Showing posts with label Masonry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Masonry. Show all posts

Thursday, November 23, 2023

The Prophet Of The Antichrist | Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

The sensitivity that Bergoglio shows towards idols and false religions is second only to the contempt he has for the true God and the one Church. 
Jorge Mario Bergoglio , Viganò's » Prophet of the Antichrist. «
Also-known-As : The Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Patriarch of the West, Primate of Italy, Metropolitan Archbishop of the Province of Rome,
Sovereign of the State of Vatican City, Servant of the Servants of God, Society of Jesus, His Holiness, Holy Father,
Pope Francis SJ alias » Call-Me-Jorge «
On the one hand, he receives notoriously blasphemous artists in the Sistine Chapel and supports the LGBTQ+ sect which publicly vilifies Our Lord and the Blessed Virgin; on the other hand he expresses “indignation” over a Koran burned by those who are exasperated by the Mohammedan invasion imposed by the New World Order he promoted. A crucifix dipped in urine is worth a papal audience full of smiles and a “thumbs up;” the Pachamama thrown into the Tiber arouses deploration. One wonders of which “church” he can be considered “pope:” Certainly not the Catholic one. Bergoglio and his sect, enslaved to woke ideology, take the errors of Vatican II to their extreme consequences and create the premises—with immigration—and ecumenism—for the social unrest that the globalist elite wants to create, so as to legitimize new restrictions on fundamental freedoms. The New Order prepares the way for the Antichrist, but Bergoglio in the role of his Prophet seems to want to get there even faster.

Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana, July 03, 2023. (video)

October 28, 2023More recent discussions by the old wise Christian warrior priest — 
may Allah (SWT) have mercy on his soul and grant him a beautiful palace in Jannah. Alhamdulillah for the blessing of Islam :
Archbishop Viganò laments the 2021 global coup d'etat of Satanists and their war on Christian peoples.
» May Almighty God protect and assist us. This is an important message for everyone. «, he exclaims. 
Important for the brotherhood of men honoring God Most High (SWT) and his last Prophet (PBUH).
» For You alone we worship. And You alone we ask for help. « For the peoples of The Book prevail.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Vernal Equinox | March 20 (Tue) Sun at 0° Declination and at 0° Longitude

Manly P. Hall (1928) - "As the zodiacal band marks the pathway of the Sun through the constellations, it results in the phenomena of the seasons. The ancient systems of measuring the year were based upon the Equinoxes and the Solstices. The year always began with the Vernal Equinox, celebrated March 21 [March 20, 2018 12:15 pm (EDT) = 0° declination and 0°Aries] with rejoicing to mark the moment when the Sun crossed the equator northward up the zodiacal arc. The Summer Solstice was celebrated when the Sun reached its most northerly position, and the day appointed was June 21. After that time the Sun began to descend toward the Equator, which it recrossed southbound at the Autumnal Equinox, September 21. The Sun reached its most southerly position at the Winter Solstice, December 21.

The seasonal variation of geomagnetic activity is related to the Earth's angle and position
towards the Sun: when the dipole is perpendicular to the solar wind flow, increase in geomagnetic
activity will occur around the equinoxes, and minima around the solstices (HERE)

Four of the signs of the zodiac have been permanently dedicated to the Equinoxes and the Solstices; and, while the signs no longer correspond with the ancient constellations to which they were assigned, and from which they secured their names, they are accepted by modern astronomers as a basis of calculation. The Vernal Equinox is therefore said to occur in the constellation of Aries (the Ram). It is fitting that of all beasts a Ram should be placed at the head of the heavenly flock forming the zodiacal band. Centuries before the Christian Era, the pagans revered this constellation. Godfrey Higgins states: "This constellation was called the 'Lamb of God.' He was also called the 'Savior,' and was said to save mankind from their sins. He was always honored with the appellation of 'Dominus' or 'Lord.' He was called the 'Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world.' The devotees addressing him in their litany, constantly repeated the words, 'O Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world, have mercy upon us. Grant us Thy peace.'" Therefore, the Lamb of God is a title given to the Sun, who is said to be reborn every year in the Northern Hemisphere in the sign of the Ram, although, due to the existing discrepancy between the signs of the zodiac and the actual star groups, it actually rises in the sign of Pisces."

W.D. Gann knew the year actually begins on the Vernal Equinox (not on January 1st) and said this was a very important seasonal time also in the financial markets. He used geometrical divisions of the solar year (solar degrees of longitude and calendar days) to ascertain turning points in financial markets.

11°15' (= 360°/32 = 32nd harmonic), 22°30'
(= 360°/16), 45° (= 360°/8), 90° (= 360°/4), 135° (= 3 x 45°), 180° (= 360°/2), 225° (= 5
x 45° = 0.618 of the Solar Year), 270° (= 3 x 90°), and 315° (= 7 x 45°) Solar Degrees from the Vernal Equinox (= 0°Aries) are what he called Natural Trading Days. Though 15°, 22°30' and 45° also may coincide with changes in trend, Gann stressed the importance of the cardinal points (90°apart) and fractions of 8ths (11°15'). Gann also used multiples of 90°(squares) and 144° (= 12 x 12°), i.e. 90°, 180°, 270° etc. and 288°, 576°, 720°. Changes in market trends may also occur every 30°(= Sun moving into the next sign of the zodiac) or 11°15' (11-12 calendar days and multiples thereof) from any significant high or low in the marketSince the Sun moves at different speed, e.g. 90°not always equals exactly 90 calendar days. For exact calculations and projections an ephemeris is needed (e.g. HERE). The dates of the Vernal Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumnal Equinox, and Winter Solstice slightly change over time (see HERE).
Because of the rotation of the Sun around the Earth, the spring equinox only falls
on Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning (the Jewish day begins at sunset) every 28
years. When the equinox does fall on Tuesday or Wednesday, a very special prayer is
to be recited. It is called Birkat Hachama, the “Blessing of the Sun.”

Celestial mechanics are also the reason for the flip of correlation between astro-indicators (Bradley Index etc., but also ‘space weather’-data like sunspots, solar flux, geomagnetic indices) and financial markets. The inversion of polarity oftentimes occurs in a time-window of +/- 2 weeks around the equinoxes and solstices. When the Sun periodically experiences significant increase in sunspots and solar flare activity, flares release energy in many forms, including electromagnetic energy and energetic particles such as protons and electrons. When this energy reaches the Earth, it interacts with the Earth’s magnetic field. This generates an electric current that flows through the Earth’s surface and affects electric power, satellite communication, oil pipelines and of course human brains, mood and actions.Three mechanisms were proposed to explain the seasonal variation of geomagnetic activity: 

(1)   The Axial Hypothesis established the fact that the geomagnetic variation was associated with changes of the Earth heliographic latitude. This indicates that the Earth would be favourable connected to the solar wind from the active solar regions resulting in an increase in geomagnetic disturbance. 
(2)   The second is the Equinoctial Hypothesis. It focuses on the angle when the dipole is perpendicular to the solar wind flow, increase in geomagnetic activity will occur around the equinoxes, and minima around the solstices. 
(3)   A third approach assumes that the Interplanetary Magnetic Field lies in its typical parker spiral configuration on solar equatorial plane, the southward component of the interplanetary magnetic field in the geocentric solar magnetospheric (GSM) coordinate system is increased when the angle between the z axis of GSM coordinate and the solar equatorial plane is minimum near the equinoxes. The southward component of interplanetary magnetic field is maximum in early April and October (HERE)

S&P 500 Index vs Delta Cycle | March 2018 Update

Saturday, September 19, 2015

By That Pure, Holy, Four Lettered Name On High | Pythagoras

The Pythagorean Oath mentions the Tetractys:
"By that pure, holy, four lettered name on high,
nature's eternal fountain and supply,
the parent of all souls that living be,
by him, with faith find oath, I swear to thee."

Michæl Paukner
Albert Mackey (1873) - "The Greek word 'Tetractys' signifies, literally, the number four, and is synonymous with the quaternion; but it has been peculiarly applied to a symbol of the Pythagoreans, which is composed of ten dots arranged in a triangular form of four rows."   

The first four numbers symbolize the harmony of the spheres and the Cosmos as: (1) Unity (Monad); (2) Dyad - Power - Limit/Unlimited; (3) Harmony (Triad); (4) Kosmos (Tetrad) - The four rows add up to ten, which was unity of a higher order (The Dekad).  The Tetractys symbolizes the four elements — fire, air, water, and earth. The Tetractys represented the organization of space: the first row represented zero dimensions (a point). The second row represented one dimension (a line of two points). The third row represented two dimensions (a plane defined by a triangle of three points). The fourth row represented three dimensions (a tetrahedron defined by four points). 

The Pythagorean musical system is based on the Tetractys as the rows can be read as the ratios of 4:3 (perfect fourth), 3:2 (perfect fifth), 2:1 (octave), forming the basic intervals of the Pythagorean scales. That is, Pythagorean scales are generated from combining pure fourths (in a 4:3 relation), pure fifths (in a 3:2 relation), and the simple ratios of the unison 1:1 and the octave 2:1. The diapason, 2:1 (octave), and the diapason plus diapente, 3:1 (compound fifth or perfect twelfth), are consonant intervals according to the tetractys of the decad. The diapason plus diatessaron, 8:3 (compound fourth or perfect eleventh), is not.