
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

German DAX vs Delta & Space Weather

ITD #1 = Sep 5 L
ITD #2 = Sep 21 H = MTD #5 ?
ITD #3 = Sep 28 L (Full Moon)
ITD #4 = Oct 5 H
ITD #5 = Oct 10-11 L
ITD #y = Oct 15-16 H (New Moon)
ITD #z = Oct 22-24 L
ITD #6 = Oct 26-29 H = MTD #5 ? (Full Moon)
ITD #7 = Nov 7 L = MTD #6 ?

Since October 8 strong geomagnetic storms are pressing on traders' mood, and more M-class flares along with high values in the K Index should be expected into October 10-12 (HERE + HERE).

When a solar flare or CME happens, it can take up to 2 days to impact the Earth, depending on the solar wind's speed. Therefore, expecting drops in the stock market up to two days after large flares is reasonable (HERE + HERE).