
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

S&P 500 Update - High May 23-30 & Low June 13 | Allen Reminick

Today is May 27th, and in the very short term the S&P may just stay up for a couple of more days, possibly even with a new high on May 30th.

 From around July 4th high a big break into the July 16th or 24th potential lows (C wave).

Then we are looking for a breakdown into June 3rd and June 13th lows (Elliott Wave A). This will be followed by a choppy, sideways-to-up rally until roughly the July 4th weekend (B wave). 
 Allen Reminick - May 14, 2024.

Then there should be a big break into the 16th or the 24th of July potential lows (C wave). The last part of July is where most of the damage could be done.