Tuesday, June 25, 2024

High in US-Stocks July 3-5 and Small Pullback into July 14-26 | Allen Reminick

Today is June 24th. The market is still very bullish. I am looking for a small pullback starting around July 3rd or July 5th-9th lasting into July 14th-26th. Another rally - possibly to new highs - into late August should follow before a 5 to 10 percent correction into early October and potentially into the US election around November 5th or 6th.

After the election I expect the market going up again at least to the end of 2024 and potentially into May or August of 2025. If the high came in now in July-August, it would be about 5,700; if it comes in next year, it could be way higher than 6,000.