The second year of the Decennial Cycle again has this staggering correlation between the US stock markets of 1967 and 2012 - currently 89% (HERE). This is 45 years apart. W.D.Gann veiled it as follows: "The digits 1 to 9 when added together total 45. 45 is the most important angle. Therefore 45 years in time is a very important cycle. One-half of 45 is 22 ½ years or 270 months. One-fourth of 45 is 11 ½ years or 135 months, which is three times 45."
In other words: Saturn-Uranus
Cycle ≈ 45.3 Years ≈ conjunction, square or opposition happening about
every 11.3 Years ≈ 4 * Sunspot Cycles of an average of 11.3 Years. Of course the 45 year cycle is important, but finally just one cycle among many others, all together modulating the tides of events.
However,sure there are periods with a specific feeling, a mentality, a zeitgeist of the majority of people, an attitude, an aura, that last for about 45 years. Hence there is also a 45 year cycle of scientific and social innovation and stagnation, each of about 20 years where there is science innovation, but humanities, opinion and social relations are "conservative" and do not change.There is a transition of about 2 to 4 years and then the humanities have numerous experiments and changes, but science becomes stagnant and does not innovate. Social conflict, revolution and war are also synchronous with this pattern (HERE & HERE & HERE &HERE).
The average second year of a decade prints a major low around this time of the year, which is (on average) amongst the best long-term buying opportunities of the decade, since during the third year the DJIA significantly surges above the second year highs.Another important fact is, that the DJIA's closed the average Election Year solidly above the June and November lows. Jeffrey Hirsh points out: "Presidential election years are the second best performing year of the four-year cycle ... When
incumbent parties retained power ... stocks often bottomed within two years later ... we could see a bottom by 2014." Ten years ago some stock indices bottomed in October 2002, others in March 2003. In fact, the 45 Year Cycle projects another major low into March 2013 (most likely below this upcoming November low), and the low of the decade into May 2015. This is 43 months off the March 2009 low or 4 more 9 Month Cycles throughs ahead of us, where the current Kitchin Cycleterminates. Much could be debated on whether it is thelast one of Kondratieff-Winter or the 1st one of Spring in the 6th Kondratieff-Cycle.
Such long-term projections should be understood with a grain of salt, since planetary cycles are not circles, but ellipses, where angular distance and progression does not correlate 1:1 with solaror lunar calendars. Therefore measured in days, weeks or months, these big cycles oftentimes seem to extend or to skip and shrink (HERE). Also a sequence of cycles doesnot need to print out identical patterns, but similar ones.Therefore the projected panic low in early 2015 does not necessarilyneed to become a lower low. Given the inflationary monetary policy, it could very well just mark the end of a huge (even ascending) triangle pattern that started in 1998 and 2000.
Ideally this current decline should end on November 19, and a rally throughout the Thanksgiving-week is likely. Mercury turns direct on November 26, which is best for a ITD #8 high. A drop into a higher low on the Lunar Eclipse on November 28 is expected. An intermediate high will be in by December 3-4. A decline into the December low around New Moon ideally ends on Monday, 17th. From there some sort of early and extendedSanta Claus-rallywill ensue into year end or even the first trading days of 2013 (see also HERE). This will be the end of the correction. From that important high (right shoulder in the Head-and-Shoulders patternor TPDH #27) the stock markets will start another steep decline into the general vicinity of the October 2011 low(SPX 1.100 - 1.070 / DJI 10.600 - 10.400). This 9 month cycle low is scheduled for as early as March 1 or as late as the equinox. It will be the low of 2013, the start of a new TPDH-pattern and the launchpad for a rally into December 2013. This matches the latest prediction for Sunspot Cycle 24 with a maximum in the Fall of 2013.What puzzles however is the Commercial's Eurodollar Positions suggesting the party will be over by late May early June 2013 already. Time will tell.