S&P 500 Seasonal Pattern for the Presidential Election Cycle 2024 - 2027.
4 Year Presidential Cycle in line with the Decennial Cycle.
4 Year Presidential Cycle in line with the Decennial Cycle.
The chart above is an attempt to merge the Decennial Cycle with the Four-Year Presidential Election Cycle by creating a composite of all US presidential elections that took place since 1900 in the fourth year of a decade (1904, 1924, 1944, 1964, 1984, 2004).
S&P 500 Seasonal Pattern for the Election Year 2024.
S&P 500 Seasonal Pattern for Q4 of the Election Year 2024.
S&P 500 Seasonal Pattern for October of the Election Year 2024.
S&P 500 Seasonal Pattern for December of the Election Year 2024.
S&P 500 Seasonal Pattern for the Post-Election Year 2025.
S&P 500 Seasonal Pattern for the Midterm Year 2026.
Decennial Cycle: Average annual change in the DJIA (1881-2023).
The 5th year is by far the best year of the decennial cycle. In the Dow Jones Industrial Average out of the last 14 "5th years", 12 were up averaging a return of 26% per year. The only two 5th years that have ever been negative in the history of the DJIA were 2005 (-0.61%) and 2015 (-2.2%).
See also: