Thursday, February 24, 2022

Cyclic Index of Global Tension, Conflict and War | Max Tension in March 2022

André Barbault's Cyclic Index of Global Tension, Conflict and War is comprised of the degree distances of all planets between Jupiter and Pluto. When the graph is at its low point, there are one or more conjunctions between any planets from Jupiter to Pluto. Conjunctions tend to focus on turbulence. When the graph ascends, it is telling that we are on the way to planetary opposition within any two of the five planets involved. The low points reflect conditions of international, economic and social tension, conflict and war. Peaks typically forecast the opposite. Barbault's Index will print the the lowest point of the cyclical index in this entire 21st century by mid March 2022 .
Calculated and charted with Timing Solution. More on Barbault's Cyclic Index Here