
Saturday, August 17, 2024

Cosmic Aviarium & Hierarchy of Beings | Jorge Contreras

In the hierarchy of beings, according to the Vedic tradition, after the gods come birds, then trees, and then human beings. Men predicted the future through the flight of birds, since, by inhabiting the sky, they have knowledge inaccessible to humans. In Mesoamerica, some birds were associated with sacred elements, with the moon, water, and the sky. Owls represented darkness and death; Quetzals and Macaws were related to the sun.

How do birds see? What plot does the dance of their flights follow? Who teaches them their morning songs? What stories are told before they go to sleep? What are the constellations of their stellar plumage called? What material are their thoughts made of? Where will the birds of the future live? What will be their good and stormy dreams?