Showing posts with label Declination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Declination. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

2024 Declinations of the Sun, the Moon & the Planets | Parallels & Extremes

» Every parallel or contra-parallel is very important to the strength of a business chart. «
Kaye Shinker, 2006.
A parallel aspect is formed between two or more planets at the same declination or distance north or south of the ecliptic.
If the planets are both north or both south of the ecliptic, the Parallel Aspect is read as a Conjunction. If they are at the same declination but one is north and the other south of the ecliptic, then the Contra-Parallel Aspect is read as an Opposition. Parallel and contra-parallel aspects are strongest when the orb is small (±1 degree). They magnify other aspects between planets and nodes. The assumption is that extreme declinations - especially lunar ones - are intense energy points, and when reached, some sort of a perceptible short-term effect or reversal would manifest in daily and 4 Hour charts. The nature and magnitude of the effect is related to the market's  position/stage in the daily and weekly market maker cycles.

 Parallel @ Maximum Declination North (±1 degree):
June 20, 2024 (Thu) = Summer Solstice = Sun 
@ Maximum Declination North
June 21, 2024 (Fri) = Full Moon + Solunar High]
June 21, 2024 (Fri) = Mercury @ Maximum Declination North + Out-of-Bounds
June 21, 2024 (Fri) = Venus 
@ Maximum Declination North + Out-of-Bounds
June 21, 2024 (Fri) = Quadruple Witching Day
Maximum Declination South & Contra-Parallel to the above:
June 22, 2024 (Sat) = Moo
@ Maximum Declination South + Out-of-Bounds

Declinations Ephemerides can be found e.g. HERE & HERE
See also:

Saturday, July 30, 2022

The Lunar Cycle | Carol S. Mull

Carol S. Mull (198?) - The lunar cycle was first studied and presented to the faculty of the Graduate School of Pace University by Frank J. Guarino, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Business Administration degree. Later, his thesis was published by the American Federation of Astrologers. Modern cyclists have carried Guarino's work much farther. Today, it is possible to predict the market with 70% accuracy using only the lunar cycle.

The Sun and the Moon are in square aspect (90°) during the first and last quarters, in opposition (180°) at the Full Moon, and in conjunction (0°) at the New Moon. They are in sextile (60°) between the New Moon and the first quarter and between the last quarter and the New Moon. For precise work, compute a heliocentric chart for the times that the Moon, Earth, and Sun are in exact aspect. Unless there are other overshadowing influences, trines (120°) and conjunctions will be up, squares will be down, oppositions will be somewhat up, and sextiles can be either direction.

Most financial astrologers will tell you that oppositions (Full Moons) will sent the market down, but my experience does not verify this. Apparently, the momentum of being between two trines will carry the opposition along. If the next aspect following a sextile is a conjunction, the sextile is likely to correlate with an upward movement. But if the aspect following a sextile is a square, the sextile is likely to be accompanied by a downward-moving market. 

Another lunar cycle concerns the elements. The market tends to move up whenever the Moon is in an Air [Gemini, Libra, Aquarius] or Fire sign [Aries, Leo, Sagittarius] and to move downward whenever the Moon is in an Earth [Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn] or Water sign [Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces]. Other recent experiments have attempted to be the Moon's velocity and the angular rates of positive acceleration or negative acceleration to the market. These have been inconclusive. 

Carol S. Mull (1988) - Short-Term Market Forecasting via Astrology. In: Traders World, #4903, Issue #3.
Carol S. Mull (1989) - Mercury and the Dow. In: Traders World, #4915, Issue #15.


Wednesday, December 2, 2020

SoLunar Map | December 2020 - January 2021

Recent and upcoming SoLunar Turn-Days: Nov 30 (Mon), Dec 03 (Thu), Dec 07 (Mon), Dec 11 (Fri),
Dec 15 (Tue), Dec 18 (Fri), Dec 22 (Tue), Dec 26 (Sat), Dec 30 (Wed), Jan 02 (Sat), Jan 06 (Wed),
Jan 09 (Sat), Jan 13 (Wed), Jan 17 (Sun), Jan 21 (Thu), Jan 24 (Sun), Jan 28 (Thu), Feb 01 (Mon),
Feb 04 (Thu). Previous SoLunar Maps HERE

Saturday, October 31, 2020

SoLunar Map | Review and Preview for November 2020

SoLunar Map | Review and Preview for November 2020
Upcoming solunar turn-days: Oct 31 (Sat) = Full Moon, Nov 01 (Sun), Nov 04 (Wed),
Nov 08 (Sun), Nov 11 (Wed), Nov 15 (Sun), Nov 19 (Thu), Nov 22 (Sun), Nov 26 (Thu),
Nov 30 (Mon) = Full Moon, Dec 03 (Thu), Dec 07 (Mon). Previous SoLunar Maps HERE

Sunday, September 27, 2020

SoLunar Map | October - November 2020

Upcoming SoLunar Turn-Days:
Sep 24 (Thu), Sep 28 (Mon), Oct 01 (Thu), Oct 05 (Mon), Oct 09 (Fri), Oct 13 (Tue),
Oct 17 (Sat), Oct 20 (Tue), Oct 24 (Sat), Oct 28 (Wed), Nov 01 (Sun), Nov 04 (Wed),
Nov 08 (Sun), Nov 11 (Wed), Nov 15 (Sun), Nov 19 (Thu), Nov 22 (Sun), Nov 26 (Thu),
Nov 30 (Mon), Dec 03 (Thu). Previous SoLunar Maps HERE

Saturday, October 26, 2019

SoLunar Map | November - December 2019

Upcoming SoLunar Turn-Days into the end of 2019:
Nov 01 (Fri), Nov 04 (Mon), Nov 08 (Fri), Nov 12 (Tue), Nov 15-16 (Fri-Sat),
Nov 19 (Tue), Nov 23 (Sat), Nov 27 (Wed), Nov 30 (Sat), Dec 04 (Wed), Dec 08 (Sun),
Dec 12 (Thu), Dec 15 (Sun), Dec 19 (Thu), Dec 22 (Sun), Dec 26 (Thu), Dec 30 (Mon),
Jan 02-03 (Thu-fri). Polarization may flip. Previous SoLunar Maps HERE

Saturday, August 31, 2019

SoLunar Map | September - October 2019

Polarization should flip over the weekend: Sep 03 (Tue) should be a market high, Sep 07 (Sat) a low, etc.
Previous turn-days HERE

Saturday, August 24, 2019

S&P 500 Index vs Lunar Declination and Latitude | August 2019

Lunar Latitude @ maxSouth = Aug 20 (Tue)
Lunar Declination-Latitude Composite @ 0 Degrees = Aug 23 (Fri)
Lunar Declination @ maxNorth = Aug 26 (Mon)
Lunar Declination = Lunar Latitude = Aug 30 (Fri)
Lunar Declination @ 0 Degrees = Sep 01 (Sun)

Lunar Latitude @ maxNorth = Sep 02 (Mon)

S&P 500 Index vs Mercury, Venus & Moon Declinations | August 2019

Saturday, June 1, 2019

S&P 500 Index vs SoLunar Map | June 2019

Recent and upcoming SoLunar Turn-Days into early July 2019 are:
Jun 03 (Mon), Jun 06 (Thu), Jun 10 (Mon), Jun 13 (Thu),
Jun 17 (Mon), Jun 21 (Fri), Jun 24 (Mon), Jun 28 (Fri), Jul 02 (Sat), Jul 06 (Sat).
Previous SoLunar Maps HERE

Saturday, February 2, 2019

SoLunar Map | February - March 2019

Recent and upcoming SoLunar Turn-Days into early April 2019 are:
Feb 01 (Fri), Feb 04 (Mon), Feb 08 (Fri), Feb 12 (Tue),
Feb 15 (Fri), Feb 19 (Tue), Feb 23 (Sat), Feb 27 (Wed),
Mar 02 (Sat), Mar 05-06 (Tue-Wed), Mar 09 (Sat), Mar 13-14 (Wed-Thu),
Mar 17 (Sun), Mar 20 (Wed), Mar 24 (Sun), Mar 28 (Thu), Apr 01 (Mon).
Previous SoLunar Maps HERE
Review of S&P500 vs SoLunar Map | Preview for February 2019

Saturday, December 22, 2018

S&P 500 vs Planets under Fire | The Concept of Combustion

Indian astrology cultivates the idea that a planet in geocentric conjunction with the Sun is burned by
the massive heat and fire, hence it combusts, is losing its luster and shine, and becomes powerless.
The event is called combustion, and the affected planet becomes a combust planet. The Sanskrit word for
combustion is kopa, meaning angry. However, the chart above extends this concept of combustion by
the parallel of declination of planets and the Sun. A parallel aspect is formed between two planets
with the same declination or distance north or south of the ecliptic. If the planets are both North
or both South of the ecliptic, the parallel aspect is read as a conjunction. If they are the same
declination but one is North and one is South, then the contra-parallel is read as a 180 degree
opposition. These aspects are strongest when the orb is kept to 1 degree. They can also magnify the
intensity of any other aspect between the two planets or points. Planets in geocentric conjunctions
of longitude [000] and declination [#] with the Sun are:

2018 Oct 26 (Fri) 10:16 = SUN # VEN + SUN 000 VEN
2018 Nov 03 (Sat) 10:49 = SUN # VEN
2018 Nov 05 (Mon) 00:05 = SUN # MAR
2018 Nov 21 (Wed) 23:55 = SUN # JUP
2018 Nov 25 (Sun) 23:42 = SUN # MER
2018 Nov 26 (Mon) 01:33 = SUN # JUP + SUN 000 JUP
2018 Nov 27 (Tue) 04:14 = SUN # MER + SUN 000 MER

2018 Dec 02 (Sun) 18:33 = SUN # PLU
2018 Dec 07 (Fri) 11:00 = SUN # SAT

2018 Dec 31 (Mon) 07:37 = SUN # MER
2019 Jan 02 (Wed) 00:49 = SUN # SAT + SUN 000 SAT
2019 Jan 06 (Sun) 22:58 = SUN # SAT
2019 Jan 10 (Thu) 11:35 = SUN # PLU
2019 Jan 11 (Fri) 00:37 = SUN # JUP
2019 Jan 11 (Fri) 06:38 = SUN # PLU + SUN 000 PLU
2019 Jan 22 (Tue) 06:04 = SUN # VEN
2019 Jan 29 (Tue) 21:49 = SUN # MER + SUN 000 MER
2019 Feb 06 (Wed) 10:59 = SUN # MER
2019 Mar 04 (Mon) 10:51 = SUN # NEP
2019 Mar 06 (Wed) 20:00 = SUN # NEP + SUN 000 NEP
2019 Mar 14 (Thu) 21:46 = SUN # MER + SUN 000 MER

2019 Mar 18 (Mon) 11:24 = SUN # MER
2019 Mar 22 (Fri) 14:47 = SUN # CHI + SUN 000 CHI
2019 Mar 30 (Sat) 05:53 = SUN # CHI
2019 Apr 21 (Sun) 08:28 = SUN # URA
2019 Apr 22 (Mon) 19:07 = SUN # URA + SUN 000 URA
2019 May 21 (Tue) 09:06 = SUN 000 MER

Previous correlations between the stock market and combustion events HERE

Saturday, December 1, 2018

S&P 500 Index vs Lunar Declination + Latitude | December 2018

Recent and upcoming events:
Nov 29 (Thu) 19:09 = MOO Lat @ 0 = SUN 270° MOO = 3rd Quarter
Nov 30 (Fri) = SoLunar Turn-Day
Dec 02 (Sun) 05:59 = MOOn Declination @ 0
Dec 03 (Mon) 11:05 = Moon Latitude @ Max
Dec 04 (Tue) = SoLunar Turn-Day
Dec 07 (Fri) 00:49 = SoLunar Turn-Day = New Moon = SUN 000 MOO
Dec 09 (Sun) 06:14 = Moon Declination @ Min
Dec 10 (Mon) 12:58 = MOOn Latitude @ 0
Dec 11 (Tue) = SoLunar Turn-Day
Dec 12 (Wed) 06:57 = Moon @ Apogee
Dec 15 (Sat) 07:06 = SUN 090 MOO = 1st Quarter
Dec 16 (Sun) 18:23 = MOOn Declination @ 0
Dec 17 (Mon) 23:04 = Moon Latitude @ Min
Dec 18 (Tue) = SoLunar Turn-Day
Dec 22 (Sat) 14:05 = SoLunar Turn-Day = Full Moon = SUN 180 MOO
Dec 23 (Sun) 06:40 = Moon Declination @ Max
Dec 24 (Mon) 06:53 = Moon Latitude @ 0 + Moon @ Perigee
Dec 29 (Sat) 04:18 = SUN 270° MOO = 3rd Quarter + Moon Declination @ 0
Dec 30 (Sun) 14:54 = Moon Latitude @ Max

[calculated for New York City =  EST]

Declinations of Sun, Moon and Planets 2019 | Parallels and Extremes

The Parallel Aspect is formed between two planets with the same declination or distance north or south
of the ecliptic. If the planets are both North or both South of the ecliptic, the parallel aspect is
read as a conjunction. If they are the same declination but one is North and one is South, then the
contra-parallel is read as a 180 degree opposition. These aspects are strongest when the orb is kept to
1 degree. They can also magnify the intensity of any other aspect between the two planets or points.
Declination exceeding the extremes of the Sun's declination (= out of bounds = ± 23.27⁰ geocentric
or ±7.15⁰ heliocentric) oftentimes correlates with (mostly minor) changes in trend in  financial
markets (HERE). Daily Declination Ephemerides can be found e.g. HERE

Declinations and Latitudes can be calculated online e.g. HERE