeated in a circle. Failure after failure, eating worms, completely wrong decisions, breaking all possible logical connections, and in the end watching a heavy metal video in which horned men with guitars stage-managed to eat women or live goats.  
What the world saw during the election debate between Trump and Biden was just a fresh episode of Beavis and Butt-Head. And both of them somehow look as if they were drawn from cartoon characters: Trump is a remake of Beavis, Biden is a remake of Butt-Head. Trump even has the exact same hairstyle. And the content of the debate is completely in the spirit of the show. Trump seems an order of magnitude more sane than Biden. Even his most ardent opponents have recognised this. It is telling that this time the Democrats did not flood the media with victory speeches about Joe's crushing victory over the despicable fringe fascist. 

Trump dealt a blow to the Kiev Nazi junta: he directly called Zelensky a thief and a crook and confirmed that Ukraine has already lost and that the Russians are about to conquer it.
The only thing left to do wrong is to put Trump on the Ukrainian terrorist website 'Myrotvorets' and start writing songs about how he is an agent of Mordor. This is a crucial moment in the war. It is very important to analyze the further development of the election campaign in the USA. Joe is back in hospital and the Democrats will now do something about it. In essence, Trump in this debate won the election before it began. This much is clear for all to see. Now, anything can be expected. 

[...] If such a society and such a culture, such candidates and such voters determine the fate of humanity, then we have to admit that we are finished. It is impossible to think of treating or applying developmental techniques to a clinically ill teenager if he has a nuclear button in his hands. We say that Russia is ruled by God, because otherwise its existence is inexplicable. America has some mystery as well. How is it possible to become the most important world power on such grounds, with such people and with such mental problems? It means that it is ruled by someone more serious and invisible. And it doesn't look like God. Rather, someone else.

» All red lines were breached. The time of proxy wars is over. We are prepared for a world war.
Russia will provide all the enemies of the West with everything they need, including nuclear weapons. « 
Alexander Dugin on the escalation of the US and Russia towards totally uncontrolled World War III
and on Donald Trump as the potential savior of humankind