Showing posts with label Rahu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rahu. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

2024 Declinations of the Sun, the Moon & the Planets | Parallels & Extremes

» Every parallel or contra-parallel is very important to the strength of a business chart. «
Kaye Shinker, 2006.
A parallel aspect is formed between two or more planets at the same declination or distance north or south of the ecliptic.
If the planets are both north or both south of the ecliptic, the Parallel Aspect is read as a Conjunction. If they are at the same declination but one is north and the other south of the ecliptic, then the Contra-Parallel Aspect is read as an Opposition. Parallel and contra-parallel aspects are strongest when the orb is small (±1 degree). They magnify other aspects between planets and nodes. The assumption is that extreme declinations - especially lunar ones - are intense energy points, and when reached, some sort of a perceptible short-term effect or reversal would manifest in daily and 4 Hour charts. The nature and magnitude of the effect is related to the market's  position/stage in the daily and weekly market maker cycles.

 Parallel @ Maximum Declination North (±1 degree):
June 20, 2024 (Thu) = Summer Solstice = Sun 
@ Maximum Declination North
June 21, 2024 (Fri) = Full Moon + Solunar High]
June 21, 2024 (Fri) = Mercury @ Maximum Declination North + Out-of-Bounds
June 21, 2024 (Fri) = Venus 
@ Maximum Declination North + Out-of-Bounds
June 21, 2024 (Fri) = Quadruple Witching Day
Maximum Declination South & Contra-Parallel to the above:
June 22, 2024 (Sat) = Moo
@ Maximum Declination South + Out-of-Bounds

Declinations Ephemerides can be found e.g. HERE & HERE
See also:

Saturday, June 16, 2018

S&P 500 Index vs Mercury and Venus and Moon Declinations | June 2018

Mercury's declination is out of bounds since June 04 (Mon) and reached its maximum together with the
Moon on June 15 (Fri). The Lunar North Node (or Rahu) will follow in June 17 (Sun). The Sun will reach
its annual maximum declination (Summer Solstice) at 23.45 degrees on June 21 (Thu) 06:07 a.m.
The Miles Wilson Walker's Declination Composite will change the trend on June 22 (Fri).
Mercury will be parallel with the Sun on Jun 24 (Sun).

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

SPX vs Mars - North Node Cycle

Hard aspects between Mars and the Vedic Dragon (= Rahu = Lunar North Node) oftentimes go along with CITs in financial markets (HERE). A conjunction is due on October 2nd - the next projected 10 Day Hurst-Cycle Low.


02.06.2011 00:27 (Sun) = MAR 45° North Node
03.29.2011 12:09 (Tue) = MAR 90° North Node
05.22.2011 15:00 (Sun) = MAR 135° North Node
07.23.2011 13:21 (Sat) = MAR 180° North Node
09.23.2011 12:30 (Fri) = MAR 135° North Node
12.13.2011 01:07 (Tue) = MAR 90° North Node
03.19.2012 15:27 (Mon) = MAR 90° North Node
04.30.2012 18:52 (Mon) = MAR 90° North Node
08.03.2012 07:42 (Fri) = MAR 45° North Node
10.02.2012 10:51 (Tue) = MAR 0° North Node
12.01.2012 09:01 (Sat) = MAR 45° North Node

01.24.2013 14:20 (Thu) = MAR 90° North Node
03.15.2013 22:58 (Fri) = MAR 135° North Node
05.13.2013 01:15 (Mon) = MAR 180° North Node
07.12.2013 07:56 (Fri) = MAR 135° North Node
09.10.2013 20:37 (Tue) = MAR 90° North Node
11.23.2013 10:38 (Sat) = MAR 45° North Node
07.13.2014 20:19 (Sun) = MAR 0° North Node
09.20.2014 07:18 (Sat) = MAR 45° North Node
11.20.2014 06:00 (Thu) = MAR 90° North Node
01.10.2015 14:15 (Sat) = MAR 135° North Node

Calculated and charted with Sergey Tarassov's Timing Solution. Also credits to Raj Times and Cycles

Thursday, July 26, 2012

SPX vs Mars - North Node Cycle

13.12.2011 01:05 (Tue)   MAR 270° NN
14.01.2012 01:44 (Sat)   MAR 279° NN
13.02.2012 23:25 (Mon)   MAR 279° NN
19.03.2012 15:57 (Mon)   MAR 270° NN
30.04.2012 19:11 (Mon)   MAR 270° NN
30.05.2012 02:54 (Wed)   MAR 279° NN
19.06.2012 12:39 (Tue)   MAR 288° NN
06.07.2012 00:39 (Fri)   MAR 297° NN
20.07.2012 19:46 (Fri)   MAR 306° NN
03.08.2012 07:46 (Fri)   MAR 315° NN 
16.08.2012 06:12 (Thu)   MAR 324° NN
28.08.2012 12:04 (Tue)   MAR 333° NN
09.09.2012 07:19 (Sun)   MAR 342° NN
20.09.2012 20:55 (Thu)   MAR 351° NN
02.10.2012 10:59 (Tue)   MAR 000° NN
14.10.2012 14:12 (Sun)   MAR 009° NN
26.10.2012 15:57 (Fri)   MAR 018° NN
07.11.2012 17:08 (Wed)   MAR 027° NN
19.11.2012 14:30 (Mon)   MAR 036° NN
01.12.2012 09:01 (Sat)   MAR 045° NN
12.12.2012 22:09 (Wed)   MAR 054° NN
24.12.2012 03:05 (Mon)   MAR 063° NN
03.01.2013 09:56 (Thu)   MAR 072° NN
14.01.2013 00:05 (Mon)   MAR 081° NN
24.01.2013 14:18 (Thu)   MAR 090° NN
03.02.2013 04:56 (Sun)   MAR 099° NN
13.02.2013 01:24 (Wed)   MAR 108° NN
23.02.2013 12:24 (Sat)   MAR 117° NN
05.03.2013 17:44 (Tue)   MAR 126° NN
15.03.2013 22:57 (Fri)   MAR 135° NN

Calculated and charted with Sergey Tarassov's Timing Solution.